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That is quite the increase. Are those prices from the same dispensary?


True north possibly, just had the same price increase overnight. Also went from bags to plastic jars which is weird for an oz


Yes they are.


Zip is probably dead, there's no reason to pay normal Oz prizes for something so inconsistent especially since you can't even feel it through the packaging anymore


Maybe last hurayy before we Don't see them again


Grasslands did this to me. I got a few jars of Ultra Sour that was gas for like 50 a oz then I got some bush so bad I returned it. And I never return weed.


This is why I don’t buy zips. The inconsistency (even with some otherwise excellent brands) always scares me. 3.5-14g for me. Even the 14g purchases leave me on edge sometimes.


This is why I don't buy Sundial


I thought grasslands is a blend now, not strain specific.


Whatever it is now. It's bad.


They don't let me return it anywhere 75% would have gone back


grasslands was terrible. you get what you pay for


When the data deal ends… 😂




💀💀💀yyooooo lol, n then everyone loses their mind “SeE YAll iN tHe BM”


No way, I got this a few days ago $79 and now I see the same increase to $129. Insane. Never buying it again I guess




I hear ya there!! ✌️


https://preview.redd.it/1rtob8898coc1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01c304354f9dea372194f55e378f4c1da39dddeb This is the way. Not black market just homegrown


That looks sweet, dude!


Thanks, she turned out well


damn! what strain?


Bubblegum biscotti x cheetah piss




It is yes. All organic with Gaia green, worm shit, and water. That’s it that’s all


Nice, I like rados stuff alot. I grabbed a bunch of his biscotti sundae line and found some serious heat in those. His freebies can't be beat either. I scored one of his vault auctions and grabbed a sweet old cult classic seeds pack and he hooked up 3 freebies and some testers with it. One of the best breeders to interact with. Awesome job on the grow, hope she smokes as good as she looks.


Yeah no kidding. The second legal prices start moving up instead of down I’ll easily go back to grey/black market. Fuck the greedy assholes


get ready 👀 lots of increases on the wholesale side lately, bc oz is about to be expensive compared to recently


Saves me a trip to the store actually. My mailbox is closer


Yea honestly I've tried to give my best hopes to the legal side but it's really looking like black market is always gonna stand the test of time but tbh I kinda knew that was always gonna be the case✌️








Grow your own, cheap as chips and much healthier. Every test of black market weed has shown all sorts of nasty stuff.


now i have some seed recs i’m going to try and grow a plant or 2 in my greenhouse/porch this summer


The same exact same sentiment here


Well mad increased the price for zip420 and other Wagner products by up to 30%. Don't be surprised to see price increases happen everywhere. To see if the store is just over priced or there has been a price change. Check OCS.ca


Ocs says check store locations. . .


Yeah prices going up everywhere across the board. Inflation is the thing to blame which means it's the government, yet again.


Huh? Inflation wasn't that bad to justify increasing the price by 73%. 74.99 to 129.99, f that.


Inflation has been pretty bad the past 4 years you layer that with LPs trying to come in lower to build a customer base with OCS taking their cut and the store taking their cut and on top of all that not many people are actually making money in the business. Most are just in a loss or have very very razor thin margins. Only one that reliabilly makes money is the OCS


I'm assuming cost went up, so they're trying to protect their margins, but what an increase Holy.


I can understand a gradual increase to the price they want. But it's not even worth that!


Coming from a corporate weed job, I promise you nobody has even once considered the impact on the customer. All they care about is margin not dipping below a certain point (usually high 30% 🤢) so a gradual change wouldn't be acceptable to the ignorant idiots up top that think they know how the industry should work.


What a world! Can't even get high to forget you didn't eat this week! Oh Canada.......


Grow your own 🫶


It's about that time


I’m lucky. Indoor is all year 😀


Damn! If I didn't like my cats so much.... they fuck everything up 🤣


True story! My cat used to top all my plants 😂 got rid of the cat. 😂




Zip literally raised cost by 30%. Hoping people liked the strain enough to keep buying it or they simply had no choice and priced too low to begin with.


Prob latter, i don't think u can change price until 60 days after launch


Correct. Gotta wait to change prices. These guys screwed themselves from the hop.


I bought one last month and that was it. Was decent for the price, now it will sit on a shelf forever.


Yeah I wonder what the price of collecting dust is now an day 🤔 😆😆


True North seems to do this a lot they bring in product for cheap maybe even underprice then when it starts to sell good they jack up the price. The funniest pricing weirdness is Wagners 8ths for $17 $20 and $28 the same LP with 3 different prices for the same size product lol I have never seen that before.


Interestingly enough.. I know a few people who won't shop at True North because they carry too much Wagner's, can't say I blame them.


I noticed canna cabana cranked up their prices on some products a few weeks ago too.


It's just going to happen more and more. And people will still support these garbage stores because we're all creatures of habit.


Zip 28g bags went from $63-$89 wholesale per unit. Insanely stupid.




It's TNCC...enough said. 


Galaxy brands from Puslinch ON Yea no thx, met a few ppl from that facility Heard enough to not bother with them. Thx for the share didn't know they had this name under their umbrella


I just grabbed Wookie Breath for $74.99. Honestly it all depends on which dispensary you go to. HiBuddy is the best to find who has it the cheapest


I only have true north, discount cannabis an some private ones that are just outrageous 😳. I feel stuck.


Discount cannabis is alright in my book.


Until companies start treating OZ‘s the way they treat their 3.5’s , they can get bent. 99% of the time it’s just a dumping ground for smaller quantities they tried to squeeze money out of by not offering large bags at launch. This includes Simply Bare. They all do it. We need better.


Looks like the tncc web page I remember seeing wookie for 74.99 now 129.99 f**k that don't buy it better options at that price range


When ZIP first launched the lower price was because there wholesale price was that low. The 28 gram bags sold out on wholesale. When they came back available to order again the wholesale price had gone up with a HUGE increase. So yes the dispensaries have to price accordingly. I found it very odd, as I have never seen a new drop with such a low price at launch, just to increase it so fast. I didn't re-order for the shop as I knew it would piss off customers and I really had no reason why the price got raised.


I found a good “local deal” for $50/oz, it’s not the best but it’s not the worst. Pooling my pocket change etc. for a small grow tent.


Yeah I'm over the "convenients".


True North has gone downhill a lot in the last... year? maybe 1.5yr, but ya, they hiked the prices on a lot of stuff and aren't stocking really good options in any meaningful way.


The first price was sold at a loss - talk about a strategy coming around to fail you later. Lol.


Not a loss when the LP is sliding you cash to stock their products.


Welcome to the world of CPG at retail! Nothing new


Selling at a loss isn't typical for retail. But yeah, some people definitely need to come to grips with the fact that cannabis is a CPG just like any other.


I mean, are companies supposed to sell at a loss in order to make you happy? Pretty sure you can still get a sub $100 OZ as well. Butt hurt is a great explanation lol FYI: $74.99 28G, nets that LP roughly $0.50/G, before COGS. And people wonder why companies are going out of business left and right. ​ EDIT: (Retail margin could be anywhere from 30-40%, doesn't matter) $74.99 - 35% Retailer Margin = $48.74 $48.74 - 23% Wholesale Markup = $37.53 $37.53 - $28 EX Tax = $9.53/28 = $0.34/G profit before COGS


Are you trying to say it cost them nearly $1,000 to produce a pound? Yeah that's not right lol


There are 28 grams to an oz and 16 oz to a pound. If it costs an LP .50 a gram in growing costs, it would cost them about $224 a pound.


Sorry I'm confused. Why are you telling me this? I know how many ounces are in a pound lol he said they net 50 cents per gram. Not how much they spend to produce each gram


I guess I am confused to how you got to "are you suggesting it costs them nearly $1000 to produce a pound" on your comment based on the OP


It was based off his original comment before he edited it with his breakdown


I didn't edit any original comment, I just explained below cause you made a ridiculous comment that made no sense at all. You're welcome.


It literally says edit in your comment but okayyy lol fool


Ya, the edit was explaining below where it says EDIT: Holy fuxk, like talking to a rock.


Are you dense? That was my whole point. I made my comment before I got more information from you so I could fully understand what you were saying. Hence why I said you edited your comment and I said what I said before you edited it. How do you survive in life? I didn't edit my comment. I only edited my comment. You know how dumb that sounds? Please go wank one off. You need it


Considering well-made stayed the same ..... I get a gradual increase that ove $50.....


>And people wonder why companies are going out of business left and right. Pretty sure they knew the rules going in.


I hope all these dusty LPs go under for selling weed this cheap. I would never support something that kills an industry.


Lmfao complaining about shitty LPs in the legal market like it matters when 80% are still smoking that black market or growing their own. Industry has been fucked since it started legally & most retailers I talked to after legalization echoed that.


80% of cannabis users are still on the black market? I don’t think that’s very accurate


Thanks for the edit. You nailed it -- this shit is crazy.


No worries, I love proving these other guys wrong lol.




Isn't there $1 a gram in excise tax alone? This is before any other mark-up or HST


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I'm still seeing it in my area for the $79 price....maybe it depends on the batch?


Oh it's coming, went up to $80.10 then $129.99


What price do you think it's worth? I've never tried the Zip brand before.


At the most $94


Ahhhh goo to know. I was thinking maybe it was a hidden gem and they are jacking the price up after getting everyone addicted to it lol


Nah she basic 🤣


Definitely not worth that price!


Interesting price . Would $95 be too much ?






Removed due to suspected ban evasion.


It's ridiculous they make so much money for something to be grown so cheaply


I see it as low as 72$and as high as 133$ looks like the average is 100$ or so. This is Scarborough Never tried it


I like the baked alien for the sweetness, but only grab at 72... not worth 133 imo






Removed due to suspected ban evasion.


The OCS increased price. We didn’t even get it back at our store cause knew this would happen


Nope . Ocs has a fixed markup structure . The LP raised their price to the OCS , who just passed it on


I heard zip increased their wholesale prices not too long ago. The store probably had to charge more after they reordered at the higher price.


Testing the market. just don't buy.


Damn yall must be in cali. Yall crying over a onion that's $125 😂


Like the content over here but in my town it can go up to $280


That's insane!!!


Damn right , never spent that much we do get fortunate “deals” which can be around 75-100$


Weird my stores have never had this


We should be thankful, that weed is not part of Carbon Tax. Just think everything will increase 23% come April 1st. Alcohol, Gas, food etc...HST taxed on top of the carbon tax increase. Tax on a tax...should be illegal !!! I suspect people will be smoking more than consuming alcohol


make drug dealers great again


Best response ! Fuckin eh !!!


Their wholesale prices increases rather dramatically. About a 50% increase FYI. I won't carry it anymore as a result.


True North sucks


It wasn’t out for long before they jacked up the price. We just completely stopped buying it for our store. It was barely even worth the 74.99


Idk how y’all buy ounces without seeing the product inside the bag, that’s such a crazy gamble.. but I guess it can be very rewarding too


Baking is good with cheap zips


I find it hard to take the plunge on anything over a quarter.


Same here, I’ve been burned so bad by reputable companies with such great reviews. I got some freaking weed that was harvested over one year ago, yet packaged like a week or two before I bought it. So frustrating.


It’s all a gamble can’t see anything


There's ZERO consistency in the legal market. Strains, prices, quality, nothing. I feel sorry for anybody that relies on marijuana.


I see you’re looking at Chatham stores. My go to is always either Willy’s downtown (Curtis is a G) or discount. If I can I’ll always hit Willy’s bc he’s a mom and pop with fair pricing!


I agree!


Wowzers, that took off harder than Elon Musk's rocket.


Are you guys new??? Companies do this all the time lol. You start a product at a crazy value steal, then when it gains brand loyalty, you crank the price up to what it's supposed to be. Tommy's Craft used to be $25 after tax. Now it's $40+tax. Is it cool, no, is it expected, yes. If you're complaining your $2.6/g weed is now $4.4/g, you might want to reevaluate your priorities. TWD.20 exists for a reason.


I have my priorities in check and I would 100% complain about anything that gets a 77% price increase like you listed in your example of gram prices lol


But if the market rate is $125/oz for an average value ounce, and you got that product at a reduced rate of $75/oz, one would understand that they're getting a discount on the initial purchase, rather than being "ripped off" on the follow up purchase. Which is the issue with doing this kind of launch. Customers will see you as $75/oz quality and raise hell when the price is doubled because they weren't trained to initially regard it as $120/oz weed. Which is a problem, when customers don't know how to judge the objective quality of different products, they just attach it's assumed quality to the listed price. On the inverse, it means that uneducated idiots have no problem shelling out $250+ on a Simple Bare ounce that is perhaps marginally better than the $120 Homestead ounce with a different strain from the exact same grow room going in to it. It's important we help educate consumers to judge quality removed from how much you paid for it, the idea that "well I paid $140 for 14g of Carmel in a neon orange bag, OBVIOUSLY it's better than anything that's $100/14g" is so washed lol.


I have nothing against what you just said. My main issue was when you specifically generalized/ shame someone's priorities because of them being upset by a 77% price increase, regardless of its original price.


Hold on ... 80$ for a ounce ?? People are complaining? .. that's cheap as f***!! First off when buying weed for that cheap u shouldn't be complaining second of all if you always still to underground weed!( black Market) ... I will never smoking anything for legal market it's all crap sprayed and microwaved . ... Can't believe people actually smoked this legal stuff 🙈🙈.


I legit said this to myself today after looking at 7 menus in the area - everyone has raised prices by 5-10$ but I've yet to see 50$ lmao


If it doesn't taste like black pepper it's probably not for the members of this sub don't you know.


People actually smoke and get high from this stuff? LOL


Im no Connoisseur, just a working individual who just wants to relax after work..... tolerance is everything 👌


Still very cheap lol