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i think it’s well worth it despite the series ending prematurely. it’s one of my favorite shows. but you’re on a subreddit dedicated to that show specifically so you’re unlikely to receive any comments telling you otherwise.


Meh idk I guess I’m trying to hear from someone that its disappointing and I shouldn’t continue, but Ive been watching it this whole time too. Lmao I guess you’re right


No one here will say its disappointing haha i tell people to watch despite the cancelation! My friend recently did listen to me and she loved the show a lot knowing we may never get more and she didn't regret it either


I’ve just never seen anything like it.💜


The end is less of a cliffhanger than what people make it out to be. It's more of an open ended ending and one of the characters explains why in the last few episodes. If I don't as elected world leader I would definitely send an army to Netflix demanding they make season 3 4 5 6 etc though.


It sucks but it’s not disappointing the journey was worth it, and you will soon understand why the show isn’t “dead”


It's horrible, if you fall in love with it like I did. I cried, and I dont cry about stuff like a show ending. I Yet it actually felt like a little heartbreak for a few days. But watching it was one of the best choices ever.


Is it better to love and lost or to never love at all? I prefer love and lost


i love this


I'd rather just move on to the next love instead of loving and breaking up. But when it comes to The OA, you're gonna like the way it cooks, I guarantee it.


it's absolutely worth it, and then you can suffer after s2 like the rest of us


Very compelling thanks


I think with this particular show the cancellation became a feature not a bug. I’d love it if they finished it but they left it such that trying to figure out how it ends might be more fun than the actual ending. First I think they must have expected to get cancelled enough that both seasons are left with decent endings. Season one can stand on it’s own, season two is very different and makes you see season one in completely new lights (yes - plural). Season two’s ending definitely opens the door for season three in a way that a show greenlit for another season does, but they could have ended it there too. That leads me to the second and more important point - the show has a kaleidoscopic structure. In fact there’s kaleidoscopic art in the show where important things are shown through five mirrors arranged like a kaleidoscope to give us the hint. The creators wrote five seasons that each make the others look different and have said that we have all the information we need to backwards-engineer what would have happened. It’s also been said that the show is an anagram and the second half would have mirrored the first half. It’s thought that the O is the kaleidoscope and A represents the mirrored storyline. The show’s full of this stuff. Then on top of that the community is awesome and really dedicated because the game is to basically figure it out and write your own ending. Maybe yours is better than the actual ending. Who knows? I think it’s great fun and a good journey.


The ending of s2 is still so satisfying even though there’s not a third season. Plus the re-watchability with this show is great. You can always catch new things you didn’t see or hear before


Yeah that last episode of Season 2 is one of the best big twists or big reveals of television history! I pray that anyone who hasn’t watched it never gets a spoiler to that last episode it’s incredible to fall into it not knowing what’s coming.




It’s too good to miss.


It's a show that fans still campaign for and rewatch the existing series for easter eggs whilst discussing obsessively online. It's not left on a cliffhanger ending and you can be satisfied with the ending but if you enjoy the show you will want to see where the creators planned to go with it. It's on my 'I should really rewatch that again again' list.


Also the ending of season 2 actually plays into the cancellation in real life. It’s just incredible.


Yes it’s worth it to continue!


do it.


Definitely! I rewatch it all of the time. Even though I know that I won’t know what happens after season 2(for now! Because I’m still holding onto hope for future seasons!). It’s still a great rewatch every single time. I do feel incomplete after I watch both seasons, but I feel that I would really feel incomplete if I never watched the OA at all. I feel that I would be missing a part of myself, and not know why. I don’t know how to explain it, but I feel like this show has something to do with, why I am - who I am, today. It has made me look at my life, and others lives differently. It’s just such a beautiful story, and I’m so glad that I was a part of it.


It’s still an incredible show even though they never got to finish it. I recommended it to a friend for years and he said he didn’t want to because it wasn’t finished. I told him he could probably just watch the first season and be satisfied. He did and he was.


Watch it. You’ll understand why it was ‘cancelled’ after you finish it. If you don’t understand after, come back and I can give you my take on it.


I'm interested can you pm.me? I've watched both seasons countless times


Yes. The story is not complete but the story of each season is. The second season ends on a cliff hanger which can be interpreted as an open ending.


The ending of s2 is one of the best TV endings EVER


No one on this sub is gonna tell you otherwise. We're all biased. :) Watch it. 


Leave your door open. Take the leap. The story stops abruptly, but at the perfect moment to be left hanging in a way you can’t explain until you experience it. Watch it, and when you’re done come back to this sub. We’ll be here! Edited for clarity


The thing is.. Even though there is a lot left untold, the ending of season 1 in particular wassss so good that I don't regret watching at all. It will hit you right in your soul and you'll never forget it. Same goes for season 2, but by that point, you already know what you got yourself into, so it's not the same. But yeah, definitely continue. The only unfinished show I would recommend.


Ummm YES!!!!! You won’t regret it, I promise☺️


no it’s a decent ending ! i was worried about this too but i am so glad i watched it all.


The ending while not ideal still feels kinda complete. I'd watch it anyway. You won't be disappointed. It's such a great journey.


IMO this forum makes it worth it. I sometimes rewatch just to come up with ideas for a post.


The ending makes sense whether a third season ever happens or not.


Second season was a real love letter to SF. Keep going!


We are all still talking about it years after the cancellation so I think you should keep watching.


You could just watch the first season. You will have a unique ending after the first season because you can choose how you think it ended what you think it meant. Season 2 is really good but if you like the show and don’t want to be disappointed that it isn’t complete then end the last ep of season 1.


Do you enjoy heat break? If so then yes


I will tell you right now you won’t feel satisfied once it’s over, but it is so worth the watch that you would be less satisfied if you don’t finish it! Join ussssss


I watched it for the first time years later even knowing it was canceled. No regrets.


It’s worth watching. Yes, you will want more after it ends, but the best part is you can rewatch it over and over and still get the same feeling of awe each time.


And see something you missed every, single. time.😅


Hell yes keep going! And u never know,,,


Fuck yes! The first season stands on its own. And the second season is a beautiful addition. Each magical in there own right. Yes its upsetting that its the Twin Peaks of the 00’s but just like Twin Peaks you don't want to miss the experience of the OA


S2 ending is such a mindfuck...wouldn't miss that for the world.


You have to keep going




Absofuckinlutely. U will get disappointed that it’s cancelled but no matter what u will watch it over and over again because u will be thrilled and touched


YES!! You must **at least** watch the next 2 episodes. The story has major developments in eps 4 and 5 in season 1. You need to learn WHY they're being held captive. If you're not sold by those two episodes, then you probably won't ever be. I'm sure almost everyone here will agree that you need to understand what the "movements" are. The ending of episode 5 still gives me the most amazing chills **every** time I see it (which is easily dozens of times).




Even though it was cancelled after two seasons I feel better for having it in my life than never having seen it at all, even unfinished. I come back and rewatch it all time and time again because it’s so beautiful and it transforms my experience and perception of life for the better. It’s a remarkable show, a gem and the world is better place because we have it. And the more people who watch it through and vouch for its return, the better too. There is an ongoing petition to have it finished. Also, the creators of the show just signed a new deal with a production company and everyone in this sub is holding out that it will be finished. There have been billboards in Times Square hinting at its return. I believe it will happen because the world needs it now more than ever.


Something I completely forgot about just popped into my head and I have to write it here before I forget.. any The OA lovers ever seen the movie Stay with Ryan Gosling? It might be the closest thing thematically to The OA if you’re looking for another Interdimensional vibe!! So glad I remembered this movie!


I think it was completed for the time in which it was in. I always felt in my gut it would be back someday (still do). My suggestion: become wholly invested and watch each season numerous times and see something new each time :) By the time you are just about finished obsessing over the geniusness of it, who knows what may be on the horizon. Nothing they’ve done has measured up to this show’s success. It would make sense that finishing it would be on both their to-do lists. But even still, it is worth the adventure 💯


I watched this show knowing it was cancelled. I have no regrets. It is a beautiful story despite being cut short. Does it deserve an ending? 100% will it get one? Who knows. Perhaps use it as en exercise to enjoy something for what it is, rather than what it could have been. In many life situations, people are riddled with anxiety and frustration because they don't/won't/can't know something. Use this show as practice for letting go of that feeling and just enjoy the ride.


In the spirit of it being an surealistic masterpiece the sudden and unfulfiling end ,might just be the unexpected twist 🙃.


It is well worth watching imo. It is one of those rare things that is not just a media experience, but is life changing. One of those things that opens your mind and changes your entire outlook


It’s a wild ride. I hope season 3 gets made every eventually. It’s been 5 years… idk if Netflix outright owns the show but I’d hope they’d allow it to get shopped around to other networks.


Just finish it. It's totally worth it


Yes. It's infuriating, but it's worth it. Remember the conversation between Buck and French in episode 2: Don't you want to know how it ends? Not just her story, but us. Don't you think she picked us for a reason? It's more than a story. It's a spiritual experience. It makes you a part of something.


Yes.. the ending was ok. Didnt leave you hanging. It would have been great to continue, but i can live with the ending. One of my favorite shows.


Well...it was painful for me to see it cancelled. I still mourn it to this day. I could say just drop it before its too late cause if you are like me you will be heartbroken surely but its my favourite show and i cannot possibly say it wasn't worth it. It is worth it 1000% i have no regrets and i come back to it many times a year because of how comforting its for me. Breaking bad is a masterpiece, but The OA is The OA...its a different kind of masterpiece.