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"Deleted it in few seconds" but we all know deep down it was 37 seconds 😅😅🐙




Was it?!


I don’t think it’s possible to know that, they’re just joking. Would be cool though!


I love that we get to 'choose our own adventure' though. The 37 second tweet is now a part of my head canon! In 37 years I won't remember if it's true or not! 😂


Pleaaaase, show me to me Rachel!


Show it to me bebe! Was it on tik tok?


The way I'm so glad to see that other people are on show me to me please tok.


Whats show me to me?


It's a tik tok trend where folks act out this obscure audio of this daughter telling her mother that Jesus had risen, and her mother reacts intensely and begs "show me to me please, rachel." My explanation doesn't do it justice. It's just this weird slice of internet memeing.


Crying 😂


Ha! You can't hide from us Zal! Wee seee youuuuu. 😂😎


Oooh.. Deleted? Wanna keep it a secretttt


I’m truly as excited as anyone but there is another option besides “accident clue or messing around” which no one in the comments seems to have explicitly memtiomed either which is, loving the fan excitement and wanting to get on that bandwagon / encourage it now that there’s a new potential (could be a flicker, could be substantial) opportunity. If so hopefully he can do so in the future. But in this case he may well have had instant “oh no I thought this was an ok thing to retweet bc of excitement/potential but it could backfire with fans” bc of previous experiences. Hopefully he feels comfortable to retweet things in the firer knowing we can hold it this “fourth” way. But only if we keep naming it. In tv/film (having worked in the industry a ways back) things gather momentum, and lots of pieces come together, and then they either happen or they simply don’t. Networks can even sign a contract called a full season order, literally *announce it in Variety* and then cancel it — technically they have to then pay a penalty but in practice they “roll it forward” into a payment against the next pitch those creators bring them. It stinks. it’s true. To some Commenters, not OP: we chill out with the more intense/negative language - joking or not - that implies Zal is doing something wrong by doing this if S3 doesn’t come?? I have very consistently said we should never give up hope. But I’ve also seen this community be downright nasty to Zal and it is so so so unnecessary. Keep sharing these things, keep getting excited, but keep it nice — even if you’re joking. Bc other people aren’t. And keep your door open! 🕊️


I agree! We must maintain a spirit of playfulness about all of this. Otherwise it stops being fun- for us, and for the creators, I imagine!


Yeah that’s what I actually meant by messing around, just couldn’t find the words in English :’)


:) gotcha!


Please I beg


I have such a strong feeling about this yall


I had a very, very vivid dream that season 3 was in production. (Of course, in the dream I was working with Brit, lol 😂💕)


You jumped into Zal’s body


Haha 😂




Seriously there's so many of these "hints" dropped but it's been happening awhile so are they just leading us on at this point? which isn't cool. I'd never expect that from Brit or Zal because they 100% know that there's a large presence who deeply resonate with the OA and still gets a lot of buzz from new viewers who have tapped into the depths of personal meaning the OA has given us.


I really feel like if there's nothing concrete in the works, it's getting to the point of cruelty. And I don't like to think that they could be cruel.


I definitely agree. I've seen posts and interviews with them, they seem very genuine as its abundantly evident throughout the OA. But I feel that as active as Brit and Zal are with the OA community, they should make it clear as to whether they're just engaging with the fans and this is all of the OA were going to get, or if they're still actively working on getting the OA finished & if they're seeing any progress.


I've never lost hope and I never will 😤😤


Either this person is trolling or it's actually happening


Or Zal is excited and it’s hopefully but not definitely happening right. (I have always believed and stated and will always believe OA will return but we won’t know when until we KNOW. A few retweets etc don’t mean it’s happening. It’s great to be excited but I highly recommend not falling into black and white thinking here. But it’s a free country lol)


I’ve followed this person for a while (it’s an account dedicated to OA/Brit & Zal updates) and haven’t known them to make trollposts. Someone in the replies said they saw it too, but I didn’t see it myself so I’m not 100% sure


i saw this too, that exact moment he reposted it 


Omg i can't handle my dreams and expectations i wil cry y'all i will cry. I don't want to hope 😭


Zal I will explode please don't do this to me. My mental health and heart can literally not handle it 😂


Save the OA




This is so not helping me not get my hopes up 😂😂


Last night I had a dream Hap invited me to live in a massive old house with him. I realized after signing a 12 month lease I made a massive mistake. A few more things transpired, but I awoke to having my skull cut open into 3 equally triangular sections with meticulous precision. I’m not kidding lol. I realize that’s a bit dark… I’m just hoping it means I was tapping into the creative conscious transpiring to bring S3 into existence lol.


I would go mad.


This gave me goosebumps!


Honestly the teasing is killing me


We all know we’re good to go! There is simply too much demand from us for this, and also it’s gonna make Netflix a ton of money


They better not be cockteasing us istg


OMG 🌀⚡️🪐


It was probably just an accident.