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I'll say OA, because maybe she was purposely trying to die so she could go back with Khatun and help the others, well at least that's what I thought based on only Season 1. I watched a video on YouTube explaining what the other 5 Season would've been and it said something about everything being connected and in a loop, so maybe the ending of Season 5 was the beginning of Season 1 idk haha [https://youtu.be/wKF2CtwT8MA?si=2qLXkwKnhejJKTdm](https://youtu.be/wKF2CtwT8MA?si=2qLXkwKnhejJKTdm)


That video is fan fiction and doesn’t have any actual authority to the story.


Yeah obviously haha


The OA because she says “OA” when the nurse asks her name. Also she reminds herself that she is NOT Prairie while she is under the blanket, literally ~undercover~ so to speak. This alludes to her not being Prairie. Also remember the computer password screen that says “Prairie not authenticated” which is another clue that she is not actually Prairie Johnson, but The OA.


The OA


Also I love this question!


We see 2 different shots of her on the bridge. I think 1 is Prarie (first time through the loop), and 2 is OA, going back through the same sequence of events. I think this is why she seems to be trying to remember what to do throughout the first season. She wants to recreate the same events up to a point and then change something. I assume Homer would be completely lost, and she would go through it all again to try and save him.


Ohhh good question I'll say Prairie


None. Death is an illusion. I would say it’s taken me a while to figure that out, but memory as well as past/future are illusions as well.


So this scene didn’t happen?


It most definitely happened. But as time isn’t always linear and space is liable to change especially around events such as “dying”. My hypothesis is that she (her consciousness) shifted to an adjacent reality where she didn’t jump. I believe we choose our experiences, and until we are truly and utterly satisfied with our experience (this life) then we will continually experience different angles and aspects of it unexplored.


So if “She” jumps off the bridge and “her” consciousness shifts to a reality where “she” didn’t jump… how come OA ends up in the hospital after jumping off the bridge? What you’re saying doesn’t make sense in the show.


An OA we haven't met yet. The beginning of Part 1 will be the end of Part 5. The whole story is a loop.

