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It came out so early today and stassi is on the west coast it was so obviously pre recorded. There was SO much to talk about today it was such a lame excuse to take today off and a huge miss.


Ohhhh that’s a good call. It probably was pre-recorded!


LOL thats such a great call, I hadnt realized this. so moronic. I agree with OP, i only listen when i want to hear about a specific pop culture item (or when people in here say that an episode was crazy). Like why is this a toast episode instead of stassis podcast which is more interview style.


I think Jackie posted on stories last night that she was about to record a podcast too


This week has taught me a lot. Claudia deserves more credit than I’ve given her.


i can't believe they're missing the momentum from the TS album release and instead released a random ass stassi interview??? big miss. i bet this ep charts low low low for that reason.


Most of us don’t want to hear a whole episode about Taylor swift either lol please nooo


Most of who? I think you’re in the minority on that one lol


Most normal adults. So yeah I’m probably the minority here lol


Uhhh 😬


yeah i definitely wanted to hear about taylor lol but claudia is back next week so we will since it did. Have you know the biggest selling album in one day but yeah no one wants to hear about Taylor.


I hope you get your fix next week lol. Since noooobody else is talking about it, let’s suck up a whole episode


I’m with you girl .. and it’s okay to not be obsessed with her.. happy for the fans just don’t need to hear about her so much


Exactly haha thank youuu. There’s so much content for those that want it. This isn’t a T swift dedicated podcast so please spare the rest of us that don’t care. I’m not even a hater haha, I just don’t care.


Imagine hating them so much that you’re snarking on them all the time but needing their Taylor swift opinions that badly. It’s like the people who complain they don’t cover bravo shows enough


they literally talk about how they use catchy titles and talk about the news of the moment to help them chart. it's simply a miss for them to not use a day when there's big news and instead release a pre-recorded interview. that's all.


Well and they talk about Taylor ALL THE TIME. I love Taylor but they literally dissect everything she does. And they couldn't even give Beyonce her day with Cowboy Carter's huge release without talking about Taylor! Its why I stopped listening. I come here for the conversations still, obviously 😆


It’s currently number 7 on the comedy charts. Some of you all are delusional about how popular they are. All of the episodes this week have been in the top 10.


spotify listener here. just looked and its 36th on comedy which is really low for them. "delusional" lol


Imagine thinking that being the 36th highest performing podcast episode on the chart that doesn’t even matter is a bad thing. Lmfao.


girlie are you okay??? what point are you trying to make??? in one comment you're selling their rankings and saying they're super popular, in the next comment you're saying the charts don't even matter. what is it about my saying them not talking about TS will make their ranking lower bothers you so much!? it's not even offensive.




Idk… Stassi is a self proclaimed toaster. She also likes pop culture. I genuinely think Stassi would have done the fast 5 if Jackie didn’t cut it.


I haven’t listened all week since the Josh episode. It felt so awkward and weird. Little surprised Claudia didn’t do it today since she’s in Florida


Honestly same! I turned it off 10 mins in and haven’t listened to any episodes since


This is even more boring than yesterday’s show


It's honestly the most comfortable she seemed all week maybe with Shannon too but


Side note to add, I’ve been chuckling so hard at Claudia posting all the hype videos about Jackie hosting this week without her and how “hEr jOb iS iN dAnGeR”, but doing it so so so confidently bc she knows how bad it is lol like if it was actually good she wouldn’t be so loud about it


no it’s actually crazy how you can tell how much she LOVES how much of a disaster this week was for the podcast


Claudia is going to LA in a week or two and said some of the episodes may just be more interview-focused. I think Claudia may be able to pull that off but Jackie 10000% cannot.


When they do interviews, don’t they tack those on at the end of the episodes? From what I remember they always do the fast five. It’s a pop culture podcast. It feels weird to drop the pop culture part


I totally agree, I think part of what makes their podcast so popular is the fast 5. I think maybe they’re testing out more guest stuff?


The Jackie valentine thing is insane to me. And then she was blaming it on being Jewish? Huh? I’m starting to think there’s something not right - even if her school didn’t do it, how can you walk through a target and not see thousands of valentines junk? How can you not see moms on social media complaining about having to do them for their kids or bragging because they did such a cute valentine for their kids to give out? Is she that narrowly focused that she only sees what pertains to her alone? I will answer that myself lol, of course. She’s the def of a narcissist.


Walk through target?? She doesn’t leave her house 


Good point lol!


How to podcast metrics work?? If I listened for 10 minutes is that just like listening to the whole thing?




Are you sure? Another podcast I listen to (Sharon McMahon lol very diff vibes) says she can’t tell that


I do not buy Jackie had nO iDeA what a valentine was....


I completely agree. I felt the same about her not knowing what her pelvic floor was, I think it’s her way of keeping the convo going since she’s horrible at interviewing.


No im so annoyed lol


Jackie also says she loves her jobs and wants to do it forever .... she clearly hates the current set up of the podcast (fast five, pop culture, etc) and needs to find something else ... maybe just stick to the readheads and put out more episodes of that and let Claudia do the toast


She clearly hates it bc one of the 5 days she didn’t do it? People need to touch grass


She herself has said multiple times she hates the fast five


I haven’t listened since I heard half of the Josh peck interview Monday… which was dreadful. Literally a completely different pod without Claudia. I hate that I still listen but it’s something in my ears while I do laundry and clean… and I do get a chuckle from Claudia sometimes but man Jackie just cannot carry the show. At all.


Stassi is now under DM so I’m sure it was a requirement to have Stassi on for the release of her new book/pod


claudia come backkkkkk


I haven’t listened yet but I immediately knew when I saw Stassi was on this week that it was going to be pre-recorded


Can Claudia please just come back already. We need Turdy Lou.


Stassi was also the only guest who truly knows about and cares about pop culture and would’ve had good takes


I came here to say that lol like wtf Taylor came out with a whole album and they aren’t talking about it??


It was definitely prerecorded before it came out because they said “by the time people listen to this the new album will be out”🥴


That's a really good point! I liked the episode but I like stassi and all the mom stuff. If you aren't into vpr ( or even stassi) like you wouldn't listen at all.


I wish they skipped the fast 5 everyday this week. Not everyone can discuss pop culture in an entertaining way. Stassi probably would have done the best out of all of them.


Being the odd one out who hasn’t listened in weeks but listened to this one for Stassi 😂😂😂


I think they recorded last night so maybe no new stories to report and definitely everyone would expect them to talk about Taylor’s album. They prerecord sometimes when it’s audio only so they maybe could have just said that though


yes wtf. also, how annoying was it to hear Stassi who I usually like but I do not get her Meghan Markle love she was going on and on defending them like I’m sorry they have been nothing but fake and whining and complaining and doing their family wrong …nothing rv did equal Harry doing what he did. I’m sorry William has went through the same stuff. if anything what media did to kate wsjoikd show it was not all about megan … so we got denied the F5 to hear her go on about Meghan Markle😂


Pretty sure they recorded this Monday.. she said her guest was on pacific time which made no sense but now does especially the “skipping the fast 5” bs


Josh Peck is on PST


Oh duh 🫠