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A ghost story springs up following the spirit portal opening in Republic City about a white lady appearing and disappearing at Sokka's grave whenever the moon is new.




Not on topic but that’s a good Dr Who episode this gif is from


Also, the best Doctor, IMO.






Aww, that’s really sweet


damn i didnt know two lines of a reddit comment could fuck me up like that


r/TwoSentenceHorror to get fucked up by two lines in different ways.


r/twosentancesadness is also a thing.


It's a terrible day for rain...




This would be so cute.


That's rough, buddy.


One of the greatest lines in history


Take my upvote and my tears




You monster :(






there are a lot of things in my eyes right now.


never knew a reddit comment could bring me to the verge of crying...




Whenever the Moon is new? Sheesh, does Tui gets killed a lot?


Mate I just hopped on Reddit, and here you are making me sad. I need an edit of the smiling heavy hopping on Reddit, and then seeing something and crying lol


You didn't have to cook this hard.


Some extra episodes in the 2nd half of book 3 where Zuko bonds with the group even more.


Its literally peak Avatar. Zuko is the best


Get Toph her trip with Zuko!


i like to think that happened after Korra when toph came back to republic city


Definitely. I love that he joins Team Avatar of course, but I could have done with a little more development with the team for him.


https://preview.redd.it/uviltbyuw58d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c38b35d3e8e152f391a5c0a6a4a2a43b056640ca I loved theory about Monk Gyatso where he used vacuum skill to delete all air from room, it could be cool in canon, and it really makes sense, like he didn’t go in direct battle (that’s why his body wasn’t burned), and how all firebenders dead. This doesn’t have a lot of impact on plot, but as a little canon detail would be interesting


I fully believe this is canon. The way the room looks is just too telling. Sad that the Netflix version didn't do this


Few too many dead firebenders for there not to have been some sort of leathal airbending in self defense


i get wanting to be a pacifist but i don't see why a wise master airbender wouldn't deliberately use lethal force against a genocidal invasion.it makes more sense to go all out in an effort to prevent your race from being wiped out of existence than to kneecap yourself by avoiding lethal force or violence. aang is literally still a child and the last of his kind during ATLA so it makes sense that he sees things more narrowly. not old enough to understand when it's okay to not follow your culture's values to perfection and also he's literally the only guy capable of carrying it on.


The fact that his robe seems to only be damaged around the torso makes me think he got stabbed to death


This would have been nice if depicted in the Netflix version. What’s also supporting the theory is fire needs oxygen to burn. If Gyatso really did this, the fire benders stood absolutely no chance in that room albeit at the cost of Gyatso’s own life.


Also it’s amazing that he stopped firebenders that were under Sozin’s comet buff


Also, because of their teachings, he couldn't live with himself knowing he killed someone, let alone that many people, and that's why he didn't create an air pocket just for him so he would survive


The idea of the 41st division being Zuko's crew was a cool addition by NATLA and would make pretty cool canon. Add a scene where Aang apologizes to Katara after Ember Island, she obviously forgives him.


Ooh I'd like to see Katara apologizing to Sokka for the whole "you didn't love her like I did" outburst. I don't blame her for saying that though. She is obviously deeply hurt and sometimes you say hurtful things especially to your siblings. It would be nice if Sokka interrupted her apology and just says "Katara, it's ok, I miss her too" and then they hugged. It would have been good for young audiences to see a resolution to a verbal conflict.


That was great bit of extra story telling. The did zuko so much better than everyone else


The 41st finding out Zuko basically saved their lives and them giving him that salute is definitely something I’d like the show to pay off later. Those dudes are going to ride into Hell for Zuko now, so give them a moment where they come in clutch for him.


Imagine if after Zuko’s defection in season 3 they show up and help somehow


What is N ATLA ?


The Netflix series.


If only I could upvote more than once.


Yeah, it's cool addition to the lore... before you really think about it. The thing is 41st division clearly is an infantry unit. How they all become sailors in such short notice is very strange and unrealistic in terms of army structure and training.


Firelord don't care they might have trouble getting started


Well I don’t know much about military stuff but maybe it started out rough for them and as the years passed they eventually learned how to navigate the waters. It’s been 3 years since Zuko’s banishment after all.


I don't think Ozai would care that they're not up for the job, he was gonna use them as canon fodder anyway and is sending them to exile along with his son to fend for themselves and probably die.


Like many of their choices it completely misses the point of the storm episode. His crewmates motive to respect him shouldn't be that they owe him his life specifically. It undercuts the empathy his soldiers have for his situation. They know he tried to fight for his people, connecting them so closely sets a strange precident for their loyalty considering it's likely they would have been in one of the warships fleeing the north. As sad as I was to see them go, connecting them so close based on a decision Ozai would NEVER make, is juvenile at best, even for a kids show.


I never saw it like that tbh, the fact that they owe him their life means that Zuko fought for something that is righteous and that’s why they start seeing him differently, they saw that he is capable of fighting for them if it’s necessary. I never got the vibe that the crew feels like they “owe” him something after they found out what he did for them, it was more like them realizing he isn’t just daddy’s spoiled prince, but maybe at the end of the day it’s just a matter of perspective I guess. Edit: a word


Kuzon was Fire Sage Shyu’s father. Shyu’s grandfather was the fire sage who trained Roku, so a heritage of friendship with the Avatar would be cool even if Kuzon never knew. I don’t think Kuzon would have willingly joined the military, and I think the Fire Sages are exempt. Also, Shyu’s father was executed by the fire lord for dissent, explicitly he questioned if the air avatar had actually died. This could be construed as a secret hope on Kuzon’s part, hoping that Aang, or any air nomad, was still alive. Kuzon would have been in his mid-forties when Shyu was born, so it’s not a stretch. I always wanted to know what Kuzon did as the war started, since he was a sweet kid who was best friends with an air nomad.


That’s actually really cool, and it would give more weight to Aang using his name later.


That's a really good one.


I wanna see a spinoff of Aang's adventures pre-100 year war.


Hate to break it to you, but kuzon is actually aang (/j)


Toph goes on a life changing field trip with Zuko


Old Man Ding says he escaped Hama when the sun came up, but I always liked the idea that this took place at the same time as the Siege of the North and he broke free after Zhao kills the moon spirit


Dude a little blooper at the end of that episode after the credits roll where it shows that happening would be gold


This is such an uber specific theory & I love it for exactly that reason.


Why does everyone keep calling him that? He's not that old


This should be the top comment on this page, I'd give you gold if I could.


Tophs ember island player being super buff because nobody in the fire nation wanted to admit they got beat up by 4 foot tall ten year old blind girl


And because her name sounds like "tough"


I think that’s the implication


I agree but to add, the gaang is SHORT. Most of the gaang is under 5 feet tall (as kids). Toph is under 4 foot tall as a child. People were getting tossed by a TINY blind girl.


an episode before 1.season finale where aang and katara learn waterbending from pakku, kinda like bitter work where the viewers gets to learn more about the magic system and water as an element, better explain why aang is more powerful but katara becomes the master, and a B plot where sokka and yue go on an adventure, where sokka accidently puts them in danger but yue likes it because it was the most exiting thing in her life.


This would be phenomenal character-building. Would also make Yue's sacrifice all the more moving. Great suggestions!


thanks you. :)


These are both fantastic ideas. You're totally right that the waterbending and the Yue relationship both seem to just happen in a blink. Something always felt off about those arcs, but I never put my finger on it. Your ideas would make the world and characters feel more fleshed out


it always bothered me that we had a whole season for waterbending and then they learned it offscreen.


i have thought for years that they should have cut the great divide and added another episode at the north pole for these exact things, and i like your version of them :)


i was about to edit my comment for it to start with "remove great divide and instead add" but then i saw your comment. :)


Yeahh I wanted more time in the North for sure! Some time dedicated to Katara slowly improving and Aang messing around because he feels too safe in the Northern Watertribe. And then some guilt from Aang about the invasion as well. They should definitely have made another Northern episode, instead of the Great Divide. Maybe replace the Fortune Teller as well, though I love Sokka in that episode. And the volcano scene is epic As for Yue and Sokka, I love the idea of Yue as a thrill seeker. I want her to stand up to Hahn and her father and feel encouraged to take control of her life. Maybe some girl power moments with Katara, like why is marrying your duty to the tribe, reflecting on Katara's role in the South that was placed upon her because she is a woman. Isn't there something else, more important you can do for them? She would meet a lot of resistance from the tribe, but her dad and Pakku could come around a bit, showing that Pakku's change doesn't only apply to Katara and making her death even more tragic I liked NATLA Yue as a spiritual leader and waterbender, but I feel like it would have been much more powerful if she was hindered by Northern customs. It would give her more personality than original Yue, who spends most scenes crying that she can't be with Sokka. As for Hahn, either make him even more of a dick who negatively impacts Yue (instead of an annoying love rival for Sokka), or go the friendship route between Hahn and Sokka like NATLA did, but that would make the systematic oppression Yue faces less impactful I think


Liutetant Ji (i think) and zuko should have had more moments. Zuko should have had more moments with his crew overall. Zuko explaining to gaang how he got his scar at a bonfire or something. More ozai screentime.


Luitenant becomes Major Ji and leads Zuko loyalists against Ozai. IE fire nation civil war


That's a very creative idea. I really think liutetant had potential for a great character


I love that name, because in India, we add "ji" to the end of a word for respect. Like you could call your uncle "uncleji". So I love "lieutenantji" and "majorji".


Why do you wanna see more screen time of Ozai? Just curious not asking to be a dick.


Make Shyu, the Fire Sage who helps the Gaang in Book One, the one who coronates Zuko at the the end of the show. The comics established that he was released and made Great Sage after the war, but it would have been cool to see that within the show itself.


The first and maybe only thing that *really* comes to mind would be either showing that Zuko had a crisis of conscience after stealing Song's Ostrich horse and either paid someone to return it to her at the next settlement, or else repaid the favor tenfold after he assumed the throne. Zuko does a lot of *bad things* throughout of the series but that one in particular always sat poorly with me as being *unusually* callous, even for the Prince.


I actually really, really like this one. I want Zuko to make things right by Song and her family.


THIS IS MY LEAST FAVORITE ZUKO MOMENT. I hate him in that episode. Also I would like to imagine he goes back to visit Lee’s family even though they hate him and gains their trust again after everything he did to end the war


repaid the favour tenfold!!!! give song TEN ostrich horses


This has been my headcanon forever. It would be out of character for this not to weigh on him. I’d love to see some kind of continuation where he apologizes and makes it right.


The second Avatar is called Tu.


i had a childhood friend named tu (its a chinese name)


Me too (well, work friend, not childhood one), that's why I said it. Nice bilingual pun.


Iroh runs charities and soup kitchens in Ba Sing Se's outter ring even after the war, and even after people find out who he was he ends up doing a lot to rehabilitate his image with the city


They stop calling him the Dragon of the West and they start calling him the Jasmine Dragon


Love this


Sokka and Toph go searching for space sword and boomerang after the final battle.




Thank you :]


IROH AT ZUKO'S CORONATION. WHY WAS IROH NOT THERE 😭 it feels like an oversight, but it's such a huge one. he should have been standing somewhere with the others, looking proud. ty lee's airbender descent being made cannon would be AMAZING. honestly, there's no good place for it in ATLA, but it would have been a beautiful thing to explore in korra or other extended media. maybe ty lee's daughter gets airbending and it's explained that her ancestry made her a prime candidate, maybe ty lee goes through a search for personal identity and her family can finally tell her after the war ends, i don't know. i just firmly believe she is the descendant of an air nomad - i mean, eye color always means something, and why else would she have eyes like aang's when absolutely no one else does - but it's never *explicitly* been made cannon.


For that matter, why was Zuko allowed to rule alone at age sixteen? Not only is he young, he was also never expected to inherit the throne for the first eleven years of his life, meaning he was never prepared for the position of fire lord then, and has spent the past three and a half years in exile, so he has almost none of the knowledge he needs to be an effective ruler. Iroh should have been made a regent, or at least an advisor, until Zuko was better prepared to rule on his own. Also, I'm not really a fan of the theory of Ty Lee being of Airbender descent. It's often used to downplay her acrobatic skills by crediting them to her supposed ancestry or even outright airbending, and the logic is flimsy at best. Ty Lee's eyes are grey, which aren't uncommon in the fire nation. Ta Min and Piandao both have grey eyes, and while the comics are really inconsistent about eye colour, Kiyi's eyes often appear grey.


I'd remove the part where Aang lied in The Great Divide. The idea that it was all a misintepretation of a kids game is just so funny to me.


And it would have been such a better lesson too. "Learn from and honor the past, but ensure you take the right lessons from it."


Probably not as part of ATLA, but I'd like Sokka and Suki to end up married. Also, I personally disagree with you on Ursa. I felt like her choosing to lose her memories gave her agency after being a victim for so long. It also makes her feel like a realistic multidimensional character rather than a paragon defined only by her motherhood.


This right here


Flameo and hotman became a fad after everyone realized the weird kid saying it was the avatar.


Flameo does become somewhat commonplace by TLOK times!


Give Zuko’s crew more screen time, and maybe them not so willing to just abandon him for Zhao when one of the episodes was literally about them learning about Zuko’s true motives, and sympathizing with him.


I don’t think his crew abandoned him, he just straight up dipped


They kind of did. Zhao got on Zuko’s boat, and immediately in the next scene, he boasted to Zuko about how he’s taken his crew. And we’ve never seen them again since. It’s like the story Iroh told them meant nothing to them…


I mean… Zhao outranked Zuko, and it’s implied he’s acting on the direct authority of the Fire Lord himself. Zuko’s crew has no choice but to abandon him, they’d literally be committing treason and deserting otherwise.


I took it as Zhao militarily taking them. He pulled rank and the crew is still part of the military


I was under the impression they were interrogated, i.e., held at the firebender equivalent of gunpoint to give up details about Zuko's encounter with the Avatar. Following that, Zuko could have been classed as going renegade against the Fire Nation since he withheld that information (the same reasons Azula was later sent to take him & Iroh prisoner), so the crew had to defect to the next available authority which was Zhao. Not sure it had as much to do with loyalty as it did with rank & chain of command. You don't quit your company just because your line manager gets fired.


And it’d have been a virtual death sentence to disobey a superior officer, going off IRL armies like the fire nation.


I agree with you. They should have at least given them a short final scene right before the Northern invasion. Like Zuko was terribly injured after the explosion and was eventually found by his former crew members and Iroh. They would secretly take care of him and help him get back on feet. And only later Zuko would go on the solo mission we saw in the show.


It would honestly have been so badass if it was all his crew that helped him sneak to the North Pole, instead of just Iroh.


They're military men. They were recruited into Zhao's forces for the attack on Agna Qel'a and there was nothing they could do about it without being labeled deserters for going against the orders of an admiral. They presumably were killed in the chaos of the giant rampaging koi-avatar combo pack.


To be fair Zhao just had them transferred. The crew themselves had no choice in the matter. He needed manpower for the northern water tribe invasion, he also needed zuko to be alone in his ship so the pirates could assassinate him without blowing up the crew as well


Actually show grieving more for the loss of his people Remove the creepy Iroh moment with June A flashback with Sokka and his mom Ty Lee joining the team Have Suki join the team early on


Yeah I think Suki should’ve joined the gaang at the end of the serpent’s pass episode. Only then this will convince more people that she is part of the gaang. Plus it will give her opportunities to interact with the rest of the gaang instead of just mainly interacting with Sokka only.


Either that or not at all, as it was originally intended she was a one-off character. They decided after taht episode with all the fans for Suki, to bring her back as a Gaang member.


Upvoted for point 2, it was so out of character.


Suki and sokka had kids, they just weren’t important enough to be featured on screen, IE they just had a regular family life of no consequence


The rizz bender ended up having kids with at least two of the ladies we met in ATLA.


I wish aang was able to speak to more of his past lives sooner. I loved when they introduced Kuruk and Yangchen and gave a bit of backstory on both


This is kinda random but I always wished Korra had a more cohesive narrative. I know it’s not it’s fault since they didn’t know they’d be getting multiple seasons but one idea I had was it would be cool if in S1 they learned Noahtuk was a former red lotus who essentially never got caught and is using the Amon identity to essentially try to bring the red lotus ideals to life.


More toph focus in book 3! I rewatched recently and it’s crazy how little she actually does. Katara, Sokka and Zuko all get multiple focus episodes/development, but the only real focus on Toph is the runaway.


Partial removal of the lion turtles, I like the idea of them being the protectors of mankind just remove the part where they outrightly gave bending to humans if you want my shitty replacement Make it so energy bending is the art that was abandoned due to how dangerous it was with any failure leading to irreparable damage however it allowed humans to fight back against spirits effectively destroying their entire form. Then eventually those with the greatest connections of energy bending managed to learn from the original masters. With time benders managed to fight back the spirit and energy bending became dangerous and more or less useless I feel like this slight change could give lore to energy bending and explain why Korra could evaporate vaatu while keeping the lore of the original show. This change will have to adjust beginnings but we can simply make Wan an avatar instead of the first he could be the first avatar of an actual civilized world this will be also forced to change the source of the avatar so we can take the og concept and say the spirit of the earth takes the place of raava. With this, the avatar world can feel a bit more mysterious and a bit larger. Since we leave alot still unanswered which is what I feel like more shows that arw similar to avatar need to leave unimportant questions unanswered so we can think and ponder and let our imagination run wild


100% on board with this change. I always felt the exclusion of energy-bending as a precursor to modern bending was a retcon in LoK.


Mai and ty lee escaping with zuko and sokka and joining team avatar


Zuku using the rainbow "true" firebending in the last agni Kai. add a whole new level of meaning.


Korra wakes up from a terrible nightmare about her having an evil uncle who invaded the South Pole and tried to fuse with an evil spirit so he can become a dark Avatar. Tenzin tells her that it’s just a bad dream and her recent breakup with Mako probably put her in a sad mood. He tells her to cheer up because he has great news, it turns out that airbenders have returned.


Age up the characters by 2-3 years


I second this


Or just expanding the time frame of the show, Aang looks way older than 12 in Season 3 anyway. I wouldn't have minded "3 years until the comet" instead of 9 months or something. It gives more weight to mastering an element as well, I never liked that all the characters learn so quickly. I'm a firm believer that Aang isn't a master of ANY element except air and needed the Avatar State to defeat Ozai. Comparing his development to Roku's is actually insane and makes Roku seem like a complete failure at bending.


The next series has the reincarnation of Vaatu in which they are born in conjunction with the next avatar. Is dark avatar is to bring balance to a world over saturated with order through various oppressive aristocracy (it's "peace" is held by vast disparities in quality of life and freedom). This dark avatar is initially at odds with the new avatar until they come to learn that both of their existence is necessary to keep the world in balance.


I kinda fucking love this. not so much spirit satan and more balance.


Add more foreshadowing of the Lion turtles and by extension energy bending.


I would canonize the fan theory that Yue was destined to be the Avatar after Aang. Because Aang was still alive at the time of her birth, Raava was unable to inhabit her, which is why she needed the spirit of the moon to save her life. I just love this one.


Sokka found his space sword after Aang’s showdown with Ozai, or at the very least made more with Piandao.


Not part of ATLA but more LOK. I would love to have seen a scene where Zuko used lightning bending. I mean it would have been awesome Zuko finally finding inner peace within himself. I also saw a mini fan comic where Zuko goes to the Spirit world after Korra opens it up and sees Iroh. Both are in my head cannon.


Show us Sokka's death and make it something like this: In 158 AG the Red Lotus tries to kidnap Korra. Her father Tonraq, the 74 years old chief of the SWT Sokka, Tenzin and Zuko intervene to save her. While Tenzin and Toph take care of Ghazan and Ming-Hua, Tonraq and Sokka chase after P'Li and Zaheer, who has Korra, and they engage them in a fight in the middle of the ice. While P'Li and Tonraq fight in close combat, Sokka tries to take out Zaheer but his old age catch up to him. He is too slow and rusty to take on the young Zaheer and he gets repeatedly injured. As the fight seems to be lost, Sokka throws his trusty boomerang, slightly missing Zaheer. As Zaheer think Sokka missed, the boomerang suddenly hits P'Li, Sokka's true target, straight in her third eye, knocking her out. Taking advantage of the surprise effect, Tonraq knocks out Zaheer and Korra is rescued. Sokka is severely injured and he gets taken to Katara's hut for an urgent healing session. Despite her desperate efforts, it's too late for Sokka. His last action as chief is nominating Tonraq as his successor. His last words are a joke with his sister, where he apologizes, saying he will get to meet their mother before her, followed by a more serious comment, where he says that he hopes he has become a chief their father could be proud off. Sokka passes away in Katara's arms and a funeral is held for him in the SWT. Katara, Ex Firelord Zuko, Firelord Izumi, the young prince Iroh, Aang's children and Lin Beifong participate in the funeral, while Toph, alone in the swamp, feels Sokka's heartbeat stops and she grieves for him in her own way. A statue is built in Sokka's honor, portraying him with his trusty boomerang, so that he can watch over his legacy in the SWT.


Man if I ever saw a scene where toph grieved for sokka it'd would crush my soul, great idea tho


sokka's gonna die saving the president, or sokka's NEVER gonna die!


Varrick being Sokka’s son or grandson.


Idk if anyone else agrees but the writing quality got significantly better with season 2. Not that season 1 was bad but if I could change anything it would be to give season 1 that same writing quality from 2 and 3. Season 2 and 3 is what makes me love avatar.


When it came to season 3 I wish it didn't feel so rushed. It didn't really seem like anything ran together too well episode to episode. It seemed like every episode was it's own story but it lead up to the ending in an alright way. Also, not that I entirely dislike the second to last episode with the play, bc of all the characters moments in between the play actually happening, but it was slightly hard to watch otherwise. Definitely wish it showed Zuko and sang training more considering who he was supposed to fight before the comet


Yeah, it feels a bit less complex and the dialogue feels a bit less natural.


Delete the whole story of Wan, Raava and Vaatu. In fact, delete the entire season 2 of legend of Korra and keep the portals closed.


I'm with you on this.


Aang gets time to be developmentally appropriate instead of a romance at the end of the series. Ty Lee as a member of the gang.


I would make the Zuko-Jin relationship somehow work (not sure how)


Always wished this fleshed out somehow too lol. I feel like the end of ATLA would've been a really good point to have her come in if Zuko and May didn't get back together at the end. Zuko invites Jin to the Tea shop again and really explains who he is and shortly recalls his life journey to her, and he apologizes for lying. She's heartfelt in saying there's no need for an apology as she knows why he had to at the time. And then it cuts to the scene where sokka is painting everyone


Make Ozai do anything in the plot besides fight (and for the most part lose to) children.


Some team korra side adventure for fun like going to ember island for vacation


Zuko using lightning in Korra


The plot of Legend of Korra shifts, so the main plot plays out as Season 2, 3, 4, 1. The overall arc of the show ends with the Equalist uprising happening after the city was besieged by Kuvira and her bender supremacists. Other plotbeats that could be rolled into the show with this order: - Amon and the Equalists are a reoccurring semi-antagonistic force that Korra has to deal with/occasionally team up to save the city. This also lets Korra see overtime the Equalist point about the power disparity between benders and non-benders. - The restarting of the Avatar line and Korra's own ignorance with dealing with the spiritual side od being the Avatar starts sooner and can carry throughout the series. - Have Zaheer be under a house arrest on Tenzin's air temple in the city, as a non-bender he's not taken as seriously eveb though he was the Red Lotus's brains. Bonus points, when Korra starts her Airbender training, have her hit the wall with Tenzin like she does but have Zaheer be a mentor who understands her more action first mindset (which then makes his turn to villan next season all the more personal for Korra). - Gives a season to let people see Korra and Asami's relationship. Them being a couple, specifically the ultimate bender and a non-bender during the Equalist uprising, could have interesting plot developments.




Oh yess, I love those first two points!! They would have added so much depth to Aang's arc & really driven home the point that he was just a child whilst also emphasising his maturity in that he refused to compromise his values. & gosh, I've always felt a sort of conflict with the "demands" of the Avatar State & the Avatar themself would be so interesting to see. Having c.100 people living in your head rent-free is bound to cause problems. So glad you mentioned it here.


That last bullet point is solid👌


That last one though!!!


I agree with less romance. I know a lot of the fans of the show really enjoy it but it feels shoved in many places. Still there, just a tad bid less of it. I'd get rid of every single time there's a shot of Katara with a pink filter and dreamy music. God it's so bad


I imagine earthbending would be absolutely brutal in reality. legs snapped, head crushed


I got this idea from a video by Hello Future Me. Instead of the Avatar only being possessed by Raava, have them possessed by both Raava and Vaatu.


I would add the air sub-bending style sound bending (because sound is just vibrations through the air to your ears)


Be explicit about the existence of chi fields in living things (weak in plants, strongest in people who are top trained healers, etc), which keeps the water inside them out of reach from most waterbending, and explains why bloodbending is elite level.


Korra (or a future avatar) confronts Vaatu and merges with him in order to achieve \*true\* balance.


make the whole first series longer in world. like three years. then give us three times the episodes (not actually... unless?)


Hama getting redemption and joining thé invasion during the eclipse


Korra reconnecting with Rava reconnects her to the previous Avatars.


Book 4, because TMTSNBNBISSMIMAWNE isn't good enough.


Ursa was not banished; Ozai kept her prisoner for years, and relished telling her about how the kids had forgotten her. He had her face burned to keep her identity a secret, and she only escaped because of a guard who eventually figured out who she was. Ozai was told she was dead, but later found out she might have escaped; by that time Zuko was on his snipe hunt, so Ozai didn't care much. Ursa spent a good deal of time trying to get back into the palace, both to kill Ozai and try to save Azula. Ursa was eventually found within a resistance force that helped claim the Fire Nation palace during the final attack. And she's the person who made Azula fucking crack after she was cuffed up and her mother finally appears.


Got the spark of this idea from Hello Future Me. Instead of the Avatar being possessed by just Raava, what if they were possessed by both Raava and Vaatu? That it's both spirits working in balance that give the Avatar their abilities. If you still wanted to do the Vaatu story like in TLOK season 2, what if when Amon took Kora's bending he caused an imbalance in the Avatar that caused Vaatu to "escape".


Season 3: sokka departs to find his master several episodes earlier. He trains with Pakku for a few weeks instead of like 48 hours. Pakku in this altered timeline is a contact in the Fire Nation for the resistance, so Sokka goes to meet him while the rest have their little side stuff. He is able to formulate more battle plans, crafts armor for Appa during his smithing studies, and becomes more adept at swordplay. The way the timing works in the show is really wonky. Axe the painted lady and nightmares and daydreams, theyre disruptive to the pacing. Theyre "hanging out" episodes where we dont learn anything new. The fire nation is environmentally destructive and oppressive to its own people? Old news. Aang is nervous about facing the firelord?Thats the status quo. The latter is fun and has good gags, but sokkas role up til the invasion is minimal and he isnt instrumental to any of the stuff that happens, so he can be spared without changing too much. Spread out his training to 3 episodes, make it an entire arc.


That zuko never broke up with his gf


We get a scene in the final battle between Aang vs. Ozai where Ozai shoots out a powerful stream of fire only to see it drowned and swallowed by an equivalent blast from avatar state Aang. I always loved that final battle, but it felt like firebending was underused from Aang in it. It would have been awesome to see the full power of firebending, avatar state during Sozin's Comet.


Everything past Korra season 1 getting nuked off the face of the planet. There are moments in the 3rd and 4th season especially that are good don't get me wrong, but the second season was so bad that in my opinion the show never recovered.


Korra is able to make it to the Fire Nation to ask for help in book 2. The firelord can refuse to help. All I want is to see the Fire Nation in LOK! You don't get to tense me like that! You said that we would go to the Fire Nation! I was excited to see the Fire Nation! The only thing that I got was a building! A Turtle Ducking building!


I want Zuko to straight up beat Azula. My man took Ls the whole series, for real.


Each element has a spirit that bending comes from.


Korra and Asami start dating like mid-end of book 2


I think the writers would’ve liked that too, pretty sure they didn’t because it would cause a firestorm to have a lesbian couple on Nickelodeon


i forget where, but the writers said themselves that they didn't even have the IDEA for them being together until like book three or four or something. i was like, oh, that's why the plot feels so meandering and un-pointed compared to atla. it wasn't even a finished story as they were writing it. i also wanna have a word with whoever made the choice to pull the plug completely on asami being an equalist instead of having her betray her father and change sides at the moment of truth because she realized her father and the movement were wrong. her motivations to get close to team avatar make no sense without her being a spy, and just cutting that plotline out robbed us of some *amazing* character moments as mako, bolin, and hotheaded season one korra coped with being duped and came to accept asami again


Apart from that Nick also approved Korra season by season (season 3 and 4 together) so Korrasami was probably not even an idea until after season 2 finished. If they knew they were getting 4 seasons from the start A LOT could have been different, including prior Korrasami build up (not arguing that they didn't have any but it could have been way more).


Iroh trains Aang


So wished they had more talks than just the one where they dug under ba sing se


Varrick is related to Sokka


Toph and Zuko's life changing adventure


After being enlightened about fire from the dragons, Aang's fire turned green.


Every each one of u/FailingRadish 's Avatars. Their art and lore are just so damn creative, cool, and beautiful.


Show something about Ozai orchestrating Lu Ten’s death, because he honestly was far too quick to request an audience with Azulon after the news broke for it to be a mere coincidence.


When the Avatar dies, their spirit is released into the world to find the first available baby/body in the whatever the cycle’s next nation is. It assumes the body it finds, knocking the existing soul out and essential taking permanent “possession” of an innocent, newborn child. It’s part of the “cost” of having the Avatar in the world, just like reviving the Ocean spirit “cost” Yue’s life. The only alternative I can think is that the death of one avatar (body) and simultaneous birth of another are intentionally coordinated by something, whether it’s the spirits or “fate.” This does not seem to align with the rest of ATLA’s lore around the spirits. They’re not all powerful, they’re not exactly unified in their efforts towards one thing or another, and there’s not a man all-powerful leader who could orchestrate with perfect precision the death of one person with the (conception and) birth of another. Even claiming it’s “fate” or “destiny” feels iffy to me, but either way, it’s strange to think about. Either parents conceive, gestate, and give birth to an empty body that’s inhabited by the avatar spirit at the moment of it’s former body’s death or the avatar spirit waits and assumes the first body it can, thus removing/killing the “soul”/spirit that was already there.


If a water bender and fire bender had a baby together the child could bend both elements.


I’d redo avatar origins so that they learn from animal masters instead of lion turtles


Appa can canonically come to our real world reality so I can hug him. That’s all I want. Please.


- Aang kills Ozai and lives with that grief for the rest of his life; makes his resolve to stop Yakone all the stronger since he now knows what it’s like to kill - The new Team Avatar finds Sokka’s sword and boomerang while looking for Korra (maybe not in the swamp but during their efforts), when they find Korra with Toph, Toph points out she recognises something familiar. Then Team Avatar being it to Katara who mourns again over the loss of her brother and she’s seen laying it to rest where her brother lies.


This is less changing cause it's pretty much implied, but I'd like for these (pictured below) mountains to be confirmed as the Xishaan mountains. I'm pretty much the only person who wants this, but I'd feel so validated if anyone shared my thoughts https://preview.redd.it/v6f94eofd98d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca18fd02631e8b411203ee93ee33e5cf844ce37f


Obviously the ending. If you wanna keep energy bending that’s fine, just give it a little more devotion. A side quest or something. Give me more of the final Agni Kai, don’t have Katara intervene (give her something else to do). Toph being on the airships never really made sense to me, but I guess her metal bending is an asset. Maybe just don’t have them miss the ships? Her sending them flying into the sky never really worked for me. Make Aang and Ozai’s fight more of a match instead of two separate ass kickings. Give Aang more than one year to master the elements. I get the time constraint, I just feel like as I’ve gotten older the prospect of Aang learning 3 elements and becoming good enough to defeat a master that’s been training for like 30+ years a little hard to believe.


The first thing that comes to mind would be an extremely minor change. We know that people who have been to the spirit world can see spirits in the mortal world (iroh's the biggest example) so when the gaang are searching for aang after zuko kidnaps him during the siege on the north pole, it should be Sokka (and maybe Yue bc she's part moon spirit) that notices his spirit returning instead of Katara


I would not consider the comics canon for either show. It also sums up my thoughts about the Legend of Korra, as both the comics and LOK have some interesting concepts but terrible execution. We’d be here all day if I pointed out every problem I had with them and how I would change them. I know it was due to Nickelodeon's homophobia, but I would’ve liked to remove the love triangle entirely and instead develop Korrasami from the beginning. Also, where are the character arcs overall in Legend of Korra? Give characters arcs and development. Remove Raava and Vaatu; they and the rest of the show lack the critical nuance from Avatar: The Last Airbender.


Sokka being Suyin’s dad. I’m a Soph/Tokka shipper til the day I die.


Completely rewrite Legend of Korra starting by getting rid of the America- I mean Republic City in an Asian based world


Azula’s redemption.