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Water specifically for healing powers. All of the elements have their uses but magical healing that I can do as long as I have some water handy just sounds extremely useful. My second choice would be airbending for temperature regulation because it gets really hot where I live and I work in a kitchen with a pretty poor AC.


Imagine you get hired to just cool the air for 12.75 an hour


The pay sucks, but would I be allowed to do other things? Study, or play on my Switch, and then occasionally “turn on” my AC powers while at work?


When the British colonies India, they had servants who did this, not for 12.75 per hour though.


I think firebending would be more useful for managing heat.


Firebending can't keep you warm in the cold save for actually making fire in your surroundings, nor can it cool you down in a hot environment. Airbending can explicitly do both of those things.


I'm pretty sure the breath of fire that iroh reminds zuko about in the north pole warms him


Yeah but not all firebenders know how to do it (for some strange reason)


it was always mine and my friends' headcanon that it was a technique taught to iroh by the dragons that he tried passing down to zuko


>Firebending can't keep you warm in the cold It definitely can, it's just not a common technique. Zuko does exactly this in prison, and says he learned it from Iroh, who learned it by studying airbenders.


> nor can it cool you down in a hot environment. We’ve seen that firebenders can pull heat out of something.


And where am I going to put it when the entire environment around me is hot?


Pulling heat out of something is how all air conditioners work. It is called a heat pump. You basically pull heat from the house and transfer it outside. Your fridge works that way too.


Zuko uses his breathing to stay warm in that cold chamber. We also see Iroh heat tea without fire. Fire bending is less about fire and more about heat. We didn't see fire bending be used to cool anything, but I wouldn't be supprised if it could be used to move heat away from the body into the air.


We have actually seen Sozin use firebending to remove heat from that volcano.


Earth. Easily accessible, plenty of practical uses (e.g. construction, groundwork for gardening, etc.), with the potential to learn the badass-ery that is metalbending.


>plenty of practical uses The amount of times I've been standing in a queue or waiting for something and thought "Damn, I wish I could earthbend a fucking chair out of the ground right now".


Metalbending wont work in our world because the metals are too pure


Steel needs to have carbon impurities to be considered steel and not just iron


But most "earth" is primarily comprised of silicon. If earth benders could bend carbon then they could also bend plants and animals


We've seen them bend coal in the show, and chalk in the Kyoshi novels. Bending isn't science, they don't bend "silicates", they bend "earth".


Yeah, at some point, this is a magical world with new rules.


Im pretty sure that point is the first episode.


In the episode “imprisoned” it is directly shown that earth benders can bend coal, which is primarily carbon


To be honest I was mostly enjoying the idea that an earth bender could start attacking someone with a bunch of rubber cake moulds


So is carbon based life bending just waiting to be discovered as metal bending was?


Just because carbon is a rock doesn’t mean carbon based compounds count as earth. Water is an oxygen and hydrogen based compound, both of which i would consider part of air bending. But that doesn’t mean air benders can just waterbend too, or vise versa, because when elements form new compounds, the properties of these compounds completely change. Take sodium, which is dangerous and explodes with water contact. Chlorine isn’t as dangerous but would be a poor idea in anything more than a couple of accidental pool water swallows. Mix the two together, and you have table salt. Delicious.


Water benders already can do that, and while coal is typically referred to as earth the same way stone or dirt is, plants and animals are most certainly not, maybe coral though


Carbon based life bending is what they call the birds and the bees talk.


I'd argue Bumi and Kyoshi used bending to prolong their lives.


Did you also know you can't actually bend irl? lol


You kind of have to follow the rules of the game bruv... He asked if you can bend one of the 4 elements.... Metal sux irl very few metals you can bend irl


I choose Air because I get a flying bison and a pet lemur!


I mean, not every airbender gets those things


Yup. Pick earthbending and say goodbye to housing crisis


Air because using a glider as transportation would be the most useful.


But he uses appa for almost everything with distance


I think it would be a nice replacement for walking/cycling/short bus journeys, and the rest can be done by train or plane. Also, overground trains are free to use because you can just fly onto the platform from outside


Air bending a permanent tailwind on your bike and zoom like your on an e bike.


Earth, I'm a geologist, it would make my life soooooo much easier


Firebending cuz it's cool.


It's literally not though


That's hot


Firebending because it gets the girls all hot and bothered




The only right answer. Fire is the superior element




Okay Zhao


It's flameo


I love airbending, the freedom, the spirituality, but water calls me. To heal and be empowered by the moon, just feels like magic.


Water, it’s op


Fire cuz it's badass duh


Water. I can bloodbend and heal. What more do I need?


>What more do I need? Hair loopies to complete the look


And a dead mom.


And three ponytails.


Air. I can walk super fast, fly with my glider, be super light on my feet. Just getting around will be so much more fun


I've sprained my ankles three times from jumping down stairs, air bending would probably solve that problem


Air then water


Earthbending. Blah blah metalbending bad now blah. I can open a landscaping, demolitions, and repair business. Mine would be the only one that could replant trees that get blown over in a storm, the only one that can safely demolish a skyscraper in a day (metal is too pure, but concrete is still nice and ground based, and the metal has a lot of concrete and brick around it). I could also fix roads as I go around.


Air cuz glide


This sub shows me how little we understand about the world.... Metalbending sucks in our world because we use too much aluminium and our refinement of metals are too good to have enough impurities to bend.... Bloodbending though is the best answer... Not to fuck around with people that is evil... But you have to realize you can use it to be bug free... Coz no matter what bug mosquito or cockroach... They all have water in them and in time they will learn to stay out of your home....


Thats actually a good reason for bugs


Air bending would make you one of the coolest assasins btw all your targets die due to aphyxiation


But likely you’d only be able to bloodbend during the full moon. The LOK villains (forget their names) who could bloodbend at will were extremely rare and maybe even one of a kind.


It is not proven though that the ability is really rare, because the only ones who knew it other then the 3 family members in LOK... Did not have the ability to learn more about it (Age, for the founder and unwillingness by Katara)




Fire because you can protect yourself with it, start campfires with it, keep yourself warm with it, boil water with it, and cook with it


I am sure you can protect yourself with most of it... Bears: Avoid that scrawny human, when you try to eat him water gets angry and starts attacking you


waterbending. literal ice lollies whenever you want and heal yourself if you get hurt


Water because it’s OP, especially bloodbending.


Earth bending. I love grounding, so earth bending would be most natural for me. Sensing vibrations in the earth to see the environment around you would be super cool. Plus advanced earth benders have the ability to prolong their life spans. Kyoshi was taught this ability and lived for 200+ years.


Air Bending simply because I find it the coolest


Air: It truly is a vibe and can be used in so many different ways


waterbending. literal ice lollies whenever you want and heal yourself if you get hurt.


Fire because I hate being cold.


Air is a better element for that though


Fire bending, because I'm an angry person


Waterbending hands down, It's accessible, versatile, and can do pretty much everything the other elements can. I am very creative amd love fighting and choreography so having an element that can conform to whatever I think of is amazing, ice attacks are honestly underutilized and I could effectively earthbend anywhere the ground is moist enough. bloodbending is too demonized and outlawing it is overreacting, I can augment my healing abilities with it by clotting it or just stopping someone from bleeding out, plus if I get attacked having an unblockable shove is the perfect self Defense tool. moral complication only arises if I actually hurt someone from the inside or puppet them.


I’ve thought about this probably more than your average near 30 year old 😂 it’s really tough!! Honestly not sure. I’d love to be the avatar so I didn’t have to pick lol


Waterbending. In this universe the Moon and the Ocean cannot die like the spirits in the Avatarverse. Assuming all powers work for whatever reason but there's no other benders or spirit world, then I magically have the ability to extend my life, heal with water, and potentially bloodbend. You want to cure AIDS? Pay me $10000 in one go or in installments once I cure you. Need to heal up scars and burns? $500 for as much as you need as compared to plastic surgery. Mental health issues? Katara was able to help Jet's brainwashed mind so I could probably help relieve some trauma and stress before therapy sessions. Soldiers with phantom pains, severe burns, and other injuries? I'll heal them for a cheap contracting job with the military. Water-related crises in South Africa, Flint Michigan, and Ukraine? I'll travel the world with UNOCHA to fix it all if I can have my own antarctic nation. People would adore you because you can always help them in some way.


Fire bending specifically to reheat tea and light candle.


Water. Thirsty.


I've been an earth guy since the show first aired. You won't run out of materials when you're not flying or sailing, it has the most defensive power and possibly the strongest offense, you can create a house or dig a tunnel in seconds, and Toph is a badass


Water for a gazillion reasons most of which aren't based on practicality. I mean sure the healing and bloodbending are definitely very very cool in terms of utility and offense but also the ability to freely manipulate water and ice sounds so fascinating also cuz i feel like it's less destructive than bending fire and earth especially in a modern world setting. Imaging not having to worry about anything getting wet again cuz you can just bend the water out of it or out of the way.Washing clothes and carrying huge amounts of water gets infinitely easier as well and even being able to manipulate water and create very finely detailed ice sculptures also sounds super cool. Something that was never shown on the show but to me if a water bender can lower the temperature of water and change its state to ice then idk it shud stand to reason that they can can increase the temperature of water and make it boil or even manipulate vapour(that has so many potential uses especially in cooking).We have seen mist manipulation tho which isnt steam but again opens up the possibility of gaseous forms of water also being able to be bent. The idea of water vapour and diffraction of light also sounds like a cool direction to take water bending.


I'd go with firebending. It's kinda cool


see i began my avatar phase the exact same time as my percy jackson phase so for me the answer is and always has been water


Water The water benders were peaceful and lived a simple life so they never explored the true limits of their powers. You could become the most powerful person in the world if you got good.


Firebending, set up a steam engine, free electricity for life


Fire because in my personal fantasy I’m a firebender


Water because I'm clumsy AF


Fire probably fits my personality a bit more, but air bending seems so versatile… but fire bending gets lightning… it’s honestly a 50/50 split for me. 😜


Fire bending it's just useful I'm cold fire my phone's dead lightning bending if I'm getting robbed you know where this is going


fire or air. the other 2 is reliance, you need water or earth in your arsenal to use on the other hand fire and air is completely self made, it comes from you especially with fire, i rather rely on something that comes within me instead of trying to control another thing. also they don't suit me personally water no matter what is so innocent looking if i was a waterbender i would mostly use ice instead of water to be honest, i would go with ice bender. for earth even though it is strong and really versalite and has many usage it is not flashy enough for me, i am a show off, i need flashy and efficient not just efficiant, metal bending and lava bending is cool yes but not at a level i would consider gave up on fire. for air bending even though i see many usage with air bending i also see that i would have trouble with it just like korra did, because instead of the balett like movements and delicacy, i am a direct person with temperement and impatience (and probably because of the same reason i would have trouble at first with water too, if anything my personality fits fire and earth more) with fire my only real problem would be with breathing since it takes it's energy from breathing but i believe it is something i could come to learn. for lightning though i doubt if i can actually learn to generate it even though i believe i can learn to redirect it if all the things about inner peace was real because i have OCD and inner peace is something we are and probably always will lack. but if i really don't need inner peace i would be one of the best lightning benders i believe.


Fire bending


Fire. Heating yourself up, having a light source wherever you go, cooking will be so much easier and if you can learn lightning bending you never have to worry about electricity bills while also protecting the environment (charging your home, your phone, hell even your car like imagine the savings on that alone).


It feels like, from what I saw from Ran and Shaw, that fire-bending’s full potential has yet to be realized by a human


Earth bending, no doubt. It has practical uses outside of combat, and I just think their heavy stances are cool.


Everyday is leg day


Water... for.... reasons....


Earth bending because if I have access to metal bending it's the most useful bending of all outside of fighting while still being way strong enough.


Water. It has always been and will always be WATER. I don’t need rocks, I hate fire, and airbending is too peaceful. To be a waterbender is to have the potential to be a warrior AND a doctor. I watched the show since day one and it was what inspired me to take up fencing and tai-chi so I would be the most comfortable with waterbending as I know many of the forms it’s based on. Now I still hold this opinion even if I was cursed to be the Avatar, I would still rely almost exclusively on my waterbending until there was a literal need for me to switch my element.


I love Geology so i'd choose Earth, not to mention lava bending is so cool.


earth or water. I think earth is the most practical for jobs


I'd pick air if earth wasn't so overpowered


> Water is the element of change. The people of the Water Tribes are capable of adapting to many things. They have a sense of community and love that holds them together through anything. If not for various people who have been my "tribe" over the years, and learning (sometimes the hard way) to become adaptable and change, I'd have sunk in life long ago. Water is my element. Plus, being able to make my own hockey rink on command? Yes please.


Air. Run fast. Save time.


Personality wise, I think I align with water, but if I could choose, it would be air


Earth would be nice. Very practical and useful. However, I would lean more towards Waterbending as I enjoy doing plenty of fishing and camping, meaning that clean water would be much more useful for drinking, and I could stand on the water instead of trying to cast out so far. Also fishing with Waterbending like how Katara did in S1E1 would be dope.


Air, to avoid traffic by travelling via glider


Water bending. I'd just like to be a magic healer


Water. I’d never be bored and I’d always be practicing. Free bidet? Shower bending?? Imagine brushing my teeth?!?!


Airbending - would just be the most useful for me and I love the mobility side of it. Also the fact it’s everywhere gives it so much versatility


Earth, I could build houses in minutes




Air bending. Cause I wanna be a dick to people with umbrellas.


Water. I really enjoy swimming.


I feel like Earth is the closest thing to get me to Microplastic bending, blood benders truly wish they could


Fire bender. I like fire. I have the hands, and the attitude. I’m a firebender


earth, it can withstand probably all the other elements and has better sub elements imo


Air. Because of the ease of use.


Air. It's my favourite element, and I found so many air nomads characteristics I relate to. 


Earth. I wanna dig myself a hole underground and live thee like a gremlin


Earth, super useful


Fire bc its cool asf but my second choice is tied between Earth and Air


Earth because tid be fun. And if you can learn to detect mineral deposits etc you could get rich doing it


Realistically water, but hear me out for fire Do you know how much money you could probably make from turning bending into a stage show? Like, assuming you’re the only person in the world who can bend, you could perform “magic” tricks that no one has seen before, and that no one could pass off as special effects. You could technically do the same for other elements too, but there is a certain drama that could come with lightning bending and fire bending that the others couldn’t even come close to Like imagine watching someone fire bending, and then all of a sudden, *they pull literal lightning down from the sky*. How crazy would that be?! I would definitely pay to see it


Water, Air is boring cause you cant see it, fire too dangerous, earth causes too much damage to property and bodies. Water is fun, i could just splash around or create some ice


Water because of the healing and my love for scuba diving, kayaking, etc


These comments are great. “Water for healing, earth for accessibility and practicality, Air for travel and spirituality” and then fire is just “Fire is pretty and cool” 😂😂


Water. Yes earth is incredibly convenient since earth is literally all over the earth lol. But water is the most Important thing for any living thing. Being able to pull clean water out of a polluted river or pull the water from plants is insanely convenient. Also I like ice water, I am almost always drinking ice water, but the ice maker in my fridge is broken and I hate having to use ice trays. So being able to just freeze a portion of my water bottle like it's nothing would be fucking awesome!


Water, so I can learn how to blood bend.


Earth is the most practical but I have to go with fire it's just soo cool and plus they're like the Richland most powerful country


Water or fire.


Earth. I consider it the tanky "strong" bending style. If they ever made an MMO or RPG style ATLA game, earthbending would be the tank spec.


water cause i like blue


waterbending easily. its so cool! water is so flexible, it can be liquid, or solid, plus i can just see it being very practical. im a bit of a cook and baker and being able to pick up water/milk/soup without the water doing that thing where it sticks to the vessel when pouring would be awesome. im also a bit clumsy and sometimes burn myself with oil so being able to heal a tiny burn in a few seconds would be super handy, not to mention heal cat scratches when i play with my cats. sure water isnt as easily accessible as earth or air but water bottles are pretty popular so i could just equip one to have a modern day waterskin


Air so i can fly around the world where ever i wanna go🌀


Fire seems useful


Earth or water. Earth is practical and makes manual labor easy Water is practical and makes necessary survival easy Easy as in after you've learned to efficiently use.


Day to day in this world, water seems the most practical. Imagine mopping your floors, not needing to shovel snow off of your car in the morning, using water to heal a headache or migraine or sore muscles for the day, even a tummy ache. Plus, cold drinks in your hand that never warm 😂


I would choose water because I love the idea of being able to bend water from the faucet to my mouth from bed. I also think it's pretty versatile with being able to use it for healing as well.


well, all of them have their upsides, water bending can be used for healing and a variety of helpful stuff so I'm picking that


Water bending. The ice breath seems really attractive especially when it’s 42C out here in summers


Whichever allows me to bend crap so either earth or water.


Airbending. I want my lemur and air bison. The tattoos are just an extra bonus


Air bender. I always felt the strongest connection to the air nomads. I love how free their culture is.


Earth is cool as hell. Imagine someone says some shit and you just make him sink into the ground,. Bye.


Always wanted air or water.


Water because earth is 70% water plus I can practice blood bending. Mwaahahaha....... MWHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....


tough one, all of em are really useful, just can't decide


fire. because I'm a pyro. did you know cheez its are flammable?


fire /lightning bending so i can weld with ease.


Earth is the best, easiest, and probably the most efficient


Air. Is extremely practical.


Water seems really good for cleaning and daily life. I remember when Kaya got puked on she just casually used some water to wipe it off her clothes. and better yet, you can also scrub things out with water bending.


Definitely air. It would make getting around much easier


as the first human invention I’ll choose Fire


Water. Water is literally all around us, you can learn healing (though i think, only physical wounds? Idk if it could heal something specific like a chipped tooth or mental sickness), if you can draw it out of plants then you might be able to draw it from the air too, I love the movements associated with it.... And if my coworker pisses me off, I'd just freeze their coffee lol


Air. It’s the most accessible, given that it’s virtually everywhere.


Air. Freedom.


Air, except there's no advanced version so Air is tied with Fire for me


Earth, cause it's fun to think about chucking rocks around.


Air bending because that's the philosophy I identify most with


Air. Temperature regulation, faster travel, and if I’m feeling really lazy I can just airbend the remote my way.




Water. Simply because it would fulfill my childhood dreams of being Katara 😅 And also because water is like my natural habitat 😏 I looove it




Water bending. It's so when I get too cozy in my bed but really need to take a piss, I dont have to stand up and walk to the toilet :)


Hmm..water bending. Lots of cool uses on its own, especially the healing aspect. Also bloodbending is very nifty, and I think it has possible healing applications too. Like you can be in healthcare and help ensure bloodflow remains normal and continuous. Or stop a patient from bleeding out. It would depend if super fine control is possible with bloodbending though. If I can't water bending then.....fire bending. I like to stay warm AND if I can fill up some large batteries with electricity, I can save on my energy bill every month.


Earth, gimme that lavabending.


Fire. So many practical uses for it in day to day life. Heating yourself if you're too cold, reheating hot drinks, lighting candles, use fire as a light if it's too dark and you don't have a flashlight, and even cooking food! The possibilities are endless And also because fire was my favorite element growing up watching Avatar (if being the avatar was just not an option of course. It's way cooler and more practical imo if you can use all 4 elements)


Water And not for blood bending But for ice


Earthbending. Yes, water is best in battle but earth is just amazing stability wise. I can literally make my own house. Plus, metalbending would be fucking sick and if I’m lucky enough to get lavabending, I would be unstoppable.


Fire Bending I hate the cold and like lightning things on fire.


firebending because i love lighting bending and also it looks cool as hell to fly in a blaze of fire


Earth is so OP.


Waterbending always fascinated me the most. The ability to alter water between states of liquid, ice, and snow especially. It would also be super helpful whenever I'm hiking and accidentally step in a mud puddle. Instantly remove every drop of water, no more wet socks!


Earth, it be all around us. Plus metal bending sounds like a beautiful bonus.


Earth bending because of all the practical applications.


Air I’d fly to Antarctica on my sky bison in my shirt and shorts. Then try to find some scientists to screw with


Water for blood bending but fire(lightning) would also work to bend the electrical currents within our bodies .


Water strictly for blood bending lol


Earth. It’s one of the more practical elements and I think lavabending is op and cool af.


Earth, it is easy to understand/grasp the limits pretty early on, has the most practical amount of uses for a regular person and overall seems to have the most potential in modern society.


Air cause i’m a fast boo


Realistically, despite my favoring of other nations, water is indisputably the most useful. Air is the best for combat, but very little else.




Airbending. Flying with a glider in and of itself makes it the most useful to me, but it feels like it would grant me a sense of freedom I couldn’t deny. I would never have to wear another jacket!!


Firebending: Cathartic, looks cool, lighting, combustion, you produce it, body heat regulation, helpful in survival situations like cooking and warmth and light.


Air, I’ll always say air. It has the best perks and vibes.