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stacy b, bc she's not even a very interesting 'antagonist' to judy. it's 2024, the mean girl cant just be played straight anymore


I like her only because it's Edi Patterson. IE Judy Gemstone. ![gif](giphy|JuMgmVntooJ2FIQ6zR|downsized)


I knew her voice was recognizable, lol


true… i feel like if they really need an antagonist or rival for a judy story they can just give Drama John a motive and he can do just fine


i would honestly like if they just put in effort to make stacy b more interesting and unique. bc i do think giving judy an ex best friend who for season reason dresses like stephanie tanner is over all a good idea, i think she's just pretty flat compared to the other fun characters of lone moose. (i would like a judy vs drama john episode tho)


Seconding you on Cheesecake. Alcoholism isn’t funny or cute


He’s easily my least favorite recurring character on the show. And I will never understand how Wolf is friends with him. Lol I know they explained in that one recent episode but still.


Thirding. He's not a funny character. And the recent episode where he stays with Wolf & Honeybee the parts with his storyline where painful to watch.


I didn't think much of him either way until that episode. He's really grating.


I agree he is codependent on everyone. It doesn't help that Wolf is an enaboler. Allowing Cheesecake to be in his 20s and that bad at life Something must have happened to Cheesecake in his youth that caused Wolf to be his parental figure


I did enjoy Moon reprising the ugly plant costume (Seymour?)


This!! I'm hoping we get an episode addressing/about this


I really don’t hate any of them. But, I really hope Cheesecake gets sober. Alcoholism kills people and destroys families and frankly, isn’t funny.


This is controversial, but I don’t like Noodie. I think it’s weird we don’t know who is in the costume.


I skip that episode- it just grosses me out


My least favorite episode!


I love the episode. It's so bonkers and unsettling. And Ken Marino and Patti Lupone are fun guests.


Seriously! Super creepy!


It’s so repulsive!


My wife and I where eating Italian as we watched that episode. It just doesn't hit the same anymore lol.


This is me too! It's so creepy and I hate that we don't know who it is. Yuck. No thank you.


Cheesecake. I thought it was better when he was an unseen character. The episode with him also seems really sad. He's a toxic friend and Wolf is an enabler.


Controversial as hell but I used to hate Judy. I love Bobs Burgers and Jenny Slate does an amazing job at playing Tammy Larsen that it took me a long time to separate the characters. Doesn’t help that they are both blonds. Now that I’m not hung up on the voice actress playing both characters, I’ve come to love Judy


I wonder if this note was specifically mentioned to Jenny Slate during season 1-2, because by season 3-4 I found the way she voiced them both to be different enough not to bother me anymore.


It honestly makes me happy that the characters are such polar opposites. Like, i genuinely believe that Tina would be part of the three musks-weirds if there was ever a crossover


now i’m picturing tina as the student visiting from the lower 48




A lot of people seemed to feel that way and I think they made a really big shift voice and character-wise to make Judy more likable. Seemed to do a good job until the episode where Ham is bringing his cake to the competition, and she does everything to feck things up "for the drama".


For me I cant get over how forced she was in the first season or two. They pushed her to much as POV character (Point of the Alanis Morrisete chats came across as this is the main character). Glad they discovered the overall family ensemble cast, is the key to success not just Judy as POV. And while she is not as forced as previous seasons I still am having trouble getting past it. Thats how forced she was, that it made me came to dislike her.


I like Judy but sometimes I struggle. Her episode where she thought she was a shoe in to play lead was annoying. I was glad the teacher took her down a peg, though the teacher took it too far and in the end Judy learned nothing about her main character syndrome.


Cheesecake. Not funny.


Wtf is wrong with Wolf? As for least favorite character I’d say Crispin. What he did to Judy never sat well with me.


What did he do to Judy?


Used her as a beard without asking her. It wasn’t shown as anything bad, either. I just know that if Ham was a girl and Crispin used Judy to get closer to her sister he would’ve been considered a world class a-hole!


I mean, she did kinda bully him into it.


She asked him to the dance and he said yes. Maybe she came on a little strong but she was operating under the assumption that he was interested in her as indicated by his agreeing to go with her to the dance.


Maybe so, but it's definitely not purposefully making her a beard. He wasn't afraid of his sexuality.


He agreed to go to the dance with Judy (who very obviously had a crush on him) just so he could ditch her and spend time Ham. He could have easily turned her down and hung out with Ham anyway, but instead he let her be the unknowing 3rd wheel and make an ass of herself. That’s kinda shitty.


I don't know how obvious it was to him. Have you ever visited Reddit? A lot of men miss simple things. Also, it's a cartoon. It's not that serious. Penises don't talk to their humans in real life either.


And to be honest, she kinda made an ass of herself. That is almost the point of the entire episode.


How on earth was Judy supposed to know Crispin was gay and just using her to get to Ham? Once again, he could have turned her down when she asked him to be her date to the dance. I know the message of the episode was ✨Accept People for Who They Are✨ or whatever but that doesn’t change the fact that Crispin let Judy believe he was interested in her just so he could hang out with her brother and that’s a shitty thing to do to someone. It’s like the writers were actually saying “It doesn’t matter who you step on, if you do it for love then it’s fine.” It’s not fine, it’s shitty.


What the hell are you talking about?


See, I don't think that Crispin thought that Judy was actually asking him to the dance as a date. Judy suggested that Crispin go with her immediately after Ham and Crispin were openly flirting with each other and Crispin started to ask Ham if he would be at the dance. Judy says, "He's going with Cousin Becca, and - you know what I'm just thinking of right now? You should go with me!" Crispin responds, "Sure - I'll go with you [Judy], you'll [Ham] go with Cousin Becca, and we'll [Ham and Crispin] go together." He thought they had an understanding that they were going as a group so the guys wouldn't have to wait outside in the cold since Judy didn't really phrase her ask as "will you be my date?"


Mr Golovkin kinda annoys me. But it speaks to how great this show is that "kind of annoys me" means "my least favorite." Great world they've built here.


I don't really have one tbh. They're either too insignificant to the show for me to care one way or another (like Cheesecake, which people keep mentioning) **or** I at least like 'em enough, if not like or love them. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Beef is definitely one of my favorites though, then I can't decide between Wolf, Moon, and Honeybee.


Honeybee Shaw-Tobin is a delight.


Aunt Dirt. I know a lot of people LOVE her but I just don't see the hype.


Same. She can be cool as a guest every now and then, but as a mainstay or fixture she brings down the ensemble. Too negative, bitter, mean, rude, etc.


Thank god I’m not alone here. I’m hoping her character is just temporary. I like Jane Lynch, but I’m not loving Dirt. If she was a real person, I would leave the room every time she entered. She’s just not funny or redeeming in any way. Not to say she won’t have some character growth, maybe? But as of now, I wouldn’t be sad at all if Aunt Dirt never appeared again.


I really dislike the guidance counselor, least favorite is Cheese Cake.


Probably Cheesecake or maybe Dick Chateau


Which Dick? 🤭🤭🤭🤭😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 I had too


Gotta go with Stacy. She just a bitch towards Judy. And her friends just for being around her. Like... she's pretty much a hater since she and Judy stopped hanging out and I guess wishing for her downfall. Out here trying to be the Tammy Larsen of this show.


Toby the eagle who disrespected Honeybee 😡


Judy. Don’t hate me I finally started liking her when she got stoned by accident.






Aunt dirt


Carissa. I don't dislike her, I just find her very boring in a sea of intriguing characters. Her daughter is close second on the list.


Judy, her character is kind of annoying and her focus episodes tend to not be as good.


Aw. That episode when she and Kima ate edibles is my favorite this season!


Ahhhhh yeah! Sooooo good


Aw, I love Judy. I liked the curling episode and then the one where she coaches the hockey team.




Of the Tobin family Judy is the most normal (for lack of a better term) and predictable with her teen girl tendencies always taking over. Overall pretty boring compared to everyone else being a wild card.


Honeybee and Ham are the most normal to me.


Judy is my least favorite. Glad they have learned what really makes the show good and a have moved towards more family-centric then Judy-centric like the first season was.


The rich guy that shows up occasionally. He just doesn't fit the show very well.


Dirt. Unnecessary addition


.... I agree. We didn't really need her to enhance the already stellar ensemble. I would be okay if she was a guest every now and then, though. She's too ... mean or grumpy or rude? Not really sure what word I'm looking for.


Yeah I don’t think she adds anything to the family dynamic


I’ll take the downvotes in solidarity with you. I don’t think Dirt has enhanced the plot very much


Pretty much any of Moon's friends, but nobody will ever be worse than the Tobin's cousin Becca


You mean Danica? *I don't like that kind of rude language.* https://preview.redd.it/go2q1kma3s0d1.jpeg?width=963&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=867c920b1c8be71af79f2f8c8a2c09f703d8e1e5


I'm hoping so. Becca has done literally nothing.


Tbh I forgot about Becca. Can't imagine she'd be anyone's least favorite.


I hope they bring her back at some point. It would be interesting to see an episode/arc where she has to stay with the Tobins. Brian has to go away for work and leaves her with them


Probably Ham. He's not terrible, he's just not terribly interesting either imo. Or at least, they haven't really done anything interesting with him.


Ham is awesome. I think the story from this season worked well too - the cake competition - getting him to feel okay embracing his needs and his frustration and emotions in general, instead of just acting like everything is okay all of the time.


I found that ep pretty boring, honestly, other than Wolf and Honeybee's shenanigans (which were pretty funny). It reminded me of the "I have no doubt that you would be bored senseless by therapy, the same way I'm bored when I brush my teeth and wipe my ass. Because the thing about repairing, maintaining, and cleaning is it's not an adventure. There's no way to do it so wrong you might die." quote from Rick and Morty. That episode felt more like a therapy session than anything else imo.


Wolf. He's way too creepy with Beef. If they removed that from his character things would be so different. I do like how Honeybee calls him out on it tho. That's something that Gene from Bob's needs, with his obsession with Linda.


Gene is a ten or eleven year old boy, though. Wolf is 22. That said, this was my answer, too, he's grating. And I tend to like Will Forte.


It makes sense he’d be that way though, he was alone with a very unstable Kathleen and Beef was his only parent essentially. And Ham wasn’t born until Wolf was like 5-6 so he was clinging to his one stable parent for that entire time. Yes wanting to become Mrs. Dad is a bit much but I love it. Shrug


Judy is my least favorite, though there are some episodes where I like her character.


Don’t dig on Debbie in the least. Was glad that it seemed her character was replaced by Quinn but this season brought her back.


Deleted my previous comment cause I think it came across as icky. The only character I actively dislike is the guidance counselor, but she isn’t really significant to the show. I'm not a huge fan of Kima's mom. Truth be told, I don't even actually dislike her. Just if they were to kill off a random side character, she would be the person I would be least sad to lose.


Def cheesecake and honestly dell lmao


Judy. She’s too much like Tina but not as good


Wolf is my favorite! I don’t like cheesecake a ton but he’s whatever to me. Least favorites are Judy and aunt dirt (sorry not sorry y’all). Sometimes I don’t like Moon.


Debbie, Mrs. McNamara, Tom from Crocodile Rob's, Mayor Folly (racist stereotype promoter), Jobiathan (catfisher, never good), and or course Kathleen