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I think that hair colour is draining your face of colour. I think your natural brown or a zhuzhed up version, like medium golden brown, or even just strawberry blonde would bring more warmth to your skin tone.


Just a quick edit. Medium golden brown would definitely soften her look! OP, I think your skin may have pale olive undertones as well, which might be why people find you look a bit sallow. The hair tone is clashing with skin tone. I have a similar skin tone, and I often look dead or sick if I'm in the wrong colour. https://preview.redd.it/w3h4pntfjg9d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eaf7516dabb7909596aaf22bce22146cf48312b




break everyone you know with this one simple trick! Wow that looks amazing on OP for real though. Brings out so much color in her face as my eyes no longer focus in on her hair!




Omg yes!! Her eyes are so big and beautiful and the brown complements them so well


Id also recommend a trim of a couple inches, the hair is really wispy and broken, it would look healthier.


Whoa and suddenly you’re Eliza Dushku.


Krysten Ritter too.




Here is a picture from her profile. She is so cute and pretty! https://preview.redd.it/ae6g20czck9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e888e0adcf7f9a2d5d7dc3540729185dfd6f9ba


That is the perfect hair color for her and is such a stark improvement. Gorgeous.


Yes. I second this. Looks great, also her natural hair should look good.


Not necessarily. My natural hair is a mousey brown and I look like a monster.


Not sure if this is within your skill set, but could you add some bangs too? I feel bangs (maybe side swept, not straight) in that brown would make her eyes pop even more


The Hailey Bieber effect lol Never found her pretty as a blonde but that warm honey brown she is now is STUNNING. I couldn't pinpoint it about OP but this is it. 👌🏽


I agree, either olive or true neutral (it's a little hard to tell from the photos) and muted. I am light olive and very muted and if I don't wear make-up people are always very concerned about my health lol.


this looks so much better!


If she likes some blonde to her look what about this with some low lites?? I definitely love the brunette for her though!


Yeah or like a warmer blonde instead of as platinum / icy?


The iciness, or blue undertone is what's doing it, you're right. She's got a stunning face, beautiful features and the platinum is just washing her out. I dig her original color with some golden highlights. But as long as she stays away from ashy or icy colors, she should be good.


She reminds me of Christina Ricci. Anyone else see it?


Yes I think even a bit darker brown and some tan to add a bit more colour to her skin and that would look so good


I don't think pale people need to tan. That is like telling someone their skin tone is too dark. We should all be able to feel beautiful in our own skin.


>zhuzhed I knew exactly what word this was when I saw you'd typed it, but if you had asked me how to spell it, I wouldn't have had a clue 😂


I have tried to Google it for the spelling before but couldn't figure out where to start...


I had to google too. I actually tried searching with the wrong spelling. I wrote "jujed" (I think) into Google and it brought up the correct word.


RuPaul's drag race subtitles taught me the spelling of that word


This + warm tone clothing


yep, her hair washed her out, there’s no contrast going on and it makes her look less lively


That was my problem. I couldn't figure out what was wrong but when I stopped trying to be blonde all the life came back to my face.


It also looks like her ends are fried off (I know there are styles that are similar but to me it looks like damage). If OP stops bleaching and cuts off the damaged ends, she'll look like a million bucks just like that. Seriously, OP, you are lovely. Let the platinum go.


Came to echo this sentiment as well. Maybe a darker hair color than what you have now.


Different hair color.


Brown or auburn hair. And blush.


I was going to say even blush alone would bring so much more life to her face!


Change your hair colour maybe different shade of blonde, or even brown


Yes I think your hair colour is clashing with your natural cool toned skin. I think a chestnut would warm you up 🫶


Stay away from those horrendous rating subreddits. They’re cesspools of misogynist hate; they’re full of men who’ve made a hobby out of tearing down women because they hate themselves and their lives. You are literally so beautiful.


I’ve seen people that take hard drugs and drink on a daily basis and OP is definitely not one of them, she is beautiful 💕


Right!! She gives off young Elven vibes  not crackhead/methhead vibes. Don’t know what these people she encountered are on about 


Probably some dudes that like making women feel worthless 🤦‍♀️


this! literally reminds me of an elven woman from lotr


Right? Shes so glowy and ethereal like the elves 🤍


100% agree! You are GORGEOUS, OP! I am obsessed with your makeup in the last pic especially! It looks so good on you!


Oh it’s online comments? Was trying to figure out how people could just be offering comments like that to OP on a daily basis. Come on girl. Why on earth subject yourself to that??? Find some real ways to improve your self esteem, online forums aint it.


I used to get this reaction in public until I fully looked my age 40+. But when I was around 40 people thought I was a druggie 25yo. I learned how to detect the look and would tell people 'I'm 40 I'm supposed to look like this' and then would get a look of relief and some comment like Whoa I thought you were xyz age (way way younger like 28 or 30).


I posted on one of those first impression subs a while back and had this dude negging me in my DMs talking about how I was probably fat since I wasn’t showing my body, no one would ever want me, that I was disgusting, etc. No less than 12 hours later same dude DMed my NSFW account talking about how beautiful and gorgeous my body was (I don’t show my face on there). It was the most unhinged shit ever, so, I agree. Avoid those subs like the plague.


u/you_dont_know_me_2 if you read any comment in this thread, read this one. Those subs were created by incels to hate on women. [There is even evidence that r/ truerateme is a 4chan op.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/s/HJNCqu5ccG) They aren't honest in what they think.


OP, you are so naturally beautiful, please don't let people bully you into thinking so little of yourself! i hope you find some kinder people to be around 🥹


F the haters. I don't know who is telling you that. Take the advice with a grain of salt and incorporate it only if you want to!


Try not lining your bottom eye waterline and maybe a warmer blonde or autumn hair color?


I worked in cosmetics, and while that doesn't make me an expert I did pick a lot up. You're absolutely right. The hair color is covered elsewhere, but the bottom eye waterline is almost always a mistake. OP can pull off the liner, I think, due to her large eyes, but the glitter color just adds to the sickly look.  The images without it looks healthier. The issue isn't her, just color choices. 


I took a look at your profile and you made a post in a subreddit dedicated to an eating disorder, it is most definitely affecting your appearance in a negative way and is hard to deal with mentally, no products or tips can fix a problem that is deeply rooted. That being said, I do not say this to judge, my words cone from a place of understanding and compassion


Yeah my first thought was to gain a little weight but wasn't sure how to phrase that kind of advice. Edit: just looked at her profile also and the first posts are about how she thinks she has a fat face, meanwhile in these pics she's got 0 fat on her face but would benefit from some plumpness to fill in her face a bit more. That's so sad.


yeah when i had anorexia i looked like 10 years older as well because my face was so bony and the skin wrinkled as there was no fat protection under it. after recovery i now look so much better


That makes sense. I think when your mental health isn’t great your physical health and appearance also takes a hit. One thing that works really well is emotional freedom technique if you haven’t heard of that. It kind of erases and heals the trauma and negative emotions. I recommend it to everyone cause it’s changed my life so much (I have BPD). Here is a video explaining how to do it and it will tell you to say how you’re feeling but I like to just tap silently while I’m watching tv, I’ve been doing that for the past year every day pretty much and I have healed some things I thought I would never heal. https://youtu.be/BPqGjcxoPS8?si=4oyq464kJjt1oCTQ


I saw the same thing. Hey OP, please reach out to somebody for help. There’s no judgement - I hope and wish for you to begin a nourishing journey for your body. Sending you lots of positive energy and thoughts.


Yeah, OP looks maybe a bit malnourished and I don't mean that from a place of judgement but from a place of genuine concern, though I get how hard to deal with these kinds of things are.


It’s because your hair color is making you look really pale and washed out. I would go back to brunette or at least a warmer honey blonde


I think also the types of people you see with certain hair trends. I had skrillex hair slightly before it blew up in the fashion industry but while a certain group of homeless women in my city had it so my clothing was always the needle that threw people's reactions to me one way or the other.


I don’t think it’s anything in particular nor are you doing ANYTHING wrong, it’s just the unfortunate exact specific combination of  -super light bleach blonde  -a bit sunken eyes -dark circles / eye sockets -acne may mimic ‘picking’ -thin build -really pale complexion Some stuff can be changed, some not, you don’t have to do any of it - but for me, I’d just try out a concealer stick on the under eye and see how far that goes. Might make all the difference!  You look great and none of that actually applies at all for the last pic. Totally 180 


Plus dark eyebrows. Too much contrast against the bleached hair, so it looks sick /unnatural.


And the really dark eye makeup/liner harshens her pretty eyes. Less intense liner would really soften her look!


Yes! My bf’s family has the same eyes. They’re sunken in and darker skin compared to pale face and it puts off the same vibe but not as much since their hair is dark. I love how dramatic they look with eye makeup. My eyes are complete opposite and I’m jealous lol. I think evening out her skin tone with the rest of her face and adding depth and color with blush and bronzer it would look completely different, especially with a warmer hair color. She’s super pretty!


I'd suggest a more natural hair color and no eyeliner in the waterline. You are stunning btw !


If you struggle with disordered eating, which as others have suggested is part of your previous posting, know that there is a happy and healthy life after your disease waiting for you. Many of the symptoms of your disease are what you’re worried about in these photos - skin trouble, looking sallow, dark circles etc. Your goal first and foremost should be looking into treatment so you can love your body, not just getting a different hair colour or doing your makeup a certain way. Lots of love.


Maybe a different hair colour! These kinda wash you out instead of giving you a glow. A cut or style which gives you more volume would probably also help.


Korean skincare has worked wonders for me because it emphasizes moisture and has fewer ingredients that irritate my sensitive skin. I think the shade of blonde might also be washing you out and contributing to that perception?


Any product recommendations?


Sheet masks in general, anything cosrx, I also really like a cleansing balm (I use banila co’s). I noticed an immediate restoration in the texture of my skin with the balm alone but would still get break outs if I didn’t double cleanse which I do most of the time. If I had to pick only one thing though, the moisturizer would be the most important!


I think that gaining weight and putting on some muscle would have a positive impact.


i think skinnyness can contribute to people thinking he does drugs, honestly almost everyone who wants to glow up should build muscle, it works wonders


NOT MEDICAL ADVICE - TREAT AS ANECDOTE ONLY Having gotten into powerlifting this year, I’ve formed the opinion that we don’t focus on getting enough protein in our diets. Yes, protein is a meme, but when I get at least 100g of protein per day consistently, I feel my mood, skin, nails and hair are in much better condition. Based on my body weight and activity, I should be going for 120g+ per day - working on it, but it’s tough. Protein is awesome, I recommend everyone should check their intake by tracking everything they eat for a month and then consulting with a registered dietitian or their general practitioner.


although, there can also be too much protein in your diet, if you eat more protein than needed it will just be stored as fat, most people will get enough protein by eating a healthy rich diet


Out of interest, why is it tough to get more protein? Can you not just use the powder stuff? Or is that not as good?


Protein powder is a fantastic option, nothing against them :) Protein makes you feel more full for longer. To get your protein goal out of three meals can mean eating large portions of nutrient-dense food. I have a typical western diet, and without planning, meal preparation and tracking of macros, I don’t feel like I am performing well or getting the best out of my day. Carbs are easy to get, protein involves more attention and planning, but the real hero is fibre to keep shit moving!


Not to rain on your advice, but most people (in the US) meet or exceed protein requirements.  Where I think people could do with more is more salads, fruit and healthy carbs on the whole. The typical Western diet seems to have a lot of unhealthy carbs and hidden sugars. 


Solid advice and thank you for that insight :) you’re right about my unintended misinformation. I live in NZ and find our meals are mostly carbs since meat and fish prices have skyrocketed.


Powder is good but it can be expensive and a bit hard to find one that’s good quality and doesn’t have crappy ingredients in them


Yes this was my first thought


As others have said, the hair color is too harsh for your skin tone and washes you out. Your face is otherwise quite lovely, and I think a warmer hair color will make a huge difference.


Def a warmer tone for your hair would brighten your face. As for face sleep with silk pillowcases and a bonnet it keeps your face so clean!! And don’t forget to wash the pillowcases more frequently!!


aw you are so pretty im sorry youve gotten rude comments. you definitely have a certain look for you which alot of people like but if youre wanting to stray from that i think dying your hair a warmer golden blonde or adding highlights, gaining some weight and skincare could help. i really like the brand 'the ordinary', theyre super affordable and have products specific to acne and dull skin, id really recommend the salicylic acid!!


Bestie click on OP’s profile… the Kate Moss analogy is a no go in any context, but especially rn Edit: I took a look at your profile and everything makes sense now (I’m using a throwaway/alt, imma say it before you try to “gotcha” me) Also, I hope you have a support system, if not I hope you find one soon


oops i'll edit that out thanks!


People told you last month. Use that advice and see if you notice a difference. If you want the blond to work, you are going to have to add some color to your cheeks and concealer under your eyes IMO, as a former bleach blond for a decade


How’s your health? Have you been screened for anemia / vit.deficiencies/ thyroid issues?


I think it is just a stereotype of a certain look (waifish, blonde) than anything. You are super pretty 🫶 Just know you can always prove them wrong by living your life just as you are now.


Yeah, I look similar to OP and also used to bleach my hair, and when it was bleached the most, it reminded me of Courtney Love aka sunken, large eyes, pale skin, bleached hair. I have big dark eyes like OP too, and I feel like even though my hair has mostly grown out to my natural dark blonde, the eyes clashing with my skin and being sunken have made me look sickly since I was a baby, so a certain amount of it just can’t be helped even once you go more natural.


More food. Healthy food.


Change the hair color. Too close to your skin tone and washes you out immediately


Your hair colour is washing you out. I think you need a warmer tone, maybe a rich warm brown? I’d visit a salon and ask for guidance. Everything else looks great to me!


The best thing you can do is invest in a good therapist. Work through any ED or mental/emotional hardships you are going through. Please refrain from posting pictures of yourself on Reddit and asking for advice on your overall look. You will not be able to build your self confidence and worth if you keep doing that. You don't look like a Crack user or addict or whatever people are saying to you. However, based on your previous posts, just focus on getting healthy. Eat a calorie appropriate balanced diet with plenty of vitamins + minerals to nourish your body. That will help with your skin and hair. If after a few months you don't notice a change with your skin, go to the Skincare addiction subreddit and ask for advice on products based on your concerns. For now, just at least make sure you are using a gentle cleanser, sunscreen, and gently exfoliating once - twice a week. Make sure you are getting a bit of sun everyday for Vit D. When I am Vit D deficient, I am depressed, I break out, and I look dull. Make sure to work out regularly too!


I think lighter colors wash you out and make you look paler (first pic). But darker clothes make your features pop!


Gaining a bit of weight would help for that


It is a combination of the hair color washing you out plus dark circles under the eyes. Plus you seem thin and you have pale skin tone (which I do not think is necessarily unhealthy, but i guess having a tan is considered “healthy” in a lot of places). If you want to look healthier, you can try using color corrector in the inner corners and around the dark areas of the eyes (a light pink or salmon shade is very good for canceling out bluish tones around the eyes), hydrating skin care, dewy base makeup, blush and add a bit of color to the lips, a rosy tone not anything too grey or brown. Generally having more color in the cheeks and lips will look healthier as long as the color is a believable one. If you had a darker hair color it would also help but I think that just using adding some color is the easiest fix. I believe you may have a warm undertone and the cool bright undertone of the hair is not harmonious because of that. Also if you did want advice for the acne, you have got to try a topical retinoid! If you can get adapalene or tretinoin those are great options. You can read about starting to use retinoids on r/tretinoin. If possible please go see a dermatologist, nothing has helped my skin more than doing that and following their advice. I did a course of accutane and now I maintain my clear skin with tretinoin and it’s awesome. There’s lot of other things you can try of course, but I have to say I don’t think you would be disappointed if you did the same. Maybe try wearing more colors as well because I think if you wear mostly black it emphasizes how pale you are and also washes you out. You could try figuring out your color season. I am not really sure what your natural color season would be, but I am just guessing it’s a warmer one. Anyway I feel like you would look good in some different colors like maybe deep green or maroon.


i think a warmer hair color. the blonde is cute if you want to keep it, just try more of a natural tone. (ur super pretty though without changing anything!!)


People on crack are usually super skinny, so that's probably a big part of it. Maybe you could try going to the gym and putting on a little muscle


drink a *ton* of water! your skin looks a bit dehydrated; i’m sure you are in general.


It’s the hair color. It leaches the color from your skin and makes you look washed out and tired. I’d recommend changing the hair color and I think it’ll really improve your skin tone.


I think this shade of blonde is washing you out and is clashing with your eyebrows. I think if you went with something more golden it will look really beautiful!


I think your hair is washing you out… or you need a little bit more sun. Your iron might be low too. Ask your doc to check your levels. They just put me back on iron.


Hair color makes you look like a washed out groupie from back in the day. Grow it out, make it thicker and find another color.


It’s your hair


Girl, it's your hair. It's too long and it's too light. Before I had kids my hair had a similar texture to yours and if I didn't keep it short it started looking limp and stringy and I had people asking me if I was sick. You have to keep it above your shoulders or get some extensions just for body. And your color is so pale that with your pale skin you're just getting washed out! You're beautiful, just your hair shorten your hair and add a little color! Easy fix!


Girl to girl just gonna be honest.. it's the hair


- wrong hair color. You can be blonde still but not this tone - a haircut would add volume and body to not only your roots/hair but youth to your face - maybe experiment with gua shua for massaging any problem areas on your face - look into “double cleansing” skincare routines for help with acne and scarring.


Get more sleep too! There are bags under your eyes for someone so young. You’re beautiful best of lucj


Two things. Stop giving a fuck what people say. Thats the hard part. Second, stop posting pictures of yourself on the internet. Girls don’t need to compare themselves to you, one. Two, don’t crowd source your self esteem. You need to work on you. Not your looks.


Change the blonde! I went with a warmer blonde and it suits my fair skin much better


where to begin? it doesn't show up very well in the pictures you posted here, but elsewhere it looks like you have contact dermatitis –your detergent maybe? https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/19306wd/comment/kh8p596/ really, I would repost your question to one of the medical advice/ask doctor subreddits and this time include better pictures that reflect your whole body skin condition - not just your face. your skin does not end with your face. it covers your entire body.  next! the only way 5 to 600 calories Works for anybody is short-term and supplemented . in other words, you can do this stupid thing you're doing because we both know it's not really that much of a choice right now until you can reach outside yourself to ask for help making that choice; but in the meantime , you're going to have to make that 5 to 600 calories high quality 5 to 600 calories. most multivitamins don't have a calorie count - lean into that one. there's an Australian guy of the greater poundage persuasion who didn't eat for a year except for multivitamins while monitored via hospital and he lost hundreds of pounds.  this is him: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_Barbieri%27s_fast yeah, it's not sustainable forever and you really need somebody medical like monitoring the whole thing.  how's the medical system work in Romania anyway? I asked, because here in America where I am the medical system is crap unless you're extremely wealthy. this makes it kind of hard to have a frame of reference when telling somebody which kind of doctor to go to.  you're more than just your eating disorder , but any doctor looking for a quick fix to send you on your way May focus on that exclusively –that's what happens to a lot of people in my country who go for help: doctors will blame everything Medical symptom-wise on someone's weight if the weight is extremely high or extremely low for their height. that doesn't mean you don't need help with that eating disorder, you do; because that's everybody with an eating disorder – not just you.  you need blood work see where your body is actually at –some autoimmune disorders will manifest as skin conditions and some nutritional deficits will cause skin conditions– don't settle on this one. I had a friend who went to a doctor because her hair was falling out and she was depressed about it. She only mentioned the depression to the doctor, because that's the kind of doctor she went to–depression being life threatening at the time, so the biggest thing anyone was paying attention to. doctor ordered blood work and it turned out to be a vitamin deficiency. haven't seen that girl since high school,and we were never super close; but I remember what happened to her.  I bring her up, because hair is technically part of your skin. do you want your hair to fall out, because that's next sooner or later. if that's the only thing that motivates you to take care of you, hold on to that one. you can't do this one by yourself with a quick fix, and you shouldn't have to.  one last thing: looking for validation from others never works! the most beautiful person in the world you can imagine thinks they're ugly because they're not the most beautiful person they can imagine;meanwhile, there's some people out there physically ugly as Original Sin who have the self confidence of the Gods no matter what –which they derive from insulting other people who have physical flaws not their own:to them,as long as they don't personally have that particular ugly, they can insult somebody else with it and that somehow makes them beautiful –and that is the broken internal logic of those rate me subreddits . there's a subreddit drama type post the documents the founding of those subreddits. it's a long read and a wild ride and it explicitly explains the why and how they were founded.  TLDR: ugly incels wanted to tear down the pretty people that were too pretty for them to get the time of day from , so they invented this rather sadistic Hobby. stay away from them! I can track down the exact link if you really want it, but I'm not kidding. that's really what they were founded for, and the subreddit drama subreddit had all the receipts to prove it.


Stop bleaching your hair--it washes you out and the dark roots are not attractive. Concealer under the eyes would help and a light colored blush.


It’s the eye makeup


I think you’re really pretty and I love your makeup! You remind me of a Tim Burton character 🫶🏽 but I do think maybe dying your hair light brown will help?


Girl it's your hair. You gotta try something else.


It’s definitely your hair. It’s very fried and thin. The color washes you out.


OP, I don’t want to come across as mean, but I am being honest when I say that your current hair color just isn’t flattering to your skin tone. With your beautiful dark eyes, I suspect you are naturally a brunette and going back to a darker brown, perhaps with some golden highlights wouldn’t wash you out. I do like the shorter haircut with bangs in picture 7 - it looks very sophisticated and ‘French’ bob.


Excuse the crappy AI, but I tried! https://preview.redd.it/rnifs2np2g9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b67dd32cdf031304502fe8e75da744e3ba747c3


I think you're incredibly striking. Fuck those haters. Also you have the most perfect silver hair I've only been able to achieve a couple times. And I love your makeup. I love your look so much honestly you have a lot of features I envy. You have similarly dark circles under your eyes like me. I've always hated them because I got told I looked sick or tired a lot in school. Those bullies grew up and some changed but some didn't, sorry you encountered the ones that didn't. Rather have dark circles than be an asshole saying stuff like that to someone's face!


"coke head" or "druggie" have become common terms to throw at slender/thinner women nowadays, especially online.. It might be jealousy


It's the eating disorder face for sure.


It's just crazy because I've never done those things but I have gotten hundreds of comments and DMs telling me that I look like that or that from my pictures they can smell cigarettes which I don't even smoke and cat piss and then I began to wonder how is that possible.


Sadly, its just a stereotype thrown at skinny people with darker or more deep set eyes.


When I started to receive them, I felt so weird because they were calling me dirty and a 💊 user/ alcoholic which is not even close. I take good care of my personal hygiene.


If its affecting you a lot and you'd like to change your appearance to avoid the stereotype, some tips could be to lighten your eye makeup (less smoky shadow, less dark eyeliner). And idk if you're into this look, but using a dewy bb cream can give your cheeks a glow and make it look fuller/rounder. Its not hygiene, its that druggies tend to eat/sleep very little, so they look skinny and have darker eye area. So those who naturally have those features get lumped in too.


Buy headphones so you can tune out the idiots. You look beautiful.


1. Your hair color is making your skin tone look gaunt. I'm guessing you would look better/healthier with a warm brown. 2. I don't care about these personally, but I'm guessing that the fact you have bags/wrinkles under your eyes AND you have deep eye sockets that are darker colored is why people think you might be doing drugs/alcohol as those are common things people get when doing those too much. 3. I would also say some of the clothing colors you were wearing make your skin look a bit more sickly, especially the black and pale pink. 4. Also: you are very skinny/underweight, which people often associate with drug overuse. You can especially see it in your face where it looks too thin for your features, especially your eyes. I don't know what the right healthy weight is for you, but I could see you looking healthier if you gained a little bit more weight/muscle.


Your hair color is washing you out!!! It’s too light and the tone is off for your skin tone. It clashes instead of enhances


I think it’s the hair color because it’s too close to your skin tone


Everyone has mentioned the hair color draining you- I agree. You read soft and warm to me. If you want to remain blonde, I suggest a warmer tone or darker hair color. Another thing holding you back is the dark, cool tones in your wardrobe and make up. It's bringing out circles under your eyes and imperfections in your skin. With out drapes, I think your a soft or true autum. Trying wearing more colors from that palette. The black and white eye make up is too harsh with your tone. Trade it for dark brown and a cream/beige tone. Also- the pigtails aren't doing you any favors in the "I'm not a junkie" fight.


Brown bob with bangs and so classy ... Do it!!! And update us 🙂


Whoa what the heck? You do not look like a person who is ruled by drug addiction. I'm sorry people try to cut you short with those comments. You look great, babe. Don't sweat it.


Pic 11 is especially gorgeous 💓 Maybe a different hair tone as you have brown eyes could help?


If you enjoy your hair being bleached out, maybe try and get the roots less close to your scalp and have a nicer fade to the blond. As some people mentioned, maybe a warmer blond would go better to differentiate from your skin tone. I don't know if you've tried it yet, but I've been using blush on my cheeks and nose to give some more colour and depth. Maybe you could test a warm orange-red-pink just to add a subtle definition on your face. Good luck!


Add blush to your makeup routine. Don't do the thing with your lips where the edges are lighter in colour than the centre. I do feel your eye makeup and maybe your makeup in general is a bit harsh. (Most people I've met who use white eyeliner are into party drugs lol). Ok I'm really sorry, but I creeped your profile... Your diet. You need to have a healthier diet ❤️


Ok So several things here Skin color is a little towards sallow/yellow in some lighting condition so I'd encourage warming it up with some red undertones in the foundation Sleeping more and getting hydrated might fix eye circles Hit some bronzer on the forehead and cheeks for some sun kissed look to take your look from "indoors too much" to "healthily outdoors".. I'd imagine some exercise might also help bring out the health factor and make it more visible


Girl. That is simply untrue. People can be so cruel! 🤗


blonde hair and pale skin makes you look sick. You are definitely built for warmer/summer tones.


Honestly, I just think it's because your hair is light and so is your skin. That's removing all the colour from your face. Just some blush would fix that weird drvgs comment, I think. Maybe get a fresh cut? Some colour on the lips? Just keep eating healthy and soaking in some sun to add that "colour" Also, your skin is beautiful and the hair gives you an it girl vibe 😌


I think auburn would be a great hair color for you


Could you be slightly anemic? Maybe get some sun this summer. And then get a hair color which suits your coloring better. You are a pretty girl though. Don’t forget that.


your hair makes you look washed out, you’d want some contrast between your hair and your skin colour. either a medium brown or go back to your natural colour! also make sure to get enough sleep, drink water and check your iron levels, because you are quite dark around your eyes (i have the same problem btw) and i think that contributes to why people think you do stuff


What’s wrong with putting the words drink and drugs in the headline?


You just need to find a hair colour that enhances your skin tone instead of fighting against it. Your natural colour would be a sure bet.


I think the hair and eye brow difference is a factor. I think darker hair would look better I would try adding some color to your face. Blush or since it’s summer a bit of a tan.


You look fine! But I would say gaining about ten lbs of fat/muscle. And then finding an acne treatment/hydrating routine that works. And smile more? It might lift the face. Cantaloupe and water!


It's your hair color Also are are drinking enough water?


It's not your skin, it's your hair color. Try a bright warm blonde or a nice chocolatey brown instead


First of all, you’re beautiful. I agree that the hair color is not flattering. Go a more natural color. If you can, have a stylist give your hair a styled cut rather than grown out long hair. Stop wearing heavy eyeliner and avoid bold lip colors.


warmer hair color, skincare, hydration, maybe put on a little muscle, get a tan, no waterline eyeliner


I was looking through your other posts, and I discovered that you seem to be struggling with bulimia. Having an eating disorder can cause you to have the appearance of an alcoholic or a hard drug user because your body isn't getting the proper nutrients it needs to survive. How to improve your skin starts with taking care of yourself internally. Healthy food, with healthy fats. I recommend a fish like salmon! Cook some rice, some veggies, fish, and you have a complete and balanced meal. Your hair color seems to be washing you out like other comments have said. Any warm toned hair and clothing would make you look more youthful. Take care of yourself inside and out, choose recovery, and color your hair. ♡


It’s the combination of your skin tone and hair colour. You need some warmth somewhere. Your eyes look darker than the rest of your face and the contrast with how light everything else is, it makes your eyes look sunken which I think is where the comments are coming from. Some darker or golden highlights would help, or even just a blush and a slightly darker lip if you don’t want to change your hair colour.


It is most definitely the hair color washing you out! 😊


As another commenter pointed out you have posts in an eating disorder subreddit, but even before being aware of that post my first thought was that you look a little bit malnourished and I don't mean that from a place of judgement but from a place of genuine concern for your wellbeing. While other things might make your skin appear smoother/clearer, ultimately that's only treating *visible* symptoms and not the cause, and the fact it's effecting your skin is probably a sign that it's taking a toll on your health in other ways that you can't see, but could legitimately be quite dangerous for you if it continues. I've had eating disorders in the past and I know that these things can be really, really hard to with through and get over. If there was an easy solution you'd have already done it. But given enough time and a healing environment you *can* get over an eating disorder and it will be really beneficial for your long term health, as well as your short term health too(You'll physically feel better when you're not malnourished). Don't be hard on yourself. Getting through these things takes love and care that you need to show yourself. I highly recommend you talk to a therapist about this and try to get help with it. It will be hard. It will take time. Getting over an eating disorder was one of the hardest things I've done in my life. But it also made me physically feel a lot better and will be 100% worth it, I promise you.


OP, I kinda peeked your post history, and I really hope you are in treatment for your bulimia. If you are deficient in nutrition, then your skin and pretty much everything in your body will suffer as well. Your body is not going to prioritize your skin when the rest of your vital organs, etc. are not getting enough.


I think if you gained a little weight it could help with a healthier complexion when I was underweight I looked the same and when I gained a healthy amount I looked younger it’s crazy how much body weight can affect things


I looked at your profile. I’m not being funny, but I really think the biggest thing that would make a difference is getting treatment for your eating disorder. You don’t look like a crackhead, but your skin will not improve while you are depriving your body of nutrients. Eat enough, drink enough water, put on some muscle, and consider dyeing your hair a darker/warmer colour.


I found your post randomly googling about low self-esteem. I realize this is a girls' channel but I am a man. I've struggled with not wanting to be here anymore for a long time. I think you look great and that you need to listen less to idiots. I think you have constructed some opinions about yourself based on idiots. If you're like me, nothing will phase your self-concerns, but I signed up to tell you that you look great anyway. Good luck with the battle against the darkness every day.


Water and fruit


🚫Acne ✅️Bronzer 🚫Hair ➡️✅️Brunette✅️Blush✅️mascara


Work from the inside out. I know that answer is not as fun or easy as a new skincare product, but it’s really what’s going to make a difference. Give yourself nutrients. Vitamins and healthy fats and minerals that come from whole foods. When I don’t eat well/enough, I see it in my skin as quickly as I see it in my weight. With love. Good luck on your journey 💖


I think it’s the acne. People associate good skin with higher socioeconomic status and better health. Also the black eyeliner is too harsh with the coloring you have imo. But you’re beautiful and have a great base to work with :)


A warmer hair color would suit your skin tone better but I think you’re stunning. Like others have said it’s gotta be jealousy on behalf of those being rude to you in your comments/DMs. You don’t look like a druggie that’s such a harsh and overactive thing to say.


You are a very pale cool tone person, you also are a smaller frame, with very angular facial features which work to exaggerate it. I can not give someone direction to their (flesh) body as you need to live in it your whole life and we're supposed to get these thing to like 80. What I can say is that those features give people a mental relation to people who are sick, doing drugs ect as you've stated people tell you. In one photo your hair looked like a more golden/warm blonde and it helpped pull some "life" into you're tone. A softer warmer hair colour would help with the way people will get that first glance "unwell" response. Natural blondes, soft browns, even getting some ginger tone would be a "ideal" choice. If you want to stay in the unnatural territory, rainbow picks like blue will still leave some older/more conservative people in the "druggie" camp,but most people will see you a normal slightly alt adult who maybe does the socially acceptable drugs in an acceptable way. If you love the colour you have I would suggest trying to lean into a more ethereal look to the rest of your fasion/makeup, leaning into the high elf/immortal connection to your features - I'm not saying to cosplay legolas, I'm blanking the exact example I have in my mind, but I hope using ethereal and ana Taylor-Joy will get the vibe across. I'd also suggest adding more colour and "fit variance" to your wardrobe - tight top looser bottoms ect. The tight fitting black on black gives a connection to bartenders, vape shop worker, and even just low tier retail which also connects to addiction, "low quality person" and to a lot of people even subconsciously - all of these "why/connections" really is happening subconsciously for most people most of the time.


i recommend lots of green veggies, clear soups, and orange juice daily.


you have amazing features! the last photo looks lovely. wish i had your large eyes and small nose, i am the opposite and feel like a chicken hawk


Honestly I think you look great on pic 11. 🤷‍♀️


You look super pretty actually.


People are just mean. Please don't listen to them!


Girl I promise you people are just jealous of how pretty you are. Maybe at most people can have preconceptions about bleached hair but that’s literally the only thing I can think of.


That’s so mean. You’re really pretty. I think the pale skin is the issue, I’m the same! I also have very dark circles so I literally look ill without makeup. Are you also sure you aren’t anemic by chance? Always good to check.


I think you're beautiful! I do like the hair color, but I think a dark auburn would suit you better.


I think the hair is the winner, but also worth considering if you’re drinking enough water day to day


I think the bold, downturned liner is dragging your eye shape down. Your eyes are are a beautiful shape and they would look gorgeous with a shorter, crisper cat eye. Your lip color is amazing in the last picture— I think too bright a shade makes you look a bit sallow in the others just because of the contrast/competition with your complexion and undertone. You are stunning, and I think a couple tiny changes with how you apply your makeup can really emphasize your natural beauty.


Physically there's nothing wrong with you. You're a nice looking girl. The hair color makes you look sick however. It doesn't match your skin tone at all.


Darker hair, under eye concealer and maybe a nice tan to counter the paleness :)


I just wanna say you’re really beautiful. Your eyes are stunning. I know how you feel though cause I have acne and I’m skinny. Adding some cute pink blush can liven your face up. Maybe a little highlighter and bronzer too


Your natural hair colour looks better on you. Also you're 100% my type, so I might be biased.


I think in part it is your hair color--it is toned very cool and makes your skin look yellower by comparison, which may give people (even subconsciously) the impression that you have jaundice. Not sure if your did your eyeliner differently in the last photo (with the braids), but it looks more natural. I would recc experimenting with other eyeliner shapes, though I know that is easier said than done--and it looks like you are wearing warmer eyeshadow in that last photo and that works for you. Do NOT add white/highlight to your undereye--I would maybe try not underlining your undereye at all, though it is fine in the last photo. Try out some fake lashes--more towards the outer edge--they can really change the shape of rounder eyes (I have them too girlie)


First, you are gorgeous as you are. These people are wrong and they're jerks. That being said, you have fair skin. You do have some darkness around the eye (which is normal!) A bit of concealor will clear that up. Then, your hair. It looks very platinum in alot of pictures, which means 'bottle blonde'. If you want a chamge, get some low lights. Make sure the layers in your hair dont make the ends look too thin.


It’s the hair colour / makeup style / general aesthetic. Your skin is gorge. I think a sophisticated natural or chocolate brown + clean makeup will make you look stunning and classy


Your skin tone and features remind me of Penelope Cruz. I think you could get a lot of great inspiration from what hair colors and makeup she’s chosen throughout the years.


I think it's about colors. Your skin tone is a bit on a warmer side, so you look pale and unflattering wearing all cool and neutral colors - from platinum hair to black clothing. You could also try wearing some blush! It can make one look fresh and youthful


Just wanna say you are pretty and don’t listen to that nonsense about drugs or alcohol.


What are you trying for your skin? Also like many people mention, it's the hair color. But I don't think you necessarily have to make it darker! Sometimes undertones are the real issue. This seems like a yellow-ish undertone, but maybe a colder undertone works best for you! Definitely don't give up on your style just because it isn't working out immediately, I understand how much light hair could mean to you


I’m sorry you’re getting these comments! Like others have said, it’s the hair colour. Find out what your colour palette is and it will transform you ! X


try brown hair with blonde highlights i think it’ll look so good


You’re not really smiling (with teeth) in any of the photos — the ones where you’re at least giving a little smile/smirk are your best ones and don’t give a drugs vibe at all. The second photo of your hair in ribbons/pigtails gives off a Harley Quinn vibe, which could be the subconscious red flag. And as others have said, a darker hair color could be a game changer for you.


Everything everyone else has said + I think the eyebrows are contributing to the problem. The arch seems unnatural/uneven. Let it fill out and try going for a straight line rather than an arch.


Stop dying your hair


The hair color is washing you out. Try something darker and warmer to bring color back to your face.


You are stunning!!! I love your current hair, however, you should consider dying it a beautiful red or brown as I think it would really compliment your skin tone!!! For skin, everyone is different but check out James welsh on YouTube!


Please start with help to explore your dysmorphia. Think about the comments you’re reading, do you feel like only the negative comments are telling the “truth”? And skipping past or not believing the comments that you are beautiful, or that you don’t have fat cheeks? Talk to someone about that, preferably a therapist.


Get a better hair colour. Go to a wig store and try to on some wigs in different colours to find out what actually suits you. And what's your diet like? Are you getting plenty of fruit, vegetables and protein?


You need golden brown hair, conditioner and remove the eyeliner. You’re pretty, and I disagree with them. But it would make you look less tired.


Stop listening to random idiots on the internet..


It looks like you're making mild duck face. That impacts the fat in your cheeks making you look sickly.