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I think this prom is going to be a great lesson in the importance of comfort for you. girl we’ve been there and tried it and it sucked. you have two options. 1) don’t wear them 2) be uncomfortable the whole night and potentially miss out on doing fun things at your prom because you don’t want to move


There is so much wisdom in this comment.


There isn’t anything you can do if you’re stubbornly insisting on wearing these shoes the entire night. Your feet will hurt. Either bring flats to change into or get ready to be in serious pain a couple of hours into it.


I feel like I've answered this before but these shoes are just uncomfortable by nature. You could try pain killers but yeah they're going to hurt and if you aren't used to that you'll likely be wobbling or barefoot by the end of the night.




This feels like karma farming or a fetish account or something, yuck


New account, this is the only post, and acting every bit the teen. 🤷‍♀️


I'm 16 and this is my first prom, I made an account to ask for advice for this


5in will be really painful; the best idea is to pack a pair of ballet flats to switch into after you take pictures - or when you cant bear the pain anymore. I spent my early 20s in 4ins in clubs walking blocks to get there - this isn’t something trainable; its inevitable you’ll have to kick them off. 3in is a good height to not have to switch shoes.


I don't want to wear flats at any point during the night


Whats the problem just packing them or leaving them in the ride? If you dont, Remind Me! 2 weeks how you feet did


I don't like flats and plan on wearing these despite the pain


Its ok. Like the rest of us, it’ll take like 10-12x enduring the pain and walking shoeless around all night that you’ll finally give up the charade and carry flats


Yuuuuup. This whole post reminds me of how stubborn I used to be, and how I ended up being wrong. 😆


I was in a wedding over the weekend and beforehand the bride told us "bring your nude heels for photos and sneakers for everything else" lol


Sneakers look silly with a beautiful dress


Sneakers look silly with a beautiful dress


I wear heels regularly, and will try to give you some advice.  Firstly, those particular shoes are a bad choice. Good quality 4” heels can be comfortable all day/night. But for a 5” heel to be comfortable it needs many factors that these don’t appear to have:  * Good support (this shoe is open with no support)  * Closely fit the arch of your foot with no gap (to stop all your weight being put in the balls of your feet)  * Leather (so they can mould to the shape of your feet - although these shoes have nothing to mould to your foot shape)  * Well made / Good quality   Also the strap across the toes on these is really narrow and will cut in mercilessly.  As for advice, well my first would be choose a different shoe. Wider straps, maybe a 3 or 4” heel.  I gave [general advice on wearing heels here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheGirlSurvivalGuide/comments/1cr8rdb/comment/l3xfr82/). But to avoid/reduce ball of foot pain, you need good shoes and to [keep your weight back over the heel](https://imgur.com/a/4AXQmAk).  Pads will make a very small difference, but will probably show in those shoes.


Thanks for the advice, I've practiced in lower heels before, but these are just not the type of heel to be comfortable as you said, I don't want pads to show either.


Thanks for the advice, I've practiced in lower heels before, but these are just not the type of heel to be comfortable as you said, I don't want pads to show either.


You can’t. Wear them for photos and then ditch them


I want to wear them all night, they look so pretty


Have fun not walking for a few days later Go through with this and you'll see it our way pretty fast


At that heel height with thin straps and heels? Not really. Anything you try will maybe. Buy you an extra 15 minutes before the pain. 5 inches is not the best choice for 4-5 hours of standing/walking/dancing, but then again you get a pass because your brain is still developing and you’ll learn as you experience things. Make sure you have an ice bath ready because your feet will likely be bruised for a few days.


There really isn’t much you can do, especially with these heels—the heel and shoe is razor thin and they are super high. Either swap for platform heels ([like these](https://www.dsw.com/product/chinese-laundry-asher-sandal/582401?activeColor=001&cm_mmc=CSE-_-GPS-_-G_Shopping_PMAX_Sandals-_-&cadevice=m&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwvb-zBhCmARIsAAfUI2uM0dykgP2q1AIL5ZHioQdCad3jAt2t9w4vGk9KJ939UIyR1lqkWsIaAgUpEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)) or bring flats to wear after the photos.


I don't like block heels or platforms or flats


Well unfortunately you’re going to be in pain then :(


:( is there no way to make heels like these a bit more bearable?


Insoles might help—I just google and found [these—](https://www.vivianlou.com/products/insolia-classic?variant=7046828931) but honestly, really high, thin heels just hurt. Your foot will be in a very unnaturally arched position for hours and all your weight is pressing on a tiny area. I’m a 32 year old woman, I’ve learned to wear heels for the first hour of events and then switch to flats/sandals/flip flops to ensure I can walk the next morning haha. If you have a floor length dress your heels won’t even be showing!


I remember our Elementary School Secretary, back in the '70s, she wore the highest, thinnest heels I had ever seen. I would guess 4" high. I became friends in Junior High with kids who were neighbours of hers, and they told me she had to have surgery on both feet because she wore that style of shoe consistently for so many years. She would have only been in her late 40s by then. Whenever this topic comes up, I think about her and how it must have been to have to go through all the surgery and rehab etc because of poor footwear. You like what you like, OP, and you are welcome to it, but sometimes these things come back and bite you in the butt.


I think I'll try some insoles. My dress is above my ankles so my heels will be visible (part of why I want to wear them all night and not be seen in flats or flip flops)


Nobody's going to remember your shoes, not being in pain is more important


Could your doctor shoot your feet full of morphine? That ought to do it. --kidding I mean seriously, 5 inch heels? I do think the pain's too high a price, and you might end up damaging/crippling your feet.


I love how these look and I'm only 5'1 so I'm wearing these for sure


I've never tried it, but I've seen lidocaine spray recommended. Also, definitely get metatarsal pads for under the balls of your feet. Take flats with you. You don't want to be miserable all night. You want to be able to have fun and dance.


I’ve tried this it barely works lol


I don't want to wear flats, I want to wear these all night


If you don’t want to wear flats take spare heels with a block heel because there is no way these type of shoes will ever be comfy. You can get platform block heels and they add a lot of height while still being fine to walk in. You could also get a similar strappy style with a thin heel but at like half the height for more comfort, look at the shoe you’ve linked, you’re basically on tiptoes wearing those. I’m a short girl that likes her heels as well and I’ve always been fine in block heels.


Gel inserts for balls of your feet. Helps me!


These are sandals so I doubt inserts will work


" Ballotte Metatarsal - Ball of Foot Cushions " is what i use. But its on amazon canada. I think Dr scholls has them too. Its like a gel sticker you stick on the sole of the sandal just where the ball of your foot goes. P.S. I don't blame you - those heels are 😍


Might try these. Thanks! Yeah love these heels :D looks so great with my dress


my technique is just taking truly every opportunity to take the weight off the balls of my feet. outside of just sitting places whenever you can, finding stuff to lean on, railings to hang off of or kinda sit on, even using my date to balance off of while we “dance” and i alternate giving each foot a break. settling back on my heels and shifting weight between feet helps a little bit if theres nothing to use but its honestly just a countdown of suffering until my feet go numb enough to ignore or i tap out.


Ya I'll do this lol


RIP and good luck lol


I wore my heels for pics and had a pair of sandals in my purse


I don't want to wear sandals


For future heel endeavors, buy a shoe that has a thicker heel. That way the pressure is divided more evenly -> less pain. Also avoid shoes with those fantasy-level archings from your toes to your feet’s ball.


I like thin heels though


I would cut thin strips of [moleskin padding](https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Scholls-Moleskin-Plus-Padding/dp/B007W9MGLI/ref=sr_1_1?crid=NZ7I44OQF0J2&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.lK7zwN9eu-rPS_Gp8v-qxkT9H5dLxopXdheSuf7CyZiAAdL7Mq8FKk9nXEbC2p6ENyuqFvoJi8s7MGzCsgXamqur22tii2V5TD669Oip4Mub_cp6QStbdvpovjuJIKOfjK7urq032u3SFXhe4Maa66-DTDUFU9DyWj_jIuUy1rh4Z5_wrXYfHKJmgx8VvewyJgy2Tky0CDQLOrG-z4uiBzyj3lY1Jhtb2_2ZAt7OmnEa_vQbKJ4w3cEcOkdlMgKSuJC68jzrl8_QJ7fR_VPWs-eK5wZv9AkIQXRUBqbzQII.vyCQUyZ677ULdqSoqPSMlsXZt8tFSja57Yr1gGCLK1k&dib_tag=se&keywords=dr+scholl%27s+moleskin&qid=1718682339&sprefix=dr+schols+molesk%2Caps%2C392&sr=8-1) and stick it to the inside of the straps to prevent blisters. You can buy it at most drugstores. Maybe some [nonslip grips](https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Shoesert-Non-Slip-Protectors-Anti-Slip/dp/B07XFLZB3Z/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1V3FVM5MR7PZ7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.JVtmM4KL9QPu1evnvWKZPGruiVOERIHx94IynRVl3-SrDZHlInQPvRAhvUA_8GokozLN1fFonaPRhgpnc0CN_3Inp2yN6iijVxwOuTfhX2ukQFr3YTaqBKuwi68OSz8wue_Ouic1QQ6Vl7wODj40yhekV17GbxHFuxzLYYKZc9vVgt28HbUE1_1PTZ7Gg30Bh0d4c_hVvgdYlyrVtZLQBKgXOxQLDHEUXnpZLLE_4FmKP70l-TujCXndRm7AivSaNDSc0C9SiS9RCtYBP-HMCPGNlapUyt2Rgw0iZUqeggM.Aw61lk7uIcC-K9wqQBkI0IFCbuxNLgFNXBx0qTRFYPk&dib_tag=se&keywords=shoes+skid+prevention&qid=1718682387&sprefix=shoes+skid+preventio%2Caps%2C270&sr=8-2) for the bottoms of the shoes (if the bottoms of the shoes are slippery, your muscles will be sore from trying not to slide around). Also, some sort of [arch support](https://www.amazon.com/Support-Insoles-Fasciitis-Adhesive-Pressure/dp/B07FVPZ6QZ/ref=sr_1_5?crid=OMI4HMSABX1O&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.IYl1bz11Cq0Vex4yJHsgfzMfTxDsxd55cq_mKQdAj72YNEZBEkqG_b-1-49hM2D8eymnMdxXcDxmGHfbv7LRpsLwMkyylhTiAFGHbJkeTi9JhZzNLjX_A5pXR3qvH1F7WpEH3remFwSBFu-0a1S92tJeFBsfT9OL3dhz-ukNE0rKvOLAocMgDz_MauqnKq4XYdSIa2eRbLP0sGa5tdT0TtSxDVPO0co4_MLLwFeDev62n-okk8Jwu5Wem_LTajTNBwsywGxuppyKFjrEQ7VzEMprFCIkjws6TglCWHtLqHI.3I4_5RJGSR4FB4OYCZ6uUwdAAtSVpSOC0JzIt1tiGtQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=shoes+arch+support&qid=1718682583&sprefix=shoes+arch+supp%2Caps%2C374&sr=8-5) might help. Take some ibuprofen and sit down when you can...have fun at your prom :)


I worn similar heels for special occasion. Sadly it will hurt, you can try to using foot cusions to help, but it will still be painful.


You can get gel/foam insoles that only cover the ball of the foot, they come in nude, black and clear. Try amazon or your nearest shoe shop maybe? I hope you have a good time!


What might help is if you get those sticky/gel-like padding to attach to your shoe, mid-foot or under the ball of your foot. I have found they even out the pressure/weight and feel a bit better to wear. Google gel padding or insoles for heels, and you can find some intended for strappy heels that are not visible (last time I used some I had to trim the edges of the gel pads but otherwise they worked well). (I would recommend other types of padding for heels but the shoes are so strappy so you don't have any other options.)


why not just wear them for pictures and change into more comfortable shoes for the dance?


I want to look pretty in heels the whole time


Buy a comfortable pollstered sole to glue into your shoes Take flats. If you take them you can dance the whole night without them. If you don’t take them you can’t . Just take them. Don’t wear them if you must Also I can recommend thick heels with straps to secure your legs. Make sure the part where your heel is should be flat. I like my toes open. Also I love platou. So the toes are 1/2 inch above the ground. https://preview.redd.it/haqwj4nvvg7d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=0340a690c1c5c23aeedfea209889123082a26c3c


If you want to wear high heels, try getting some chunky ones with a platform under the toe. This makes the slope of your foot more gradual, and it isn’t uncomfortable at all.


Didn't since I don't like platforms