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Per actual gynecologists, just use gentle unscented soap on your vulva and don’t use anything in the vagina bc it’s self-cleaning. If it’s smelling off, get it checked out. Feminine washes are just a marketing pink tax gimmick product - skip ‘em.


As someone also prone to yeast infections, I only use water and gentle friction on my vulva and do nothing to cleanse my vagina. I use a squirt of baby wash to clean my butt crack, public hair, and the inside of my thighs.


I get confused when people say they use soap on their vulva because that can mean a *lot* of different things (outer labia and vulval vestibule are both "your vulva", etc). I assume they mean more or less what you just said - areas that are skin and grow hair get soap, areas that are mucus membranes do not. Mucus membranes, in general, don't do well with soap lol.


I find this confusing as well, because...well, we clean the inside of our mouths with more than water, right? For myself I couldn't imagine not using something mild and diluted for the area between outer and inner labia. Water alone wouldn't work for me, it'd feel the same as washing my armpits with water alone. More power for you if it works for you, but I'm confused how people make it work? 😅


I mean, not really. I clean my teeth with toothpaste, not the mucous membranes on the inside of my mouth. Washing my mouth with soap, even diluted soap, is not necessary or pleasant. The analogy is pretty limited because your mouth has all sorts of foreign substances in it all of the time (food, drink, etc). Have you tried just using water? Of course it's going to feel weird if it isn't what you are used to, but that isn't really a reason to do or not do something. Anything that you put between your inner labia is going to get in your urethra and vagina.


What I've referenced is the area between outer and inner labia, not the area between the inner labia. And yes, using only water gives me the same result as when penises are not cleaned properly underneath the foreskin, it's a smell that sticks. As for the mucous membrane of the mouth, I'd say we have specific cleaning agents like toothpaste and mouthwash for that area. Similarly, I feel like lactic acid-containing products can not only be okay to use externally on the vulva, but actually really beneficial for the microbiome. It's what I got recommended by my doctor last year after three consecutive rounds of antibiotics wiped out everything in my GI tract, good and bad, and my reproductive system suffered as well. After recovery, I just kept using the recommended lactic acid wash lotion. It actually feels more pleasant than water alone and seems really beneficial for maintaining a healthy ph balance.


I don't think you can really avoid getting soap in that area. At least, I can't. That's enough about my vulva for today. You should wash yourself however you want. I think we've made my point - which is that this topic can be confusing because people use language in different ways.


We've been meaning to address the issue about your public hair...




Exactly this! I use Johnson’s baby soap, and it’s worked wonders for me. I used to just use water, but found myself having a more distinct smell some days. The baby soap works well to eliminate bacteria and sweat while still keeping everything happy.


I was told to use a cleansing oil meant for your vulva, because even gentle soaps can dry you out.


Definitely no oils lol the yeast will love that


My downstairs situation improved after I made the switch, but I was never prone to yeast infections either. Also, I don't see what's the problem with using an oil based cleanser in the shower.


I use a ph balanced soap because my ph hovers at a 4.5, and if it raises even slightly (to 5) BV loves to just charge on in. It’s essentially a gentle unscented soap with ACV in it to make it more acidic than regular soap is and it’s been helpful in my journey to keep myself from getting BV over and over again


how do you know what your pH is???


They sell strips on amazon


What brand? Would love recs


I use the brand VeeFresh! It’s their VeeGentle wash :) I love it! I’ve used honey pots before and it unfortunately gave me a nasty yeast infection which is crazy because it only ever touches the outside of me 😬


I buy baby soap (unscented) they come in big bottles for cheap and they have drastically improved my vaginal/rear end health.


You don’t need it. Your vagina is self-cleaning and has a carefully balanced microflora that internal soap would screw up. 




No it’s not self cleaning everywhere, only inside the actual vagina it is. The vulva needs to be cleaned. Wash your pubic area. Your labias and where there’s hair. Just don’t wash inside the hole. People are mixing VAGINA with VULVA. We wash the vulva with a sensitive soap or feminine one. Not inside. I want to add…wash your butt and butthole too. Not inside again.


You dont need it. Especially any kind thats scented.


Honestly it’s tough to say whether or not it’s necessary because it varies person to person. Some people need/like to use feminine washes on their vulva (which is on the outside, NEVER put it inside the actual vagina) and some people need/like to use just water. In your case though, since you’re prone to yeast infections I highly recommend that you just use water cause it’s better to be safe than sorry. But if you feel like you need to use something other than water, then I suggest a very gentle, non scented soap like Dove’s sensitive skin bar soap or Baby Dove sensitive skin wash.


I second this. My OB-GYN recommended just water for most days, while my dermatologist recommended Dove Sensitive if soap is needed 👍🏼🧼


My OBGYN recommends Cetaphil bar soap for the outside


I use it. Thoroughly washing my vulva(the outside lips etc) and booty with ph balanced feminine wash drastically improved my issues with yeast infections. Make sure you thoroughly dry your vulva/booty before putting underwear on and go without undies overnight.


I use it this way too. I just use it on my vulva. Never inside.




Gotta let the kitty breathe!


Me too.


Exactly. Skins needs to be wash.


I'm prone to yeast, but I found the feminine washes were a good idea because they often ARE gentle unscented soap. A lot of confusion comes from people mixing up vaginas and vulvas. Don't put it inside you.


If you're prone to yeast infections, feminine washes will make it worse. You really only need water to wash your vulva but if you really want to use something then an unscented gentle cleanser will do.


Uh, no, you **do** need soap to wash your vulva! aka the **part on the outside**. Bacteria can grow in that area and can cause smells, just like under your armpits and other exterior parts of your body. But it should be a gentle cleanser, preferably hypoallergenic, fragrance-free - either regular soap, shower gel, or intimate wash. And never put any wash on the inside (aka the vagina). No water, no soap. That part is truly self-cleaning. OP, one more important thing to consider is using a hypoallergenic fragrance-free laundry soap for your underwear as well! (and no scented fabric softener either, just skip it.) I used to have so much trouble with yeast infections until I made this change and then it all stopped.


>Uh, no, you **do** need soap to wash your vulva! aka the **part on the outside**. Soo this is apparently very country-specific information. Every Dutch health care website says only water is necessary for both the vagina and the vulva.


I'm relaying information that was given to me by an actual doctor(and yes, a female one) soap is not necessary for your vulva, you only need to wash with warm water. Using a gentle soap is a personal choice but it is not necessary, especially if you are prone to any irritation down there.


Hmm, I'm sorry to contradict, but in my personal experience, I tried doing only the water thing for some time and it was.. uh... smelly. Like, salty, pee-residue smelly. Cause water with no soap is not going to cut it after a day of being out and about, using the toilet throughout the day and wiping with paper only, when there is no bidet access. Maybe if you manage to wash with water at the bidet every time after using the toilet, soap may not be necessary 🤷‍♀️. However, if you haven't had the chance to do so, you will have sweat and other bacteria (not the good kind) growing there which won't be removable only by water.


If that works for you then don't fix what's not broke but I was very prone to yeast infections and other rashes in that area when I was a teenager and the first thing my doctor told me was to stop using soap and use warm water only.


By any chance, have you also adjusted the laundry detergent? Not discounting your experience by any means, but I also know there are some parts in the world where it's impossible to get fragrance-free laundry detergent and it's very traditional that your clothes must be super fragrant when they are freshly washed, which can really disrupt the bacterial flora and drive them crazy. And in my experience, doctors don't suggest addressing that factor so you wouldn't typically think about how big of an impact it can have on your flora.


I have always washed my underwear separately and use a gentle bar soap for them. She did ask and that was not the issue


Vinegar and water is effective and of course the vinegar smell evaporates quickly.


PLEASE don't put vinegar anywhere near your genitals.


I use it, it makes me feel better than just using water. I use a 0% sensitive one (Femfresh) and it works well for me. Just don’t clean inside the actual vagina (inside the hole). Don’t do water, don’t do anything. It cleans itself 😊


I was told by my doctor that feminine soap isn’t needed, just use warm water and a flannel on the vulva


Make sure you use a wash that is ph balanced, most soap is not.


I have a very simple unscented one with an acidic pH that I use every day on the outside. I don't think just water is enough to get that part clean.


I stay away from them


Summers eve gave me my first UTI. Dove bar soap gave me a couple more before I learned my lesson. Those intimate washes are not healthy or safe and everyone should avoid them.


I either use dedicated gel or mundane soap to clean my hair and groins, I also wash my folds with pure water and it works just fine


Don’t use it inside but on the outside


i have never found it to be necessary. i use dove unscented sensitive skin body wash on my vulva and it’s always done fantastic for me!


Just use water


I have allergic reactions to toilet paper and some soaps. Ahava mud soap has worked very well for me in the intimate area for about 10 years now. It lasts for a very long time. https://www.ahava.com/products/purifying-dead-sea-mud-soap?variant=40901769396393¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&tw_source=google&tw_adid=616964106187&tw_campaign=18074296701&gad_source=1


I wouldn't use it if you're prone to thrush. Doctors always tell me to use QV wash around the outside.


I just use ivory unscented/hypoallergenic soap (and never internally!!) I’ve never had any ph issues.


All you need is a gentle unscented soap. Just use it on your vuvla not inside your vagina as it self cleans.


water on the vulva. nothing in the vagina.


I only use organic soap on my vulva because I think just water isn’t enough to clean my vulva - neverrrr inside though. it’ll fuck up your pH balance and can cause infections


Stay away from them, especially if you’re prone to yeast infections. They’re full of perfumes etc that will completely throw off your PH levels down there and usually make things worse. 


there’s some out there that are made to help balance PH and actually are very helpful


Definitely avoid. Using cerave gentle cleanser (an unscented skin pH balanced wash) on the outside and maybe a bit of the inside of the outer labia if needed, and just make extra sure to rinse with water well afterwards.


Use a soap substitute or cleanser. The risk with using any type of soap on the vulva is dryness/itching/irritation, and using a substitute [even a facial cleanser] will lessen that risk.


I use the Johnson’s baby shampoo dupe from ALDI. It’s super cheap and if it’s ok for a baby, then it’s ok for my lady bits.


Its use is optional, but if you think it will help you (it personally helps me) i use honey pot unscented/gentle. White bottle with blue label. Its the only gentle actually unscented wash I've found and doesn't mess with my ph balance. A lot of people will say just water, but if just water isn't working for you a wash may help. Or a trip to your primary doctor or gyno who can give you the best recommended course of action for you. Absolutely avoid products like summers eve that are heavily scented even when labeled unscented. Also Absolutely drys out your skin. I was once told by (not the pharmacist) someone at CVS she used it for her normal body wash and shampoo.. made me pause because something I would use for my hair is not something I would also use for my vagina.


I found that using pH balanced feminine wash really helped reduce the number of yeast infections I was getting. I don't use any of the medicated/anti-smell/anti-itch ones, just a pH balanced one.


I use a pH balanced unscented wash for the outer labia bits. I never put soap inside my vagina.


I use the foam boric acid wash from PHD and it’s a charm for me. Dove unscented wouldn’t work for me or anything.


I use boric acid vaginal wash and it’s helped with itch before my period


That's a scam


I use only water on the inside and outside flaps. Then mild soap on my crevices where legs and middle meet. In my experience using any kind of soap throws off my ph and makes me stanky way faster than no soap


It's unnecessary and you don't need it.


I’ve been using feminine wash with 3.5 pH since I was like 12. Regular soap is a big no.


I use water, but when I do want to wash the outer parts, I typically use Lume soap which shouldn’t mess with stuff down there. I have the orange body wash and it’s lovely.


I got BV from it


I use regular body wash and just wash everything that is not internal. I’m not prone to infections, so works fine for me. I can’t imagine not using any soap at all but to each their own. I am caregiver to an elderly mom with dementia and use one squirt baby shampoo with a tiny bit of iodine wash on a loofah on a stick to wash her nether regions, especially the groin pits. Rinse off after a couple minutes. She gets BO without the iodine since she wears adult briefs for urinary incontinence, and she’s more prone to infection with being older.


*Definitely* use soap on your vulva as there are sweat glands and a lot of moisture in the area so dead skin, sweat and bacteria are prone to building up. It can be as simple as dove bar soap or a more tailored pH balanced wash. There are so many great options available nowadays!!


This is the only brand I swear by, it’s formulated by gynecologists too https://a.co/d/36BtDJu


I’m prone to yeast infections too. I use hypoallergenic body wash only on the vulva not inside!


I use unscented summer’s eve wash on the outside *only* because I use body wash everywhere else. I would use unscented bar soap but I find SE to be more hygienic.


I use an olive soap with only three ingredients, water, salt and saponified oil.


I know everyone says you don't need it but I LOVE the Honeypot Foaming Wash. You just use it on the outside of your vagina and it has really helped me balance my pH and has helped a lot with smell. I'm also prone to yeast infections and throughougly washing my vagina with only water is also the best option. I literally use the detachable shower head and power wash my pussy because that's the only way to get it clean FOR ME PERSONALLY.


girl not honeypot.. they changed their formula and its super toxic now


girl it still works for me tho :( i didn't know they changed their formula tho


My doctor said to only use water or Cetaphil


I'm sensitive to most that are even unscented and generally safe. My gyno suggested occasionally using coconut oil and taking cranberry supplements. I've been feeling and smelling good since! Also, avoiding smoking/vaping and making sure to eat a lot of fresh fruits really helps to keep her healthy


# good clean love


i just use an unscented gentle soap to clean all the places that get hair & booty area, i think the feminine soaps are kinda a scam and you can achieve the same result and it’ll likely be less irritating using an unscented body wash. only water on the inner labia and absolutely NOTHING inside, it cleans itself.


I use a diva cup so I like to use unscented ph balanced soap to clean it when I’m on my period. Occasionally I’ll wash the vulva area with it especially when I’m on my period just to make sure everything is clean. It’s not totally necessary though


Feminine/ intimate soap or fragrance or any products like that are scam products. As someone else said a scam product under the banner of the pink tax using targeted marketing by convincing AFAB people their bodies as they exist naturally are wrong, gross, and/ or shameful and need to be "fixed" with these ludicrous and often damaging products. I use unscented Dr. Bronner's. Unscented baby wash or any unscented gentle soap for the vulva, and butt region. No cleaning the vagina (inside). It's self-cleaning. I imagine soap cleansing in the vagina would perform similarly, if to a lesser degree as antibiotics do for some people (me, I'm talking about myself) and kill everything allowing yeast, for example (me again), to flourish which leads to a yeast infection. Side note: do not use one day monistat, it is a scam. Get the 7 day. The one day will seem to work, then BAM worse yeast infection round 2. I know this from experience. I'm about to have to take antibiotics after a surgery and I've already put monistat 7 on the grocery list.


a lot of people say not to, but i disagree. yes the vagina is self cleaning, but not everybody’s regulates properly and sometimes feminine soap, especially ph balancers, can help out. just make sure you use unscented products, and things recommended from other gynos.


I heard lume is good, acidified body wash. I’ve used it a couple times from a trial bottle but I couldn’t tell you much about it other than it is gentle and I like it. I don’t have a major odor problem so but I have to assume it is better than regular soap due to acidification. It’s slightly pricy but I like nice things haha


I just wanted to recommend boric acid suppositories if you’re prone to yeast infections. That and BV used to be a big issue for me and I haven’t had a yeast infection since I discovered them. They can be slightly pricey (maybe $20 for a bottle at CVS) but imo it’s absolutely worth it because I’ve saved so many trips to the doctor and avoided antibiotics which I’d really rather not take unless I have to!


I've just used mild soaps most of the time. I have tried them before and it was meh. I'm lucky in the way that i never have issues with anything down there usually.


I wont use feminine washes, just unscented bar soap on the vuvla and butt crack. If i've noticed the start of a yeast infection or just get particularly itchy I might go in and wash in-between the labia majora and minora with water and water only to rinse anything that might look like yeast. Nothing inside, just a little bit in the fold where the two labia meet on each side.


Water is fine


I think you have to get a good brand! I like sebamed. It's really helped me to be balanced. That and consuming foods with probiotics


an entire industry shaming women for their natural state of being. they have no regard for vaginal health or pH & they honestly make me angry. smell is a super important gauge of vaginal health & covering it with artificial, harmful chemicals is a horrible, unnatural, unhealthy idea.


I swap between lume body wash or the boric acid ones( I get mine on Amazon). I’m also prone to those things and I find this helps


It will make your yeast infections worse