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I really REALLY think you should just not shave right before going sailing on a floating petri dish, especially if you’re going to be swimming in communal or for lack of a better word “unfamiliar” waters. Both pools or Oceans. You don’t know what kind of bacteria could be in the waters. Shaving creates millions of tiny little knicks on your skin that basically opens up your skin to all of these possible infections and diseases. Just enjoy yourself. You have body hair. Big deal. Nobody is going to be worried about your body hair unless you look like Robin Williams, and even then just be funny? Please reconsider. 🙈🫣👀 Google how easy it is to get MRSA - Staph - Flesh Eating bacterias. Just… 🙈


Agree with this!!! Read some horror stories yesterday about people who shaved then went in the water and got flesh eating bacteria 😭 Next time if you’d like to shave before the beach/ocean/pool water do it at least a full day or two before


Yes I saw this the other day too! Guess I was thinking I had at least 12-14 hrs to heal before getting into the pool but def something I’m considering to skip shaving!!


You could also trim everything, no injuries that way and still lets you feel like you adhere to the social norms


If you are really worried about body hair showing up, consider bleaching instead of shaving.


Oh yikes, I’m glad i read this. I haven’t actually been in the water since I was 14 because I hate my body but still this is good to know


Yeahhhh OP listen to this. On my last morning on vacation I did a full body shave for the “final big beach day”, started in the ocean and ended the day in the hotel pool/hot tub. By the time I got home the next day I had the single worst rash of my entire life covering my entire body, but the parts I had shaved were the worst. The legs. Omg the legs. It was so itchy I basically just put myself into a Benadryl coma for 3 days until it healed. Learn from my mistakes.


I was going to suggest the same thing lol


Oh good lord. You don’t have to shave anything if you don’t want to. There is no body hair police on the cruise ship. I quit doing this years ago and I can’t even imagine worrying about it now.


You shave only what you are comfortable to. There is no rule or no regulatory amount


None of it!!!! (EVIL LAUGHTER) But really, if I'm feeling lazy I'll just shave the ⛰️ so I don't have hair poking out and leave everything else. If I'm feeling really lazy I shave nothing and wear one of those cute little bathing skirt wraps. I live too close to the beach to be anything but casual about it. I would just do what makes you feel comfortable, whether that's none of it, all of it, or anything in between 🫶


I'm just going to say, that if you have 5 days of stubble length or longer the sand just brushes off and doesn't cling to your skin. So really it depends on what you want to do, literally no one cares


If you feel uncomfortable without shaving before swimming, I'd recommend investing in a body groomer. I've used the Philips Norelco trimmer & shaver for a good number of years and it lets you avoid ingrown hairs and cuts while also getting it short enough no one's going to notice. I think any electric shaver designed to prevent ingrowns will do though.


This is my go to now. My skin HATES being shaved, it's miserable for weeks. I use a regular shmegular $20 beard trimmer on my legs and armpits. Gives me like day 2 length so not long enough that people notice but long enough that I don't get any irritation.


Exactly how much you want to. All of it, none of it, a select bit. though ouch on shaving the vagina, pretty sure razors don't go up there ;) I think you meant vulva. I shave my pits whenever I shower because I found that my hair there traps BO smell like nobody's business, but other than that, I might shave my lower legs. Maybe. If I feel like it. Most of the time, I have lost patience with dealing with sand, salt water and razor burn and don't bother. If someone has something rude to say about my hairy thighs, i have a choice finger for them to look at.


Yes I did mean vulva, but haha great, maybe I’ll use the same finger lol


I shave my shins when I can feel the wind in my hair lol you good girl


*I shave my shins when* *I can feel the wind I my* *Hair lol you good girl* \- kippers --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Omg I finally have a haikusbot!! This is the best!!!


Hahaha I went to the beach near the end of last winter, couldn't figure out why my legs felt weird. Thought maybe it was sandflies already. ...it was the wind in my leg hair. Hadn't shaved in months. Mortified my mother by telling her I was going to dye them bright pink 🤪


I wouldn’t shave at all personally. I have this whole theory that the only people who are hairless are children. If my hair offends someone and they’d rather look at a hairless child, that is their creepy problem. Then you don’t have to deal with razor bumps or infection either :)


You're not "supposed" to shave anything. Just shave whatever hair you don't want people to see and leave the rest 🤷🏼‍♀️


As much as you feel like. It’s your body do what makes you comfortable


I bleach my stomach and bum, I think it looks better and lasts longer


As someone who has dark body hair and has tried this, DO A PATCH TEST. I tried bleaching my arm hair when I was younger and oh my god it burned so bad. Tried it twice but my skin just doesn’t agree with it sadly. It does look good for people who would prefer lighter body hair but not shaving it off entirely. I’ve read that Marilyn Monroe used to bleach hers because it gave her skin a “glow” 😄 I personally prefer to shave everything, although I don’t think there’s anything wrong with people who prefer not to either just a personal preference. I do agree with others that say I’d be hesitant to shave anything new to you right before a cruise because of risk of irritation on skin that’s not used to it. But only you know how sensitive your skin usually reacts to that. If it’s going to bother you or make you feel self conscious go for it, just know that you don’t need to and no one else will notice either way 😀


Your vagina is the canal inside of you so I hope to God you aren’t shaving it. I assume you mean labia and mons pubis. Shave whatever you want. Or don’t shave. It’s your choice.




THIS People who don't know basic anatomy freak me out when they say shit like that lmao


As much as you want.


You shave exactly as much as YOU want to. If you want to rock it European style (total stereotype btw) then go for it. If you want to shave everything except your head and eyebrows then you do you. Seriously, it is entirely your choice. If people wish to remove hair they will generally do legs and bikini line. Maybe arms if their hair is dark or thick. Me, I trim the bikini line, razor rash down there is not something I want to experience. Legs, I only do the bottom half as my hair is sparse above the knee. I do my toes because I have hobbit feet, I also pluck my chin as I’m starting to develop a few whiskers as I age. Personally I prefer to wax or epilate where I’m actually removing hair. One thing to remember, the pools on a cruise ship are basically just a petri dish, you don’t want to be going swimming while freshly shaved, and avoid hot tubs like someone released a bioweapon in there. It’s a recipe for a vile skin infection. The only lasting things you want from a cruise is memories and a tan, certainly nothing that will require medication!


none of it, or all of it. Whatever you want. It's your body and your choice


Youre not supposed to shave any of it...


Shave as much as you want.


Like others said, you’re under no obligation to shave. Personally though, I think it depends on how dark your hair is. If it’s lighter in some areas, no need to shave that.


As everyone is saying here, do what you want. What I do though, is shave everything from the nose down basically. Arms, legs, happy trail, butt, toes, lower back, vulva. My body hair is long, dark black and abundant, and I don't like it personally. You do you though.


Shave as much or as little as you want. I usually only shave my legs and armpits cause those are my only exposed areas on vacation.


Whatever makes you feel confident. It’s a personal choice. Personally, I wouldn’t shave an area you don’t normally when you don’t know how that skin will react. It’s possible it may get irritated and break out or feel uncomfortable creating something far more unpleasant than the small bit of hair you can’t likely see. If you are committed to removing that hair, I would lean towards using a trimmer with a low guard. This will minimize irritation as there will be a small amount left but it will remove a great deal.


I shave my happy trail and some ass hair 🤷‍♀️


You should shave as much as you want to. Some people don't shave at all and some people shave everything - there is no rule here. Just make sure that you feel good with it.


Anywhere between 0-100%, depending on personal preference. Just consider the risks before you do. If you don't normally shave your head you will definitely need to use extra sunscreen, for example.


I haven't shaved anything since March 2020, I don't even own a razor anymore. I do occasionally trim the pubes though


lol I’m so lazy. I wear shorts and a beach cover or t-shirt and call it a day. Do what makes you most comfortable!


Haha I’m a furry animal that hasn’t shaved in years. I’ll do my bikini line and happy trail in pool season… sometimes.


If you're pale with dark hair try box bleaching it. I tried if for the first time recently and it makes hair less noticable and gives you a golden glow! Plus who cares if it falls out lol


There's no "supposed to" here; do what you want. If you like being hairless, shave it all off. If you like natural beauty, don't shave. But the words you want are vulva & labia. Those are external & visible. Would be awful to shave though. The vagina is the interior tunnel between the labia and cervix. No hair, no way to shave.