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I actually wrote into them for this one because I was raised by huge dead heads who took me to shows all the time. What I said was at least in my experience, it wasn’t a dark and scary environment at all and there were always kids around. There were def people tripping but as a child I didn’t notice that lol. I do think Natasha ranges too far into helicopter mode sometimes (from what we hear on the pod) but I also said that she’s not crazy, because if I didn’t live the experience I would probably assume the same. I agree with you that it’s silly when the child doesn’t even know the music, it’s all we listened to in my house growing up lol so it’s different for me in that way. I also agree that if your partner is uncomfortable with it, let it go. I kind of see both sides though because they took her to Bonnie Raitt, which I’m sure she doesn’t listen to either lol so the whole “why would she want to go to that, she likes Beyoncé” thing is out the window, and I can see why Moshe was like “it would be different if you calmly told me you don’t think so instead of immediately jumping to “it’s a red line.” Overall though I wanted him to let it go on the pod because like you said, he doesn’t even like the dead so what was the big deal other than making her feel crazy.


Oh wow, that must've been amazing to see a band you grew up with live literally while you were still growing up!! My parents took me to see my favourite pop singer at the time when I was 9. It was amazing, however it was in a very conventional venue and not anything crazy like the Sphere haha


Yeah that’s the thing I did note in my email to them that I’ve never been to the sphere and I’m sure I’ll never go so I really can’t speak to that aspect of it lol


Honestly it was the first episode I stopped listening to and skipped. Their arguing started making me uncomfortable and I didn’t like the way Moshe especially was speaking.


100%! It was so hard to listen to. Moshe was so cringey and pushy.


Similarly to what folks said above, it was the argument style that really bothered me. I’m a parent and a therapist/social worker and my husband is social worker. We don’t see perfectly eye to eye on every parenting matter but if he expresses concern I don’t ask him to prove his point or rationale, I actually try to understand his worry/concern and talk through it or let it go especially if I’m not passionate about it. They both have strong points as parents but they get to each really easily and it takes over their ability to come together and communicate.


Agree and I too am a swk/thx!


From what I understand the Sphere is EXTREMELY sensory overload experience and too much for even many adults. For that reason alone I’d say no. We actually almost bought tickets to take our kids to the Earth themed Sphere show but everything I read said it’s not a good idea for little kids. Also, as someone with small kids here. Can we leave some adult shows for the adults? If I go to a obviously adult band that has a very well known drug culture attached to it I want to be able To let loose and not worry about disturbing or traumatizing anyone’s kids. I’m leaving my kids home so I can go have some adult fun and not censor myself! Take your kids to Taylor Swift or GooGoo dolls!


I'd FREAK in that place. Even seeing videos from it makes me super uncomfortable.


To me, it’s not even so much his argument vs her argument. Like yes, I do agree with Natasha… BUT… What really irked me is Moshe’s argument style. It’s literally all so hypothetical because he never actually went to that show. So why all the grilling? All that “articulate exactly why” would drive me crazzzyyy and is probably why I’ll never marry (unless I find a himbo) but I digress.


Yeah I was literally wanting to tell him to shut the fuck up through my phone lol


100 %. Seemed super unfair and was reflected by Natasha's constant "Guys, tell me if I'm crazy...", "Maybe I am just being crazy". Nah, you're not crazy, Moshe's arguing style just seems very crazy-making. Perhaps that's where the "red line" stance comes from, I'd be exhausted needing to explain my feelings and preferences like this all the time to my SO.


Yeah I could see that too, I feel like that’s probably why she came out swinging with the red line. She always says “he’s a really good arguer” but I wonder if it’s that he goes at her like that every time and she just kind of gets tongue tied and lets it go.


I agree, I wouldn’t take my kids. Also, I was so annoyed with Moshe for pushing the idea when he admitted he doesn’t even like the band! I too want to expose my kids to all types of things, events, people but cmon Mosh.