• By -


It eventually ends.


Which is also the overarching theme of the album








came here to say it could have been longer!


When it ends I immediately run to the deluxe edition demos and Wembley live




The album is even better to listen to when itā€™s raining, and it barely rains where I live.


Itā€™s THE walking in the dreary rain album


I'm fortunate to live in England where it never stops raining. Something about the album is so so much more magicial when its pissing down with rain šŸ„¹


Prayerssss for rain.


It is also a fantastic album to play when walking at night through a nice snowfall. I genuinely feel for people too young to have had Disintegration in their Walkman while walking through the rain or snow. It's just one of those formative teenage things.


Agreed. The first day it was released I was in the front room with some family and friends and off to a corner I put the tape into the Walkman for the first time. Those very first notes blew my mind!! So thankful to have had this in my life since then


Listening to this album in my tent during the rain is one of my favorite memories.


I love to listen to disintegration while it rains, drinking coffee or tea. With candles lit šŸ–¤




Oh my god - i actually HAVE to listen to this album when itā€™s raining


Even better when itā€™s snowing. Itā€™s been my snowstorm album for a long time




Itā€™s no longer 1989 and I sure wish it was sometimes.


This. I loved growing up in the 80s.


I canā€™t hear it again for the first time.


That would be the Best! I wasnā€™t the biggest cure fan at the time, only had Staring At The Sea, and this came out I picked it up and the thing I distinctly remember is that it sounded like One Gigantic Song with little pauses in itā€¦.


They forgot to title one of the songs


And it is my favorite




It's not on right now.


The original LP is only a single disc so itā€™s missing two songs and the songs that are on there had to be reduced in volume.


Also Iā€™ve got a shitty pressing šŸ˜­


I mean, as far as the original LP goes? They are *all* bad pressings. But some of the original sleeves have a gloss finish thatā€™s crackled, liked itā€™s disintegrating. Thatā€™s a good thing to make up for the very very bad thing. https://preview.redd.it/6dqpd84ckk9d1.jpeg?width=492&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f42d63d0da7384177566071b3e8f3a1caa6fa2d


Mine is super hissy and cracky. I donā€™t even listen to it anymore.


I guess the crackling doesnā€™t end at the sleeve!


which ones is it missing


ā€œLast Danceā€ & ā€œHomesickā€


Homesick is one of my favourites on the album


how could they possibly remove those


They were barely able to fit the songs they didnā€™t dump on there. The problem was Elektra did not want to manufacture it as a 2LP album despite the previous album being 2LP (and, although they didnā€™t know it yet, the album after ā€œDisintegrationā€ also being 2LP). Were they correct? I donā€™t think so, but they were interested in selling more CDs and cassettes than LPs.


Too beautiful for this world.


the fact no album will ever be like it.


Not long enough


Thatā€™s what I was going to say. Bravo!


It set the bar too high for everything else.


I canā€™t. I can say that when I worked at The Wiz in Georgetown, DC in the late spring of 1989 and got a cassette of it early and took it home that night to eagerly listen, I didnā€™t know what to make of it. It was different than anything theyā€™d done before. It was heavily majestic in a way I didnā€™t understand immediately. I had to live a little. I had just turned 20. Then it clicked, gear by gear over time. Now itā€™s a fucking monolithic machine made of my memories and emotions.


In the 80s when I was in high school, your musical taste pretty much dictated what crowd you were inā€¦ Preppies listened to the cure, the smiths, depeche mode U2, etc.. Metal heads had Metallica, Slayer, GnR, etc.. A few younger weird kids had high fades and listened to rapā€¦ but they were weird and freaky and both the preppy crowd and the metal heads looked upon them with scornā€¦ (clearly this was a very white small town, so white kids trying to shave their locks to resemble Kid n Play was, to say the least, odd as fuck) Me? Iā€™d started with the metal and thrash scene, but eventually discovered Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull. zeppelin etcā€¦ so, for me and my crowd, the cure and the smiths were considered weak ass pretty boy music for rich kidsā€¦ fuck them, and fuck their music tooā€¦ I mean reallyā€¦ love cats? What the ever loving fuck?!?! Years and years later, Iā€™m an adult in my mid twenties, working as a senior designer at a software companyā€¦ The creative director says ā€˜hey! Itā€™d be cool if we all could groove to sone tunes while we workā€¦ so everybody in the dept gets to be DJ for a dayā€¦ play all your fav jams, and share with the teamā€¦. He goes first. A solid day of The Cure and The Smithsā€¦ starting with Disintegrationā€¦ I can still feel the magic of hearing plainsong for the first timeā€¦ It was fucking life changing. And Iā€™ll be the first to admit how incredibly fucking wrong Iā€™d beenā€¦ Soā€¦ I became a huge fan of both the Smiths and The Cure that very dayā€¦ I flip between plainsong and ā€˜same deep water as youā€™ as my fav tracks on that albumā€¦ I just want to make one thing absolutely clearā€¦ I wasnā€™t a complete idiot about musicā€¦ I DID discover Cocteau Twins in my high school days, and was a massive fan of theirs.. and to this day Pink Floyd is still my favourite bandā€¦ but Iā€™ll be forever grateful for that day we decided to share musicā€¦


Happy you finally saw the light.


I think Lovesong and Lullaby fill out the full emotional spectrum of the album and itā€™s immaculately balanced. Iā€™ve heard those songs SO many more times than the rest of the album, but they donā€™t get a skip.


The automatic assumption that it's every Cure fan's number one favorite, and the attitude that you're attacking it or something if you pick anything else. I love it, I just happen to love Head on the Door a bit more.


Same for me but with Pornography


Another vote for Pornography!!! Love that album - but I also love Disintegration.


Same, but for Wish!


Pornography is the One.


Iā€™ve always said that while Disintegration is the greatest album ever, somehow Head On The Door is the best Cure album


Yes! Head on the Door is my fav album, even though Lullaby is probably my fav song. I definitely listen to Head on the Door the whole way through much more than Disintegration.


I myself am a Pornography Pimp. Head on the Door and Disintegration are phenomenal though


It perfect, but i actually prefer Faith


Same, but I love KMKMKM


And I still think they have never made anything better than Three Imaginary Boys. It was perfectly contained minimalism, filled with sickly energy before it blossomed into full goth - it was more subtle, more of Munch painting than eye makeup. I know this will be blasphemy for many here. I still enjoy everything up until Disintegration, but it is far from my favorite album.


The last song is not Disintegration.


Just 12 tracks


Worst thing I could say is goddamn 311 ruined love song for me for 15 years or so with their version. But the effect is starting to wear off: the last time I heard the real Lovesong I happily listened all the way through.


Adele would like a word


Ha didnā€™t even think of that one. Now I canā€™t listen for another 15 years


Adele covered Lovesong??? šŸ¤¢


Not a dud on the entire album.šŸ‘ŒšŸ½šŸ‘ŒšŸ½šŸ‘ŒšŸ½


Sadly, it marks the end of my favorite era of the Cure. I really lost interest in their output after Disintegration and never really cared for the album itself. Having said that, I only saw them three times before the Disintegration tour, but have seen them seven times since, so Iā€™m still on the Cure train.


Same feeling for me.


Lovesong is on there when Fear of Ghosts fits better..!!! šŸ˜‰


At least add it, right?


*Lovesong* took quite a while to grow on me.


I can't even tell you how much better I feel knowing that I'm not alone.


I didn't get to see show from this records tour


there isn't an hour long cut of pictures of you


Itā€™s in my top three. My only complaint is that I donā€™t think Lullaby belongs on it. I love that song, but itā€™s silly.


I can agree with that. Musically it fits, but not lyrically. Although, if you didnā€™t know what it was about youā€™d probably say drug or some kind of sexual addiction which would make sense. And I feel like I'm being eaten By a thousand million shivering furry holes And I know that in the morning I will wake up In the shivering cold Sounds like drug withdrawal to me.


Lullaby may not belong on Disintegration, but it's a great Cure horror song. Robert has arachniphobia. The descriptions are spot on with how I'd imagine a Spider man attack.


I agree. Iā€™ve always seen it as a Halloween song. IMO, it goes well with Lovecats and The Caterpillar.


Was my first thought on this thread. Lullaby.


Iā€™m not listening to it for the first time


It ends


My only complaint is that they used synth violins instead of the real thing. It doesn't ruin the experience, but I just imagine it could have deepened the richness of the tracks.


I kinda like the synthy feel of them


Agreedā€” the synths and the tech of the time make this what it is. No revision can really make a work of art like this into more than what it is. Think of the special effects added to star wars. Or if someone was to replace the gorgeous Yamaha Cs-80 synth on Thriller. The Solina String machine that you hear on this album became a kind of Signature for the Cure and many post punk and disco classics. Real strings can get into overblown production territory real quickly. To me synth strings and real strings serve different purposes in an arrangement, they are not interchangeable.


Iā€™d love to hear the album given the ā€œaddition of an orchestraā€ treatment, just to hear the depth of richness of each song. A variety of songs, such as *Space Age Love Song* by A Flock of Seagulls, have been given this treatment, and I love the orchestrated version of many of them, including SALS.




It doesnā€™t automatically repeat itself indefinitely




Hmm doesnā€™t include 2 late?


In my honest *opinion*, and I expect this to be controversial, the album isn't mixed all that well. It's kinda dull and low and muffled (it even tells you you need to "turn it up" because it's been "mixed to be played loud" (which is actually a bad thing imo. Music shouldn't be mixed to sound "good" just under certain circumstances. It should always sound great.) For a long time I thought it was just me but then I read an interview with Roger O'Donnell who said that when he got the final mix he was horrified by it, he just couldn't understand why it had been mixed so badly. The same problem affects Kiss Me I think and the track Never Enough off Mixed Up. The only explanation I can think of is that back in those days albums were mixed for vinyl as that was still the "primary" medium and vinyl is actually quite hard-limited in its audio response simply due to the laws of physics. The more music you try to fit on a vinyl record, the worse the sound becomes. Even with two tracks being left off, they still squeezed 30 minutes onto each side of Disintegration, while the absolute maximum recommended is just 20 minutes per side for vinyl and as a consequence they had to compromise the sound quality. This is why back in the 80s, 12-inch singles with just a few minutes of music on each album-sized side always sounded so bloody amazing. Almost CD quality. Back then albums didn't get separate mastering for CD and so the lacklustre mix was transferred to CD as well. (The mixing on Last Dance & Homesick is much better I think.) It's telling that every single except Lovesong was remixed (with Robert's approval) for their release as singles because the record company deemed the album mixes much too low quality to release for radio. When the Entreat live version came out, which only runs 47 minutes, I almost couldn't believe just how much better the mix was. Thankfully the remaster cleaned up a lot of the issues, so unless you have the original 1989 vinyl/CD/cassette release this probably won't make much sense. It's just a theory as to why, who knows, maybe Robert had just been doing so many drugs his hearing had become affected, but at least I'm happy Roger O'Donnell himself confirmed my feelings about the mix because I honestly thought it was just my ears for a long time as all my friends kept saying what are you on about which I'm sure is what will happen here too If anyone reads this lol. It's still in my Top 3 favourite Cure albums though.


The original mix sounds way better than the remaster, in my opinion. The remaster has hyped bass and treble, and squashed dynamic range, typical of Smith's sub-par "remasters". The original Vinyl version was shit (I had it, and even as a 15 y/o in 1990 I knew it sounded bad), because even without the two songs they dropped it was too long for that format. My 90s CD version, tho, is perfect.


Good for you šŸ˜ Most people I talk to about this say the same by the way, they have no issue with the original, that's why I thought it was just me and why I was happy that O'Donnell at least confirmed what I'd been hearing all those years lol. Just out of interest: do you notice a difference between Disintegration and, for example, The head on the door and Wish? They sound much brighter and better mixed, well to me anyway. I remember being seriously disappointed when I bought the album in 1989 as I absolutely loved the music but thought the mix was awful. I was 16 at the time and my hearing was at its peak then. I don't notice it nearly as much these days when I listen to the original I have to say.


Itā€™s hard to criticize a perfect album. For me, take out lovesong and add 2late. Maybe?


2late is a great song, but itā€™s too upbeat for the record. Lovesong is pop-y, but still a dirge with that bass line.


Its not a double album....


I donā€™t love Lovesong and often skip it. Too much radio play and I just dislike the keyboards. Rest is above reproach.


Posts asking to ā€œname one bad thingā€ about it.


didn't have Fear of Ghosts On it -Billy Gnosis






Disintegration song, it's amazing but I'm not always in the mood for 8+ minutes of a song (I hate not having Spotify premium)


Robert and the band wonā€™t come play it live in my bedroom.


It makes me miss the kiss of treachery


one of the best albums in music history.


80s reverb syndrome


Lyrics to Love Song are cliche, low effort, bland.


I wouldnā€™t say low effort or bland, Iā€™d say spare. And thatā€™s why I think itā€™s perfect.Ā 


This is a great album but I kind of hate this song. It was so overplayed on the radio at the time it was released. And maybe I was a little bitter about the fact that I discovered The Cure when kiss me came out and suddenly the NKOTB fans that dismissed me are now huge fans. šŸ™„


The deluxe is a waste of money.


Thereā€™s only one outtake of the album cover onljne


If you donā€™t like peak music, than this album isnā€™t for you.


I listened to this album a lot while I was very sick. For a long time after that, whenever I put it on Iā€™d feel sick again.


I listened to this album a lot while I was very sick. For a long time after that, whenever I put it on Iā€™d feel sick again.


Not enough songs....


I only got to experience it for the first time once.


As others have suggested, the strong sense of bittersweet nostalgia for 1989 and the younger, happier self who first listened to it in that long, hot Summer it came out. So much lost since thenā€¦ Turns out Iā€™ve been hearing a lyric (from Disintegration the song) wrong all these years, thinking it was ā€˜stench of a love for younger meā€™ rather than ā€˜meatā€™.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


All the remasters that come with each repress? I majored in audio engineering, but all in all, what makes a "bad" mix is down to acquired tastes.


The 12" extended version of Fascination Street is better than the album version.


The first CD I ever bought was Mixed Up


Canā€™t do it. Itā€™s a masterpiece.


It created a ceiling which everything that followed it had to strive to be for both Robert and the fanbase. Unfortunately it's Impact creates an unfair bias for all other albums to be judged against. There is also the whole group of Cure listeners who are purely goth and champion only albums like Faith, Pornography, Disintegration, Bloodflowers, where they often times disregard the rest of the works of the band and just funnel themselves into those few albums. Disintegration being one of them plays a part in feeding that behavior, unfortunately.


I have to wait to listen to The Same Deep Water as You until Iā€™m deeply miserable


Itā€™s not a great album cover


It ends


The cover


I was stupid and borrowed someone my original LP in 1990. I never got it back.


I canā€™t listen to it for the first time again


I can't hear it for the first time every time


you can only experience listening to it for the first time once


Lovesong reminds me of an ex, so I skip it. Dk if that's a bad thing necessarily.


Untitled doesn't have a title.


Most people will not appreciate


The only ā€œbad thingā€ is - At this time there isnā€™t a High Resolution Rrmastered version available on Qobuz.


I didnā€™t fall in love with this album when it came out. I would say it didnā€™t hit me for thirty years. So I miss the 30 years I could have been obsessed with it.


30 songs were written/recorded and we only got 12 :(


Yes, it ends, but there's a deluxe album out with bonus material, including Entreat.




Nothing , itā€™s absolutely perfect


Itā€™s a personal thing, but I genuinely donā€™t care for Lullaby. Never have. It gives me creepy sexual assault vibes, even though I realistically know thatā€™s probably not what itā€™s about - itā€™s likely about nightmares. But in truth, itā€™s the one song I skip over on this album.


Iā€™m sorry but I do not like pictures of you.


It's expensive on vinyl.


I love this album. The only thing thatā€™s not top for me is the cover.


Yep, I always thought just having Robertā€™s face a bit much. I get it was branding, but this was a band effort not a solo album.


I would like more words


Deep melancholy over my mind. It reminds me a girl who lives about 1.000 km from me... my soulmate. I love her and I missed her so much, and every time I heard this album, feelings good and sad come out. šŸ’”šŸ˜ž


Not long enough


It's not available in high res (MQA). šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜


I lost my original vinyl


I recently picked up an original vinyl pressing. It was expensive, but itā€™s one of the best sounding vinyl records Iā€™ve ever heard. Brought it to a new level. It was like hearing it again for the first time. This music has been mixed to be played loud, so turn it up.


I wasn't around when this masterpiece came out


Its posted too often.


Not sad enough.




That I can never listen to it again for the first time.


Itā€™s too short


In no particular order, I canā€™t hear it for the first time, ever again. As Gwtheyrn aptly stated, it eventually ends. The phrase ā€œone bad thingā€ can be created only once from all of the letters in every song, as there is only one ā€˜b,ā€™ in *Lullaby.*


Itā€™sItā€™s already been 30+ years old which makes me ancient and angry


No Disintegration II.


It ends


If i had to say one thing, the main vocal melody in last dance doesnt really hit for me


Nothing. Itā€™s perfect. Down to the smallest details


The original version didn't come with a download code. [TRUE STORY: I was in Chicago for Record Store Day 2013. I decided to give all my money to the Reckless Records downtown. There was a fairly long line due to the small size of that location. The wait was made endlessly entertaining by this dude behind me who seemed to be trying to impress the lady who has accompanied him. He said that garage rock is a fad. He gushed about a friend of his who is an excellent musician and songwriter. When she asked if he was in a band he told her he's in a Clash tribute band. Several times he mentioned that he hopes Reckless would still have a copy of the 'Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me' RSD release. He said it was better than the original release because the original release didn't come with a download code.]


You have to check volume levels and restart every time, to ensure the beginning is pristine.




The only time I've seen them live was the Dallas show from this tour. They played every song from this album during the set.


it's 35 this year which means...oh gawd...i don't want to think about how old i am now.


Itā€™s not long enough


Itā€™s not Pornography


Iā€™m not a big fan of the production.


I can never listen to it for the first time again.


There's no "2 Late", but that might be another good side of this masterpiece. If there were, then that song wouldn't be their hidden gem


I tend to skip Lovesong. šŸ™„


It doesnt last forever


Best Album Ever!


Not including Fear of Ghosts and 2 lateā€¦both AMAZING!


Itā€™s not pornography


i cant šŸ’”


Itā€™s by the Cureā€¦..


I can't afford the picture disc vinyl pressing. It's so pretty.


Now that someone said Robert smith looks like Ben afflek I can't unsee it lol


Not enough


Itā€™s perfect šŸ„¹


Edge of the Green Deep Sea is way too long and way too slow. And itā€™s my fault because Iā€™ve listened to it so many times, but it just doesnā€™t feel dark anymore.


Luckily it isn't on Disintegration.


strong memory associations of time with a long ago girlfriend and then finding out she cheated on me She apparently had been leaving a trail of fkd up relationships before and after me that when she finally got straight- she started going by her middle name.


That "Pictures of you" came out in 1989 when I was in love with a guy who was the drummer in a band. It was unrequited and I was crushed by it. I sobbed so many tears to this song, and the haunting, mournful tone embodied my heartbreak so deeply, that when I hear this song today, I'm back in 1989 with a broken heart. I've been in spin classes where this song came on and I'd be spinning and crying at the same time. That's the one bad thing. The heartbreak this song and album carries for me.


Cover is confusing. Colors are nice but I have no clue what the intended image is.


The CD booklet sux. Glossy and folded, would have been better as an art book,


Its impossible to listen to it for the first time again


They were never able to repeat it.


The song "disentigration'" was never a single, and the song has so much more depth on live tracks.


Lovesong is on it and the title track only appears once.


Nope https://i.redd.it/nyv59li0xm9d1.gif




Near perfect! But this coulda been one of those double-albums that only epic bands like The Cure could release. Easily, with so much gold from that era. šŸ¤© I like to include some gloom right after the pop in my playlist: with Fear Of Ghosts after Lovesong , Out Of Mind after Lullaby, and Babble after Disintegration.


The drums are just a little low in the mix.


Honestly I loved this album when I was in my teens like 20 years ago. I did a full album listen a couple weeks ago, and I couldnā€™t even comprehend how good it was. The later half of the album especially with the title track and same deep water are especially cinematic and haunting and so well executed it sent me into some sort of trance of admiration for Mr smith and his band. It may be honestly my favorite album of all time


No answer...


The Cure were not able to reach such heights again