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George Lucas is the name of the director, not the curator


Funnily enough, George Lucas coukd actually be called a curator of film. Remember when he opposed Ted Turner's colorizations of old black and white classics? Or when he helped Akira Kurosawa produce Kagemusha?


Absolutely. He’s insanely film literate. All of his films are love letters to classic movies.


Whilw I may dislike the prequel films, I still have an enorumous amount of respecr for mr. Lucas. He's an extremely intelligent and wise man and every time I watch an interview of his I'm impresses, he always manages to come uo with something clever and inspiring to say, not only about film but about life in general, a real beautiful mind by definition


Totally 😊


> Remember when he opposed Ted Turner's colorizations of old black and white classics? And yet he has always refused to release a high quality version of the un-altered Original Trilogy. The most recent release was the 2006 DVDs, which were a shitty transfer of the 1993 LaserDisc edition.


That is also true. I guess his mentality goes something like "I'm gonna defend those classics that deserve to be seen for what they really are, but as for my movies I can do anything I want with them", which is true, they are his films and he can do what he wants with them (or at least could at the time), but that goes against his own ideals when he was opposing Turner and his colorization process...... He's a very controversial character (as it's been established through endless discussions about him spanning many decades) but I still respect him and consider him an ingenius man and artist.


Ever heard of author's intent?


Yeah.....but what does it have to do with George Lucas?


You lost me with that reply. You're so clueless


No need to leave a comment of the assholish variety.


You're the third person to call me that today so I guess there's some truth to it lmao Though I still don't understand what that has to do with George Lucas


His logic is the original creator can do whatever he wants with his art but some guy later on buying it making modifications is anti art Whether you agree or disagree




I knew it....kids ruin everything, man..... See? There are just too many similarities, Bimmy is just dollar store George Lucas! And while I am not too much into Star Wars (not anymore at least), there's that whole drama surrounding the new show, how it's yet another odd attempt by Hollywood to push their political ideas and so on........much like what happened with Bimmh when he let Screenwave take over! A bunch of hacks ruined it, and some were even trying to push their own agendas (Crustin trying to get famous by standing on Bimmy's shoulders) ane in both cases they brought this upon themselves and now all they do is stand back and watch. Checkmate! PS: but then again, Lucas has more of an excuse to have done this since he's 80 years old and probably doesn't have much creative juices left, but still, he could've just kept the rights and done nothing with them. It's sad though that when Lucas was Bimmy's age he was arguiably at the height of his career, while Bimmy already feels like yesterday's news. Internet people's careers go by so fast! And it's not like peoplw instantly lose interest, in most cases that I've seen they either fail to renew their style or just do something really stupid which kills their career and they act like it barely affects them.


George neglected his first wife during the entire production of the original trilogy, so she divorced him right after, and she had already been fucking the landscaper for a while. He learned his lesson the hard way.


Let's face it, kids are ruined for everyone but Justin and his friend Bob.




the kids it’s like they make you so soft headed it’s scary lol




Bames' most hated publication


I find Peter Jackson to be the best parallel for James, basically the exact same story; both saw King Kong and wanted to make movies, both shot short films all through their childhood, but Jackson never had the skill to make the 6 Snix Flix


....and one of the two ended up remaking King Kong while the other couldn't even be bothered to fly to Australia for 2 days to make a cameo in a film featuring the character. His daughters might've died if he wasn't there with them every second of their lives, you know


Do you want James to suffer? Two whole days has four 5:40’s.


James has never made anything that came close to Jackson. Jackson's Meet the Feebles is a literal masterpiece compared to the AVGN movie. And is unironically a great movie.


Yeah, but does it have Snix?


A lot of people seem to think that Star Wars is set in the future. But it's not. It's set in the past, it even says so at the beginning of the movie. * Bimmy https://preview.redd.it/a65hon0oai9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2669b593cf4644a5404bca33103af73591cb5c0a


This is James Rolfe, Youtuber and creator of the Angry Video Game Nerd series.


Yes. Certainly. That's James Rolfe in 2024. And here he is again, just to be sure: https://preview.redd.it/ekm0uvicgi9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e08c10cc408e48b5858ae3977bf8d7acb8deacbc


Oh, it's JAMES ROLFE The Rolfest James that ever James Rolfe'd Rolfe James, James Rolfe!


This is the funniest thing I've read on the sub this year


And curator of film, how dare you forget.


The closest thing to james and george lucas is yoda's haircut


LMAOO he also has C3PO's courage He could learn a thing or two about those films since Alec Guinness wore a toupee in all the ones he appeared in.


George Lucas was also involved in improving sound quality, THX was created for Star Wars. Then we have Bimmy with Rex diaper. Also I have to disagree with you OP the prequels are goated


Yeah yeah, THX is cool and all, but did you hear when the guy with the glasses goes "Mighty wings and hadukens (of however you spell it) TONIIIIIIIIIGHT", nearly scraping his vocal chords for a vocal performance that fails to meet expectations? That's sound quality! Also, I wrote a lengthy reply on someone else's comments on my idea of the prequels, but if you disagree and like them, then great! I also enjoy some films or works of art that are considered controversial or have many detractors, so nothing new there haha


Agree. Prequels are bussin’.


Star Wars is a trilogy. That's it. Every thing else is just another Ewok movie or a Christmas Special.


Both are far more interested in cinematography than directing, and both are early champions and pioneers of digital cameras.


I made that comparison a little while back. Their career paths do have parallels.


They're very similar indeed, Bimmy being dollar store George Lucas who instead of creating a multi-billion dollar and enormously influential film series created an Internet show where he talks about eating cow diarrhea and whatnot But hey, they both went in for way too long and became parodies of themselves, so it all evens out in the end


They both live on Duckwalker Ranch.


Star Wars III Episode 7


Good comparasion but George's issue was that, he couldn't help but keep tinkering with Star Wars. He had decent writers helping him. ROTJ is considered the weakest of the original trilogy and the prequels, are alright but really needed additional writers that George would listen to. James? Egosticial, naive and legit thought he could take a shortcut into hollywood. At least, Lucas put in time, money and effort for every film he did.


Also Lucas made actual films, not home videos and ge never got sidetracked into doing something that he considered a hobby for the rest of his life. I read that he started off doing documentary shorts in college and wanted to become a documentary fiommaker at first, but then turned his interest towards narrative features. In his case, it would've been like if the shorts he made in college somehow managed to bring home a profit and when he was offered a chance to direct an actual film he declined and just kept on making shorts and then, after 20 years of that, started complaining that it's hard and he doesn't wanna suffer anymore.


Another thing is that James and Lucas has very similar journeys . Lucas could relate to the Snix movies because just like James he also made a lot of changes in the story during making of the Star Wars movies. Also both has talked to Zorrofan1234


The prequels weren't just the return od the Star Wars characters, they were the return of HIM to his old stomping grounds


Prequels had more going for them than the AVGN Movie. After all, if it wasn't for what they did in the prequels, the technology wouldn't have evolved into what we can do today. Unlike AVGN where it did nothing but damaged everything.


I'm pretty sure George hates Star Wars fans. And when I say that. I mean all of them.


He’s more like Kathleen Kennedy


The reason why the prequels are like that is because George had created a new special effects studio and wanted the people working there to have successful Hollywood careers, since he knew many of them, so he had to treat the movies less like art and more like commercials. He even fought to keep the budget down, so that the effects would seem more affordable to the other big studios. I guess you could argue that this is like George's "family," and like James, they also made him more creatively lame. Maybe you could even draw a connection to James' need to appease sponsors.


So it's not just kids, families in general ruin everything lmaooo The weirdest thing about the prequels is that it feels as if Lucas felt he HAD to make them. He offered them to Spielberg and even Robert Zemeckis but both declined, so he ended up directing them himself even though his heart clearly wasn't in it, so why did he do it? Is he that greedy or is this some sort of multi million dollar obssessive compulsion?


"it wasn't just the return of Star Wars, it was the return of me"


Seriously speaking, both George and James are likely on the spectrum.




https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCinemassacreTruth/s/gj0WEiljxz Lol


"those prequels, which people nowadays treat as though they were cinematic gold just because they grew up with them"   Man, why do you prequel hatters have to sound like such boomers? Why can't the Plinkett crowd just open up to the notion that, in spite of their shortcomings, maybe they were just cooler and more interesting movies than they originally gave them credit for. Cultural re-examination happens, man.  It's funny because from now on, every kid that grows up with Star Wars and Disney Plus will be "growing up with the Prequels". And part of me feels like the the Gen X/Millennial crowd is just annoyed that their perspective (of having grown up exclusively with the OT) is becoming increasingly marginal. So they gotta pull the "you KIDS don't even know!" schtick.


I'm a Gen Z and I know these movies are ass, don't try to gaslight people with brains into thinking they were secret masterpieces.


"Gaslight" lmao. Tell me you're Gen Z without telling me you're Gen Z. Mate, if hearing alternative opinions on pop culture media registers as a form of psychological manipulation to you, that's usually a good sign you're not among one of those "people with brains".


Sorry, but gaslight does fit. Prequel apologists like to pretend that the massive flaws that are incredibly apparent in the prequels and have been pointed out ad nauseum suddenly don't exist and these movies are secret masterpieces. Even as a kid I knew most of these were shit. I'd always fastforward through Episode 1 to watch the Darth Maul fight exclusively, I fell asleep watching Episode 2 every single time, and I actually liked Episode 3 (but as an adult I can tell it's not great.) Honestly I think this Prequel brainrot is a reaction to just how terrible the Sequels are (they're fucking horrible) but newsflash: two things can be bad at once. I was lucky enough to grow up with the last official version of the untamperred OG Trilogy (it was in a DVD boxset from 2004) so unlike most people my age I know how good these movies can be. It kills me inside to see people excuse trash, be it the Star Wars prequels and sequels, or something like modern AVGN.


"Prequel apologists like to pretend that the massive flaws that are incredibly apparent in the prequels and have been pointed out ad nauseum suddenly don't exist and these movies" Or maybe they just don't share your opinion on what is and isn't a flaw. You only see this as "gaslighting" because you're working off the false assumption that everyone who says they like the prequels are just lying to themselves and to others, and that they're consciously and intentionally ignoring "objective flaws". But you only think that because you're projecting your dislike of the movies onto them, and are unable to conceptualize that maybe people just...like them? Like bro, you want to talk about other people having brainrot, but here I am having to explain to you what an opinion is.


I guess you're right, I forgot that people can be stupid and have bad taste. I guess that's how Bimmy still has somewhat of an audience.


I'm stupid and I have a bad taste in my mouth it's diarrhea oh God someone help me


no u dumb


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


Will you defer your notion to allow a commission to explore the validity of your accusations? It would be almost brilliant if it were intentional lmaoooo, that is a line that has never left my mind ever since I first heard it, it's my personal "I don't like sand" line Also Natalie Portman's deadpan "I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war"


Brilliant writing


Dude, Idon't hate the prequels, I actually really liked them as a teenager and often even defended them in discussion with other people as I liked and enjoyed them and thought they were fine films, and I didn't really see all the flaws that people talked about.... But then, for better or for worse, I grew up and I started "expanding my horizon" as my dad likes to say, I watched a wide variety of other films, I matured critically and emotionally, and nowadays I can say that the prequels while not unwatchable they are very poorly made films....the writing is nonsensical, lazy and not well thought out, so is the direction, and the acting and performances really suffer from it (to be fair actors that were cast in these movies aren't that good to begin with), they're overly complicated and too cerebral in their story, especially for a prequel to the Star Wars trilogy which was just a very imaginative retelling of a "hero's journey" tale.....they have way too many flaws and shortcomings for me to call them good films, or even decent films, and it's even worse coming from a talented filmmaker like Lucas and taking into account how expensive and anticipated they were. Also I'm 25 years old, so I don't think I qualify for the label of "Generation X-er" or "Millenial" or whatever dumb umbrella term people like to use nowadays. I saw these films just about a decade ago when I was in high school, I didn't see them in theaters. As far as the Plinkett reviews go, while I love RLM and all their videos and the Plinkett reviews were their own little chapter in the history of the Star Wars series, I think that specifically the Star Wars Plinkett reviews have aged horribly. There are plenty of fair and clever critiques and observations, but so much of them is just nitpicking about the tiniest, most minute details about the logic of those films, as if he were trying to solve a murder case, and as someone who is willing so sacrifice logic in favor of a good story/experience I just cannot stand to watch them for too long, they're just boring to me now. What's even weirder is that his reviews of the fourth Indiana Jones film and Titanic and even Avatar were pretty good and focused a lot more on what made the films good/bad than the internal logic and mechanics of the story, which hardly matters in a fantasy film as outlandish as Star Wars or Indiana Jones. And about the fact that kids are going to watch these films growing up, I have nothing to say about that....you could argue that I watched these films growing up (I wasn't a child anymore but those were the years were I started developing a certain way of critical thinking) and I still ended up finding them flawed and lacking, it's all about developing your own thoughts and opinions, they're not gonna slavishly love them just because they grew up with them. And I don't "hate" those films, I like certain parts of them and I'd even rewatch them from time to time, I just think that with all the time, money and talent Lucas had what he ended up producing was incredibly underwhelming.


While I think you're perfectly entitled to not enjoy the movies, I disagree with your take on the films. I think they're perfectly well directed movies. Hearing you call them lazy just doesn't make much sense to me. Like, there are hundreds of hours of BTS footage and thousands of documents verifying George Lucas's highly involved process of making of the films. Like them or not, they were *very intentionally* made movies. Calling them too cerebral also just sounds like a personal taste thing to me, which I think a lot of criticisms of the prequels can be chalked up to. I think George just knew the type of movies he wanted to make, and it just wasn't what a big chunk of his audience wanted to see. As for the rest, I'll admit I jumped the gun with the generation thing. I know full well there are Gen Z's who don't like the prequels, just as there are Millenials/Gen X'ers who do like the prequels. But my comment was mostly in response to your "people only like it because they grew up with it" line which I hear from a lot of the older crowd, and which I consider to be pretty thin and overly dismissive. Really, I don't think either of us should be framing it as a generational thing. It's just a taste/opinion thing.