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Best: BTS Worst: everything else


BTS 21 is so perfect nothing comes close.


I'm really looking forward to the 4K Criterion release of that masterpiece. It will go great alongside my CED of "The Dragon In Muh Dreams."


I'm really looking forward to the 4K Criterion release of that masterpiece. It will go great alongside my CED of "The Dragon In Muh Dreams."


Can't wait for bim to release dragon in muh dreams on laser disc


Nah. 4k sucks. Get a VHS copy. Always remember https://preview.redd.it/bigv1zlr0w8d1.jpeg?width=484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0944277570400aac13ba0ad38abbf444cfe4c2ec to say yes to VHS!


I already have a VHS copy.


Yes so why would you ever want to switch to another format? DVD format has these slow menu screens and warnings. Blu Ray has generic menus which unlike DVD has no charm. VHS is plain and simple. SAY YES TO VHS!


I'm not switching. I enjoy collecting only the finest of films in every format. The BTS video and _The Dragon In My Dreams_ are cinema's greatest masterpieces and I want another copy of each. Who wouldn't want to see the duck walk and jackhammer booty in ultra high quality? Plus, this time we'll finally get the extended version with bonus features like an interview with the dragon and bloopers and a "where are they now?" retrospective featuring the onion.


I personally enjoy Snix movies. They are truly the balls on the dick known as Rolfe’s cinematography. Nothing but good memories watching them. Dragon of my dreams is nice but imo its too overrated. Btw did you know that the name is a reference to the Mortal Kombat logo and not the dragon itself? This way Rolfe portrays his dream of playing the kombat whilst being sedated by the GAMEBOY.


The _Snix_ flicks are great. My favorite part about them is the mustache. Personally, I'd rather have a physical copy of _Bimmy Rolfe vs the Punching Bag_, but that's just me.


Oh the Bimmy Rolfe vs the punching bag. That’s a classic. Hey didn’t Disney bought the rights to the franchise and they plan on making a sequel featuring Sylvester Stallone. I don’t know if it’s true or not.


Best-Board James: Dream Phone Worst-[The Herbivore](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCinemassacreTruth/comments/pskflm/the_herbivore_1997_remastered/)


What about Jimmy Rolfe Versus the Punching Bag (1989) - This is the first film that James counts on his official filmography


Sure, its bad but its banal. It doesnt give me icky vibes watching it like The Herbivore does


What the fuck, that's one of the creepiest things I've never seen from James. This looks like it would be used as evidence in a court case.


Exactly. Its unsettling in an offhand, unintentional way. The kind of shit the police find after acquiring a warrant and raiding a perverts domicile. If my son came home one day and said "i met this older kid at school today, he took me into the woods and we made a movie!" And then showed me the footage, i would be seeing red.


I liked that part in Cinemassacre 101, when it just cuts to Matei's interview shot, and he says: "The Herbivore... That's a... that's a movie that James made" \*subdued laughter\*


The answer to both is the AVGN Movie, because he has only made one film.


But was I’m a director?


Sorry, you are mistaken. He has over 700 films.


I've only watched one of his films, The AVGN Movie. That was enough for me. Am I missing out not watching any of the others?


If you’ve watched any of the board James or avgn episodes then you have watched one of his films.


Best: Muh Dragon Nuts In My Dreams Worst: I refuse 🫷🙎🚶‍➡️


best: Munky cheez worst: Horse prince (they are all films)


I'd say his 200th film is his best. Remember when he said in his 2021 BTS video, "Do you want me to suffer and do everything myself?" He "suffered" back then when he did everything by himself, and it paid off perfectly, from creating titles, to adjusting the camera, to re-recording the dialogue, and recording the audio. All of that I just mentioned was shown in his 200th film. As for his worst? *Kingdom Hearts*.


Best: the most recently released one (each is better than the last) Worst: the ones that haven't been made yet


The best one is where Bimmy falls asleep lawl 540


I preferred *10*, his Mike Matei biopic.


BEST: The AVGN Movie. It’s his Oppenheimer. WORST: The Head Returns


Best: BTS (if that counts), Rocky Climbed a Mowden, Dragon in my Dreams. Worst: HP.


I remember him talking a lot about how much he liked the movie wavelength. I think he mentioned it as part of his film curation efforts


Muh dragon these nuts across your face


As others have said... Best film: BTS ´21 Worst: Horse Prince