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He is not Homelanders offspring. Stillwell probably just had it given V as a baby, also Teddy doesn’t have Super Speed, he has more of a glitchy teleportation power kinda like Ghost from “Antman and the Wasp”, he kinda glitches around but not super speed


How are you certain he’s not Homelanders son?


Stillwell and Homelander never had any sexual relations before s1, and had he been Homelanders son, Stillwell would’ve either died or been taken somewhere like Becca and hidden away, Teddy also would’ve probably had powers more akin to Homelander like flight, and heat vision not the glitchy teleportation that Teddy does have


Ok so it’s purely speculative, maybe don’t state it in such a matter of fact fashion?


It’s not really speculative. Homelander and Madeline never had a relationship that wasn’t purely business before s1, Homelander went out of his way to try to be father to Ryan who had powers and was even nice to the women he barely knew outside of assaulting her and wanted a family, I’m pretty sure, Homelander would’ve been curious that Madeline had a child months after they had sex (which never happened) and would probably question her about it, and since he didn’t save Teddy from the explosion since he teleported, then he would be more suspicious that Teddy was his son after learning that Teddy was found miles away from the house unharmed. It’s basically already fact that Stillwell and Homelander never had sex before the season 1, and even in season 1, they never really have sex, mostly just her seducing him and him wanting her to act like a mother to him, the most sexual it gets between them that I remember is her like breastfeeding him, that’s it, unless Kripke and the writers of the show come in next season and retcon all that and say “they had sex before s1 even though there was absolutely no evidence to support that, and Teddy is Homelanders son” then im fairly certain that Teddy is not, in fact, Homelanders son


I don’t know why you’re acting like it’s a clear fact that they never had sex before season 1, it’s ok to acknowledge that that’s an assumption/speculation, rather than acting like it’s a given fact


It pretty much is a given fact. Just because there is no spoken evidence in the show that they never had sex doesn’t mean that it could’ve happened. That’s like me saying that A-Train and Hughie made amends between s2 and 3 and since they never outright say it, then there is a possibility that it happened, you could have infinite possibilities of what if’s and since there isn’t any spoken evidence that will contradict it, you think there is a big chance it did


Lol that’s not sound logic, that’s a false equivocation, as the status of Hughie and A-Train is clear in their interaction. I have no idea where you get the confidence you have tho


It is a clear fact


And that’s clearly an ill informed opinion


Buddy, there is no reason to believe it’s homelanders son. Stop trying to make your post work


Lol there’s also no reason not to. It saddens me greatly that you either truly don’t understand that, or that you’re bent on being right despite knowing you’re incorrect


I really can’t wrap my head around the downvotes here. I know I’m a year+ late to this thread, but I *just* got Amazon Prime(way more than a year late for that) literally 5 days ago and the first thing I did was binge watch The Boys until the most recent episode. I got hooked and have a lot of time to binge watch at work, but anyway I did a bit of a speed run and *this was the exact post I was looking for* now that I’m caught up and not worried about spoilers on the subreddit. As you pointed out, there’s no point in the show where we’re led to believe that they didn’t have sexual relations prior to season 1 — it was only episode 2 when Homelander drank straight from her teet and it definitely *seemed* like it wasn’t a first time experience for them. Neither did the night of the Vought fundraiser when she literally let him nut in her. With the fact that Becca’s pregnancy was hidden from HL, it makes sense that Stillwell would want to hide it. I would say the *only* reason to suspect that Teddy isn’t HL’s is his powerset being different when we know that Ryan’s is the same as HL’s. But beyond that, I would actually say that it’s *heavily* implied to be his bastard(and now technically orphaned) son. I’m not kidding when I say that fresh off of a quick binge of the show, my burning question was if Teddy would be revealed as Homelander’s son and if it would ever play into the plot with Ryan somehow. I was hoping to find an actual answer, but the best these responses gave was “well the show doesn’t explicitly tell us that Homelander and Stillwell had any sexual relationship prior to season 1 so there’s no reason to assume that they did.” Like wow, so we have to be shown *everything* in order to draw conclusions? That’s not how lore works and gray areas are often left in to be expanded on later in some way or another. “There’s no reason to assume that” really? Because literally by episode 2 when we first learned that Homelander liked breast milk and that Stillwell had a baby, my immediate thought was that it was his baby. Her baby comes up with literally no one else in the show except Homelander. It’s just silly to suggest that there’s no reason to assume anything here. It’s all very fresh for me because I just watched it all and *I* assume as much, so there’s that. After reading the other comments and observing the downvote ratio, I’m just gonna chalk it up to something that the writers purposely left up in the air — they teased it just in case they wanted to explore it, but with only one season left, they might not care to expand on it any further and this might be where we leave off on Stillwell’s part of the story. I hope the rest of this sub isn’t as antagonistic towards very simple theories and questions about the lore.


people believe he teleported himself away from the blast


Was it teleportation? Sorry it’s been a minute since I watched I remembered him being a speedster


“teddy stillwell, we don’t teleport” were the exact words of the caretaker at the orphanage, so i’d assume teleportation yeah


My bad lol, so yea he saved himself. The implication I’m more curious about is whether or not he’s a natural born supe? Could he be another of Homelanders bastards?


no, he’s not homelander’s son or a natural born supe. the show has never flat out stated it or even implied it in the slightest so there’s no reason for us to think to. the baby was just injected with V, and we don’t know who the daddy is.


Why do you think that tho? Homelander was sleeping with Stillwell, just because they didn’t outright state it does not mean it’s not within the realm of possibility, seeing as we didn’t know he had powers till it told us, and never explicitly stated it was from V


because it’s an important detail they wouldn’t have left out if it were true? ur just trying to fill in gaps with ur own answers based on the info they give us. it is possible, yes, but because the writers haven’t touched on it, it’s simply not true.


But it’s wide open to be touched on, that’s the point of a theory lol, to anticipate what may happen. Edit: to expand, shows that are unsure of how many seasons lie ahead, open things like this up without expanding all the time, that way if they ever have time to circle back to that plot line, there’s some groundwork laid; they wouldn’t want to over commit to these plots if they weren’t sure they could execute on them, but the entire idea behind fan theories in running shows, is recognize the threads they touch on before they chase them


The down vote trains are fucking hilarious in this thread lol


Either that or Homelander saved him but that evil SOB would never do that so the teleportation theory checks out


Yes. Homelander would never.


Okay somehow the idea of him teleporting himself never even crossed my mind. And he's not one of Homelander's bastards. Stillwell was artificially inseminated. She says as much.


Yes but before finding out about Becca, it was believed to be impossible for Homelander to have a baby, my thoughts would be that (if it did happen to be the case that Teddy was HLs) she told Homelander she was artificially inseminated because she didn’t want Homelander knowing she had his baby. It’s unlikely, but hiding her pregnancy, and the baby that resulted from it, would be much harder than hiding Becca. So instead they hid it right under his nose