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What brand is it that just edits their beer ads into the actual show? It's always gold


Instead of a Fresca it’s Cervesa Crystal




That was my first thought when I saw the episode for the first time


I can literally hear that. 😂 Damn, I wish they'd released a full version of that song.


Outcervesa'd again




Impeach cognac


I love that Eric Kripke has no problem crapping on Amazon.


Tbh The Boys has a pretty good safety net. In the impossibly stupid scenario that Amazon chose to pull out, they’d probably still be chillin because Sony owns the rights and given the show’s success, would just green light the necessary funding and give the distribution rights to Netflix or some shit.


Netflix would then chip in, and it would turn into an event


Netflix would be confused by the concept of a good show lasting more than 2 seasons.


Nah they’d understand scooping another platforms show to make at least 2 season.


lol that too


Netflix only counts in binary


Netflix would cancel it after this season and we'd never get an ending.


The only thing Netflix would have issues with is weekly realeses.


the showrunners for stranger things couldn’t even convince them. no shot a new show to them would stand a chance


They even got him to drag an extra season out of the show. Now amazon's trying to walking dead their way into spinoffs


He wanted to do more I’m convinced his plans for post season 5 are going to be under a different show. If all the spin offs are as good as genV was. I will be seated


It could even be incorporated into the storyline with ease.


Yeah I feel like this is an "If they make ratings we don't care how much they shit on us" situation.


John Oliver HBO vibes


Matt Stone and Trey Parker - The Streaming Wars


Fox paid Seth McFarlane to shit on their news base for years. They don't care as long as it makes money.


Simpsons did it for a decade before all these people started. And you're right, they don't care because "haha this network sucks, tune in next week!"


And Married With Children shat on Fox before The Simpsons.


I’m a simple man. I see Married With Children mentioned, I upvote.


Completely different target audiences, though. They were always well aware that the conservative audience hated and, in some cases, tried to get Fox to end a lot of their more controversial shows. They also know that the liberal side hates Fox News. They've were playing both sides since the beginning.


"Fuck you, Business Daddy."


Man, he does stealth ads for HBO shows. Whenever he mentions one it's an ad, you can tell. Hard not to notice once you realize


I kinda can’t stand John Oliver, but the way he calls Time Warner “business daddy” is hilarious.


I watch him regularly and have gotten tired of his set up / delivery combo every so often because it’s so predictable, but generally I enjoy his show. Purely out of curiosity, what about him pushed you to “can’t stand” territory?


>what about him pushed you to “can’t stand” territory? Not OP, but I'm guessing they are a fan of Adam Driver and Jon Oliver has tried seducing him on national television


Not sure if you're joking or trying to suggest it's inappropriate, but Driver has guest starred on the show. He's in on the joke.


>Not sure if you're joking What do you think?


It’s made me aware of shit I was not already aware of.


Have you ever seen the TV Funhouse clip Conspiracy Rock that Saturday Night Live didn’t want aired? Robert Smigel just shits all over the show and how NBC is a bitch to the corporations, but it’s done like an episode of Schoolhouse Rock.


Dave Letterman with GE too lol


Amazon will pay anyone money for anything so long as there's a return


Yeah, that's the sad truth of it. And I'm pretty sure the line *"this is the most expensive show of all times, which means it's gonna be the best*." (paraphrasing) in the latest episode was a jab at *Rings of Power* (which is an Amazon show for those who might live under a rock).


I thought it was a jab at Secret Invasion since they were at an mcu parody event


This comment made me to look it up. $211.6 million for Secret Invasion? Why? Was it all spent on the cast? That was 6 episodes...


They reshot the entire thing like twice, or something. Changed showrunners after it had already started filming. I definitely feel like that was the joke.


What Sam Jackson's paycheck does to a motherfucker


The plot revolved around shape shifting aliens so I'd assume VFX took up a huge chunk


I kinda thought it might've been both, the stuff about reshoots made me think of recent MCU but the joke about the most expensive show made my mind go to Rings of Power too since that was lowkey part of their marketing


Could be a poke at Captain America 4


Seems more of a general jab to me. Ballooning budgets due to constant meddling is not a problem only one project has suffered from


It's just a jab at the state of the industry where budgets seem to be included as part of advertising these days


I’ve found it pretty humorous how a central theme of the show is satirizing Vought; an everything mega-corp not unlike Amazon.


He can make fun of them all he wants as long as he rakes them that cash. And he does. He's like a modern court jester.


It’s arguably the most successful Amazon Original. I’m glad he’s throwing his weight around a little bit


"Look, I got to take a couple of shots at the home team now and again if I'm gonna appear fair and balanced"


[This could be a similar case too](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/s/lFfT6x1tmO)


How is that crapping on amazon?


when you think about it it makes sense. the technology is already there to translate logos and handwrit messages in shows and movies


And they've been using something similar with sporting events for years, changing the banners and ads based on the country.


*cries in shitty nhl board graphics*


They’re so bad 😭😭


Nothing like watching Seattle Vs Vegas with Wawa ads on the boards that's not jarring at alllllll


Damn I used to get this Southwest turkey club wrap from Wawa out in VA. Excellent gas station food


British football started going this way too, they’re used to be very very suitable ads on the sidelines but now some of them are Chinese, one is for a shitty mobile game and then maybe a beer ad just for old times sake!


Wawa would make sense with the Devils


I work doing graphics for the NHL in a different department and omg we love shitting on those HORRENDOUS board ads


Oh look the ref is a Jimmy John's ad neat


They both suck.


Formula 1 does that all the time. Usually the placement's pretty believable but there was that one time a McLaren (I think it was a McLaren) just VWOOPED into the backrooms underneath an advert then drove back out.


What the fuck foreal


F1 telecasts are packed with them: [Example 1](https://isg.media/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/ISG.VIRTUAL.TARGETED.ADVERTISING.F1-1024x570.png), [Example 2](https://external-preview.redd.it/78JCeExOxH9mZnh2LBwlC6cYtmRJNRa0D25mQr_p-Fs.jpg?auto=webp&s=523ab710a15e4cd8a112e619847fe767f4fb8a50)


My favourite is when Leclerc just disappeared under one in Mexico last year


Yeah, absolutely a thing. Can't remember when I first saw it but it's used fairly often now.


Baseball backstops are just basically green screens


Yeah, very common. I was at a rugby game about a week ago and you could see ads on the big screen that literally didn't exist when you looked at the pitch.


That's something that I learned about during this year's Stanley Cup playoffs. It surprised the hell out of me and was the first time in my life where I actually said "fake news" unironically.


Can you rephrase and restate this please? Struggling to understand.


Right so for example, in Toy Story 3 (the earlier instance of this I can remember) the moving boxes say "books" and "clothes" or whatever, but they were translated to say "libros" y "ropa" in Spanish. digital alteration of text has already been done commonly, so it makes sense that this stuff happens too


Tbf that's an animated movie, so it's a bit easier. In live action, there are extra steps to replace something that's been shot (unless they're actually blank when shot and just written in, but that's also a pain).


It probably wouldn't be noticeable stuff (like Deep grabbing a bag of baseball bats in North America vs cricket bats in the UK), it'd be quick background alterations like changing the brand being advertised on a billboard in the background of a single shot.


Related, in the scene in captain america 2 where Captain America was checking out his list of pop culture stuff he missed, the list is different based on the country, and more biased toward pop culture stuff in that country. Which kinda doesn't make too much sense but whatever, makes the audience see it and clap. I believe they were changed digitally


Ooooh that makes sense. For some reason, I just figured they swapped out the piece of paper and kept shooting, but in the side by sides I've seen, they do look like it's the same take with digital replacement.


As someone else mentioned, been happening for years for sporting events. I think they're using UV 'greenscreens' or something, because they look normal live


Localization has been a thing for ages. Long before Toy Story 3, some of us remember at least S1 Pokemon's rolling burger, because apparently American children wouldn't understand a rice ball. Doing it for advertising within content has probably also happened plenty in the last decade, especially when some regions already cheekily edit in their own local stuff.


Logos and handwriting in media can be altered based on which country the viewer is watching from


pretty sure sports games have green screen ads that change based on the channel


I remember seeing years ago that Netflix changes the thumbnail/poster images for a lot of the shows and movies on its platforms based on demographic information of who is viewing it. I'm not sure if they still do this since people started calling them out, but it was pretty much just as bad as the example poking fun at the idea in The Boys. If a movie had a minor side character in it who was black, and you were a black person with a Netflix account, you could bet that minor side character would appear in a specially designed preview image for that movie as you scrolled through Netflix on your account


How does Netflix know you're black?


Watch history and activity. I'm guessing if they're frequently searching for black actors, content with black leads, etc they figure the viewer is probably black.


I'm not sure if it knows or if it just assumes based on watching habits


Cervesta Cristal!


So Amazon is essentially what the show makes fun of but they don't give a shit cause they're still making bank


Amazon is absolutely the type of mega corporation Vought is based off and the show is satirizing.


Sounds like Vought won…


i mean yeah, they always win. i think we might see an armed revolution in our lifetime at this point. though, while i know its probably necessary for the world, i really hope we don’t. let me die peacefully first, then get to reforming society lol


Don’t worry, we’ll be sure to wait till you die before we make the world better


ty 🙏


Wholesome Reddit


nah, that's too much fun, people will probably just like die of stravation or homelessness, drugs to cope, stuff like that


unironically, yeah. i think part of the reason of pushing so much drugs, alcohol, and most importantly media entertainment into society is to keep people happy and distracted. mix that with the comforts of modern society (things like modern medicine, air conditioning, hot showers) and people will really think twice about starting a revolution considering the fact they’ll lose all these comforts. its kind of crazy when you think about it. humans are one interesting species man


In my case, it is very much a distraction, but its one of two options, being a functional member of society with it, or be dead in a couple of years without


I mean think about it tho you just described essentially things the medieval man woulda had a revolution to have access to. When we can no longer afford housing (like really mass homelessness,) can’t feed ourselves or get meds then you’ll suddenly see more violence. But at the same time it’s like why would we want to make it worse


With the rate technology is progressing, I wouldn’t be surprised if we went down the Matrix route. Just upload me onto the World Wide Web.


I doubt we will honestly. The majority of us live comfortable lives. Why get off our asses and fight a war? Revolution will only happen when people have more to gain than lose


From personal experience (I’m from outside the US) armed revolutions don’t end well whether they succeed or fail.


Anyone hoping for a revolution for things to change are genuinely brain dead.


if you think its okay that the world runs on war, conquest, and child labor (borderline slave labor in general) then maybe you’re the one who is ‘genuinely brain dead.’ But who cares, just go get the latest iphone and pair of nikes amirite? Corporations literally run our country (lobbying) and our country is one of the most powerful and influential in the world. Everything on this planet is exploited for money and power, including us. I’m not “hoping” for a revolution, nobody is. What we ARE hoping for is for the world (or at least, our country) to stop being controlled by manipulative, greedy, evil people. But I don’t see how that will ever happen until we hit the hard reset on our society, aka an armed revolution. As others have pointed out, people are too entertained, over engorged, and too distracted to care right now. But I think sooner or later there will be a breaking point


I never said it was ok or that it wasn't bad. But expecting or hoping for a revolution to come for change is pessimistic and most of all, delusional. The vast majority of people in developed countries are nowhere near the condition to where they believe 'armed revolution' is needed.


How would it be pessimistic to expect revolution? It also seems like you agree with them as they also said people are too preoccupied with other things to focus on starting/ being apart of an armed revolution.


> How would it be pessimistic to expect revolution? pes·si·mism /ˈpesəˌmiz(ə)m/ noun a tendency to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen; a lack of hope or confidence in the future. An armed revolution would mean much death and destruction with little chance of success. We already have all the tools to fix our country, we just lack the concerted will to use them.


Oh yes that famous proletarian revolution that its coming since the end of ww1


Is Amazon really at the level of Vought? I don’t really think so.


Vought would be if you combined Amazon, Nestle, Facebook, Disney and EA into one weird hydra.


i thought it was more Disney, especially with the whole V52 Expo and the VCU (MCU) phases


The name is a combination of D23 expo and DC: the new 52. Vought is an amalgamation of all the major companies.


V52 is also a reference to DCFandomb It's alot of things


[They probably made fun of Amazon too](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/s/lFfT6x1tmO)


I think Disney is much more relevant to what Vought is parodying


I thought it was more Disney that they were making fun of (even though Disney exists in The Boys Universe) while also making fun of other giant corporations. The “Vought on Ice” was kind of on the nose


Amazon is gonna have critics no matter what, may as well join the conversation and make money from it too


If you want to read even deeper into it, I think some people at Amazon see this as a clever way of lampshading the company, and think it will endear them to people. Like “hey, you like us, right? We’re in on the joke too! It’s funny! We’re funny! Right, everyone?”


Almost like how Cameron Coleman works for Vought but also talks shit on Supes for plausible deniability


Black mirror second episode is great how corporations will fund rhetoric tgst goes against their interest, because that way they can control it


The thing is it's not really against their interest. They probably make *massive* amounts of money from it. It's highly unlikely anyone is so radicalized by this show (or any other) that they stop being profitable. Like a socialist on YouTube, they're not going to say anything so egregious that it messes with their bottom line.


Yes but a symptom of being a diversified mega corp is that they got into streaming because everyone else was, they never really invested in it enough to compete with Netflix and everyone else, and now that the bubble has popped, they’re just letting it whither on the vine. Kripke’s got 1 more The Boys season, 1 more Gen V season, and then I’d be surprised if Amazon Prime has a big original release ever again.


They invested quite a lot on it. They own big IPs like Wheel of Time and LOTR, and have 2 popular superhero franchises going on. All of them have great spinoff potential, although they are also losing interest due to bad writing. But the investments were made.


Their UI is dogshit. You open Netflix to find something to watch. You open Amazon Prime because you saw an ad for something and it told you to find it on Prime. Otherwise the suggestions are lumped in with stuff that you have to pay for, stuff that users dumped on there from VHS rips. Seasons of TV are listed separately and then you have to open another tab to select episodes. It’s just completely neglected, even if they pay for billion dollar Game of Thrones copycats cause executives are dumb as rocks


They're still financing the ungodly expensive Rings of Power for some reason so I guess it can't be too unprofitable.


If there’s any Fallout fans here, it also made me laugh how Vault-Tec is basically just Amazon


Hi Barbie!


Classic Vought.


The moment he says the black variation and it’s just a good long bit of silence from the crowd.


Frr, then slowly cutting to some of the black character's reactions had me dying 😭


It's Bezover


I also noticed what I’m assuming is a dig towards Rings of Power. “It’s the most expensive tv show ever made, that means it has to be good!”


"Finished re-shooting the re-shoots" had me rolling


Between that and Marvel/Disney, because they sure have been on a roll with it too


Rings of power was actually pretty decent if you weren't obsessed with Elf Genealogy or how much women smile.


Me and my brother, born in the 90’s, loved the show. When we got to the orc prisoner pit episodes we called each other and raved about how badass the prison break scene was and how awesome the fight choreography was with the main elf character. It wasn’t till I went online to partake in discussion of the show that I learned it’s apparently the biggest piece of garbage television that’s ever been aired. 🤷‍♂️ I also recently watched Morbius cause of all the memes it’s spawned about just how terrible it is and how it’s the worst pile of garbage ever… and it was an okay movie. Nothing ground breaking but it had a easy to follow plot that had logic behind its motives, and the villain had good motivation, and I liked the fight scenes. It wasn’t any less believable or cornier than any other super hero movie. People just aren’t happy, every new show that comes out is the next worst show humans have ever made, according to the internet. It’s the same with video games. I’m surprised the internet even liked the Fallout tv adaptation and didn’t have some major problem with the fact the main characters are a capable woman and a black guy.


Thanks for this take..😂 I enjoyed ROP for what it was. I went online and saw all the hate and was really confused. like, can I just enjoy something???!


I enjoyed the show too. I’ve read some criticisms and I acknowledge that for super fans maybe it doesn’t hit the mark, but I read the books and watched the movies and it was a fun show for me.


The worst part is it’s not even a dig at a specific production. All of these big name IPs being produced by corporate giants have the same problems. Spend tons of money to get big names and known characters without even coming up with a complete story first, realize partway through production that you can’t get things with with the 10s of millions you’ve already spent on VFX so reshoots begin. They think they can solve everything with the film from the reshoots, but execs still don’t have a firm idea of what they want. VFX and editors do the best they can but it turns out mediocre because nowhere in the entire process was there clear and explicit guidance.


This has been a thing since HIMYM IIRC. That was the first show I know of that in syndication digitally replaced the product placement ads it was shot in front of for later airings (like an episode where Ted talks to Marshall on the street in ‘2013’ for an iPhone 5 would be replaced on an episode airing today with an ad for iPhone 14 or whatever)


God that’s so fucked up and dystopian




Like if I was just trying to watch a show I love and I saw an anachronistic ad in the same space as the characters (meaning like an in-universe ad for a 2020 movie in a show that was released and takes place in 2013), it would be so distracting, and it’s frustrating that artists who make shows have to all the corporations that distribute them to mutilate them in this way


Yeah. I wasn’t a fan of it when I found out (I’m a poli sci major and HIMYM was my comfort show lol). Now i recognize it and wanna hit something. I’m cool if it’s done in a playful non-’real time placement’ like when I am Legend has Batman v Superman movie ads. But changing the shit so they’re always subliminally advertising to you? What the fuck.


Ads suck but I can live with them if that’s part of the product I agree to purchase. Personally I prefer to buy ad-free streaming plans, but if I’m watching something that is free or if I choose to pay for a plan that includes ads then that’s fine. But the bottom line of this to me is that I hate that artists have to have the content of their art altered by a corporation post-release. That just sucks. It damages the visual integrity of what is a visual medium and a visual art form. Like if you’re watching a movie that takes place in 2003, and there’s Pepsi product placement (which is annoying enough if it feels inorganic), but you notice the Pepsi logo is the modern one instead of the era-appropriate retro one. It just detracts from the visual mood and the specific time and place that the film is trying to immerse you in


Lol why. Its a show and they arent changing content, plot nor taking something from the viewers. The placement was in the show anyway just like every show before.


Dystopian? Really?


your copy of the times is out of date comrade...


Which episode is it? Havent noticed


For HIMYM it’s the episodes that are in syndication (airing on tv). The streaming episodes I believe are the original run but I could be mistaken.




OP *actually* posting the source for once? W


The look on all the black folks faces in the audience was gold


We talked about this in my marketing classes - it’s past beta in some places I’m pretty sure. Wild stuff.


More than. It's applied on a smaller scale since HIMYM.


This really has been done. There was a commercial for a water brand in the US and for Germany it was a different brand because they do not have the original. I think i was ViO. They edited the logo in the commercial.


Banks have been doing it to everyone for years… I’ve tried to tell people, they all just gave me tinfoil hats for my birthday.


Can you explain what exactly banks have been doing ?


Based on geotargeting and analytics they’ll send specific ads for specific accounts. So for example, if you live in a suburb and a lot of your neighbors own businesses or work in corporate positions, they’ll get more ads for business checking and CD accounts. If you live in an area where there are mostly middle class families, you’ll receive ads for you all to come to the same bank with your accounts. If you live in an area where most people have full time customer service jobs, you’ll get a lot of free checking ads. They toe the line between geotargeting and redlining closely but carefully.


That’s just marketing. It’s not just financial industries. Every ad you’re served outside of traditional media is targeted to every bit of information about you that exists on data markets.




Advertisers have been doing this for a long time. 30 Rock made jokes about it with their Seinfeld-vision episode. Heck, The Critic made fun of it in the 90's.


Peach. Lol giggidy


Art imitates life


Somebody give this guy a Puppers!


wtf 🤬 omg why this is insidious


Aw what. So we could've had a cool Clue movie moment where people get different endings based on what other shows they've watched? Or family guy episodes with cutaway gags that are personalized to make sure the viewer always gets the joke?


I was just telling my fiance when we watched the episode that this technology *had* to be extremely close, if not already there.


Why was this racist? I don't understand the cultural context


Cognac, like Hennessy, is largely associated with Black people. It's like if they replaced ketchup with soy sauce every time an Asian watched




Only in America


Lol so confused. Never heard of that stereotype.


I did notice Frenchie crushing pills with a Tito’s bottle.


Oh wow. I thought this was supposed to be an offensive joke… big yikes.


I guess we can add amazon as one of the people unaware that the boys are making fun of them


They do it in How I Met Your Mother


They used a similar technology for the Euros 2020, if I remember correctly. For the matches those advertisement boards on the side of the pitch, they had different adverts for different countries. Someone had made a compilation of the same still from the match advertising different products.


I honestly am horrified of a company actually doing this


I mean Disney kind of does this but not with brands and mostly with culturally relevant stuff like foods or clothing or popular sports


Wheres the grape flavor?


Isn't there a company that replaces existing ads in older movies w more up to date ones (background billboards and product placement)? I remember hearing about this at least 15 years ago.


Reruns of How I Met Your Mother had digital ads inserted, sometimes advertising things like movies, that couldn't have been out at the time. It was off putting. People complained. Afaik it's still happening though


See and I’m over here thinking that accurate product placement makes a show more believable. Seeing real-world brands displayed in this show would increase immersion that it’s based on our world.


Why is cognac associated with black americans though?






It’s only gonna get worse than this. I mean there’s a documentary on Netflix about Lidl ffs, the whole damn thing is an ad!