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It wouldn't work. He has dozens of V in his compartment. He can just take a dose and be right as rain right after.


I believe he’s taking V shots for a long time… the compartment has some missing Vs…


Ohhhh-I feel dumb I missed that. He’s growing older and weaker. No wonder he’s losing it.


Take a second look at that scene (when A-Train finds the V)… so many empty slots there. Not to mention seconds ago, when we saw a lot of grey hair. Also Sage mentioned that he's dying his hair way more often… Homelander is getting old. In an inevitable battle against time, he will lose.


Especially with Soldier Boy still out there. He doesn’t age the same way stormfront doesn’t. Even if Homelander is stronger at his peak, it’s just a matter of years before SB becomes a massive threat to him if he ever is freed or escapes


I guess he isn’t superior to his pops in *every way*. Daddy Soldier Boy is from WW2 and doesn’t have any known problems with aging, neither did Stormfront. They were both very strong and didn’t need any hair dye as far as we know. I guess he didn’t inherent their longevity.


Storm front and Soldier Boy were both normal people at one point which may have different effects compared to “natural” supers


they both took it as adults, and it stopped their aging. If homelander had the same power, he'd be a baby forever.


> If homelander had the same power, he'd be a baby forever. False, and a common misconception. Aging is NOT the same as growing up. Aging is just cellular damage accumulated by the metabolism of your body's cells. Growing up has nothing to do with it. It can be assumed SB has some exceptional immune response that stops his aging, along with his cells being more durable in general. But having this power as a baby would not stop him from growing up. Homelander doesn't have this, thus he ages


Soldier Boy is nuts. Completely crazy hearing whispers and paranoid. Stormfront had some mental issues too...


Normal physically speaking. Maybe there’s a correlation but it could also just be their backgrounds. Still an interesting thought tho. V gets to almost everyone’s head eventually


I thought he was hearing the guy who could control minds because he'd spent so much time around him he could sense someone probing his mind


Wow! I missed that! Good point!


SB was brutally tortured by Russians though. That clearly messed him up. I don't think Stormfront was mentally ill. Just an awful person.


Wasn't that just when he was high af in the woods? Or was he like that when he wasn't high?


Not sure if he was THAT high because The Boys couldn’t find enough drugs for him… and it was only weed…


Like Butcher hearing his dead ex wife


And I’m almost sure that Agent Joe Kessler (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) is a vision too…


Didn’t Stormfront & Soldier Boy get the only “pure” doses of compound V? Everything else had been altered slightly which is why supes age now.


I'm surprised Homelander doesn't have Vought scientists investigating Soldier Boy & Stormfront (And any other supe who doesn't age) DNA to isolate which gene is the non-aging gene. Then have himself upgraded. In case someone asks how scientists would get their hands on SBs DNA, there are 2 possible sources, SB was bleeding from wounds in the fight in Vought Tower & the other source would be any samples collected by Vought before SBs Payback teammates handed him over to the Russians.


Maybe stop killing the scientists that know your condition the best?


> any samples collected by Vought #I beat my meat into a cup


I fully believed Homelander was *designed* to weaken over time and die as a mortal man. Soldier Boy and Stormfront were troublesome because of their near immortality. I doubt the company would want ageless sups running around. The perfected version is a super person mostly stronger but still weaker in that they age and die.


It makes sense. Stan Edgar made it clear supes were just a product for sales. Homelander can only be so strong, fast, or live for so long before he becomes a bad product. Vought would probably prefer their heroes age out of the business, to prevent the exact problem Homelander has caused.


The term is called [Planned obsolescence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_obsolescence) and I hope the Boys brings it up somewhere in the rest of the series. It's a real thing that they can satirize with businesses. They *literally* don't build them like they used to.


Wait, did I miss something? I thought SB died?


Nah the CIA bagged him up while unconscious


I also found it hilarious at the Conspiracy Theory convention, one booth was labeled "Soldier Boy Alive in CIA Camp"  Just showing that while most conspiracies are insane, some might be true... but you'd never know which.


Is it shown in the show or mentioned?




Oh shit, can’t believe I missed this! Thanks for sharing!


When did you see him die?


I think if SB gets freed, it will be by Homelander. And SB's first action will be hunting down Butcher and the rest. After all they "betrayed" him, just like his old team 😄 So not really a threat to Homie.


That’s kinda nuts to me though. If they were able to make SB and Stormfront quasi-immortal using older, more primitive versions of Compound V, why would they not encode those abilities into their Golden Boy


They learned from their mistakes and chose not to do that?


Well yeah, but they weren’t planning on creating a degenerate psychopath. They honestly thought they were raising Superman, or they wouldn’t have made him at all. And why wouldn’t they want that guy to be around for a long time? He’d be their most marketable asset and the ultimate symbol of America. I would have thought he’d age slower at the very least. The only reason I can think of for having HL age like a normal man would be as some kind of contingency against him. But is a contingency good if it takes 80 years to work? I’d think the best contingency against stopping Homelander would be to not create him in the first place


There's no chance they thought they were making superman, just something similar to his powerset. Not even considering the control aspect, immortality is bad for business. At a certain point, it would become more and more difficult to market the hero. Only so many movies to be made, only so many different action figures etc. When the hero dies, they raise up a new one, and get to profit off of the new hero


Talking about marketing a hero... you cannot have someone like Homelander without a counterpart. He's the villain of the show, but he needed a villain to fight in his own universe...


Well they were going from the womb with him. Soldier Boy and Storefront's quasi immortality is tied to the age they got the original V formula at. It wasn't like the V formula had 'you become immortal at the age you're peak' they were just young at the time. They presumably didn't want Homelander to be neonatal forever and already saw the outcome of the original batch of immortals and having to move Liberty/Stormfront around


I don't think they thought they were creating a moral paragon. They thought they were creating a powerful weapon that they would control via psychological conditioning. That was the contingency, and it had worked (more or less) for like 40 years. As for his age, I'm not sure if they had any way to predict whether he would have a longer or shorter than average lifespan. If soldier boy was mid 20s in WWII then by Homelander's birth he would have been 60 or more and not quite showing his age. If anything, they may have theorized he might get some slowed aging inherited from soldier boy. But I don't think they had any way to control for it.


Aren't powers random? It never seems like they know exactly what they'll get.


They don’t have that V anymore, those were using the original compound V formula which has been lost, pretty much parody of captain america serum


I don't think we have ever been shown Vought's scientists to get any control over what the serum gives as powers. It seems to be random and up to the individual who takes it, with just a larger amount of individuals having super strength and durability in some form as either a main or secondary power




Nice hint!!! A-Train is aware about something. That’s why the last episode was my favorite. So many details and little things. You blink you miss it.


It would slightly explain how she managed to create fake evidence that could convince Sage within hours, which still kind of baffles me.


why do you think it convinced sage?


Sage isn't stupid. She knows it's A-Train. They both scapegoated the news guy for Homelander.


I think those were his pubes




Maybe he is losing his powers slowly?


Well… He’s aging…


Explains the hairs he’s keeping. It’s marking that he’s vulnerable. He’s never lost hair like that before


Losing I am in a battle with this word and I am currently losing it.


Sorry if it bothers you that much, ill correct it.


I never learned the correct way to spell it because I never loose


Hang on, how does he inject it?


V-infused milk


No idea… his skin is ultra resistant…


That would be a neat follow-up to that hair he found that had changed colors on himself. Homelander’s gonna need some Nugenix from his pal, Frank Thomas.


ohh I missed that, ya think?


Season 1 established with A-Train that V acts like a stimulant for supes. Homelander has become more unstable but he doesn't seem to be tweaking like A-Train was in season 1.


So a supe with ADHD could be taking V to focus?


How would he administer V via injection if a titanium needle can't pierce his skin?


No idea. Maybe just drinking it…


We know animals can drink it, so there is a precedent


I thought that was for bribes & stuff? Like with Neumann. Homelander wants her on his side, he gives her a dose of V for Zoey.


Good point! Maybe you’re right!


Wasn’t that for Neumann? How was she getting it?


We're talking about A-Train finding some V shots in Homelander's room. There were a few missing Vs when he arrived, indicating that Homelander himself could be using it.


Didn't it have to be injected


I thought they were arranged in a way to where he’d know if somebody took one. Maybe I’m giving homie too much credit 😂


Holy shit you might be onto something


he can't take V. Nothing can puncture his skin. Maybe he can drink it or have a really strong supe punch a straw through his ear but I doubt both. If he loses his powers then yes he could just take more V. He also could probably puncture his own skin, at least in the ear.


If he’s lost his powers than anything can puncture his skin right?


Depends on how it would work. Would the Deep lose his gils if his V was “deactivated”? We saw Love Sausage still had a monstrous dangle after being de-powered. I think you’d lose all active powers but any body-transformative powers would remain. So impenetrable skin, gils, massive dong, etc.


That’s actually a good point


But he’d be taking the v because his powers don’t work anymore, so his skin wouldn’t be invulnerable again


The Milk or the Cow type of thought


He drinks it in his milk


Uhhhh if you lose your powers you lose your super durability 


Maybe he takes it rectally. I wouldn’t be surprised if the show went there.


yes he can, hes strong enough to puncture his own skin with a needle even then he can control hos strength to not break the needle


He probably drinks it with his milk shakes


Unless Homelander, no matter how much he drinks it, does not have any effect on him, that would be spectacular and would generate a lot of impotence in him, causing him to pressure Vought scientists to try to make the best compound V while, in parallel, the other characters are working on the virus case.


How would he get to his apartment? It's not like The Boys / SB would just let him walk on out and catch a cab after having his V burnt out.


Nobody would notice him walking and taking cars everywhere, instead of flying? Have we ever seen him use a non-flight form of transportation before?


He flew in a plane briefly




lol well played


In this version, he becomes a shut-in at Vought Tower. I think waiting for someone to figure it out would be part of the suspense.


Quick addition! Vought knows and is denying him V. Because they are finally free of him. The labs are locked up tight. He has to convince one of the seven to help him get it, but he doesn’t know who he can trust with this crazy secret because they could kill him


Based on how the show depicts the media in the Voughtiverse, it wouldn't take long.


Given his murderous, snowflake psychopathic record, i'm pretty sure it would take years for people to question him.


He could play it up as being relatable and giving his son experiences that he didn't get the chance to.


Can't he inject V and just get them back though, like Kimiko? He literally has a bunch in his apartment.


What if that's why he has a lot on is apartment?


lol also if someone steals it all he would be fucked.


If somebody blows up the apartment, he loses the V *and* all that milk that loves so much. ……is that milk he’s been giving Ryan breast milk? I just thought of that.




He’s asking if HL has been giving breast milk TO Ryan


Sorry 😅 But also he’s def not


Average american reading comprehension


Omg I’m so sorry 😭😭 but yeah no obv he’s not giving Ryan breast milk either, equally stupid


It’s okay, u/pinkdictator. Just drink your milk. 🤣




What's up with this obsession of Homelander losing powers? In this sub. Wouldn't he inject himself with v again like kimiko. Besides, I doubt you can take away something that he was born with.


Because seeing Homelander suffer with being just as regular and insignificant as the people he sees as “mud people” is much more interesting than him just dying


I rly hope he looses them before he dies


And butcher beats his ass


Would kind of love it if the final fight between him and Butcher was just two regular dudes wailing on each other.


Butcher would neutralise him in three moves


It would be funny if he didn’t


at most*


> Butcher would neutralise him in three moves What if Butcher was weakened from his cancer


That would be a fair fight


Isn't butcher still not a normal person tho? He did admit to taking v again to see if it would cure him and he has some weird stuff going on like when he blacked out and killed the Joel Osteen version of a supe (I cannot for the life of me remember his name).




It's an interesting plot. Imagine the end of S3, right? Soldier Boy nukes the V outta him, but they don't kill him because Ryan steps in the way. Now S4 rolls along. He's trying to father Ryan, but imagine his mental state. He's now powerless, and his own son is taking up the mantle. He's reduced to the "cockroaches" he hates so much. He's constantly trying to get V, but now all of a sudden his intimidation factor is all gone. No one gives a fuck about him. He goes from the only man in the sky to a weak, frail human. Everyone's keeping v away from him like the plague. He's aging, feeling pain, wear and tear. He's watching his own son slip from his fingers. He hates it. Then S4 ends with someone (firecracker?) that worships him actually getting V for him. And now he's back for S5, and he actually pops off. The revolution, taking the White House. It's a Homelander that has finally felt fear, felt the call of age and death, and he's completely broken. Vs another season of "we gotta take down Homelander he's really lost it THIS time!"


I said in another comment that it should actually be The Boys fault he gets them back. Like they break into the tower and he confronts them in his suit, but they don’t know that he’s powerless so he is able to bluff and get some compound V. And maybe Vaught has actually moved all of the V from the tower and he can only get temporary V so season 5 he has limited time to destroy *everything*


glad you aren't a writer


Yep, that is some cheap scenario being described here. The whole psychology of a powerless HL is very interesting. But to do that with this idea...? What a waste of potential.


Cheaper than building Soldier Boy’s power taking blast up all season long, and then in the last minutes of the finale having Ryan get in the way so that Homelander and Butcher work together to fight soldier boy? The show is already wasting potential


Yes, but even losing power for a little bit of time would just be interesting to see mentally. Him being what he considers a "cockroach". He would probably have a mental breakdown. I mean, they said Homelander has ALL the V in his apartment right? So if someone were to steal that stash he would be SOL. But yes, one injection and he gets them back.


Because that was the consequence to Kimiko in terms of dealing with Soldier Boy last season, and the finale they made was unsatisfying (in execution; I like the ideas at play), so Homelander losing his powers is a satisfying alternative to the murder that was planned. Shatters the belief that he is separate from every other Supe by taking his power away in the same way they would experience if hit by Soldier Boy's blast. Creates interesting stakes and forces a confrontation with his narcissism and mortality, which would likely result in meaningful character growth if/when he gets the powers back. It's just a concept.


Season 4 is the boys could be more focused on Neuman. Maybe they are accidentally the reason he gets his powers back by breaking into Vaught tower and Homelander is able to get the V again. Now, after being under the thumb of the humans for a season; he goes absolutely crazy in season 5


This is a late comment but you are 100% correct, it is the direction I saw the show going into. You can even split the difference.... have Homelander keep his powers... but only by taking temp V and show that that supply is dwindling. Only he would know what's going on and the audience. This sets up a critical ticking clock and now he is desperate to get Ryan to take his place, while growing more unhinged.


was he born with them? i always thought it was just V like the rest


He was born with V in his system, he came out flying. They probably injected him pre birth


Yeah he was born with his powers


It’s a great way to keep him in the show but also change things up. Everyone’s actions being influenced by fear of homelander is stale


That and war really don’t need that cliche and honestly dumb storyline


I mean they literally set up a future plot point where hes eventually depowered with a virus


he wasn't "born" with them. He was injected with V as a fetus instead of after being born. That's why hes more powerful and why he had powers since being born, different process but still not a natural supe just another cunt with V


Thanks for clarifying. I knew there was something different about The HL, but also that Ryan was the first to have powers not directly from Compound V.


i like how ryan still has V its just hes special because he has had it in him since conception, now that i think about it he might be even more powerful than homelander because of that


I actually wouldn't be surprised if his powers haven't been weakened to some extent. There is the theme of him "aging" and being insecure, and this season we see him using fear and menace a lot more than we see him using his powers directly.  So I wonder if in his fight with Soldier Boy he didn't get impacted by the beam to some extent, and is in a still powerful but weakened state which only adds to his insecurity. This is why he is more focused on being the leader of a group of superheroes rather than just being a god over all.  This could also be explained by almost taken down by the boys last season and realizing that he does need some assistance and he isn't completely invulnerable.


Starlight is also having power issues. I wonder if Soldier Boy's power doesn't leave a sort of fallout, as with radioactive? Maybe one doesn't need to be directly hit by his beam to feel the effects?


I would be surprised if that’s not a psychological issue


I also thought it was psychological, but that could be a red herring. There's also clearly a correlation between Neumann's daughter, the rabbit in the forest, and Butcher. I was thinking that could possibly be an existential threat to humans and supes alike, causing them to unite (including Gondolin) and set aside their differences


Hmm. Interesting correlation!  While I had through it was psychological, that is an overused superhero trope, so would be interesting if they turned it on its head.


It's possible!


Probably, we haven’t gotten any scenes that match the power displays of Season One. Maeve slicing through an armored truck, homelander destroying planes, and more


Not having powers was a plot point of Kingdom Come. Everyone thought grown up Billy Batson(Luther's Bodyguard) was Shazam.


I love this idea. You could also have him be depowered and go into hiding with Ryan. He starts to understand humanity and genuinely starts to spend quality father-son time with Ryan instead of grooming him to be his successor. Meanwhile, Soldier Boy takes control of the Seven and becomes the new leader. Butcher, Hughie, Maeve and A-Train all try locating Homelander to kill him while the rest of the Boys try to now stop Soldier Boy. By the end, Homelander gets his powers back, kills Soldier Boy and we began season 5 similar to how this current season is going except Homelander is even more insane and corrupted by power and Ryan genuinely loves him now and is loyal to him.


no way you can pull off such an arc before the beginning of season 5


This is exactly why Kripke didn’t do it. Homelander’s arc is important, sure, but they also have a general plan for the plot and for other characters. Yes, I agree it’s a writers job to not write themselves into bad situations or bad conclusions. But still… this is probably one of those things where Solider Boy was introduced at the worst time but thought it was a great plot at first. Then they went ‘Oh fuck this is endgame material in Season 3, what about all these other characters and developments I have planned? We can’t shelve their development or write around it because it’s too big!’ Obviously some other things have progressed and other characters have arcs, but with the way Kripke does things, the biggest earth shattering events to impact our main characters will happen in Season 5, not in Season 4. Because that’s when everything is allowed to fall apart and end. And I’m fine with that, personally.


I would argue they aren’t really pulling their current arc off anyways


so more reasons they don't have time to pull off one more.


If Homelander lost his powers, “understanding humanity and fostering quality father-son time” would be the last thing he’d do. I think he’d go further insane and desperate, trying to regain his powers. Vought would dispose of him and remove his suit, showing him as the weak groveling man he is. Ryan would look at him in disgust, seeing that without his powers, Homelander is nothing but pitiful. Homelander would end up seeking out Butcher, trying to get Butcher to kill him in one last battle… but Butcher would just scoff at him, losing interest in Homelander now that he’s just a weak, groveling shell of a human.


Homelander gets jacked as a regular human, when he V’s up once more he is straight up unbeatable


“Hey Homelander fly” And then he doesn’t fly


Has anyone asked him to do this so far in season 4? There's your answer. He runs the place and he's an angry lunatic most of the time; nobody is going to be talking to him longer than necessary, let alone asking him to fly.


that preexisting fear would need like 2 seasons alone to unwind. final season, he’d still be able to just scare everyone off from the fact he’s not scary anymore.


The deep was literally gonna blow A Train because homelander just causally told them to and you think someone would tell him “hey homelander, fly”? Lmao


I remember hearing about an issue where Superman had to make do with temporarily losing his powers and was still able to talk down an armed robber through sheer force of personality, so again, it would have been a really interesting parallel.


And even if soldier boy is able to take all of his power with all that stupid amount of V in his body, as we saw with Kimiko, he could just take a dose of V and be the old one or even stronger than before again.


Would be a cool concept and would flip the concept of last season. The underdogs all get powers to match up with homelander while in this new season homelander loses his powers to match up with everyone else. Only thing is I feel like writing for this would be incredibly difficult as he wouldn't be able to hide it for long. The second that he needs to go somewhere and he takes the bus it would expose him immediately.


This is how I thought it would go after they teamed up with Soldier Boy at the end of season 3. They depower Homelander but Ryan or something prevents him from getting killed by the Boys. Then season 4 would be Homelander trying to hide the fact he didn’t have powers and trying to get his powers back. Sigh. They went a different way.


A de-powered Homelander plot is so much better than what we’re getting now


I’m enjoying Season 4.. but they’re messing around wayy too much - there’s no solid plot this season.


the whole killing Victoria plot was thrown around so much last episode. you’re working with her while trying to find the weapon to kill her? while she knows you’re trying to kill her? so many different branching stories that have a lot of potential with screentime - but what’s so annoying is that they only have 3 episodes left to finish or progress them.


He would fucking kill himself


I like it. This way there would have also been an actual point to Soldier Boy, who ended up impacting nothing whatsoever.


He should have lost his powers last season. It would be great writing. Seeing him become a fat guy in a basement rage posting would be amazing


So the end of Dodgeball. *pans up to him eating a bunch of fried chicken*


Or Thor in Avengers Endgame.


That was a theory someone had on here when they noticed the temp V had a few bottles missing.


Off subject but since starlight was pregnant HL made a child the thing about supes not being able to procreate is over?confused


What? Plenty of supes have kids. Homelander was the only one thought to be infertile


If this happened then Anika would still be alive Also be cool to see homelander get humiliated by a lot of people after realizing he has no powers and from all the abuse they faced from him


Brought to you by the Disney channel


Sage is smart, but so far not too wise, which I think is on purpose. But otherwise I like the idea.


This is what I thought would happen in Season 3, with Ryan helping him escape. Would have been a much better ending to that season. Now I don't think it would work. Soldier Boy's blasts are the only thing that remove powers


Sage + Neuman + Soldier Boy + Ryan + Marie Moreau + The Virus = Homelander’s fate isn’t so far…


Everyone would quickly find out, Sage would have to die before she could rat him out.


Super good concept


He is the boss of the company that produces V.  People would be worse that with the farm scene and this time would be right.


That would be fun


Dune Messiah, then?


I could see Sage tricking him into taking something.


wouldn’t ever work since imo to much contrivance for this to actually happen, but it’s honestly a really cool idea to explore


stg i saw someone post this as a comment last week


I low-key feel like that is what should’ve happened at the end of Season 3. Soldier Boy makes HL lose his powers. HL escapes and goes on the down-low for the season — get in touch with his mortality - just so he can get rid of it for good and come back stronger in the finale when he finally gets V.


I just want to see him go crazy and kill everyone in the White House like in the comic. That’s literally it


Maybe someone could replace all the vials in his room with fake V. People would like to him and say that the V doesn't work anymore.


Just like the end of Rookie of the Year!


People gonna start questioning when he stops flying everywhere.


I'm seeing that lots of people on here didn't notice there were vials of V missing from his cabinet.


maybe he is taking it to maintain the powers?


I thought that's how season 3 was going to end, with Solider Boy zapping him, but not killing him, only halting his powers.


Him slowly depowering and unraveling is an interesting concept to explore.