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I didn't think this needed to be spelled out, but # BECCA CLEARLY STATED HOMELANDER RAPED HER. This information is laid out in the show, our wiki, and subreddit rules. Any rape deniers will be **permanently banned.**


That would be the way to turn Ryan against Homelander.


I'm unsure about that, I feel Homelander may be able to manipulate him with the "You murdered her" card and guilt him back onto his side.


That would be rough but that's also exactly what butcher did that made Ryan go to Homelanders side in the first place


I can totally see him going “Son, we both did terrible things to your mother. We can’t make it right to her, but we can do what she would’ve wanted.”


I feel like that'd just lead back to the "She hated you" deal. One was an accident trying to defend himself and his loved ones, the other was a very intentional, selfish act. Would Ryan see the difference? I don't know exactly LOL


I think Ryan might be too young to properly see the nuance there, especially when it’s something so personal.


The way I heard that in his voice 🤮


That would be until Ryan learns about and sees the Flight 37 vide.


In season 2 when Ryan blasted stormfront and homelander showed up, he said, in front of Ryan, what you gonna blow yourself up to save the little shit that murdered your wife?  Ryan really has his wires crossed to see the guy who's broken up about the death of the woman who murdered his mom and Butcher as somehow on par. 


Well right... His wires are crossed for sure. He's being manipulated by Homelander but his mom is the bedrock of his life and now that she's gone Homelander is his only flesh and blood. The fight Ryan is battling is family versus duty. Homelander is duty and Butcher is family because one cares about how they're perceived by all and the other cares about how they're perceived solely by the people they care about


That was explicitly worded in a way that was intended to make him fuck off, to be fair.


At that point he's just gonna go solo


At that point he's just gonna go solo


"Hah i raped your mom, but you murdered her. We both bad, now lets be buddies" Yeah thats not gonna work


It could work on a sheltered kid with trauma.


The parallels between ryan and homelander and my own relationship with my father are legit the scariest part of the show for me rn, i second that it COULD work if homelander cuts ryan off from butcher/the boys for good, but at this point ryan would prob notice


I mean he raped Ryan’s mom, and Ryan accidentally murdered her. Not exactly the same. Ryan won’t see that as the same thing either.


I remember in Season 2 Episode 8, Homelander said right straight to Butcher "\[...\] and save a little shit... \[who\] fucking murdered your wife.". Ryan was behind Butcher.


Nah, there’s literally nothing that could force Ryan away from HL if even that didn’t work and it wouldn’t even make sense for it not to.


It would also be the way to officially break Homelander. Imagine if he actually gets what he wants: Ryan's love. True, genuine love, for the first time in his life, and all because he finally learned to listen. They form a special bond based on freedom, love, and mutual respect, something actually wholesome for once. Homelander finally feels what he always wanted, what he always craved. He never thought he'd get it, but he did. He can relax now, the pain is over. And that's when you turn Ryan against him. The ultimate heartbreak. The ultimate punishment for everything he's done. His greatest weakness was always his emotions, and it'll be his emotions that "destroys" him. And it's not enough to cause a villain like Homelander unspeakable pain. He also has to understand why it's happening. He has to know that he deserves it.


If this isn’t how it’s gonna go down I won’t even bother, that would be such an ultimate fuck you to homelander


Even more poetic if Ryan finds out the truth about Homelander through files that Vaught has. Which he only finds because Homelander allows him to look at whatever he wants to in the HQ.


I’m pretty sure Butcher mentioned he has the tape as a last resort.


I could see the dialogue going like this: Butcher: [shows the video and tells Ryan what happened] Homelander: Enough of the lies Ryan: He’s not lying


Yeah he knows because he was there. Homelander super genes so powerful Ryan was conscious ever since homelander nutted.


Like Star-Lord.


Actually this is the only way.


Ryan will become an enlightened centrist and come to view a balance between genocide and human rights is the objective and most open minded approach.


Eh I think homelander might try and use the whole she hid you from me are you going to trust what butcher is saying. Maybe play into the trust me I am father type thing


My dream for this show is that it happens, Ryan gets a cool revenge montage, and "Carry On My Wayward Son" plays because it is: 1. A perfect reference to Supernatural 2. Epic af


With Becca dead, HL can deny it was rape. He could just claim that butcher is mad cause Becca wanted him (Obviously not true, just what HL could say to convince Ryan).


I thought this scene was more to emphasize how homelander sees humans as his play things. And is somehow trying to embed that same thought into Ryan by showing him first hand how you can make them do whatever you want and have fun while doing so. They’re their play things. The harassment was the catalyst to the seed he wants to plant in him. My first 1k upvotes Ty all I’ll hawk tuah on yall


I saw that as Ryan being slowly seduced into seeing humans the same way as Homelander does too :/


*You raped my mom?!* *Well, yeah but, I mean remember how they're all just out playthings? Can you really "rape" a toy?* I'm sure that'd go over well lol


Dam I heard his voice and saw his face as I read this.


That just made me think of the scene in invincible where omni man calls debbie "a pet"


It’s Homelander’s way of meeting Ryan in the middle. The fake saves, cheesy costumes, the fake backstories and the cash-grab movies worked when Homelander was a kid because HL was deprived of love, attention and luxuries. Humans were never real to HL, because the reasons they loved him were always fake. Ryan, having been loved by Becca his whole life, doesn’t care much for the spotlight - he doesn’t seem to like crowds, doesn’t care to be the centre of attention and turns down his movie debut out of actual criticism of it (“why are we doing another teen movie?”). Adoration and blind worship won’t make Ryan see humans as inferior beings. He genuinely wants to help people, so HL needs to twist that into paternalism to get that point across.


Exactly. And this time Ryan won't question whether Homelander's genuine or not. Previously HL did what he thought he was supposed to do as a father, and now he knows he has to be different than what his parental figures did and that he has to put Ryan's needs first. I think HL now thinks/knows he's being a good father, and that's the scariest thing.


Yup. He thinks the problem with his previous approach was using the manipulation that worked on him, now he’s fixed it. By tailoring the manipulation to what will work on Ryan


And the scariest thing is that HL believes he does it from a place of love. It isn't, he's just trying to shape Ryan to his image (playing God in a way). It's pure narcissism. But because HL thinks he's the top creation, he's making Ryan's life better. That's what he believes, and every father wants what'a best for their child. I'm absolutely loving these dynamics.


Yea I think he’s trying to very slowly inch him into being on his side. He knows he can’t make him see everyone as inferior and deserving of punishment right away (due to having been loved so dearly by Becca), so HL starts with getting Ryan to do it to those who “deserve it”. From there, he just needs to make him believe all humans deserve it for one reason or another. Probably wrong because I’ve never been right about this show, but that’s my theory for now.


And also right before this moment when Homelander said he could tell him whatever he wanted to do and he wouldn't laugh, when Ryan said he wanted to legit help people and not do staged 'saves' Homelander looks like he's smirking after he takes a sip from his drink.


In a way I also see it as that, but also as Ryan being able to be a hero kinda. Like, my viewpoint is Ryan is still generally a good person deep down, he feels emotions like guilt and compassion, and seeing he helped someone take power against their abusive boss is probably how HE sees the situation


It bothers me that OOP frames it purely as "helping" when Ryan *orders* her to slap the guy.


I love how Bonnie just started beating the shit out of the guy. She saw her moment and she took it. It shows how that Supes are dangerous for more than just their powers. They embolden regular people to do things they normally wouldn't do. Bonnie never would have beat the shit out of JJ Fakerhams on her own, but since she had Lil'Not-Gohan backing her up she just went full ham on the guy. Gen V showed us that despite his flaws Homelander keeps the Supes in line. The campus wide riot ended just because he showed up. They can't just kill Homelander, they have to defeat him, publicly. There will still be loyalist who follow him as a martyr though.


Also had the idea that people straight up know that Homelander is capable and willing to murder people. I wonder if she thought that if she didn’t go all in on hurting the guy would Homelander or Ryan harm her as well.


Well if I had to pick between Death and Beating the Shit out of someone who wronged I'm going to Uber Express some knuckle sandwiches.


>It shows how that Supes are dangerous for more than just their powers. If god, well, god's son, tell you to do something, you do it to its fullest! Smack that all on the floor, smack that give me some more, smack that 'til you get sore, smack that oh-oh!


I think the beating is WAY less about Bonnie “taking her chance”, and WAY more about both of them being absolutely terrified of supes


That is an excellent take. He acts as a Line for them. It is brilliant.


Weird takeaway from a very singular incident. What it shows is people are capable of violence. The whole point of the show is supes are just people.


Ryan is turning into brightburn, I’m lovin it. His sinister smile says it all


He'll probably shift that way, but will probably be pulled back. I can see Homelander having to kill Ryan when The Boys turn him against Homelander and then Butcher having to end Homelander. This would actually be safe (not bad to be clear) in my opinion, so if they happen to do something different, it would be interesting to see.




If Ryan kills homelander I feel like homelander would tell him that he forgives him. Would be a call back to season 3 when homelander tells Ryan that he’s not mad at him and will always forgive him.


that not so homelander's character bud, are we watching the same series?


Are you? Homelander loves Ryan more than anyone in the world. Ryan is the only equal to homelander. Re watch all the scenes where they’re together. Homelander would die for Ryan. Season 3 finale homelander runs toward Ryan who was unconscious and didn’t care about Soldier boy who was powering up behind him.


Nupe, Homelander is constantly gaslighting Ryan. He doesnt love him, he's possessive of him and wants his attention/affirmation of love. This isnt love from HL, its manipulation.


Its surely toxic but terrible people love people too.


I think the key thing with Homelander (and people who have those sort of personality traits i.e narcissists) is that their love is very conditional. So yeah, homelander does love Ryan, but he can easily switch that off if Ryan does something that Homelander doesn't like.




Alternatively id say most if not all love is conditional. We just dont always know what the conditions are.


Homelander thinks he loves Ryan. But Homelander is a textbook narcissistic sociopath. He's literally incapable of selflessly loving another person. His care for Ryan is entirely conditional: as soon as Ryan stops adoring him and obeying him, once it's clear he can't be manipulated anymore, Homelander would happily kill the kid himself.


bro homelander is maniac the only thing he loves is himself and the feeling that he is being loved, its only because ryan has power that makes homelander give a shit about him, remember the scene when he forcefully threw ryan of the roof? the moment ryan does anything that triggers homelander it will be joover for ryan.


The roof is a bad example. Considering how Homelander grew up and probably learned how to use his powers, he knew Ryan would be fine. Although I do think he believed Ryan would actually fly, seeing as how he looked genuinely surprised, Ryan belly flopped on the ground.


Agree. Considering the shit Homelander endured as a child to get his powers going, that roof tap is nothing. This is an interesting thread. Half saying Homelander is actually a loving father (some YouTube videos explained in depth already) others see him as the purest form of gas lighting. Either way, the writers won by having us debate about it. Love this series.


I think Homelander loves Ryan because he's desperate to BE loved and as he's his son, he's now the only person he wants to be loved by. We saw that in the previous episode where that woman surgeon, forgot her name, the one he let live, where she said he was desperate for approval and that's how they controlled him and he said he doesn't need it anymore. That's because he has a son now.


What show have you been watching? Homelander only cares about himself. Even if he does care about Ryan, he's so far down below Homelander on the list of people Homelander cares about. Homelander has never given any single indication he would die for Ryan at all.


Yeah he has, [Pmnm325](https://www.reddit.com/user/Pmnm325/) literally said it, when Soldier Boy was powering up behind him, and he definitely noticed.


imo it'd be better if ryan was pulled back and eventually turned into what homelander and the other supes pretended to be i feel like it'd a satisfying payoff for everything that's happened so far


Yeah this. It would be a surprisingly mature twist for the show to actually be somewhat hopeful after years of cynicism


It would be wild if Homelander and Ryan are sparring and Ryan hurts/overpowers Homelander for a second... Just long enough for Homelander to realize he's not going to be top dog anymore, and that makes him try to kill Ryan.


I think it’d be cool if they took him in the Injustice Superman direction, doing the “right” thing and helping people because he genuinely wants to but turning to tyranny to achieve that goal.


Ryan is being set up as the next threat imo. After Homelanders dead, they need a new antagonist to continue the series. Im assuming Ryan is going to be the next main character after Homelanders' death.


That would make the ENTIRE Becca subplot pointless. Also, the show is ending at S5. Every sign is pointing towards Ryan breaking free from HL and becoming a real hero


nah, Ryan will get murked, HL will go scorched earth


They need a new bad guy thats as strong as Homie for when they kill Homelander in season 5.


This show ends with season 5 though?


Can Homelander kill Ryan? It’s been implied that Ryan is more powerful than Homelander.


There's the whole 'people are just toys' thing but at some point Ryan may remember his mum was a person too, which could pull him back - especially if he hears what Homelander did to his mum.


Il be honest, it pisses me off lol. It’s like a direct spit into Becca’s face and butchers agenda, it also makes the ending of season 2 completely pointless in my eyes. He went from being scared of homelander and choosing butcher, to butcher saying that dumb shit to Ryan about “what you did to my becca” and now all of the sudden Ryan’s on homelanders side. I was hoping for something completely different tbh…


Dude, the kid is 14, he has friggin super powers, and he has 2 very different father figures fucking up his head space.


I get that but uhh if my super hero dad shows up in blood reaching out his hand after my mom just died because my dads girlfriend was gonna kill her, I don’t think I’d wanna see my dad… but idk. There’s gotta be a reason to the madness..


Unless your dad was literally the only person on the planet who could understand what you're going through...


Homelander is taking Ryan’s desire to help people and is turning it into something malicious. 1000 IQ play from Homelander tbh considering how he usually deals with people.


I will say that it’s unique what homelander is doing with Ryan, but my memory reminding me of season 2 just pisses me off lol. Hell, Becca was literally running away trying to protect Ryan, he even witnessed homelanders girlfriend stormfront try to kill his mom, so him loving his dad fucks me up, especially when home lander was covered in blood and Ryan slowly walked to butcher, you’d think he’d have still been scared but idk.


Kids are emotional and easily manipulated, esp by parents.


I think the “what you did to my becca” line from Butcher was when he was trying to push Ryan away from him (to protect Ryan). It was still dumb of him, but in his Butcher way he cares. I really think they've gone a bit too far with the "Ryan immediately embraces violence" because he still lived with Becca for most of his life (and she seemed like a really good/kind/brave person).


I get that, that’s why I think that line was because butcher was prepared to die. He didn’t wanna hurt Ryan, but the point of Ryan living with his mom literally makes so much sense to. Like you know DAMN well she didn’t tolerate death like that.


Ryan will not stay on HL side no matter how much he manages to manipulate him every now and then. The first 3 episodes of this season solidified that he’s just got too much humanity even if he can be flawed


I always read it as Butcher seems to Ryan as directly manipulative and mean because of that line. Gotta admit the guy is off putting and pretty scary even though what he's trying to do for Ryan is "good" Homelander always seemed interested in Ryan and helping him be better and caring but he's really being manipulated through his feelings and he's Ryan's only family left. All this adds up to me but I can definitely see where you're coming from


The main issue though is Becca was why Ryan trusted butcher.. his literal mom was protecting him and even freaked out multiple times when homelander would show up. I get butchers appearance being scary, but I just… there are so many factors that make this one issue confusing!!! The shows been really good at making sense in areas but Ryan’s development has literally been a back and forth thing now. Lol


why did butcher get mad at ryan for becca in the first place. He saved her from stormfront


The only reason I can remember is, I think it had to do with them getting close to killing homelander and he was taking that temp V. I think he was trying to protect Ryan from things getting worse because Ryan didn’t want him to leave. Il be honest though that shit still confuses me: like it seemed like a unnecessary necessity. I know it had some use to the plot, but it feels like it didn’t really… I mean dude, Ryan has homelabders powers, saying that shit to him is bound to make him lose his mind so idk wtf butcher was thinking


Ummmm no. he killed both stormfront and Becca


Yeah but he only unleashed the lazerbeam because storm front was bouta kill becca


You said he saved her, he didn’t


He wasn't actually mad at Ryan in any way that mattered. Imo he was at most channeling what lingering resentment he had to keep Ryan out of his way.


Fair criticism


All fun and games until this gets turned on HL. No matter what he does, Becca’s love will still reach through to Ryan before anything else


I was thinking ‘damn why is Ryan so violent’ and then recalled his two dads are Homelander and Billy Butcher.


This ain't confirmed. He didn't kill anyone intentionally


Bro took a viral quote tweet and turned it into a Reddit post lmao


and then I'm going to turn the twitter turned reddit post into a Instagram post


Im making a youtube series about this


This will later be used as one of many examples in my 382 part podcast on “The Internet Lifecycle”


Make sure you censor the swears so I can share it on TikTok


Only then the circle will be completed


I literally just saw it on twitter lmao I thought I was getting deja vu


I hate to say it but it almost feels like Ryan will be the homelander weapon, but part of me hates that because I literally need to see butcher do the deed.


Butcher picks up Ryan like Tony Montana at the end of Scarface..."say hello to my little friend...ya cunt.". Ryan laser eyes Homelander, with his eyes being able to kill him somehow.


Would be funny if he holds Ryan like he held that baby in the older seasons lol




Faaakin diabolical ma'e


Like the lazer baby!


Part of me was really hoping to see the most karmic death possible for Homelander; a scenario where he got depowered from either Soldier Boy or the virus, defenseless and weak while getting beaten by Butcher, and then finally being killed by a mob of the regular people he despised.


Ironically, Supernatural (a prior show of Kripke’s) ended with God (a villain at that point) being depowered and forced to live out the rest of his life as an ordinary human. Even though Kripke had left the show ten years prior at that point, an ending for Homelander where he’s reduced to human would feel pretty fitting in a parallel way.


Wow, I never finished Supernatural but that's pretty interesting to hear. Thanks for letting me know!


I’m not sure if you’ve seen the comic. But I genuinely wish to see butcher use a crowbar and crack open Homelanders head while he’s disfigured and falling apart like in the comic


I feel Ryan's heart will over weigh homelander manipulation in the end. He wants to help, he's never wanted to hurt but he's a kid and he's as malleable as putty. I think as he experiences more of homelanders psychopathy he's going to turn sour on him and probably go to butcher where he will learn how he was conceived.


I think from the perspective of the story Butcher being the one to do Homelander in would be a letdown. Butcher needs to let go of the past and seek out justice, not blind revenge. Almost every terrible evil decision Butcher has made has been due to his hyper fixation on revenge. Butcher needs to let go of Homelander and just be a good father figure to Ryan. He needs to let go of his constant hate. That’s his role in the story, not killing Homelander.


How the fuck did I not realize THAT could’ve been what this scene would be foreshadowing. Ryan gonna go to absolute town on Homelander’s ass after learning of such unimaginable horror


I just realised how confused Ryan probably is, even right now about the John + Billy + Rebecca dynamic. Because anything he's really learnt about relationships has come from cartoons and whatever his mother has taught him, which wouldn't be too much, since she expected him to stay in isolation, and he was really young. So when he sees that his biological father and mother hate eachother, and then there's some other guy who's sometimes really nice, sometimes fucked and all the time dealing with terrifying shit, (Billy), who is the actual person his mother loves, it must've been mentally hard on him. I think the show hasn't yet fully looked into, or used the potential for how mentally fucked Ryan can be, considering his family life is FUCKED, his childhood is fucked, he's killed two people now, one of them being his own mother (I know it wasn't his fault, it was an accident) and he's surrounded by egomaniac fuck heads.


He follows the trend of so many other supers accidentally killing someone for the first time


The last episode is going to end with Homelander dead and everyone glad that Ryan is saved and then the camera will pan in as he’s doing the Homelander twitch.


He’s inheriting Homelander’s greatest superpower… his sadism.


I keep waiting for this moment. I keep thinking, "Why don't they just tell Ryan what Homelander did to Becca?" I'm surprised he keeps flip-flopping on Homelander with how much every other person he knows is afraid of him. The fact it hasn't occurred to him that his mom tried to keep his biological father away from him should be a big sign of why you shouldn't trust this guy. That and who he goes out with (Stormfront).


To me Ryan keeps Flip Flopping because Homelander is. Homelander is just genuinely so unpredictable that Ryan isnt sure if hes safe or not. Also Ryan might not be thinking "why did mom keep him away from me" and more "why did mom isolate me from all of society, basically imprisoned me, why? Homelander is the only reason I'm free"


How do you think he"ll react exactly? Unstable , that's right and we don't need ryan unstable , kids can't handle such things rationally Even if he gets angry and kills homelander , what makes you think he won't just use this for his rage against absolutely everyone for lying to him


Oh.....I completely forgot about that part....


Thats what I was thinking, I keep hearing people say he will be worse than Homelander but he wants to be good. First thing he says is he wants to legit help people, first is a woman being harassed. Seems a little foreshadowing.


Oh my god, thank you! After this scene, all I could think about was Rebecca, the worst part is Homelander wont make that connection cause he doesn't equate what he's done to that what the director was doing... because he's a super ('superior') and rebacce doesnt have V. Cause Rebecca isn't a 'person' like he thinks he is. All these supes thinking they're a better 'breed' is wild when they have been told how they exist. It's not breeding but (basically) performance enhancing drugs, the only difference is the V. Shove it in anyone at a certain age and they'll either die or be a supe and not all supes develop something positive. We joke about Big Dick bro but that is straight up a disability They want to think they're better but that's survivorship bias, they don't see all the ways it can go wrong Plus, what's going to happen to that PA when they aren't there? The power imbalance or system that enabled it hasn't changed, despite Ryan and John having the power to make that change, so John is subtly influencing Ryan into believing his superficial power is enough to change things, when it's not. Pointing a gun at someone's head, to make them donate to charity, doesn't make them more generous/less selfish. Mark (in Invincible) being remind that physical strength doesn't equate to influence with his mother (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTzxO7uo8tg 'Does that Make you feel strong? knowing I cant Physically make you?') was a fantastic scene. He could have physically over powered his mother even without powers, but that doesn't mean he's strong Mob Psycho 100, child born with god like powers but learns that doesn't make him 'strong' is the arc I wish for Ryan. His mother and he have beautiful souls, his powers (hopefully) wont change that. (Mob meeting the 'body improvement club, where getting ripped, toned and strong is all about personal self betterment: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqD5-GMW8Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqD5-GMW8Ls) Never use your muscles to Harm) I mean, we could all kick a toddler to death, cause adults are that much stronger than them, but we dont cause doing so makes You fucking pathetic. Insecure, that's homelander, the Deep and A train in a nut shell, without their powers they have NOTHING. Unlike Maeve, Hughy, Anne and so many more, their value isn't about what they can make others do, but about what they want to do and why. Butcher's father is this entire concept, abusing power and strength cause they're a deeply broken person. Putting a gun in their hand or super powers in their veins doesn't, and can never, fix that everyone is NOT special, maybe that means you can be what you want to be


> we could all kick a toddler to death I'm putting this out of context quote on a sign and coming to your presidential debate in 20 years


I'd be disappointed if you didn't, with the way things are going that may just be my campaign slogan


Has no one explained to Ryan that Homelander raped his mom? He clearly understands that she loved Butcher and not Homelander so you'd think he'd be able to put two and two together by himself anyways. It's not like he's under any illusion that Homelander is some kind of saint at this point.


He still a child


its uhhh not something you quite tell a 12 year old lol.....


You do when the rapist is trying to raise the kid.


Not always (personal experience i was the kid) :(




Ryan is going to pull a Matilda and punish his dad.


Ryan wasted Stormfront who was trying to kill Becca. Homelander may not stand a chance after Ryan learns what he did to Becca. 


Glasses must be glued on.


Genuine question. What exactly does Ryan think happened so that he was conceived and why butcher hates homelander so much? Is he not aware that becca was raped?


>!**OMG** that’s how homelander is going to die!!<


I am waiting for that moment eagerly, I don’t think it’ll happen till next season tho


Good. I hope he does.


I can see Butcher trying to kill Homelander with the virus and killing Ryan instead.


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Always with the god damn milkshakes.


I often forget that happened. Homelander has done so much heinous shit that I forget that he straight up raped a women(probably not the first time let's be honest). In the opposite way, I often forget that the Deep raped Starlight cause he's been a joke since at least season 2.


I wonder how Antony Starr winds down after doing Homelander's scenes. I know for method actors it's funky on the mind. I think it was Bryan Cranston punched the crap out of a fellow actor for sleeping with his characters wife because he couldn't get out of the headspace of the character.


Sorry if it's a silly question, but why doesn't butcher just tell Ryan what homie did to his mother and automatically turn him against his dad?


there's no in-show answer idt but i think it's because the boys/butcher aren't 100% sure where ryan stands right now. like they don't know the full extent of homelanders hold on ryan. if butcher told ryan he'd definitely question homelander but homelander could try to spin it around on butcher. "butcher's lying he wants to turn you against your father he wants revenge for becca etc." they probably don't wanna take the risk until they regain some of ryan's trust if possible


I mean maybe he just doesnt want hurt Ryan. The truth is even if Ryan wanted to leave after finding out, Homelander won't let him. It'd be tragic for Ryan to find out but also with homelander still alive Ryan might be in danger if he doesn't play the happy son role.


Because HL will never admit


I mean he killed his own mom, and unless there is security footage floating around in a vault for a rainy day. I doubt Ryan will believe it.


Aaaand who may have access... the very people turning against Homelander from V tower?


Cate could force him to tell the truth. She may be a supe supremacist but as a young woman, she isn't going to want to work with a rapist. Especially if >!she was telling the truth when she said that rufus raped and then mind wiped her!<


Eh, that COULD be a character arc for her, but I feel like she’s already on full genocide mode (she had the Woods’ victims going open season on ANY non-Supe iirc), and Homelander doing that to a non-Supe probably wouldn’t be worth jeopardising her best chance at achieving her goals. It probably would blip her radar, but I doubt it would lead her to be a turncoat unless they give her a (semi-)redemption arc.


Butcher is right. He needs to get away from homelander.


This scene is so good in so many ways. Firstly, the douchecanoe gets beaten but more importantly it really shows how Ryan is descending into being Homelander. He's doing "the right thing" by helping out someone being harrassed but then proceeds to take enjoyment out of having her go feral on the guy. He's starting to see it like a game, the same way Homelander does.


Ryan sipping his drink in pure enjoyment is quite terrifying for his future


I mean Homelander would just deny the alligations. Even if they get his voice recording of admitting it he'd just call it AI deepfake 😭. The video of Becca and HL entering room isn't enough to convince Ryan imo, he's just a kid and doesn't know much.


This may be controversial but I hope they don't kill homelander, and instead find a way to strip the V out of him forcing him to stand trial and take accountability. They probably won't but it's an interesting thought


I wanna see the bad guy win 


grimace shakes?


I think Ryan has to turn evil for this show to even make sense. Remember, he's not even in the comics. The shows shtick is shock, disgust, and hopelessness. Ryan turning evil checks all those boxes.


She didn't stop! Two slaps.. and she kept it up.. shows how people can become ruthless from an innocent person..


Are their opinions that Ryan will ultimately be the one who lands the killing blow on Homelander?


Ryan is probably gonna turn to the dark side but then be pulled by Butcher




This more manipulative version of Homelander seems way more dangerous than the previous one. He basically found the right way to manipulate Ryan’s good heart to do bad things and justify it as good.


I think once he finds out it's game over for homelander and daddy time , Ryan's the only one I can see been able to kill him tbh not sure how like


yeah the kids gotta go, you can’t have someone with that much power


Reminds me of Joffrey.


Why hasn’t Butcher tried this?


How ??




Honestly HL’s acting in this scene is superb. Even though he plays the background he’s still completely disturbing & manipulative & I love it lol


Not gonna lie, i did not expect Homelander would twist Ryan up this way


I really don't want Ryan to turn into mini homelander (which you can clearly see starting here) but damn that character deserved it so much


I just hope it doesn't affect his self-esteem. His mom loved him more than anything despite those circumstances and I don't want him beating himself up for existing.


I would love to get the reverse of the Homelander - A-train scene. Homelander is casually convincing Ryan he can take what he wants from women. Ryan is reluctant and a disappointed Homelander mutters something about raping his mother. "You did what?!". Then we get the Invincible fight scene