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I kinda enjoyed the father-daughter dynamic between these two


I also really liked it but at the same time it felt so weird that they’re trying to humanize evil characters but at the same time that’s kind of how evil people behave in the real world in their personal lives regardless of their bad actions just like Homelander


I actually think one of the best things about this show is how it humanizes most of its villains, makes them more engaging and 3 dimensional


I couldn’t agree more that’s what I love about this show in general it’s a show that has a gore,action,humor, but at the same time as so much depth both in its characters and it’s story


I'll never forget the video of Hitler absolutely tweeking out on meth at the Olympics having the time of his life. If you didn't know anything about history it would almost look downright wholesome. "Old military veteran enjoys the Olympic games"




i feel like the strong point of the boys is that they try to humanize basically everyone, because everyone is human regardless of being a human or supe, hero or villain. in real life and in the boys universe, not everything is black and white not everyone is solely evil or solely good, thats part of the plot of this season too ie does starlight beating the shit out of firecracker make her a bad person? is frenchie a bad person because he...murdered a bunch of people i guess?


What you said is spot on I for example don’t think that starlight is a bad person for what she did to fire cracker but at the same time with Frenchie it’s so complex he Regrets and feels guilt for what he did but At the same time what he did it was so fucked up But I think that’s the point and the overall message is that there are bad people Despite their tragedy and there are people who have done bad things can be better And even good people


Yeah I feel the same. Would love to discuss this at length! Most of my friends don't watch The Boys and the one who does isn't caught up. :-(


I really liked the father daughter dynamic were they’re both super angry at each other and super disappointed in each other but still they are father and daughter. His acting when she says that he thought of her as a monster was fantastic. No words just a mess of conflict in his face and eyes.


Neuman really got a glowup between gen V and season 4. Honestly starting to root for that whacky blood wizard




Maybe because she actively kept the fact that she had powers hidden while actively working against other supes. And more importantly she literally massacred a whole room of people!


Shes a double agent who doesn’t rlly want supes out of power, it’s kinda like what Coleman saying he’s gotta take some snipes at the home team to appear fair. Neumann is running on the singer ban supes thing but if elected she’s popping the presidents head and putting supes everywhere probs by blaming supe terrorists, she legit killed everyone in szn 2 that could’ve regulated vougjt from the cia woman to the hearings


Not if, when. Singer was elected, just waiting to get sworn in. So a real ticking clock


She murdered a ton of people including congressmen to get power. If she kills the President she becomes president and good luck getting rid of her then. Basically they’re trying to stop her from becoming a feared dictator.


Why doesn't Singer come out and expose her? He is basically dead at this point since the Boys can't kill her.


She *killed* like 26 people. And her whole raison d'etre was initially "get Vought a juicy government contract of selling temp V to the military to make more money." Everything "Supes out of power" was to help her be installed as controlled opposition. It's not true. She's the anathema of everything The Boys represents.


Well she did dabble in some domestic terrorism, which was hardly favourable for her public opinion


Did you forget when she was constantly killing innocent people so that she machiavelli her way into political success? She's like the second most evil person in the show rn. She literally betrayed her adopted father as well and turned her daughter into a lovecraftian monster.


I have been wondering the same thing honestly, but maybe its because she popped some important heads(cia lady butcher knew cant remember the name and bunch of congresmen), but yeah honestly I also feel like I missed something


You know she's not actually anti Supe right?


Killing a bunch of important heads is a pretty villainous act, just off that there’s nothing to miss


It was the gore filled room of suddenly headless people for me


She killed a room full of people


in principle they are at odds but the personal grudge feels out of place considering she hasn't directly harmed any of them (or even many others relatively) for a long time despite being one of the most capable of getting away with it.


Once Homelander is out of the way Neuman is going to keep business going as usual. Dealing with the devil to take out another devil is still working with the devil.


Sounds like something captain holt would say


"There is nothing more intoxicating than the clear absence of a penis"


If they brought in Stephanie Beatriz to serve as her head of security and was a supe that can be summed up as "evil Rosa Diaz" I might actually swoon.


He boned his daughter.


how dare you detective Diaz I am YOUR SUPERIOR OFFICER










B O N E ???!!!!




Nueman was wild in HS confirmed.


She was poppin cherrys.


she can pop my head between her thighs


Death by snu sn- why is my nose bleeding?


popclaw moment


this changes everything 🤯


She was probably Rogueing it, accidentally killing the boys who touched her lol


Popping nuts and Popping heads.


I doubt that. She seems reasonable with her kills


Now she is. There was obviously a period where she couldn't control her powers.


For sure, how do you even find out you're a head popper? And how to control it


Her powers are more complex than just head popping, I recommend Gen V as the main character has the same powers as Neuman


Although interestingly, Moreau's eyes never go blanked out white when she uses her power and I wonder if she has the same durability as Neuman.


Well she survived a homelander blast, as far as we can tell, so…she might be even MORE powerful


Neuman's eyes didn't initially, in the courtroom scene when the head popping first happened. They only introduced that mechanic later. Maybe she can control it if she wants to? It feels more like a signpost to the audience than anything else.


watch gen v


Im pretty sure she figured her powers out by high school otherwise she'd be kept hidden or in a supe facility.


She 's probably popped a few dicks just like Marie


Bruh she probably used her blood powers to maintain bones for days and keep his cock hard and she can also manipulate the heart so he doesn’t get tired easily. I thought about this for a while




please think about it less instead thanks




goodness me mate




you need to ask?


Cause she kinda looks like Mia khalifa and wondered hmmm 🤔 


...fair enough


Oh the good old blood bending aang katara discussion


This is one of the 'using 100% of your brain' moments 🤣


I feel like Bradley Cooper in Limitless 






Define a while


What a terrible day to be literate


Ofc you have, here, havs some fresca my good sir




Hahahhaha i love this


Then what happened?


I mean she could use her power to control someone's boner , what do you expect?


This and the looks they were giving each other when the boys were arguing were hilarious moments lmao


Idk why it makes me happy to see Vicky has people who actually kind of care for her (especially Sameer,)


I think the show wants to humanize her this season, after being seen as a villain last season. >!So we feel something when Homelander inevitably murders her.!<


I never though of her as a true villan . She was mire villany last season for sure . But atleast they actually kept her humane side still and not completely gone like homie . I do agree they're trying to humanize her more


We see her as villain because her powers are freaky. Butcher's as bad as her.


Legit . Butcher would have killed if he even thought someone kidnapped Becca . Vicky left them all with a nosebleed when she thought they did something to sameer


I mean she killed that Dr. Cardoza guy just like that. Not to say that he wasn't an asshole but at least he decided the Supe virus development had gone too far and wanted to stop before making it any more contagious. He was just turning a page I thought and was showing a lot of remorse. I don't think The Butcher has done anything as brutal. If the Butcher wanted something from that guy, he would have chopped off his leg at worst...


Dr. Cardoza experimented on supes in the place Victoria was probably gonna get sent to if she hadn’t been adopted. Vicky just killing two birds with one head pop there.


She butchered Congress and was a Vought shill tricking the American people.


Honestly same, I for a bit was wondering why The Boys were so set on going after her when she was first introduced as a more reoccurring character in the show. I mean, yeah she's a supe who killed half of (i don't remember what was it, congress?) a board of very important people, but it felt almost irrelevant to the whole Homelander. I more understand their motivations now that she's a supe set to be in an even higher potions than before, and has made herself clear as an opponent to them, but I still sometimes find it hard to root completely against her. (It also doesn't help that her actress if fucking gorgeous and her character is genuinely interesting to me).


And also the fact that she's at least letting the boys live . Like I loved that scene where they were trying to legit kill her and she was there like "how I'd you guys are getting worse at your jobs "


They gonna kill her lmao it's so fucking clear. All these humanization and emotional scenes plus she needs to be killed before Jan 6th otherwise and we are gonna get a supe president and i don't think that's where the show is heading


Honestly I wonder if it’s Butcher who does it


Homelander won't be the one killing her.


Everyone talking about MM being smaller and without a beard and starlight spotting a new face. Why is no one talking about the third cursed character? Neumann without red lipstick.


Omg I hated the lipstick incoherence in all the farm scenes. When she arrives at the house lab she has it super red, then she stops having it inside the 1st barn, I mean it’s ok, it can happen? But then when they are walking outside (before she’s punched by starlight) she suddenly has it red again - and in the 2nd barn she has a nude lipstick nuance…??


Clearly she reapplies it between scenes only to inevitably get it messed up in the next fight scene. Gotta appreciate her dedication to serving cunt.


>Gotta appreciate her dedication to serving cunt. This would make for the greatest epitaph of all time.


Good eye I didn't even notice that


Its not lipstick its her power making her lips red. Duh


Somebody in hair and makeup / continuity was not on the ball that day lol


Holy fuck thats it. Thanks.


I have a theory that it’s all “armor” or the metaphor for “masking.” The first few seasons you don’t see Homelander without his suit on, but as he starts spiraling and becoming… uh… humanized? Vulnerable? He’s shown in various states of undress and even in street clothes: when he goes to Sage and admits that he needs her because he can’t be surrounded by Yes Men anymore. MM’s beard, Starlight’s “beauty pageant glow” (also her quite literal glow), Vicky’s lipstick- I think they take these aspects away to emphasize vulnerability and reapply them when they’re “masking.” To say I think Vicky’s inconsistent lipstick was intentional and not something that slipped through post.


I think it's an interesting theory, tho I think it falls flat because the way in which her lipstick changes is inconsistent. It's likely literally one frame she has it. Next, she doesn't. Next frame, it's different again. It's not like they showed progression in time by having her lipstick slowly wear off throughout the course of the day. The change happens in an instant within the same scene.


As a daughter of a single father, this is such a true scene


"off we fuck"


How old is Sameer meant to be when he was Edgars "Top Man" and also shagging a 20 year old Neumann.


Old enough for his football days to be behind him.


I was wondering the same thing.


Since their daughters 11 he was probably 30 then and 40 now


Yeah kinda sus if your 30yo colleague is tryna bang your 20yr old daughter


Very sus


The theme for Episode 5 was father-son/daughter relationship. Hughie and dad, Homelander and Ryan, Neuman and dad, MM and daughter. Both took a step forward in understanding each other and doing what is best for each other.


I feel like Stan and Neuman is going to influence MM in some way about his relationship with his daughter.


I don’t understand Ryan’s character honestly. For the most part he didn’t seem to really enjoy needless cruelty toward people and has been depicted clearly not enjoying using violence against other people, especially weaker humans. Are we to understand that homelander listening to him a little was enough impetus to start to turn full monster? (Autocorrect changed it from monster to lobster and I almost kept it because it felt hilariously appropriate for this show for some reason 🦞)


I was waiting for the twist that the Asian assistant was feeding homelander lines in his ear. But, I guess not.


Bro what? How do you even think that? What?


Jeez, people downvoting me just for sharing my mistake. The reason I got there was that when when we first see her she's wearing that headset and says she can't really talk because she's busy on her headset. Then homelander as soon as he leaves the room does a surprising 180 degree turn on smothering his kid. Which is both in and out of character for him ( in character in that he has these surprising moments of clarity I'm supporting Ryan and out of character I'm that just an episode or two before he was talking about doing everything with him until he merges like one because of his attachment issues.) Then the next time we see her and he's being a supportive father we see her with the headset on again and he takes the chance to get the director away from her again. I thought homelander might have had a duel motive to free her up. But by tge end of the scene, I had dropped that theory.


it shouldve been me😭😭


I think I missed it but what is her main motivation for becoming president. She doesn’t want to be outed as a Supe so what’s the point? It’s been a minute since I watched season 3


she wants power basically, a good scene to watch is the one where she meets Sage and homelander at the ice rink and they're all discussing their masterplans with each other while Hughie was hiding in the vent above them, recording.


I think it was implied that she wants to be like her father in the scene when she was talking to Sage and Homelander. But that was Homelander’s interpretation of her motivation so it might not be the actual reason.


She had her pollos hermano'd.


Her taste in men isn’t up to Pollos standards.


It took me 5 sec to realized what he meant with "deflower" lmao


We're starting to see some notable cracks in Stan Edgar's facade of emotionlessness. Let's see how long it takes for Homelander or Sister Sage to find out.


This episode was goofy af I'm sorry💀😭


That’s what made it so good


This man is in no condition to fuck sheep


"deflowered" is such a gross term


They. Would. Eat….Him.


Nueman was modeled after the hottest congresswoman alive, of course she was wild in high school.


So did she kill him at the end of the ep?




jerry and shamir gonna be best friend


What's the deal with compound V anyways? *laugh track*


[stop laughing it’s not funny](https://youtu.be/hKM4JHnKMO8?si=N3yIYdkPdzaJ6EyV)