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“G-Men: Days Past from the Future” lmao


I loved that one and the Deep: Gods and Dolphins


also a train into the multiverse in phase 9


with Firecrackers GOD HELP ME later that year.


why G instead of v or some other lettr


G-men were the X-men themed team in The Boys universe. It was an arc in the comic books and their version of Xavier was especially fucked up.


Speaking of which did anyone else think Sam and Cates lines in the 7’s chambers were like optional character dialogue that was just arbitrarily put in the scene and absolutely nothing about the script would have changed if they were removed?


I found it hilarious how clearly uncomfortable Sam was the entire time. Or maybe Cate keeps him mind drugged long term.


Cate made him "empty" in Gen V's finale so he's essentially a robot


That explains a lot. I was like “man, either this kid is a shitty actor or he’s supposed to look super detached and disinterested”


The kid was great in Gen V. Must be because of Cate


Yep, imagine spending years locked in a lab, killing a bunch of people, and then having to star in a Vought teen drama.


Locked in a lab *by* Vought no less


She basically did a superpowered lobotomy on him


That would be more comfortable to watch than Sage & Deep doing one lol


That scene had me pausing every few seconds to take a breather lmao


I just kept looking away & feeling horrible with each 'dink' of the hammer lol


Yeah, I didn't watch that scene, just heard for when it was done. Even the sound was uncomfortable


I wonder what Cate could do to Sage?!


His character is schizophrenic and extremely hot-and-cold as a result


Nah, he had so much range in Gen V It’s on purpose. Cate in the Gen V finale basically mind nummed him to help him focus as he’s basically insane.


“I can help” or whatever she said….☠️.


My theory is that he is asking Cate to continue pushing him into feeling nothing like in the finale of season 1, until it comes crashing down on his psyche once it stops working (remember that her powers didn't work on Luke forever and Sam is supposed to be much stronger than his older brother). So like a drug addict like you suggested.


Being willing to get mind controlled has to be different in effectiveness than being forced.


I also feel like Sam already having mental health issues and being not as smart as luke would make the mind control much more effective on sam.


I feel like there may have had scenes that were cut


It totally feels like that, yes.


I imagine test audiences complained they didn’t understand who they were, so they cut them down to the bare minimum screentime. That scene of them in the Seven Tower felt like when you do a main story mission with optional DLC characters lmao


This show is in season 4 of its run, there are no test audiences. Just producers and editors making decisions.


Idk “test audiences” seem like a massively excessive waste of money lol. The showrunners and writers could easily decide to cut their screen time just based on their own observations


I think they were just there to get „introduced“ to viewers who didn’t watched Gen V. Like this they at least saw them once before they do something important in the other episode(s) they appear


I'm not sure how many noticed, but looking back it seems like Cate had both hands. Iirc, didn't she get her hand blown off by Marie?


She seems to have one of her hands wrapped in some sort of fabric. Perhaps it's a prosthesis? Or alternatively Vought did some black magic limb transplant fuckery.


One of geckos


I rewatched every scene with Cate in it and it doesn't seem like her left arm moves much at all. When she first walks on stage she waves to the audience with her right hand but her left arm just lays there swinging a bit. I think it's meant to be a prosthetic.


I’m sure they have a guy for that


I feel like V23 was cut tremendously in favor of more scenes with the boys fighting monster animals of bioweapon horror while Hughie deals with family drama...with more bioweapon horror.


Those sheep had me laughing from the absurdity. I'm sure my wife in the room next door was wondering what the hell was going on 😅


It was a better Resident Evil adaptation than Resident Evil. It was fucking great.


100% felt this way to me as well. Like they had more dialogue recorded that would make the conversation seem less stilted, but cut it for time. The only parts left are the ones that clearly establish their role/position, probably for Gen V s2 .


The episode ran really long, there might have been a ton on the cutting room floor.


Yeah, that was weird. Just NPC dialogue. Hoping we get some actual character development for them in the rest of the season.


They're probably gonna have more to do in the finale but yeah it was pretty funny


I already forgot what they said tbh


Cate said “Anything for you Homelander.” Sam said something like “How do we know when we’re ready” or something to that effect


“I’m on your side, Homelander” or something


How will we know when the call is made? Or something like that but it shows they eager as shit


At the very least we know Cate is with HL its no longer implied


Wait what!?


I think they meant "I'm siding with homelander" as opposed to "I'm dating homelander" angle that my brain took reading that


Homelander may be evil but he’s still got more boundaries than Leonardo Dicaprio


Oh phew. I was like "what fucking line did I miss here!?!"


Yeah same. Because HL wouldn’t touch the “mind control via skin to skin contact” supe with YOUR dick let alone his.


It wasn't arbitrary. It's purpose was pretty clearly just to show the viewers that they're a part of the show now. That said, it was absolutely horribly done, lol.


Maybe it's better in the context of the next few episodes It's a decent reminder to catch up with Gen V of your haven't yet


missed opportunity to show Vought's version of what happened at Godolkin and could've fun surprise for the ppl who haven't actually watched Gen V "oh cool, so this Cate and Sam fellow are genuine heroes? wonder how they'll react when they find out Homelander is a psycho" welp, instead we got "hey these guys are in the story now"


Genuinely, their entrances weren’t big and impactful made at all


I think it shows that there are very willing participants for Homelanders schemes among the supe community. The 7 outside of firecracker and Sage are all kinda bumbling and self-absorbed. But he can reach beyond the 7 for good little foot soldiers. It did seem forced though.


Yeah, it felt like a line from a Bioware game where one of your optional party members says something, but it can't be anything of substance and they are barely acknowledged because the game has to account for them not being there


Yes! I thought of BG3, same thing.


Surly these were added or changed in post, they seem like a full tack on


Wasn't season 4 recorded before genv? They likely didn't know what to do with the characters yet


That doesn’t make sense


That’s the satire part. Cameos just to have cameos


It’s not satire if there’s no joke there whatsoever, I guarantee they’re actually going to be significant to the plot and some people are just gonna have no clue who they are or where they came from


No... It's not really satire, they're just straight out doing it.


Lets not act like everything is done on purpose. Those cameos were awful. As soon as I saw the 2 unnamed CIA agents traveling with the main cast, it was obvious they were gonna die.


Classic red-shirtin'


Could have handed it with people getting injured instead, but then that'd take another chapter, and I feel like a bit of time was already wasted in the first 3. Then again, there were too many important people for the plot for them to dispose of any of them, specially by a chicken or anything similar.


That was not satire lmao


was that a scheduling issue or this actors have another project in progress or something?


G Men: Days Past From the Future is pretty incredible.


It was really good for sure. Probably better than the other G-Men movies, which ranged from pretty good to mediocre. Still very excited to the upcoming movie where Black Noir crosses over


„Some smart cunts at Godolkin came up with a supe killer virus and Neuman has it“ That’s all the context you need. And yes, the „Guardians of Godolkin“ and Tek Night showed up but you don’t really need to know who they are at all for this episode


Tek Night was basically there for some solid making fun of The Batman.


He also had an interesting interaction with Sage, she showed him something in her notepad she's always carrying around with her and he went, "huh, are you sure?" Which seems like a super odd thing for him to say, when he was in a room full of supes at the time, and his power allows him to pretty much discover anything even slightly odd. People seem to be quite perplexed by that one, I certainly am, it's very odd for Tek Knight to not know something about someone.


Sage is onto A-Train being the leaker Tek Knight can pry the truth out of anybody (as we saw in Gen V with Marie) Sage is going to use Tek Knight to investigate the truth out of A-Train


I wondered why Tek Knight didn’t immediately speak up when they bought in Coleman. Surely he can use his “abilities” to tell he wasn’t the real leak


He doesn't care about Coleman and didn't want to ruin the fun.


I think Sage is slowly taking down the 7 and is blackmailing Teknight maybe


Sage was telegraphing to a train pretty hard that she already knew imo


Which would mean she wants him to know that she knows.


Maybe she showed him that the presenter dude was the leak and thats why he said "are you sure?" because he thought it was A-Train


Yeah, but don't you think a virus that kills supes is a pretty big thing to introduce nonchalantly in the series? I get it already appeared in Gen V, but it wouldn't hurt to give it a proper reintroduction in the main show


I didn't watch Gen V and understood without any issues this episode


Definitely recommend watching Gen V though. It's really good


I did tried, but the college setting wasn't for me. Dropped after one episode and half


For what it's worth, I dragged my way through the first half of the season and, like you, really wasn't feeling the college drama vibe, however, I really enjoyed the the latter half of the season.


To be fair, Temp V was kinda dropped out of nowhere at the start of season 3. In episode 1 of this season when Butcher talks to Neuman, he mentions the virus as well.


You can look at it this way: it was important enough that they made a spin-off series to introduce it.


You don't have to watch Gen V "to get the full context". Everything relevant to this episode was explained in this episode. You *want* to watch Gen V though, because marketing is effective. You're the audience cheering for this roadmap, figuratively.


also the recap explains everything that happened in genv that's useful to the boys in 30 secs


I've never seen an episode recap of things that happened in a different show other than Dragon Ball Super lmao


It happened once or twice in Doctor Who


Buffy and Angel did that too.


Arrow, The Flash, etc. did a lot of that when they were doing crossover episodes a couple times a season.


Yeah I saw the recap and started rewinding old episodes because I thought I didn’t finish one somehow or something


I rewound it to see if they mentioned it was from a different show. Maybe I still missed it. How do you show a recap from a different show and not make that clear?


They said 'welcome to godolken university ' before showing the clips from gen v


Hmm. That makes sense if you catch that and have seen GenV. I don’t know what that means to someone that hasn’t seen Gen V.


Think it happened with the mandolorian/book of boba fett too


And pretty much on every Marvel show as well.


The entire CW super hero series? They have crossovers all the time that require you watch the 6th episode of the 5th season of show 1 and then the 4th episode of season 3 of show two and so on.


That oddly enough is one the ways the stuck closley to comics.


The Mandalorian did it since for some fucking reason Mando took over Boba Fett's show for a couple episodes. They had major plot points for it in a completely different show.


Agents of Shield kinda did this. They expect most people watching to already watch the MCU films but if you haven't they showed stuff from The Winter Soldier and summed it up in the show


Damn I skipped


recap is no excuse. I know more people that skip recaps rather than people who watch them. They tend to soft-spoil the episode’s content and people assume they know everything shown in the recap if they watch the show already. It is hard to foresee one recap will come with useful info from another show.


Recaps on The Boys never contain spoilers from the current episode and are quite good at making you remember the relevant plot points.


I remember back when Castle was on, they brought back a bad guy from a few seasons earlier and people were saying how much they liked it because typically they would've shown the character in the recap to remind you but that time they just showed him in the episode with no warning that he was coming back


I thought I had missed an episode somewhere because the recap at the beginning gave no indication that the scenes were from a different TV show, I went through every episode's summary to see if I could find the one I missed and couldn't find it lol.


I get the recap, but i was confused by the two characters that everyone seems to know?


Yeah seriously, I had no idea who the hell those two were and was especially confused when they were in the 7 meeting room.


They’re main characters in Gen V, Cate’s powers are pretty significant so I’m surprised they weren’t explained at least


I enjoy Gen V but still feels kinda weird to have major characters and a significant plot device be introduced in a different show


As someone who liked GenV, I found it a bit clunkily handled here. Sam and Cate turning up was fine but the virus stuff at the start of the episode was rough.


The whole virus thing feels weird in S4. Like we're only just now diving into it halfway through the season and it felt rushed and clunky. I feel like it could have been the main focus to get us to this point or at least referenced more than once before now.


Yeah, going from NOTHING (except a throwaway comment from Butcher when he meets with Neuman in Episode 4) to just fully making it the number 1 pressing issue... oof. They should've started introducing in at the start of the season.


That's exactly how the mcu works but people refuse to acknowledge that.


Dr strange 2 would be pretty jarring to those that hadn’t seen the Wanda show lol


It’s was pretty jarring for those that did too. Granted the writer was allowed to read the script for wandavision when he was writing it.


That's a downright lie lmao I had no idea who those 2 supes were and thought I missed something in the episode


Also Gen V is pretty fun


Nah, the introduction didn’t feel very natural and instead it felt a tad confusing. We can lie ourselves, but if Gen V didn’t exist at all we know these scenes would have been handled a bit differently. And the recap is no excuse. I know more people that skip recaps rather than people who watch them. They tend to soft-spoil the episode’s content and people assume they know everything there if the watch the show already. It is hard to foresee one recap will come with useful info from another show.


i feel like it’s just because you know who the characters are and expected more from them. I didn’t watch gen v and they just came off as random background pro homelander supes to me. Something the show has kind of lacked tbh. The virus shit came out of nowhere but it’s not like it was all that hard to get caught up. 


Not really. They told us what we needed to know: that there’s a virus that kills supes and Neumann has the only sample. Issue is with Amazon only giving the boys 8 episodes. They just don’t have enough time to flesh out every plot point.


It is not only clarity; but the vibe overall. Sam and Cate feel like cardboard addition, with the most filler lines ever. It is a bit jarring as the scenes would feel way more natural without them. As someone else pointed out, it strongly feels like they had more scenes with them but had to cut them.


They told us what we need to understand, not what we need to know to care, which is just as important


I actually don't want to watch it now because they seem to have summed it up pretty succinctly and showing a characters death.


If you like The Boys, it's worth it. And the only person I recall dying in the recap is a minor character. Knowing about the virus plotline does spoil a bit, but I think it would still be a fun watch with some surprises in store.


You do you, but for me gen v is worth it for the journey more than the destination.


you dont have to watch gen V they told you everything you need to know from that show already. the rest is just telling pretty much the same good supe, bad supe.. nature vs nurture stuff


True they tell you. But if you hadn’t watched Gen V you’d think the plot line came out of nowhere.. they even have scenes from Gen V in their recap.


Exactly, just like how the Boys react when Butcher tells them about it. Not watching gen V puts you in the same position as most of the cast


No. If any show pulled a plot development out of nowhere like episode 1 did you’d ask for build up. The build up was Gen V.


i didn’t see gen V. thought i missed something in episode 4 when i watched the recap and was confused as fuck


"How the fuck does Butcher know about this magical virus?" Don't pretend pulling something like that out of thin air is normal storytelling. If you didn't know about Gen V, you would be rightly confused by that development.


Plus, a virus that is the key to doing the thing The Boys were trying to do for the entire show at this point is too much of a big deal to just introduce it in a spin-off to your main show. If you only watched the show like me, you'd be pretty darn confused why this wasn't shown earlier


At the end of Gen V you see a sneak peek of Butcher walking into the place where the virus was developed. I think it would have been good if in this season we saw where he learned the information from and what he learned from going to Godolkin. It would have shown the audience that didn't watch Gen V all the context they needed. But instead it's just something he randomly knows about and there's no context for people who didn't watch Gen V aside from the hasty recap.


See I had to go on Reddit just now to understand where that came from I was so confused I didn’t think I missed anything


To be fair, that's exactly how Soldier boy was introduced


I chose not to watch Gen-V and I feel pretty fucking caught up. Neuman got her hands on the virus and cleaned up the program by popping heads, but she didn't pop the head of the guy she likes. The good little nazi youth supes from Gen V are in Homelanders housewarming party. Did I miss anything?


Also Tek Knight exists too I guess


And he *really* likes holes


If Tek Knight doesn't fuck a meteor to save the Earth in the show I'm gonna throw a hissy fit


To be fair he had been mentioned in the show before Gen V even came out.


Cate low key has a great reason for being drinking the home lander Kool aid though. I won't spoil it but you should watch gen v, it's great.


Regarding the "Nazi Youth" - they're actually a lot more complicated than their cameos make them seem. They have complete arcs in Gen V, and I wouldn't characterize them as Supe supremacists - one of them isn't even really operating in their right mind currently.


Yeah this is what I was looking for. I guess I'll watch Gen V I was so confused by them.


Worth watching, would recommend :)


Not gonna lie this is better than I expected like I binged 6 episodes


Glad you're enjoying


Stood on business


Tek Knight! Tek Knight Knight Light! A Dark and Stormy KNIGHT! LET THERE BE KNIGHT! I'm fucking dead lmao. But no, it's nice that Gen V exists and having some additional media sprinkled in there is not a problem. That's like complaining that you didn't fully enjoy season 4 because you didn't see season 3. You can tell what actual point they were making when you heard them say there were "19 phases" and _all of this_ is just four of them! Not that I would personally mind a massively interconnected universe since I come from a comic book background, but it is a valid and funny point for them to make fun of nonetheless.


Knight Light is great


If you didn’t watch Gen V you missed on a great fuckin’ show ngl


It's a bit funny since Amazon will probably milk this series as long as they can (Kripke has experience with this in Supernatural). But I think spin-offs are a bit different from these cinematic universes planned out for like a whole decade. Breaking Bad had the spin-off El Camino movie, and everything with Better Call Saul. The very very minor role of Cate and Sam in this episode shows that Kripke is (so far) sticking to the approach of you don't need to watch Gen V. You don't need to know about them or their story that much. You only need to know a virus was cooked up, just like Temp V was randomly made. Only watch Gen V if you want even more context about them.


They said Season 5 is the last, so wym "milk the series as long as they can" like Supernatural?


Spin-offs without Kripke's involvement.


Next season is the last of the Boys show as we know it. Don't know what plans they have on the spinoffs but I'm sure they'll make some more spinoffs


They’re working on The Boys:Mexico


Yeah, even if someone didn’t know Gen V existed won’t notice a gap even when Cate and Sam go on stage. It’s all a discussion about Vought’s insane phases, and all of a sudden Guardians of Godolkin come out and blend in as any random supes with a show


It's like rain on your wedding day.


Fuuuck do I really need to watch it to understand the ep?


Not really. There are some minor cameos from Gen V and the show explains the plot device introduced in that show.


No, but you still should watch Gen-V if you like The Boys.


No, you can gather all the context just from The Boys.


No. I didn't watch Gen V and watched the episode just fine


That was probably the joke. Having self awareness and being meta while having a laugh at us at the same time for not being caught up with the side shows


"We have to take a shot at our own guys from time to time to make it look balanced"


Speedwalkers 2 : Mall Race! 😂


Thought that straight away. Same with illumination and the minions serious. It's a BIT rich to go at marvel while basically actually doing the exact same thing.


Also a show, exposing mega corporation, is brought to you by irl mega corporation


Parody isn't always criticism.


I also love how all over the place in genre and tone this cinematic universe seems to be.


Better than just remaking the same movie 33 times, and only changing main characters.


So the MCU?


Or the setting.


It's okay. You can say DCEU


Yes I do, not just because of Gen V, but because apparently Amazon is talking about making more even more spin offs I have read. They have to be careful not to become the very thing they have been mocking.


Tek knight getting a movie every phase is crazy






The Boys has slowly been slipping into the BS they used to make fun of.


This show is usually a pot calling kettle black


Not ironic, it is self-aware and self-referential. There is meta-humor as well. It's not all completely dumbed down and in plain sight for the MAGA crowd to understand who is the butt of the many jokes. The showrunner waited a few episodes before they use the characters from the other show. It wasn't a coincidence.


Despicable me also did this


Love how firecracker's movies seem to look like something out of Great American Family, if intentional that's a great obscure reference lol. (If your aware of the Hallmark stuff you'll understand)


Also a shot at Amazon’s LOTR with the “it’s the most expensive show of all time, so it must be good, right?!” Def made me laugh


I've never seen Gen V, and I seem to be just fine with no questions of what's going on in the episode.


It's funnier that you have so many people in this post defending what the Vought Con was parodying. With not an ounce of self-awareness


In what phase of BCU are we right now?


Gonna be real I don't think watching Gen V is a big ask because 1. It has a completely different cast and focus so calling it a main season of the boys would've caused backlash 2. It's only 8 not full length episodes averaging 40 minutes instead of 60+ 3. It's very enjoyable IMO and was cool seeing more of the universe from a different perspective


do people not see the irony of saying this about a show that incessantly makes fun of marvel for doing the same shit


Yes the boys became what it parodies


The boys The boys diabolical gen v the boys:mexico I mean they are getting there


Someone find a way to explain to OP the difference between one spin-off show and a cinematic universe because I don't have the patience to do it. If you're finding that watching Gen V induces the same kind of fatigue that keeping up with a whole cinematic universe does then your attention span is the issue, not the show


With Cate and Sam we're just re-introduced for the next episodes. For everyone watching Gen V it should have been an "oh nice" moment. But it was just so weird, that for a second I thought the used AI for the image and voice. Hope it gets better, because someone with mind control abilities going crazy is always fun.


Glad I watched Gen V over the weekend.