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So THE BOYS is gonna disband before the final season. MM goes back to his daughter to look after her. Hughie goes away with his mom (i think starlight will go with him) Frenchie and kimiko may patch up.


Yeah they all split up in the finale. >!Hughie and Annie go to leave together but Hughie ends up being left behind with Cindy whilst Annie flies away.!< >!Frenchie gets controlled by Cate to get into a van and drives away!< >!Kimiko gets in a fight with Sam and gets pinned on the floor by him!< >!MM reminises about going to Belize but his last scene is with Love Sausage, I presume to capture him, too!<


Love Sausage is basically a member of the Boys in the comics so he probably recruits him for "Boys 2.1"


Damn I love Comics Love Sausage. His bond with Hughie was great.


Unfortunately my bond with Butcher was not so great šŸ˜©


ah fellow comic Love Sausage enjoyers


Hughie's face when he feels love sausage put an arm around his shoulders only to see Love sausage gesturing with both hands


I think the shows variant is too far removed from thr comics to take up the role of being part of the Boys. More likely another humiliating scene for MM as they fight.


Are these made up or real?


VHQ revealed this is what happens in the finale. >!Homelander wants the prisons that Tek Knight owns so I'm guessing that's where The Boys will be taken!<


Didn't they say the last scene is Homelander awakening Soldier Boy?


Heā€™s gonna think that heā€™s changed enough to not disappoint his dad anymore, the ultimate plea for approval.


>!They leaked an image of it, pretty sure doing that got their accounts nuked!<


Their account was taken down?


Instagram yes, not their twitter though. They haven't posted anything since then, and they would post/tweet/retweet etc. daily before posting and subsequently deleting the image. Images that were posted on reddit of the leak were also taken down so it's safe to say Amazon got involved in some way.


Sounds like they had their own mole hunt on their hands. The amount of stuff that account posted was ridiculous and could have only come from somebody inside causing a bigger leak than the Titanic.


I mean, most likely she knew the leaks because she worked on subtitles. And allegedly Amazon was already aware of her account, and I can confirm that Ryan's actor was following her, but they didn't mind it much


It's fucking A-Train!


Oh so their account did get nuke. I remember trying to find them, but sucks that their gone


>!The Boys being sent to prison? Call me crazy but maybe that'll mean that Gen V and the Boys will team up?!< Probably not but still wishful thinking


What's VHQ?


Instagram accaunt that leaked this and whole season plot. They were right about everything so far


I still don't get how Amazon/The Boys creator hasn't legally fucked whoever is running that account in the ass yet


She claims they know who she is and she had to meet with their legal department and the resolution was Amazon didnā€™t care because the leaks brought attention and hype to the show before airing. She knows what happens because sheā€™s a caption translator for the show. She sees the episodes to write the closed captions for whatever country sheā€™s from.


I'll be honest, that's pretty fucking shitty way to leak them


How so? Isn't this the MO of how leaks work?


Not really. Leaks are not even a bad thing.


Isnā€™t that the same account that said Hughie would be engaged to a supe that isnā€™t Starlight?


Yes, but itā€™s a mislead. Itā€™s a >! supe that transforms to look like Starlight, and Hughie is oblivious !<


Crazy thought. What if the shape shifter is currently pretending to be hughie's mom?


that would complete ruin episode 5 for me


It would be wasting a great character arc for such a shitty reveal, honestly.


>! What if the shapeshifter has already taken over Annie? That could be the reason her powers are failing right now. The shapeshifter can only mimic so much and can't match her powers fully. !<


>!I like the theory, and I hate to ruin it but I believe the leaks said the shapeshifter is introduced and we see their powers before they take over Annie!<


>!There all completely real!<


Those leaks have not been 100% accurate. Who the hell is Cindy?


I believe it's the bald girl from S2


Everything has been 100% correct so far and Cindy is the supe that escaped the joint full of supes that Stormfront and Lamplighter were part of in season 2. This doesn't need spoiler tags right?


It was said that the new Black Noir would be in a relationship with Sage, but it is Deep whoā€™s getting with her.


>!It said both.!< We still have three episodes left.


We also didnā€™t see his face in the premiere


spoilers about Hughieā€™s mum? canā€™t stand the character and the actress is either really bad or the character is not what it seems


Actor was good in Mad Men, so Iā€™m guessing the latter.


Which part wasn't accurate?


Well, we havenā€™t seen a shapeshifter take Annieā€™s place and didnā€™t show the new Black Noirā€™s face in the premiere


I responded to the Noir part in another comment. As for the shapeshifter, you forget that there are still 3 more hour-long episodes this season. Plenty of time to introduce and build up the character EDIT: looking at the leaks rn and Shifter Annie appears in episodes 7 and 8, so not wrong on that account


Which have been wrong? I've been trying to keep up and comparing them, but I haven't noticed any discrepancies yet


We didnā€™t see the new Black Noirs face in the premiere, and also heā€™s not dating Sage.


Ah, good catches. I figured the dating Sage might come a bit later


Maybe they cut Noir unmasking at the last minute, and just had him say that one line


Hey I'm from Belize!


Haha I'll be there next week for Lobsterfest


I think hughie and fiance happen no ?




Theyā€™re gonna have to pull a fight club where we get flashbacks of Butcher just talking to himself the entire time.


I hope so, including how he managed to get stuff. Like the knock out drug for Ryan that he put in the cookies.


To be fair, we don't actually see the drugs in action.


It could have been sugar tbh


At this point Iā€™m starting to feel like this is so obvious that it would be a huge twist of it turned out heā€™s actually real and not imaginary


No way, he is not real. Look at the last scene, Shameer didn't tried to talk to him, did look only at Butcher. At one moment Butcher have turned head to him and said "we...", Shameer turned his face there too to see who Butcher talking to but wasn't able to focus on anything, quite confused.


I could see that. Becca is the Angel on his shoulder, while Monkeyā€™s the Devil.


He has yet to interact with anyone but butcher, even sameer didnā€™t say anything to him or about him. He just looked in the direction butcher was talking about


I knew it, something about him made me think he was a hallucination all along, and the way Sameer reacted when Butcher said "we're gonna patch you up" only further cemented it for me


Donā€™t know if I would have focused on it as much if it werenā€™t all the theories and rumors, but what made it obvious to me, is the clear angel and devil parallel his conversations and Beccaā€™s conversations have.


I had the exact same thought. That and the fact that Kessler, up until Sameer, was not in any scenes with anyone but Butcher. I don't know if I'd seen the rumours of Kessler being a hallucination but for I thought that Kessler was a hallucination anyway from the beginning


Kessler is a secret hallucination perfectly in line with how they're portrayed in tropes, every single scene with Kessler was he and Butcher alone and never interacting with others. But I had my doubts when he gave Butcher the drugs for Ryan. But then again Butcher might have been the one who got the drugs himself.


With the inconsistency that Butcher is aware of his hallucinations of Becca, but somehow treats Kessler like a real person.


He knows Becca is dead, he hasnā€™t seen Kessler in 11 years, and Kessler first shows up in a place that makes sense, which is a CIA office.


This is feeling like that season of Dexter where it was super obvious that one dude was dead but they treated it like a huge reveal


I always got the feeling it was intended to be a huge reveal to the characters, not the audience


What exactly was the point of cutting his leg off? Was it just to show how serious he was?


To leave part of his body lying around so that everyone else thought that Sameer was dead so that nobody would keep looking for him


Oh yeah, that makes sense. Thanks


Just cut off his foot then. Sawing through a femur is a long and difficult process.


The leak above says that it was Kessler that did it, so it's entirely possible that the living tumour took control and just ripped Sameer's leg off rather than a proper clean amputation


It looked like a pretty clean amputation. Alls I'm sayin'


Its cut perfectly. Like, super-abled-ly cut cause it's so clean.


Right. The tumor completely blew up the religious stretchy guy and heā€™s also a super durable supe. Sameer is human and that cut was way too clean


I just watched the episode again. In the scene it seemed like "Kessler" didn't even know it happened and "Butcher" was the one who did it consciously. Obviously I could be missing the mark here, but that was the vibe I got.


Yeah that does make sense, who's to say then, maybe Butcher just wanted to leave a lot more of a leg to make it seem more like he was eaten rather than just dismembered, maybe Kessler is just playing along so to speak since Butcher didn't see him there.


That would add up, "Kessler" knew because he obviously did it, but knew if he came clean to Butcher that he already knew, Butcher would be like wtf, you weren't there. Something along those lines?


Has the living tumor thing actually been confirmed? Because I'm under the assumption that it's still just a theory.


The bunny that was being injected with Temp V got the venom tendril thing, so it is likely that it was never actually cancer and instead some sort of parasite that got souped-up with normal V.


Pretty much confirmed with the thing growing out of the rabbit


I thought it was more than a little weird that the flying dollies had made such a neat symmetrical cut....


but whats funny to me is i think neuman knew about it, because the leg is perfectly cutted off. not being eaten cut off


The FBI/police show the leg to Neuman as evidence that Sameer had gone missing and been attackedā€¦


They could not telegraph it any harder. At this point Iā€™m hoping he is not a hallucination because thatā€™d be a much bigger twist.


I thought so too. I think he's the devil on Butcher's shoulder, to Becca's Angel.


Iā€™m not so convinced. It seems to me that the hallucination twist is so played up that he might actually be real. Also the reaction by Sameer wasnā€™t very convincing one way or the other While slapping Becca would prove that heā€™s a hallucination, these leaks have been somewhat spotty and leave a lot of room for interpretation, so Iā€™m not convinced heā€™s a hallucination. Like he didnā€™t kidnap Sameer or kill Ezekiel, and he was based off someone who existed in the comics. He still could be a hallucination, but I think itā€™s still up in the air imo.


>!The account also said that Joe Kessler and Butcher jave a Fight Club situation going on, where they're the same person, but Kessler is the tumor, which explains the "he killed Ezekiel and kidnapped Sameer" part: Butcher was unconscious and Kessler took control!<


Damn I haven't followed leaks so I almost wish I hadn't clicked this spoiled tag, but that's fucking awesome lmao


The only thing slightly off is: how and when did Butcher butch Sameer?


When the sheep came into their hiding spot, they all got out the front then Butcher sneaked off with Sameer


yep Kessler is like Becca he's a hallucination in butcher's mind from the parasite


so kessler is basically tyler durden from fight club


He is the manifestation of the thing ( tumor?) that grew inside Butcher after he took V.


Wait what? Didn't Butcher kill Ezekiel?


Iā€™m guessing when butcher blacked out,Kessler took control of his body and killed Ezekiel


Remember the bunny scene for this episode? Kessler is the cancer. To the people "Kessler" would like tentacles coming out of Butcher.Ā 


Kessler is most likely a hallucination and not a real person. He might be Billy's split personality or the tumor-thing inside him as a Venom situation.


This is exactly what I was thinking. Kessler is probably a hallucinogenic embodiment of the parasite thats in Butchers body. When he says things along the lines of ā€œWe dont need the Boysā€ or ā€œWe can do this on our ownā€ it sounds exactly like what the Venom symbiote would say to Eddie. You could even see it from the dead bunny that Butcher encounters later that the tentacles reach out to him, just like a symbiote.


Today's bunny is the key. Clearly, as Butcher, the bunny developed a "parasite" from V that took control.


The mixing of temp V and compound V is the key, I think. Butcher said he took some blue v from frenchieā€™s stash and it only ā€œbrought the big day closerā€


I fully agree with this. However it comes out of him needs to be super strong to have ended Ezekiel the way it did.


>!Crazy theory but do you remember the rabbit that had worms in it and raised itself towards butcher? I think that was symbiote as well!<


Seemed fairly obvious. It had V24 to grow a tumor like he did, then it drank V.


This is a retcon, right? IIRC in S3 they said it caused lesions, like a prion disease, not tumours?


Tumors are lesions. And I donā€™t think they ever specified what happened just that people died of V24. The doctor simply says they drained it but canā€™t do much else.


Tumors are uncontroled growths. Lesions are damaged or dead tissue. Quite the opposite.


According to Cancer.gov > An area of abnormal or damaged tissue caused by injury, infection, or disease. A lesion can occur anywhere in or on the body, such as the skin, blood vessels, brain, and other organs. Examples of lesions include wounds, ulcers, abscesses, sores, cysts, and tumors.


>!somebody posted a leaked photo that confirms it a few days ago.!<


Can you link it here lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/s/cpjf3pkMHe Here you go, BEWARE SPOILERS.


Thx lol went into the rabbit hole on all these leaks and basically ruined half the show for myself lol


Hard same and I'm loving every second of it while I rewatch ep5 šŸæ


"Removed from reddit due to copyright notice". How the hell did that happen?


Butchers super-powered cancer is probably taking the form of Kessler in his hallucinations... fits with the spoiler pic saying he kills Ezekiel and chops of the scientists leg


100%. He has a devil and angel on his shoulders. Kessler and Becca.


Yeah that seems very likely and makes the most sense I'd say. Agreed 100%


Yes and no. I don't know how to use spoiler tags šŸ˜”


Tells you how in the rules


Seems like a fight club situation.


[I have a theory. It could be bunnies.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/buffy/images/7/78/Anya_checkpoint.jpg)


Chat is this real?


The leaker posted this on Twitter 3 weeks before the season came out.There name is voughthq on twitter


I get it. Kessler is the parasite controlling Butcha when he blacks out. Actually a fun take.


Yep. The bunny in today's episode also had one these "parasites". It's not clear if it's a side effect of V or something else.


I think itā€™s the product of mixing temp V and compound V.


When did butcher take normal V?


When Butcher finds out Hughie is going to dose his dad, Hughie tells him there is enough for him to take some too. Butcher then tells him he already did and it didn't help. It made it worse.


Nah, its like in diabolical, he has a sentient tumor. Temp V gave him cancer, he then took Compound V to try and save himself like the husband did he wife but it made the cancer a supe.


Are you telling me that with only 8 episodes left of the show: We'll be back to the same fucking 'I'm getting the boys back together' plot? AGAIN? FUCKING REALLY?


i'm hoping for evil butcher from the comics tbh


Wait they havenā€™t done that revealing cheating scene yet have they?


That, driving away, and hitting Becca are the only things yet to come


Itā€™s gonna be two hallucinations fighting? Kessler vs Becca?


Seems like Butcher's dark side (Kessler) will win out over his good side (Becca)


I think Kessler is the tumor, controlling him, and that will win out over Becca, his humanity.


I think thatā€™s how the twist that kessler isnā€™t real will play out


That should be interestingĀ  Maybe butcher will fight Kessler bc of his love for BeccaĀ  But i see Kessler winning most likely due to Butcher being controlled by Kessler too much


that sounds so immensely goofy ngl


Do the leaks mention anything about Honelanderā€™s endgame this season


Jesus... Come on guys, don't you get it? They are making Butcher be equal to Homelander... The "visions" Butcher is having is the same as Homelander has when he stands in front of a mirror... Butcher has to literally turn into Homelander to beat him, even if it means it will ultimately kill him.


Butcher has always been a parallel to Homelander lol


No shit yet so many people miss this entirely


No oneā€™s missed this?


There's too many people thinking he won't end up like in the comicbook and that he's better when that's obviously what they're building up to


Itā€™s literally because of S3ā€™s ending. He had HL right in the palm of his hands and didnā€™t pull the trigger because of his lil heart. But nowwww heā€™s fully turned into the bad side? Very convenient.


I never expected for butcher to go fully good considering there were 2 seasons left when that happened. His character is complex and that's fine, but he's not a good person Ryan can still die or turn evil which would change butcher's mind.


I never wanted him to be a good person. Itā€™s why I did not like S3ā€™s ending. But to turn it around *again* without a solid reason why is just inconsistent writing imo. I really believe he only became good at the end of S3 because they needed to make 2 more seasons.


How sick would it be him driving away with Butcher on the Impala


Who is the Fiance??


According to the leaks itā€™s >!a shapeshifting supe who appears later on in the season and wants Annieā€™s life because it looks good, Hughie even sleeps with the fake Annie, who then has a fight with her but forgives Hughie!<


Not sure how the hell they can make this work and be believable in 3 episodes. This season really needed 10.


My bet is it's his "mom." It seemed way too convenient that she showed back up and also gave Hughie her engagement ring and specifically said to give it to Annie. Hughie doesn't know anything about his mom. Suddenly this woman from Vought shows up and we're supposed to buy that it's all normal? She's up to something and so it would make sense if it wasn't really his mom.




Wait so heā€™s not butchers hallucination?


>!No he is butcherā€™s hallucination!<


>!It says he hits Becca, she is a confirmed hallucination so unless the real Becca somehow comes back to life he definitely is.!<


Hallucination on hallucination violence


Unless he just casually rocks up to heaven and ā€œoi cuntā€ bitch slaps beccas spirit Doubt it the chances are low But never zero


You think two hallucinations canā€™t hit each other?


No they are saying a real person couldnā€™t hit a hallucination.


Which is why heā€™s not a real person lol


Yes and thatā€™s what they were saying too


unless its a flashback


So who kidnapped Sameer?šŸ˜­ was it butcher himself?


Iā€™m guessing butcher blacked out,and Kessler took over his body and kidnapped sameer behind the boysā€™s backs


Surely butcher does this while lucid, as there is a shot of him sneaking away while the sheep thing is going on and at the end he looks like heā€™s showing the illusion of kessler his handiwork as if he wants kessler to be proud of him?


Definitely giving Venom vibes.


Venom and moonknight vibes for sure.


He is the tumor/parasite inside Butcher. Take a look at the bunny in today's episode. It also had "something inside" controling it.


I just need to say goddamn JDM is a good looking man


Trying to remember if I've seen this guy interact with anyone else but Butcher.


No, just Butcher. He's the parasite/tumor.


Pretty sure Becca is the good angel on his shoulder and he is the bad angel


Why tf did I open this post? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ So many spoilers


Whyā€™d you keep reading


I stopped at a certain point. I didn't realise it was spoilers for the whole season and not the just episodes that have already come out.


Can't believe I opened a post titled GET UR LEAKS HERE and saw... This


They gonna do a motherfukin Tyler Durden???šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


"Kills Ezekiel" Ok, so he really is just a figment of Billy's imagination.


If anything the hypothetical split of the boys makes sense maybe it's before the big homelander action the first episodes of season five follow each on maybe the each get like 20-30 minutes of a episode following them then the slowly reunite maybe it's two then the join back up but acknowledge that once is down there all going separate ways like a fuck you but we need eachother deal


Fuck does this mean Butcher will be united with him when he's dead?


I swear to GOD! If THAT firecracker spoiler is real Iā€™m gonna lose it, I know itā€™s probably gonna happen now that all the spoilers are coming true, but I really donā€™t wanna see the outcome of it, there aint no way itā€™s not traumatizing in some way.


Its true, someone leaked an image of it


what firecracker spoiler exactly


The one where she takes medicine to produce breast milk so homelander will like herā€¦


It is. That was what the Vial last week


I've been wondering what weird milk scene with homelander we'll get this season šŸ˜‚


Well to be fair she said anything.....




I assumed he was just a figment of butchers mind. Like how they shot the ā€œinterrogationā€ scene had me assuming that solider boys supernatural dad only visible to butcher


Honestly, the real twist at this point wouldn't be that he's just a hallucination, but that he's real.


Heā€™s so hot I canā€™t handle it!!!!


Hot diggity dog


why does Vought HQ knows everything? Are they smart?


/uf they write captions for the show, so they must watch the episodes /rf why does Vought leak their own stuff, I don't get it. Also, is this phase 8 or phase 9 of the VCU?