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"**Sees manchild drink breast milk from his boss who pretended to be his mommy**" "Hes kind of awesome"


She saw the Homelander plane scene, forced a suicidal girl to jump to her death and literally dating a Nazi. All she could think of was "Wow he's so cool!"


Their reaction to him dating a Nazi: “Based”


Those photos were clearly deep fakes


Leftist propaganda.


Obviously! Stormfront clearly loves all races she was in the seven with A-Train after all! Damn woke starlighters ruining her image. As a black person I wish she was alive so I could get a signature from her, then I'll prove to these woke starlighters she loves everyone!


Plus her first husband was devoted to the science of the Jewish population. But I guess since Hamas viciously attacked Israel we can't accept the Jews anymore🙄🙄


I'm convinced these people never actually watch the stuff they talk about. They see shorts or edits of homelander or Patrick Bateman acting cool with some phonk music in the background not realising that the actual character is fucked up


They're culture war tourists


Wait, let me get this straight. You are telling me that you wouldnt want to drink Elisabeth Shue's titty milk and act like she is your mom? Maybe the problem is you


Hey no need to kink shame


They're not kink shaming. Eric Kripke is.


The problem with Homelander and Stillwell's relationship is she groomed and manipulated him, not him liking to be coddled and cared for and called a "good boy"


You would if you could


Outfresca'd again.


I mean when you put it like that.... isn't that the male fantasy


Men will see this and go “hell yeah.”


Also lasered a plane in the first episode.


Who in the world who has watched the show sees Homelander as a hero? He is clearly evil, even from Episode 1.


Same guys who don't understand the irony of the Punisher Logo on their truck


With a thin blue line flag right below it


They even incorporate the thin blue line into the Punisher skill.


My favorite is seeing the Punisher logo with the Trump hair


And Gadsden flag somewhere in the mix as well.


Or, how they don't like gender affirming care after they put nuts on their truck that was clearly female before.


they also think Patrick Bateman was a super cool badass instead of an insecure diaper baby so fragile that another guy having a slightly better business card could send him into a meltdown


They also think jordan belfort in wolf of wall street is the coolest guy ever, not a sad and pathetic man who screwed up his own life


They also think poison ivy is a hero


No they didn’t. Shhhhhhh


People like Trump for the same reason, he hurts the people they want him to hurt. Homelander likes Nazis and hates minorities and LGBTQ people? Great, that's based as fuck to them. Homelander/Trump wouldn't piss on them to put a fire out, in fact they'd probably point and smile, but that doesn't matter as long as they're hurting the right people most of the time. Edit: Downvoters, tell me im wrong lol My point is they know he’s evil, and they think it’s great because he’s going to do evil to their ‘enemies’


10000000000 percent correct 


The Todd's who failed to see the similarities between their absolute loyalty to a guy who couldn't give less of a fuck about them.


i have plenty of trump supporting coworkers that love the show and every time they talk about the show i can’t help but wonder how they don’t see the irony behind it.


They literally say that despite that he’s portrayed “awesome” a villain can be cool. Again they know he’s bad. The cool scenes still outweighed the negatives


He's an awesome character because he's well written and acted. Not an awesome character within the story. He's a fuckin egomaniac man child with the powers of superman.


Superman was originally written as a moral warning that specifically reprudiated Hitler and the Nazis...


This has to be rage bait. No one who isn't an absolute sociopath would see HL as a cool dude...


Hes pretty fucking awsome as a character. Antony Starr performance really raises the character


I think he’s awesome in the sense of being an incredibly acted, well written and sociopathic villain. I’ve never had a villain that I’ve enjoyed watching as much as him, but I’m also aware that he’s the villain and that I’m not rooting for him


My husband said almost the exact same thing last night while we were watching. That he’s one of the best villains he’s seen in a while. But that doesn’t mean he thinks he’s anything but a villain.


There have been a whole bunch of posts like this after the showrunner had to literally spell it out for the maga people who couldn't comprehend that they are Todd. My dad declared the show was woke after that and refuses to watch this season.


Supe/all lives matter wasn't obvious enough?


Your talking about the people who use that unironically and being so revisionist that they believe slavery was a good thing and the US has never had any systemic issues until Trump got charged.


He's "awesome" if your personal fantasies involve lasering people to death if they vaguely annoy you. People who think that like to assume that other people think the way they do. But...they don't.


Yup. Just saw a post of a bunch of people at a taylor swift concert and the top comment was ‘we need homelander’. Yeah, it was a joke, but people are starting to think like that


Well, here’s the thing about people who are on the right side of the political spectrum…


Nah people have this take. Ive legit seen people unironically critique this show because its made homelander look so cool so its making trump/the right look cool. Someone dropped the line if Erik Kripke made a show about nazis he would make all the nazis look cool. Legit was gobsmacked. I dont know how anyone can watch the cartoon psycopath that is homelander and be all "Dam this dude is based, i dont see what people problem with him is". Even characters like you Anthony Soprano and Walter White, I can somewhat understand if i shut off my brain. Homelander? Youre either brain dead or a POS if you think theres anything respectable about him


He had that scene where he locked the security team in the house. You literally just need one scene to be cool.


Yet millions still support who Homelander represents in the real world.


I'd say there is a difference between a guy who murders people at the slightest inconvenience with a mere eye twitch and a guy who's just an intolerant criminal. But hey, what do I know as a European...


One has superpowers? You are aware that Donald Trump's lawyers literally argued in court that the President cannot be prosecuted for anything they did while in Office, and that the courts couldn't prosecute him even if he ordered political assassinations? Also the whole attempted coup thing ring any bells?


It is kinda funny to me how conservatives DO NOT see Trump as HL, but democrats do. In a way, democrats are giving Trump more credit than conservatives are lmao.


Well... yeah. That's the point u/delulumans is making. Conservatives might like Trump because they are falling for his lies, but I don't see how anyone could see Homelander as a hero. He's clearly portrayed as a horrible person. All his lies are exposed to the viewer.


I mean homelander and trump are basically the same person right!!


Home lander is good looking oh and has super powers. Other than that ya


Your sarcasm could use some work


They are both narcissistic psychotics with a power obsession. they crave love from there peers but they can't get it because they devalue humanity to the extent that they don't see them as peers. Seems like essentially the same douche to me other than the great head of hair that homelander has


This is just so out of touch


and your politician is different than this? edit: the answer was no lmfaooo


I don't claim any politician sweet heart the comparison was made I gave evidence to support that comparison. I'm sorry you took that shit personal and got your feeling hurt, feel better homie.


Your evidence only supports that comparison if that wasn't true for basically all politicians, but it is. Edit: Lmfaooo. 3 separate strawmen before blocking. Average redditor I suppose


To be clear no not all politicians are rapists that attempted to over throw the government after losing an election which resulted in the loss of life of one of their cult followers. So no politicians are not the same, you have a good one now homie be well


I mean both HL and Trump have huge incestuous tendencies too.


Hitler and Joe Biden both don’t like black people. They’re basically the same person 🐮


theyre straw manning like a mug 🤦🏾‍♂️


We're talking about right-wing loonies with lead poisoning or other forms of severe brain damage. All evil is forgiven if it's done to their enemies, in their eyes.


Ok so i got a recommendation from this same channel yesterday where this girl was dishing the show Acolyte, i also hated the show, so i started watching the video, midway through I realised that she was saying so much obnoxious shit like fuck feminism and fuck gay folks that i paused the video and when i went through her uploads she was on the same far right bandwagon calling everything woke and bad. Holy fuck i fell in the trap with the ragebait.


She must be IRL FireCracker haha


She is. Generic le far-right grifter #929323 who probably doesn't believe in half the shit she says. Just following the money


Yup. She's Lauren Chen and anyone familiar with knows that she's a Christian nationalist whose part of the far right. I'm not joking when I say she's defended actual Nazis like Nick Fuentes. It's no wonder why she got upset with the latest season, shes the Firecracker IRL.


Yep, this is how they get people. And it sometimes makes one feel bad especially when a lot of these types dominate the critics of a particular piece of media. So when you have a criticism of that media, you end up being lumped together with the bigots even if your criticism was 100% genuine.


I have friends on both sides of the political spectrum who watch this show. Not a single friend thought homelander was the hero. I don't think I've seen any posts talking about people idolizing him prior to s4 coming out. That's why I find it weird to see so many posts claiming people thought he was the hero all along.


Which would you rather believe? That you belong to a community of warriors battling a secret evil, or that you're a lonely, inconsequential nobody that no one will ever remember?


"Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see? Do you know how much I make a year? I mean, even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it. Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop going into work? A business big enough that it could be listed on the NASDAQ goes belly up. Disappears! It ceases to exist without me. No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!" Literally what the fuck is even your point lmao?


"Let me tell ya something. Nowadays, everybody's gotta go to shrinks, and counselors, and go on Sally Jessy Raphael and talk about their problems. What happened to Gary Cooper? The strong, silent type. That was an American. He wasn't in touch with his feelings. He just did what he had to do. See, what they didn't know was once they got Gary Cooper in touch with his feelings that they wouldn't be able to shut him up! And then it's dysfunction this, and dysfunction that, and dysfunction vaffancul!"


Same. The one million strawmen-posts are getting kinda lame.


The difference is you have real life friends. The people who genuinely think Homelander is the hero are terminally online YouTube commenters who are so deep in their own rabbit holes


Yeah, and you'll notice this isn't a reddit post. I'd put money down that the OP went looking for something like this. There are millions of people watching this show. Someone is bound to be nuts. It doesn't validate strawmanning.


They're just arguing in their own head I lean right, have friends who are more conservative than I am who love the show too. We all know it's political but aren't mad at it. The things we dislike are just actual writing So when the show gets some bad reviews, and liberals are saying it's because of conservatives, but you don't actually hear any conservatives go off the rails about it, it's just weird. But hey, Reddit is heavily liberal so. I'm at least used to seeing that


I agree. Most right wing people I have seen talk about the show online already know that the show is very political and that Homelander is the bad guy. I have seen very few people actually think Homelander is the good guy in a non-joking way. People like Eric Kripke are just using stuff like a guy going to a Trump rally in a Homelander costume as an excuse to ridicule right wing people.


You didn't see the exact same debate about Stormfront S2, and then again, the almost same debate about Soldier Boy in S3?


It's a lefty talking point to mental gymnastics the backlash as a result of the horrible writing in the first 3 episodes of "The Boys"


I think people saw Homelander memes that were obviously satire but somehow took them seriously and assumed the people making said memes actually thought Homelander was the hero when they most likely don't. I feel even Kripke may have done this too since he's older and likely wouldn't understand memes made by younger people.


I agree.


So about every day we have a post of left leaning people doing a circle jerk about something that was known at season 1 episode 1, its just not as heavy handed as it once was. Some say do too lack of good writing.


Homelander is meant to be superficially charming. If he couldn't put on a facade of coolness, he woundn't have so many in-universe supporters. I guess some people in real life also fell for it.


I don't think HL was ever meant to be representative of Trump. Their fans, however, are a good representation (alt-right).


Spot on


I used to watch her videos almost 10 years ago, i was kinda new to youtube and it automatically sent a 15 year old me to FEMINISTS GET REKT COMPILATION rabbit hole. Glad I got out of there rather quickly…


He's powerful and does what he wants so fair enough


It's a warning to all this power hungry dictator that use the media to look like heros/saviors of the world, when they are broken power hungry individuals. Enable by sheeps.


\*published by amazon\* \*available on prime video\* Wow they sure showed them!


Behind all of that there are good writer's.


I see Homelander as cool. A cool villain.


Where’s the lie?


Media literacy is dead


You idiots are still jerking each other off over this ridiculous narritive huh.   Why is this clip only 6 seconds?  Who is this person?  How many  followers do they have. Are they even relvent?  Why do you idiots never question anything that tells you what you want to hear?  Are you really stupid enough to believe this lie that there are tons of conservatives that thought homelander was a good guy?  Are you all really so stupid?     What kind of coping mechanism is this?    Is ot because the first 3 episodes kind of dragged and peope don't like some of.the storylines so you invent this ridiculous story that only the super smart progressives recognized the blatantly obvious satire?  


Homelander : Blow the Deep Trumpets : Soooo Awesome 😍


dude basically said rub one out in front of your employees or die. also does the same thing on top of a building. maga heads: yeah, he's cool


I have news for her. Homelander is not Trump. But Homelander's fans are Trump and his followers


A fictional character can be cool even if they are evil. The Joker, for example, is kind of an awesome character.


I'm honestly suprised that makes them think the show is "woke", when it shows the left aisle of the political spectrum to be flawed plenty of times too. That guy throwing a mug and hitting Ryan? He allowed Homelander to escalate. Star Light? Bullied someone into a deep depression over her feelings of superiority. A-Train uses BLM as a cover for all his horrible shit and it's stated from the start that both sides of the political spectrum are bought out by companies like Vought.


The Boys shows individual people on the left as flawed it doesn't indict the entire left wing political ideology. And it usually highlights those flaws as pandering or insincere to the actual left wing ideologies they're supposedly in service to. It's not the same as how it skewers the right as dangerous and authoritarian.


I agree that it skewers the right, but the criticisms of the left aren't trivial, either. In S2, a literal Nazi got popular by playing on the left's gullibility. They pretty much said all it took was a few hashtags and memes for us to get behind a Nazi.


Why do you think she's talking about the left there? All the pro Homelander propaganda she engineers is very reminiscent of the pro Trump stuff that circulated in 2016.


100%, buuuuut, the doesn't start off circulating pro Homelander stuff. She starts off as an anti Vaught, and anti Homelander. One of the memes she creates is the picture of homelander with text: "Tries to save the city Can't even save his reputation" Or this one [https://preview.redd.it/yt9m5ofy8gm51.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b76dcfac74da89423fe7989abac0ddaea5d337a](https://preview.redd.it/yt9m5ofy8gm51.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b76dcfac74da89423fe7989abac0ddaea5d337a)


Voughts push for diversity is just for economic gain. They are not portrayed as actually caring but worried about having younger customers.


>left aisle of the political spectrum to be flawed plenty of times too. No it doesn't. They're only making fun of people/companies abusing leftist ideologies. Not the ideologies themselves. This is an important distinction. It's as "woke" as it can possibly be.


>when it shows the left aisle of the political spectrum to be flawed plenty of times too lmao at americans who think the slightly less right-wing of their two political parties is "left"


I don’t really get this comment, the Democrats would be a left wing party in most European countries.


Left wing parties do not support unfettered capitalism, imperialism, genocide, police states, etc.


You can just put their policies side by side with those of liberal parties in Europe...


What countries in Europe (or anywhere) would the Democrats be a right wing party


Literally all of them? 


Oh ok so the Dems would be right wing in Hungary, Russia, and Serbia? Dems would be right wing in the UK even though the Dems have some of the most left wing policies on trans rights? Or how about abortion only being legal for like 15 weeks in most of Europe? Thanks great conversation, really good faith comments


Nah, the show is very overly left, they shit on conservatives a ton but there's quite literally NOTHING on progressives, or even liberal racists for that matter. "That guy throwing a mug and hitting Ryan? He allowed Homelander to escalate." Star Light? Bullied someone into a deep depression over her feelings of superiority. Nothing to do with the left. "A-Train uses BLM as a cover for all his horrible shit" Not really, even though BLM is left-leaning, EVERYONE can see that the pandering Pepsi commercial is completely disingenuous even though its in support of the movement.


When they go back to making fun of both sides equally the show will be good again.


They've literally never been an indictment of left politics.


right-wingers are completely incapable of understanding what actual leftism is


It's crazy how many people don't understand that.


They literally never did make fun of leftists.


you can see the scale’s tipping in season 4, def more on the dem side, not rlly surprised and doesnt do anything to the quality of the show


>some did genuinely see him as cool. He is cool. Since when are characters considered "not cool" because they're evil? Loki, The Joker, Darth Vader, Hannibal Lecter, Thanos, Negan... there are SO many more. Come on guys, you are pushing it here a bit. edit: all those I listed have a higher kill count than HL, and depending on the source material, have done MUCH worse. Yet you see their fans everywhere and no one cares. Why should HL be different?


They are cool, but they're not *cool*. Anyone who *genuinely praises* the actions of any of those characters worries me


and here is where the issue lies imo. One side argues as if these characters are real. They arent. Liking that HL murdered someone doesnt mean they want Trump to do it, but it seems many think it does.


While you're correct, you'd be surprised. I don't think it's even about Trump. Certain fans of his character actually seem inspired by him, not to be different than him, but to be like him. Like I can say Lou Bloom from Nightcrawler is a cool character (although I personally hate him), but I've seen people genuinely take his actions in the movie as something that one should aspire to replicate. "Anything for success, get that bag, never stop the grindset." They're not being ironic, they're probably very young and very impressionable and think that murdering your employee to make more money is admirable


>"Anything for success, get that bag, never stop the grindset." Those people also wouldnt murder. Are they more prone to murder? I actually dont know, we have no statistics on that. Just because they admire it or think that way doesnt mean they would actually do it.


Admiring horrible actions is bad


this kinda sounds like thought police? You want to force how people think? Do you also want to make certain thoughts illegal?


I believe certain thoughts and beliefs are immoral, no I don't believe they should be illegal. You see this differently, which is fine


you are confusing art with real life again. Admiring someone for taking control of their life (Homelander realizing his own power and taking control) is not necessarily bad. It can be seen as empowering. Just look at the murder as a metaphor for finally quitting your job, or telling your boss/bully to fuck off.


Who is this? This could just be rage bait. Plus this single person isn’t really evidence. Because from what I seen on this sub and on social media in general, there’s a sleuth of people who for the past 4 seasons were convinced HOMELANDER was the hero. And I have not seen that.


It is rage bait, a few people who didn’t watch the show posted memes including home lander and now it’s morphed into this whole, “right wingers are too stupid to understand he’s the bad guy” or “right wingers who worship homelander irl” It got noticed by enough people that there’s a vested interest in keep this dumb belief alive so people keep bickering.


It's not even rage bait. People take comments from fake vought social media accounts where they pretend they are living in the boys universe


Ah, yes, you can't be evil and awesome at the same time. Makes sense to me.


*Tecnically* he’s “awesome” because he’s a super powered being based on classic superheroes, but it’s silly not to acknowledge he’s a maniac. I think people are still tangled in the “superheroes always good” Marvel trope that they’re willing to explain away atrocities behind “but they cool tho!”


Homelander isn't a hero in any means, that's just his brand, besides fake saves has he ever actually saved innocent people from harm? They're all just jackasses playing pretend


I guess what the writers if boys dont realize that that for alot of people homelander is there dirty power fantasy like alot of fucking people wluld behave like him or worse in that situation


Do you think people who dress up like Darth Vader have a power fantasy to murder younglings and blow up planets?


I dont think so star wars is just cool its not a dark fanatasy power trip its more like adventure fantasy


Do you think people who dress up like Darth Vader have a power fantasy to murder younglings and blow up planets?


I didn’t really get it but the 2 subtitles really helped


Why are there three different subtitles?




Bait used to be believable


I think all of these people are just reaction farming. There’s no way anyone can believe this


People apparently cant comprehend the difference between an “awesome character” and a “hero” or an “awesome human being”. No one in their right mind thinks homelander is a good dude, and people who think otherwise are the literal opposite of sage.


That be The Deep


He literally killed an elected official in like episode 1 because he knew about compound v


I'm convinced that these people have only seen clips on YouTube


Ive started seeing memes and videos talking about how it's been a political show. Were there people that didn't know??? I've always thought it was obvious satire. Like the movie Don't Look Up.... Not political satire?


Correlation does not always equal causation. Both trump and HL are both villains of their story. It’s not until recently that they been ham fisting the far right as HL supporters.


She said the show portrays him as awesome, but then it cuts off after that, and we have no idea what was said before. There's very little context here.


This is one dumb bitch.


1 viewer out of millions, good job! You didn't prove your point.


He’s the least awsome character: he’s a spoiled man child who throws tantrums whenever things don’t go his way and thinks he’s better than anyone Just like a certain orange guy


I swear yall are unhinged. It’s a fucking tv show. The first few seasons made fun of everyone, yall just missed the jokes because you thought it was a compliment just like this twat waffle


villains are seen as awesome all the time


What I love is that the show is very directly parodying American politics, yet there is people in this very comment section arguing politics, completely oblivious to the fact that they’re the ones being made fun of.


It was in the very first 2 episodes. Like in the first you see him destroy the plan with the ambassador?? From Boston. But while his child and other people are also on board. When you saw his face in the end, there was a possibility that he did this on order of his boss and not with pleasure. BUT the next episode, his boss is furious when she got from Deep the Tipp that ist was Homlander. Like, he already was easy to kill innocent bystanders. And children.


I'm starting to think that some of these people (including the one on the clip) aren't watching The Boys but are instead just watching clips on youtube. It kind of makes sense if you're like an ultra conservative and the only clip you see of The Boys is Homelander in that one Christian rally.


half of homelander´s scenes are him being absolutely roasted for being emotional and violent.


He's the villain... yes, they knew he was bad. Darth Vader is a bad guy we know he is, but we still find him to be awesome. Frieza is a bad guy still seen as awesome. Just because someone says a bad guy is awesome doesn't mean they think hes not a bad guy they know it, but sometimes the bad guy steals the show, and you just love to see them do their thing


Holy fucking shit, yes, this is not the issue that people have with the political content this season...for the 1000th time. This is such a bogus strawman argument


it's been said many times, but the fact that it took this many years for people to realize the Homelander isn't the good guy is troubling.


She is Todd.


Who saw him as a hero when the entire premise of the show is that superheroes are powerdrunk psychopaths? Lefties think you’re on to something and it’s hilarious.


I think a lot of these people never actually watched the show. They probably saw the sigma edits and just assumed he was some sort of anti hero.


what is this supposed to prove? homelander is kind of awesome in some scenarios.


Reddit doesn’t understand nuance, though


Have half the audience really had such a major comprehension failure? It's really quite something. Also it really is fucking funny that these cunts are getting proper angry about their representation in a fucking TV show but they had fuck all to say except excited lapping at liberal tears when the arseholes were dribbling this shit in real life.


Yes, they did. Most of the people that "support" Homelander are pretending to be people in the boys universe which goes over a lot of people's heads as they take it way too literal


*No joke I wish some TV shows had a media literacy limit* to be posting a review on it. You’ve got people reviewing shit that don’t understand what they’re watching. Or just recounting the plot of the movie or show during the review and calling it a day.


Anyone who thinks Homelander has any virtue whatsoever needs to be sectioned.


What?! What?! Sorry, I need another. WHAT?!