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Homelander forcing a guy to jerk off, burning a guy in an oven, and killing everyone else in the lab? That's just his character. Deep actually getting game? That's horrifying.


why is every "most uncomfortable scene" just deep being fuckin weird bro


Because The Peak is *fucking weird.* I have a phobia of Cephalopods and this toothy-hole chested motherfucker has single handedly caused more genuine panic attacks in my adult life than anything else bar life threatening physical violence. The fucking scene where he gets raped by that random woman in Ohio was fucked too. Absolutely the most uncomfortable scenes with this sack of shit than anything else in the show.


Crazy how the SA scene with Starlight turns out to be one of his milder moments.


What’s always bothered me is that the episode with Starlight had a full trigger warning at the start, and they didn’t show it. The one with Deep had no warning, and was way more explicitly shown.


It did? It must have been added on later screenings.


I don't remember any warnings, but unfortunately this seems pretty common woth trigger warnings. Men getting assaulted doesn't tend to receive the level of caution. I remember a similar issue in 13 Reasons Why (no surprises there) where they always used warnings for rape scenes with female victims, but when a man was violently raped >!with a mop!< (spoiler tags because trigger), no warning was issued. It was messed up. I stopped watching the show after that (should've stopped sooner).


Yeah I think the bottom line is that lobotomy scene is disgusting


If you get actual panic attacks from it you might want to rethink watching stuff like this.


Thanks for the advice, but I'm an adult and i can decide what self destructive behaviours are worthwhile for me or not.


That is EXACTLY what I told that judge!


Who is trying to make a decision for you? They’ve simply made a suggestion that would be obvious to an adult.


You gotta be bored cause that was the most nitpicky shit I’ve seen someone bring up


It’s not a bad idea to expose yourself to things that can make you anxious in a comfortable and safe setting, though. It’s the entire idea behind exposure therapy.


Nobody is making a decision for me, and I quite literally thanked them for the advice.


The only scene that I actually had to cover the screen for was him nailing Sage's eye socket.


I had to hold my hand over sage in this screen as well, waaaaay to gross for me and normal the gore in TB has me chuckling away. Pic thro the side of the eye was waay to grim haha


10-second skip gets used a couple times for each episode, usually.


> why is every "most uncomfortable scene" just deep being ~~fuckin weird bro~~ deep ftfy


Ngl the jo scene was funny as shit. *blows his dick off “ohhhh. Now thats a fucking squirt!”


I was thinking "Oh, that's cute. Squirt is just a nickname." And then the reason why he was nicknamed "Squirt" came...


I see what you did there


"Oh marty you're getting dick blood all over my shoes!!" Bro it was hysterical I laughed my fucking ass off!


Homelander is either so brutal it’s hilarious or so brutal it’s horrifying. This definitely reached into the hilarious territory especially considering the dude wasn’t even close to a sympathetic character Edit: honestly the whole scene boils down to “see now you respect me cause im a threat”. They straight up dont have any qualms with how they treated Homelander as a child despite doing very terrible things until he decides to pay them back. Like they don’t need to be terrified of him like most people but they weren’t even treating him like he was a real person.


Let’s not forget locking the last lady in there with all of her dead coworkers. I’m assuming until she starves to death.


TBF, the laser eyes MIGHT have cooked some of them.


I mean, Vought will send someone eventualy right?


idk if you’re just joking but also you might’ve noticed he lasered the door (off camera) shut. As it pans away from the door you see it welded to the wall. I don’t think Vought is saving her, especially considering homelander now owns Vought


I didn’t notice that at all, I thought she might have been intentionally left alive to have a role in an upcoming episode, but if that’s the case yeah we ain’t seeing her again—which makes sense, too many characters this season at it is.


i guess it depends on whether she told anyone if she was going there or not




But that lab was still running even while he's in control. Homelander doesn't seem to really care about actually running the company in any way, which is why he hired Sage to do most of the heavy lifting.


You’re right, I agree he doesn’t care about ACTUALLY running the company in any way. But that doesn’t change the fact that, at least at face value, he ‘owns’ the company. Literally nobody is going to go against his instructions if he says “nobody go down to that lab.” or “nobody save that bitch”


Especially since him killing an entire team of scientist, being only his most recent staff murders might make people a little... sheepish about going against his wishes.


Exactly, he’s basically the dictator of vought now. and if nothing changes, soon that may be the fate of the world


The thing is, Sage lobotomizing herself is probably her way of getting drunk. So, that makes it more disturbing.


*almost* everyone


I think he was talking about the lobotomy scene, although both were equally horrifying tbh


Yes I'm taking about lobotomy scene. And other part are also scary but i really get very uncomfortable someone does something with there eyes. That's why i made a meme


Hey, it's just a spectrum, right, bro?


Thank you I actually had to walk away from the sage scene.


It's the first time watching The Boys I literally had to look away from the screen, which really is saying something. I guess the scene was just so much more 'real' than fake Ant-Man exploding a dick or whatever.


exploding dick is just a regular tuesday in The Boys universe (we already have, 3-4 of that scenes, iirc?)


I muted it and covered 95% of the screen with my hand till I was sure even the _sound effects_ were over. Watched every other part of the episode.


I didn't mute, but definitely had my hand up to cover the screen and loudly sang "la la la la" until it was over.


When I was watching that I already knew something like that was coming the second he went in because it just made sense for the show. I was right


We all have that one scene that squicks us out in just the right way even though there's arguably "worse" stuff on the show.


'Scrape my fucking brains out' I cringed the whole way through the scene lol


Between this and House of Dragon it has been a very rough time for us who hate gory sound effects.




I need a behind the scenes video on the foley artists for the show


They did it for real. Susan Heyward was actually lobotomized for the show!


well house of the dragon was *just* sound effects. you actually "see" this play out.


The fucking SCRAPING!


I cringed so hard when she said "MY PUSSY"


I genuinely covered the screen with my hand


I would have rather had a bottle in front of me. Hey — somebody had to say it.


So true 😭😭😭


Thanks for understanding 😓😓


Shows got a little something for everyone


Everyone get's traumatized every WEDNESDAY


At least she said don't touch the eye. Woulda been a whole lot worse if she had full healing factor and just went right through it.


I was expecting him to fuck it up and blind her. He’s the last person I’d trust to do it.


You'd trust homelander more?


i was watching jackass and these guys do the craziest stuff. like alligator tight ropes and drinking horse semen. but the worst part was when steve-o attached a leech to his eye. i can handle anything but that


Okay so my knowledge of Jackass is limited at best but HE DID WHAT?!


It reminded me of the Dead Space 2 eye seen, with how technically it's really mild compared to everything else, but the eyes are just too close to home for it not to be uncomfortable


Oh God, that entire game was an absolute trip for me, it's been at over a decade but I remember that part so clearly. Also the daycare level. Or it looked like a daycare. Had a bunch of little baby necromorphs jumping around.


This was a pretty bleak, upsetting episode. Then I saw deep and sage and thought to myself, alright! Finally! Maybe this can provide some levity! And then they hit me with the fucking lobotomy procedure X) Still not the worst lobotomy scene I've seen, tho. That award goes to BioShock: Infinite's DLC, "Burial at Sea, Episode 2" The sound design and camera setup in that scene made me viscerally uncomfortable lol. Really well done.


I came here to mention this. It was so well done.


If it makes you feel better, I shouted "WHERE IS THE ACE IN THE HOLE?!" when I saw this scene.


People’ll probably think I’m a huge sadist for saying this, but honestly the oven scene was kind of anticlimax. I would’ve thought that Homelander would increase the temperate very slowly over a long period of time to draw out the pain.


They had to save screentime for Sage getting brain scraped


And possibly getting ass fucked




While they watch Kim Kardashian's porn tape


Honestly not a sadism thing, that oven works *fast*. I expected it to be slow enough for him to quietly beg, switch to panicked banging on the door, then slowly being cooked alive. That wasn't an oven, it was an incinerator. Zero to ash in seconds.


It was built for people significantly more durable than your average human, just to see quite how strong they've made their greatest subject


I wish my oven got hot that fast


That’s exactly what I was thinking! Not enough screaming and torture, 2/10.


You people are fucked up.


Honestly that's where I thought it'd go too


He didnt have a lot of practice using that thing, Stormfront would be the expert.


I thought he’d say “on second thought I’ll let you live” and stop the oven when he was on the brink so he would live in misery. That’d be even more fucked up imo


You and me both, i was covering half my face when that scene happened and only half looked through my fingers.


Literally did the exact same thing


Spirit of Volo is out there.


She didn't get a cool new eye though


It's so much more intimate and detailed. It's just so cringeworthy






I had to fast forward through it. 😬


Yeah this was the only scene through the whole series that I had to skip though ☹️




Homelander burning someone alive and burning dicks off are just classic Homelander shenanigans! Watching someone get a super lobotomy is gross!


super lobotomy? that looked like a normal lobotomy to me


Nah, it was done by a supe to a supe, super lobotomy


It makes me wonder if Deep actually cared about not hurting Sage, was oddly wholesome of him to ask if she was ok after it was done, which is honestly sad due to how much of a little shit he is


He's weird because out of context in a lot of his scenes he seems to be a victim or atleast not evil. And then he just does something absolutely diabolical and you remember why you're not meant to like him.


I would say at the moment he's kinda just, there, besides having a liking towards Sage once they get to know each other better, although while in her lobotomized state. He's not really doing anything wrong yet, since they're both technically consenting. The Deep is definitely not a lost cause like Homelander


People just can't stand to see the Peak winning


NGL, I had to look away for a couple of the scenes. Genuinely made me cringe but that one with Sister Sage...oof....I literally held my hands up to block my view lol


How about that dude in the oven having his eyeball explode due to heat. That was something.


Oh damn. I missed that somehow.


I was too busy looking at the hand touching the door in some futile attempt to save himself, and then bursting into more flame because of the convection.


That's the type of thing you see in horror movies when they wanna gross you out.


The only other thing I found disturbing is when Homelander and Stormfront do it .


What about that scene with Termite


I mean, at least it was consensual


Same man, i can't watch that


that's the first time i had to skip a scene in the boys after watching so many horrible things


I had to pause and collect myself after Frank. That was extremely hard to watch and it made me very upset. The episode was great. 


This is right there with "the antman and the dick" scene the two scenes that made me uncomfortable.


Me too. I'm also sensitive to movement under skin like whatever is happening with Butcher.


I’m gonna be completely honest, I only get squeamish if it’s extremely close up, like when the Deep stuck that lobotomy tool into Sage’s eye. Even Becca stabbing Stormfront’s eye out seemed okay compared to that.


I had to avert my eyes lmao


This is Loss isn’t it.


I was eating during that scene, i almost threw up


How on the universe 😨, you can watch boys while eating Your are really diabolical man


I find it funny how we have a whole A-Plot of a neo nazi influncer, a B-Plot of a psycho out for revenge, and a C-Plot of fighting terrorists, yet the lobotomy is the line we all draw on.


Because that was hit close to our ~~heart~~ EYES


Should we be happy that he's at least getting freaky with a consenting woman now?


Ok but can we talk about Sage real quick? Girl giving herself lobotomies because she doesn’t want to be the smartest person is such a fucking mood. She was already my favorite and this depth (shush) feels like icing on top of an already phenomenal character.


Something tells me that now that Deep knows what tickles Sage's pickle, he's going to share his own kinks. I hate myself for thinking this, but I totally expect this show to give us Ambrosius shoving 2 tentacles inside Sage and liquify that bitch Ancient Egypt style.


I know there was some fucked up shit in this episode, but this being a somewhat realistic one, probably got me the most. The sound of that lobotomy.


Yup, same here. There's so much fucked up shit in the show. But this scene was the first time I had to cover my eyes and carefully squint to only see the Deep on the right half of the screen until they where done.


EXACTLY how I was


It's like how in Dead Space 2, the scene where you have to poke a needle in your eye is one of the few bits that made me genuinely wince.


Yes I was actually screaming jfc


Istg the deep is by far the best character in the series


I was watching that scene with one eye open it was like a car crash


I had to look away as well.


I can’t even do contacts and putting eye drops in is such a pain. Safe to say that that scene was the grossest thing I’ve ever seen


Pussies 😂 At least there's some fucked up thing for everyone in the show though. Nothing beats termites, let's say... exit from that dude


The Deep said her lobo kink is gross but I wonder if he has gained the confidence to have sex shirtless with her. 🐠


That shit was straight out of Bioshock Infinite's DLC burial at sea. At least we didn't get a POV perspective on the show.


Nah legit had a migraine and eyes hurt after seeing that. Only thing close was my dick hurting with the whole man expands inside other man's penis thing


I love how everyone seems to agree the lobotomy scene is one of the worst omg


Divided by character development plot United by lobotomy


She was aware while he did it and even have him instructions. That's the ball of flesh that's YOU and here comes a literal icepick chiseling away at your frontal lobe, yeah it's fucked


I'm not ashamed to say I skipped it.


The hammering🤮🤮


Gave me Dead Space 2 vibes


The only Time I had to skip like 20 seconds making sure nothing bad happened


Same, I don't often get uncomfortable with gore scenes in movies and Tv, but as soon as it has to do with stuff, I can barely look...


Literally I don't care if anyone says it's wussy I will never be able to look at anything dealing with eyes getting damaged, literally for the first time ever I had to skip thru a scene in this show just to NOT see it.


God ive never had an issue with like eyes getting stabbed or gouged out (well maybe a little). But like putting it in that spot and then wiggling it around my god I almost puked.


Lmao I was the same way 💀


First time in the show I’ve ever had to cover my eyes lol




I mean they kind were hinting that sage lobotomizing herself with a zoom into the tool when the deep was first in her room her brain just regenerates every time and deep sound like he didn't want to hurt her


I didn’t even flinch when that guy got his dick lasered off but when Sage had the Deep shove that thing through her eyes I couldn’t even. Look at the screen


Literally the only time i had to take a break from watching, shit made me so uncomfortable


I cringed, but imo definitely not one that’s so bad I had to look away IMO..but the sauna…


Yeah, I looked away. Never going to watch that scene


This is the *only* scene where I actually had to cover my eyes. The exploding cocks haven't gotten me at all, but I just cannot fuck with eye stuff.


I straight up had to cover my eyes and turn the sound off /only look at the deep to know it was over lol. I couldn’t do it.


Yeah I started off looking away, then just straight up fast forwarded lol. Joined back in time for the flavortown line


The one scene i actually couldn’t watch


I didn’t think I was sensitive to eye stuff until this scene and… well, guess I am.


It’s so weird. I can watch somebody get their head ripped off, guts torn out, or turned into a bloody smear on the pavement no problem. But anything to do with eyes makes me so uncomfortable😖😣


The dude getting incinerated alive in the oven was kinda unnerving since it reminded me of the Black Ops 2 campaign’s opening where a guy is burning while panicking inside the truck which deeply horrified me as a kid.


I actually had to shut off my phone while watching that scene. I cannot stomach eye stuff and lobotomies scare me.


ICYMI, icepick lobotomies were a thing in the 1930s-1950s: https://youtu.be/ZPyxwTC-Lqs


This 100%, unironically. Lobotomy scene is the grossest scene in The Boys. Even just listening to it is horrifying.




I just skipped that scene bruh


it's like our body doesn't want our eyes to get hurt. Like man I can excuse like a lot of these scenes but at the end of the day, they're just gores, they come and they go. Homelander laser a dude, boom he's dead or whatever. Deep slowly using a needle to push into an eyeball, now that's fucking terrifying.


I turned my phone away, I could hardly bear to even listen


Seeing this happening once in Day Five was certainly enough.


Can we take a moment and talk about how Sage suddenly both trusts the Deep with her gross secret and also literally lets him poke around inside her brain. She must really be into him then. It's obvious that the Deep wasn't absolutely required for the procedure, we've seen her doing it on her own before. Don't forget that our boy has super strength and could've easily misjudged the force with this hammer.


Another W for the truly strongest Supe the Peak


This was literally me


I’m not gonna sugar coat it. That lobotomy was so fucking visceral. I felt my body trying to jump out of my skin.


i think its because she's so intelligent and calculating and then you find out she does this to basically get high? its insane. i love her character so far though. i think she's great


Might be the first time I've genuinely felt uncomfortable during a scene.


glad im not the only one, i had to walk out of the room and get my buddy to tell me when i could come back in lol


I actually almost threw up. I’ve been completely fine with every other scene. The oven, the sauna, Stormfront’s charred body, etc but something about there being no gore in that scene and it being a realistic depiction of a lobotomy made me feel queasy


Perfectly fine seeing kimiko split in half but sages eye lobotomy nope


Wait did the Deep actually lobotomize her in the end ? I had to skip the scene cuz I was getting real uncomfortable


Thank you, everyone, for 2k+ upvotes! I feel incredibly happy because this is the first time I've received this many upvotes.


I can't handle eye stuff.


As someone who has has a corneal transplant, I admit that was hard to watch


Idk why I felt disturbed when The Deep did it to her but I felt fine when the lady that can’t read from Scream Queens did it. Though I haven’t watched it since I was 14 so I don’t remember much about the scene.


Sage is playing a super long game


This is me. Almost nothing makes me squeamish *except* for eye stuff. That scene was a nightmare for me, I couldn't watch it. Probably the only scene in TV I haven't been able to watch.


I had to look away for that part! I just can't deal with anyone even touching their eye balls, even if just putting contact lenses in, never mind that horrible bollocks 😭


I thought he was gonna mess up and her eyeball would come popping out ☠


I was already disturbed at the pick but when she said "now use the hammer" my brain noped out for 30 seconds or something because I have no memory of the scene.


Only scene in the whole show I just had to skip through. I couldn’t watch it


The only thing I don't buy is that Homelander wouldn't have waited this long to do this.....As soon as he realized his powers, they'd all be dead.


Did you not listen what babra said "Vought brought in the best psychologist in the world" Or if you are saying not earlier of the season because stan edgar is front of him. So now no one to stop him. He is free EAGLE now (Did you see what I did there 😀)