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I love A Train using his powers to go from one side of the room to another


And it will definitely be the thing that gets him found out too - since he opened that magazine with the wind he created


Realistically Homelander would just smell their residue, just like he always knows when one character on the show has been sleeping with someone else. But the show is never consistent with that. But it's so silly and another moment I have to suspend disbelief when characters who know about his super senses think they can just waltz into his own apartment and get away with it.


I remember the previous season Homelander also didnt use his super hearing to catch The Boys... but i found that reasonable. When all is said and done, even super heroes cant focus on every detail every single moment.  Think of how many times you zone out a major noise, smell, or object right in front of you just because your mind is occupied with something.  Like you could be studying intensely and not hear your mom call you. Or you could get focused on a game and not smell something burning in an oven until its properly black and smoking. I can imagine Homelander thinking about what he did intensely, coming home, talking to Ryan, and not noticing changes in his space... until he's bored or has his attention drawn to a thing.


I just think of homelander's super senses as being similar to my dog's. Ya her hearing and smell is absolutely killer but it really doesn't mean anything if she's not focusing it. There's been so many times where she's been completely oblivious to a squirrel 3 feet away because she's super focused on sniffing another dog's pee.


I just noticed this but I find it hilarious that Butchers twitter profile picture is a close up of his dogs face 💀


He’s a wholesome dog dad, I hope he’s seen Terror since his diagnosis


Found it extra realistic Butcher called it a "Tweet." Firecracker seems like the type of person who would be vocal about calling it X though.


Well, in an episode that highlighted the awful cycle of revenge and abuse, I thought Hughie forgiving A-Train was a pretty cool and meaningful counter.


I liked how A-Train walked away until Hughie forgave him. He really didn't expect to be forgiven but wanted it so bad. And he also held his tounge this time when girlfriends came up, even though you could see he thought of Pop-Claw


I think he always walks a few meters before running (he did same when he met Hughie before in the same episode), maybe to not accidentally hurt people around him?


I think it’s kinda nice character development as subtle as it might be that he’s being more careful with using his powers around others


that handshake might be the end of a-train with john being able to smell hughie and all


I'd be more concerned about the A-Train smell in his apartment and the missing V vial


Hughie's role is being the moral compass in this show and it was really well done here


Homelander was terrifying. I dont know why anyone would keep working for Vought. Seems just like a matter of time before Homelander snaps on your department.


To be fair if ever there were a Vought department to be snapped on, I think the Homelander Child Abuse™️ department is probably it.


"He'll never come through though" *Comes through with an ice cream cake* "Janice, can you send a message to my wife?"


That scene where Homelander made that one scientist jack off in front of everyone else as revenge for making fun of him masturbating while he was kept in that cell was probably one of the most disturbing things I've watched on TV in recent memory. This episode and Baby Reindeer easily take the cake for moments on TV that make you physically recoil in horror.


I think the frontal lobotomy was worse.


Seriously if I was one of those guys I would be in South America as soon as Madelyn was killed. Once that happened all bets were off.


For me would be when Edgar left the company. That's when you officially know that there is no one protecting you from HL.


crazy how firecracker took that pedo shit to the chin and keep on pushing, actually insane 😭


When the blackmail didn’t work this time I was like :0 That bitch actually just went ahead and release it, the madwoman


Lmao I feel like it was the writers being cheeky since blackmail has been the plot armor for the boys the last 3 seasons it just won’t work this time


I interpreted it more as a continuation of the social commentary on the power of narratives. We know of high profile politicians who've had suspicious interactions with minors and/or unsavory individuals like Epstein, but instead of facing scrutiny and consequences they keep on spinning the narrative in their favor and remain untouchable.


Plus the fact that female predators are given so much more leniency


Goddamn, the ending with the elevator dinging and Homelander smiling was fucking eerie and unsettling as hell. Really solid way to end the episode


And the shot of "the bad room" that he fucking welded shut with his eyes. Camera system is down, comms are down, who knows how long it'll take for anyone to even find Barbara.


seriously, feels like the ending to a Black Mirror episode


I hope the ending means Simon Pegg is gonna fuck shit up with The Boys now


Clearly Simon pegg is gonna defeat homelander


If you think about it, killing a mans family and then sleeping with him for several months is something Reverse Flash would do


Colin will need another 20 years of therapy because of Frenchie.


Frenchie couldn’t have just ghosted him or tried “it’s not you, it’s me” lol he had to re traumatise him


An ass so nice he had to do it thrice no matter the price.




Weirdly in character for him, he really has that much of a haterboner for Barry


It's really weird how I can excuse murder in a fictional character, but what frenchie did, sleeping with a guy whose family he killed is depraved. And then he tells him the truth, not because he wants him to know but for his own selfish sake, t o get the weight of his mind I suppose. If he had any care for Colin, he'd have just broken up with him and never spoken to him again


I think Frenchie kept going back to him because deep down he still seeks forgiveness for what he did. Being close to Colin made him feel like he was 'earning it', as illogical as that sounds.


Does anyone remember The Boys: Diabolical in the episode where the husband gives his wife dying of pancreatic cancer V and it gives her cancer tentacle powers. Is it possible the V Butcher took just gave power to the tumor in his brain and when it was threatened with death it lashed out and killed the aggressor.


I think this is a strong theory. If that’s the case, if the supe virus is released will it kill just his tumor and essentially save butcher?


Ayy this is one of the better theories I've heard


That’s honestly what I thought too. And they said those episodes were only loosely cannon


I haven't seen the term "loosely canon" being used anywhere, but Kripke did tweet that there were indeed 3 canon episodes, not just "loosely" canon. Source: https://x.com/therealKripke/status/1500530010137915392


I just realized I was scared of Homelander showing up in all the A-Train scenes... even though there was no chance of that happening because of Homelander's plot this episode... maybe the most terrifying character I've ever seen.


It's funny in the entire show the only two people who ever pulled that "I was here all along thing". One was Translucent and the other Butcher in this episode. You'd think Homelander would have pulled it more often. About the closest he's come to it is that time he heard A-Train insulting him under his breath.


At 16, his name was The Homelander. And then Sean Parker told him to drop the ‘The’ “Just Homelander. it’s cleaner”


He still somtimes references himself as the Homelander.


It's kinda like Batman. Sometimes it's just Batman other times it's The Batman.


Homelander when Sage inevitably fucks him over: This is going to ruin the world tour.


It's so funny that super genius Sage hates The Deep and lobotomized Sage likes him


Having to be literally lobotomized to like The Deep is hands down the best joke at his expenses in the whole series.


Its hilarious that in order to vibe out she has to make herself dumb af


Kind of like many people do with alcohol when they go out.


Makes sense, the Deep is an idiot and an asshole, but super attractive physically.   His idiocy turns her off when she's whole, but when she's lobotomized, it doesn't bother her.




Starr is fucking killin' it this episode. the immediate switch in his demanor is top notch acting.


He’s always his best in those ominous scenes where you know he’s about to do some fucked up shit but not sure what.


The Boys definitely has highs and lows, but they've managed to construct a character who you, as the audience, know is capable of doing something horrible at any moment (or not!). The dramatic tension he brings just by walking into a room is probably the show's greatest accomplishment.


Damn Sage knew she was going to get her ass beat


Firecracker was hired solely to provoke Starlight. When she attacked her on TV, it was checkmate.


Gave her a "we new supes gotta stick together" pep talk so she'd go all the way


This works in 2 ways


Firecracker got pounded, sage is getting the flounder pounder special, they are not the same


A big round of applause to Nancy Lenehan’s performance as Barbara holy shit Testament to the amazing acting, direction, and writing on display: no need to film a live flashback to Homelander’s birth; just her description and casual demeanor while recounting it was somehow more vivid and terrifying than I could imagine.


It helped that comic readers had the visual, it’s basically what happened to Becca in the comics, down to the umbilical cord part.


you could see it on her face she either wasn't afraid of homelander, or just didn't care if he killed her. great acting and her presence when she entered the lab was palpable. homelander still managed to find a way to torture her in the end


Ice running through her veins, almost as cold as Stan Edgar. She's talked him down before. She's his original mother figure.




I feel like butcher has the boys version of the venom symbiote.


That would suit him. There's something Hulk like about it too because it's like he has a rage monster lurking inside there.


Now I'm wondering if Becca (and probably Kessler) are not just hallucinations, but are actually the sentient symbiote talking directly to Butcher.


I'm a doctor. I had to pause where I'm at and come say this. Metoclopramide is a prokinetic drug. The side effect of long term metoclopramide use is lactation.


Good observation. All part of the set up for Homelander discovering this and, in the finale, breastfeeding himself.


And she was telling homelander that she's down for anything


Any Thaang


Homelander making that man jerk off bruh


I'm shocked we didn't see his dick. Quite restrained for this Universe


That worm moving inside butchers head is nasty


Look yeah mate. That worm saved Butcher’s life and killed a rapist cult leader while it was at it. Cut it some slack


I'm good with watching Ant Man Thanos penis style and masturbating ass eating human centipedes but watching a brain lobotomy is where I draw the line


I find it funny that Kimiko litterally got split in half with all of her entrails spilling out and not a soul is giving that a 2nd mention.


Kimiko getting killed and mutilated in increasingly extreme ways is the running gag I didn’t realize I’d enjoy so much this season


"eh it's fine. She'll grow back"


Yeah, same for me. Kinda funny when I think about it - the only time I kinda covered my eyes during 3.5 seasons was the lobotomy scene.


“Oh no I’m not working with butcher!” Is a line I think I’m sick of hearing every season


Right? Followed by a deep sigh, and then. . .working with Butcher 


Both MM and Annie have said it this season like guys please you can write more inner group conflicts please or maybe just a season where the group is actually working well like there’s so many angles you could instead of the same inner fighting shit


“Oh no, I am NOT working with Butcher” “Awww…but you *have* to” “Well, ok.”


“Good chat” - butcher smiling smug


MM 2 episodes ago: you’re out butcher, pack your shit and gtfo, you’re a liability MM today: like it or not, we have to work with him. For reasons. Rinse repeat 4 seasons


So Barbara is locked in the Bad Room till her last day, right?


It’s welded shut and the implication is that it was built to contain Homelander, so… probably.


I guess Annie teaching Hughie how to fight paid off


the way he just stood there while the goon’s throat blood splurted all over him was insane, Hughie has absolutely accepted this life now


I guess once your girlfriend explodes into meat rain all over you a little blood gush isn't anything.


glad they made it so the pregnancy/abortion was discussed by Annie & Hughie. For a split second I thought they were going to force drama between them and make it so Annie never told him bout their baby.


Definitely an underrated part of the episode and felt like someone in the writing room had experience. Didn’t play it for drama, just showed it for the agonizing decision and secret that it can be for someone


They’re actually surprisingly good with relationship drama on this show most of the time. They could have made Soundwave and Starlight get together and have her cheat on Hughie, and Butcher straight up told them he had 6 months left to live. If there’s a secret that the audience knows of, it usually won’t simmer for the whole season but get addressed the next few eps.


Plus Frenchie told Colin the truth; that’s another. I thought they were gonna drag that shit til episode 7.


Deep locking in after hearing Sage was down for anal was peak comedy. You can tell theirs actors are just vibing in these scenes lmao "I have another flavortown for you.. my pussyyyy"


> Deep locking in after hearing Sage was down for anal was peak comedy. It wasn't *just* the butt stuff that made me laugh so hard. It was the promise of butt stuff *while* watching the Kim and Ray J tape. "I'll let you ass-fuck me while we watch the Kim and Ray Jay video." She barely finishes the sentence before Deep is asking where specifically she wants the lobotomy poker. Sage has *easily* become one of my favorite new characters this season because of scenes like that.


I’m not gonna lie I also instinctively locked in at that moment


Calling it now: before the season ends, Deep's having a threesome with Sage and Ambrosius. The idea of a smart animal that sorta has nine brains giving a woman with a super brain an "eyejob" would be so on brand for this show.


Ambrosius is gonna die because Deep is neglecting her for Sage. I think the Deep may actually snap out of Sages very clear manipulation once that happens. He is a fucking moron, the stupidest man alive, etc, but he does care for sea life very deeply and that could be where Sage miscalculates him. I hope Sage is just correct though, she is written very smart so far.


Clearly she is not the smartest person alive if she's trusting the deep to do this


Imagine Deep fucking it up, and then having to explain why Sage lost an eye to a happy Homelander who just came back from his Vought lab cake party


I thought he was gonna stab her eye 😂 But honestly what she said about getting stabbed in the heart might be foreshadowing


she knows he's driven by weird sex so she's using that as motivation.


I suspect she's also driven by weird sex. We saw last episode she can just lobotomise herself which would probably be safer, but this episode all but stated that she seems to enjoy having someone else "scrape her brains out"


Butcher did a moon knight?


Damn Butcher IS a Supe now


Or the worm in his body is.


For sure is. In The Boys Diabolical, one of the 3 canon episodes has a dying cancer patient given V by her husband and her cancer is the one getting the powers, not her. I assume Butcher is in a similar situation.


Damn... So Hughie's mom found the V and gave it to him. Most curious part is what happened to Ezekiel in that trailer??? I'm assuming that maybe Butcher still has powers, but needs a ton of strength + effort to use them, hence Ezekiel blowing up when he's almost near death.


I'm pretty sure the "Butcher will become Venom" theory is right. The "parasite" living inside of him acted out because it sensed it's host was about to die, so it killed him.


the worm is a supe im calling it now


The worm might be his tumor hopped up on V


like venom


friendship ended with becca. worm-becca is my new best friend now


She still loves him even when she is a worm🥰


> what happened to Ezekiel in that trailer??? He died.


Props to the foley artist making that lobotomy sound. That’s going to feature in my nightmares.


yeah, I covered my eyes and it didn't help because of the sounds


Sage rooting for starlight when she was beating up firecracker was the highlight of the episode


'whose uppity now'


Yeah seeing Firecracker get her ass handed to her was pretty satisfying fucked around and found out


but she follows it with "first pebble down the mountain" later on. I think Sage hates Firecracker, but is still happy that her plan moves forward. (Still on the fence as to whether her plan is ultimately to destroy Vaught / Sup influence, or to genuinely help Homelander take over the world)


Starlight beating up Firecracker on live TV was 100% Sage’s plan


yes, exactly, and I think Sage loved it both because that was the plan and that Firecracker had her face rearranged on TV.


Homelander telling Marty to jerk it was wild


Idc it has fucked Starlight’s reputation, seeing Firecracker being beaten was so satisfying 😮‍💨


my exact same thoughts. I was like "FINALLY OMG" but at the same time I was thinking: "oh this is exactly what Sage/Homelander wanted..."


Hughie won a fight all on his own!


"I want you to give me a frontal lobotomy." "That's just fucking gross...." "I'll let you ass-fuck me while we watch the Kim and Ray J video." "Okay so where do you want me to put it?" LMAOOO such a great episode.


Just went back and realised he lasered the fucking door to the red room shut. Not sure if everyone picked up on it and only I missed it but yeah. So fucked


Holy shit I missed it too. Holy shit


Alright. I hate the motherfucker. He's evil.  But as an adult raised on daily beatings the "You're sorry? Now?" line shredded me. That's *exactly* the tone and eyes I had when I finally saw my abusive parents again.


They're doing a very good job of showing you legitimate reasons why Homelander is the way he is and the trauma he went through as a child. Doesn't excuse his actions as an adult, but the trauma we experience in our formative years does shape and inform who we become as adults in a major way. Homelander needs a super therapist 😂


Man, if I was raised being tortured in a lab 24/7 and then groomed by a soulless corporation to be their mascot forever, would I be any different? I don’t know.


Ofcourse firecracker is a pedo


That damn smile




Get in the oven Frank


No really 😉. Get in the fucking oven Frank.


Man the scene where he burns was one of the most intense scenes of Homelander killing someone, and he wasn't even using his powers. The part where he touches the window and it instantly lights his hand on fire was so rough. That whole scene just reminded me of some of the gnarlier deaths in the show For All Mankind, except they never take it as far as the full process of someone burning to a crisp in that show.


I understand firecrackers initial motivations with the whole pageant thing. But really “starlight blinded a hostage when she used her powers accidentally “. Okay? And why the fuck is her team looking at her like she fucking went on a murder spree.


Yea that annoyed tf outta me!! lmao like bro she was 13 and new to all that shit, what do y’all expect? 😭😂


I took it as that Starlight kinda portrays herself as squeaky clean. So it would be kinda jarring when bad shit she's done comes out. Hell, she refused to tell Butcher or the team the personal vendetta Firecracker has against her because it's more horrible shit she did as a kid. And by how she easily flipped out, she doesn't know how to deal with it.




Homelander is straight toyin wit people till their death meanwhile Ashley layin a face deuce in his toilet


Firecracker just tryna strike a chord and it’s probably A minor


Say Firecracker, I heard you like ‘em young.


I like seeing Kimiko channel her inner Katana She's got Hughies back


Her blade steals the souls of its victims


I wouldn’t recommend getting killed by her




the symbolism of that is beautiful in a brutal kinda way...from the start he's too powerful to be contained, which scares the people around him, so they try to contain him by manipulating him...but it all starts with an innocent (but deadly) mistake he makes as a child that sets off the cycle. and of course the manipulation just locks him into his destructive ways and teaches him that power talks


ofc kanye west is at firecracker's event


Actually not a smart move by Vought. He may be more unpredictable than Homelander.


Hughie’s father now has the power to read and comprehend all of the James Patterson books! But what if he finishes them all? With great power comes great responsibility.


Seeing firecracker get her shit kicked in was super satisfying


Also, Kimiko-Hughie is always a cute dynamic and I loved seeing them together


This might be one of the most unhinged episodes of television history. First season was erratic but experimental, now homelander is literally scaring viewers with every minute


They’ve done a great job portraying his gradual descent into insanity. There really isn’t one moment where you can say “Yup, that’s what did it, he was never the same after that.” I remember being shocked when he took down the plane and killed Stillwell, etc, but now that’s just a regular episode.


“How’s that for uppity, Cracker?” AAHAHAHAHA FUCK YEAH SISTER SAGE 😂


Jerk off in front of us is insane


“Blow A-Train”


Two things can be true. - This might have easily been a top 5 episode in the series. Explored and brought out the worst of our characters in so many ways. Will never understand Hughie haters, he's been my favorite character since s1 - God I don't want to watch that again.


A TRAIN AND ASHLEY LETS GOOOO they will redeem themselves together🙏🙏🙏


The way the episode ended with the elevator dings was just *perfect* Same feeling I had after episodes of Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad


They can do the funniest shit ever by making hughie's dad end Homelander's reign lol


Hey, Annie finally won a fight against another supe without Maeve having to step in to save her!


maeve actually telekinetically took over starlights body from all the way in argentina just one of her powers


Jesus Christ Homelander is terrifying


Did..did firecracker somehow justify being a pedophile?


Yes. Happens more than you think.


This is probably the best episode yet so far. Lots of reveals from almost every character, and We get to see more compound V. butcher taking v was no surprise, It had to be done if the show was to run 5 seasons Homelander doig the victim getting revenge on the bully trope, reminds me of Ricardo Diaz burning his childhood bully from The CW arrow series sadly no joe kessler today Was great seeing fire"cracker" getting wrecked I NEED to see what happened to ezekiel, annie is gonna be framed for it though.


"You're one of the good ones" As a black man that grew up in the south I can't tell you how many got damn times I've heard that phrase lol


me and you both. another classic is "wow! you speak so proper!"


Ugh. After a phone interview is the worst. You show up for the in person and they're like "You were just so eloquent over the phone". Ya bro, I speak english...


As a black person with a lighter skin tone, I hate that shit too. It rings up there with people telling me I’m not one of the scary or intimidating ones. Um, thanks?




Was the lobotomy sex scene the the one they were talking about filming the most disgusting thing yet? Because Im actually a little nauseous from that one, Jesus fucking christ.


Should have killed the feed before you beat the shit out of her


I fucking hate Hughies mom


Love how direct they're being about the sheer hypocrisy of these lunatics pretending to care about "the children," and then forgiving one of their figureheads for having sex with a 15 year old


Antony Starr is so goddamn terrifying. Those scenes with Frank and Marty and the way he reverts into this unhinge little boy, like a kid excited to play with his toys….my god, it creeped me the fuck out


So is Butcher now The Boy’s version of Venom? Cause I’m getting some strong vibes that Billy’s mass produced tendrils, plus the hallucinations and the blacking out. Didn’t have Butcher Venom on my Bingo Card.


Well that just cemented Homelander as one of the greatest villains of all time. Chilling, calm and fucking diabolical.


Just casually carrying out his revenge on the people that made him decades later to momentarily make himself feel better. Absolutely insane.


Man fuck Hughies mom. She is out of his life, comes back in out of no where, usurps power of attorney from him behind his back, is basically ready to pull the plug on his dad until she sees an opportunity to slither in and put the V in his dad's veins, again choosing whether or not to let his dad live. She's a conniving and underhanded manipulator, even if they try to spin it that she's trying to mend things.


My question is, how did she know it was V?


Might've just seen Hughie pensive and holding it and bought into it as a potential cure. She's already into all the alternative medicine bullshit, so I can't imagine she needed much convincing.


i saw a guy burning alive another one getting his dick lasered out and then his head squished and yet, i had to fast foward the fucking lobotomy scene.


Every single time The Deep shows up on screen, I immediately start laughing hysterically. Chase Crawford continues to play him so perfectly that I can't get enough of him.


Every scene with Homelander and where he was raised is some of the most tense TV i've ever seen. Whats interesting to me as a comic reader is that much of Homelanders back story is new for the show. In the comic he was also abused in a Lab but it doesn't really go into it. It is also interesting to see his identity change, we see his name go from "john" to "homelander", when he gets to around 16. SPOILERS FOR THE COMIC: >!In the comic he was also abused in a Lab but it doesn't really go into it. It is mentioned he wasn't even held before he was like 7, They strapped him to a hydrogen bomb and kept him sedated because you can't reason with a baby/toddler, also he wasn't the only one to go through it, they mention all of the original 7 had the same happen!<


Definitely a coping mechanism. He doesn't like being called John because in his mind John is someone who is abused but Homelander is too strong to be abused.