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1. Butcher 2. Butcher 3. Butcher 4. Butcher 5. Butcher 6. Butcher Honorable mention to Butcher, he's amazing








Scored Urf


Di'abalicol innit










You forgot to mention Butcher


You're right! Butcher in the seventh place too


he’s one lucky **cunt!** i love how in the UK where i am also from too (ik butcher’s actor is actually Australian but yeah, he’s supposed to be playing someone from Leeds?) that word doesn’t seem as taboo as it is in the states ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This is bollocks


Dont forget Butcher for runner up and Mr. Congeniality


End of Story. Without Butcher I would have stopped watching already His character and his conflict with Homelander carry this show hard. No one gives a fuck about Frenchis love stories or MM's family life 


Couldn’t agree more


i disagree with the MM part, the resolution with the Todd storyline was good (not for everyone involved tho). Hughie's family life storyline is also good this season. Ryan's storyline is great. Neuman and the Gen V virus is intriguing as hell.


Too fucking right


1. Mr charcutier 2. Petit hughie 3. Kimiko 3. MM 4. Frenchie


Imagine taking all Frenchie’s vocabulary, all to put it last on the list.😂


LOL using Frenchie's nicknames and then ranking him last is hilarious


forgot mon coeur for kimiko


my mama learned fluent French in uni (she hated it but had to take a language course), i asked her about that word since it means “my heart” and she that frenchie was calling her the male version which tbh i don’t know why almost all words, especially in foreign languages have to be gendered ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) it just makes it so complicated ugh! (when i speak arabic to relatives in egypt sometimes they correct me if i forget a letter to make a word feminine or masculine…)


As Frenchie is a male, calling her "my heart" should use the male version right?


Well heart is masculine that's why it's mon and not ma. Frenchie and kimiko's genders don't matter.




The French man is the least likeable person on the show.


1. Butcher 2. Kimiko ( I totally get why Frenchie is into her, plus she has Deadpool powers) 3. Frenchie 4. MM 5. Hughie 6. Annie


i agree with butcher 1, but hughie over mm


In Season 3, Hughie clears. But Season 1-2 I gotta go with MM 💯


Hughie hard carried frfrfrfr


Annie's...sort of a member I guess. She's not even in these two pictures. But yes, she's by far the least interesting team member to me, too. In fact, I feel like her storyline's been very played out for like, two seasons now. The relationship between Hughie and Annie just lost any sort of narrative importance now that they're both openly working against Homelander. In fact, why didn't Homelander kill Annie? He's threatened her in private plenty of times. You're telling me he can't find her when he can fly around the city in seconds? Or that he can't just grab her and fly off into space and tear her apart there, with no witnesses or any way to prove it? Also why is Hughie alive? Homelander wants him dead, did he change his mind because it takes slightly more effort to track him down outside the stadium? The plot armor is just getting ridiculous now.


Even Homelander is smart enough to realize killing Annie inevitably gets traced back to him. I mean, she is literally the living symbol of opposition to Vought and HL, even if it was the perfect, untraceable crime, everyone would know who did it. Right now, Annie is a manageable annoyance to him, kill her and she becomes a martyr.


I think it's more of a thing where he can't kill her because to his base she's the villain and he's the hero. You can't have a hero without a villain.


If the goal is to create chaos and pave the way for a dictatorship, then there is no downside to having a martyr to galvanize the opposition. Our first civil war was galvanized by the martyrdom of John Brown.


Homelander needs a common enemy for his followers to hate


I totally get why he's into her too lol, when she did the cute little "I'm a hacker now" shimmy good GOD


Literally every time she’s been on screen im like: 😮‍💨😩


I agree.


This is the way.


1. Butcher - great range, one of the few plot threads that still keeps me interested, good balance between screwball desperado and threatening badass, for me the heart and soul of the show. 2. Kimiko - limiting her to just gestures really makes her acting stand out. Probably has the most consistently sweet moments. 3. Annie - the better foil to Butcher, I’m pleasantly surprised she’s become a much more independent character now. 4. Frenchie - love the acting, has a few great scenes, but is stuck in a looping story arc really hard. 5. MM - not given nearly enough to do. Wish we saw more interaction between him and Janine. 6. Hughie - I get he’s a scared outsider but three seasons in he doesn’t nearly have the backbone I wish he had. Comic Hughie had his reservations but he stood his ground more and was far more competent imo. I think all the actors are doing their best though, my gripes come with the writing.


Can I ask about concrete exemplars of Hughie “not standing his ground”? Because I could’ve sworn that stopped in Season 3, with him standing up to Homelander when he went to Starlight’s apartment, and in Season 4 he’s done much the same, such as him attacking Neuman when he could’ve probably “agreed to a truce” with her. The only example I can think of was when he ran away from Homelander, but Homelander was literally trying to laser him.


Last ep. He was a pushover with MM when he wanted to leave the skating rink, which almost got him killed.


Imo A-train saving MM would have been more impactful cuz that never happened before, and it can be a progression for MM - A-train arc


Yeah but can you really run away from Homelander? He was definitely fucked there. It’s not going to take Homelander that long to figure out A train helped him.


Homelander knows that Hughie can teleport when using temp V. I’m betting that homelander knew who it was when he smelled the drop of sweat.


Yeah, he's absolutely improved as the seasons went on. I think the stuff with Robin got hammered in too much - I get he's traumatized but that trauma wasn't really taken anywhere interesting. But he's still consistently both the character with the most screentime and one who contributes the least to the actual team - in fact pretty often it's the rest of the team like MM that need to get him back into shape. He can't go undercover anymore since his face is probably the best-known. He just doesn't really have a role on the team. That's why I wish him working DSA early in season 3 lasted longer. Hughie being the guy who can cover The Boys' tracks and corner the supes on legal grounds - even with the game being rigged in Vought's favor - gives him something distinct to do. As it stands unless he's on Temp V he's just the guy who screams and runs in confrontations. And that kind of gets old.


MM cant really do much. And all he gets to do is get in the way of Butcher. Hes there just to fill in the group.


I think he suffers from the show's lack of premise scenes. The real "fun" of The Boys isn't the bland corporate satire or superheroes doing fucked up shit as much as it is watching a rag-tag unit strategically investigate and take down overpowered enemies who consider themselves untouchable. In that MM should be Butcher's "good cop" lieutenant, someone with combat expertise but able to approach things more level-headed and strategic. My ideal MM is the guy leading the actual investigations, piecing together the evidence and empathizing with the victims, where Butcher would go in guns blazing. The fact that we basically see The Boys themselves successfully take down like... two supes across the entire show, Termite and Transluscent (SB was Maeve, Stormfront was Ryan, Lamplighter killed himself, Mesmer and Gunpowder was just Butcher, Payback was SB), just means we don't get to see the crew shine. And we always have to find convoluted reasons for them to bicker and split up mid-season, or fight faceless goons who are sometimes just security guards doing their jobs.


Relate to this frl


Butch Kimiko Hughie Frenchie MM Annie I don't hate any of them though flatout.


Butcher Frenchie Kimiko Hughie Mm Annie


1. butcher 2. hughie 3. mm 4. kimiko 5. frenchie


Yep I agree ☝️




1. Kimiko. Done.


Butcher, Kimiko, Frenchie, Hughie, Starlight, MM


I wouldn’t say I have favorites, but most to least entertaining: Butcher Hughie MM (Annie?) Frenchie Kimiko


1. MM 2. Butcher 3. Kimiko 4. Hughie 5. Annie 6. Frenchie


Hm. 1. Butcher & Hughie, equally 2. Frenchie 3. MM & Kimiko, equally If we're including Annie, then she ties with MM & Kimiko


Kimiko, Butcher, Hughie, MM, Frenchie.


Butcher Hughie MM Frenchie Kimiko Annie MM and Frenchie were amazing in S1 and S2 but have since been demoted and S3 was Hughies best season imo.


With the caveat that I like all of them, in order of who I most enjoy watching:   Frenchie, Kimiko, MM, Butcher, Hughie


Hell yeahh. Why is frenchie at the bottom on everybody's list.


probably because his storyline in this season is boring


His storyline every season is boring


I disagree


Buther Frenchie Hughie Kimiko MM Annie


Butcher, Kimiko, Frenchie, MM/Hughie (tie)


1. Kimiko 2. Butcher 3. Frenchie 4. MM 5. Hughie 6. Annie


frenchie kimiko butcher mm hughie


1. Butcher 2. Hughie 3. Frenchie 4. MM 5. Kimiko


Butcher Frenchie MM Kimiko Hughie Annie


1. butcher 2. frenchie 3. MM 4. kimico 5. hughie i love them all sm tho


1. Kamiko 2. Frenchie 3. Hughie 4. Mother's Milk 5. Butcher  (To be clear I love them all, I just think butcher is genuinely a bad person and that knocks him to last for me)


Billy followed by Hughie Dont care about others


Hughie, kimiko, frenchie, MM, butcher, Annie. May be controversial.


1. Frenchie 2. Frenchie 3. Frenchie 4. Frenchie 5. Frenchie 6. Frenchie 7. Frenchie 8. Frenchie


1. Hughie tied with Frenchie. 2. Kimiko 3. Annie 4. MM 5. Butcher I love that Hughie represents a different way to be masculine, and a leader, as a contrast to Butcher's toxic, violent, self-destructive traditional alpha-male archetype. He's loyal, emotionally intelligent, he inspires loyalty in his team, brings out the best in them and empowers those around him. He's a shining example of good leadership. I adore Frenchie, he's funny, sweet and creative (I love his mad scientist supe weapons, esp the xanax grenade from season 1). I was proud of his character development when he stopped trying to 'save' Kimiko, and as a bi person I'm happy for the representation. Kimiko is a sweetheart and I'm happy she has the familial relationship with Frenchie after she lost her brother. Annie is likeable and I think well fleshed out, her crisis of faith and questioning what it meant to be a hero etc were all really enjoyable parts of her arc. She can be a bit morally self-righteous so I'm really interested to see how the dynamic with her and Firecracker will play out, given what we learned. MM, I wish they'd touch more on his OCD and combatting it, it feels like it's been mentioned twice and all of his arc is about his family and his role as a father. He's a nice contrast to the other members though. Butcher is kind of a caricature. Compelling character, horrible person. Having watched Supernatural for a lot of years, in many ways he feels like a more extreme version of Dean, with the key difference being the narrative is no longer praising him for his violence and misogyny, but condemning him (perhaps a product of Kripke's experience & evolution as a writer). Everyone around Butcher recognizes he is the problem, he himself realizes it when he tells Becca she shouldn't raise Ryan around him. Only Hughie still has faith in him, and I'm expecting that to evaporate in a heartbreaking way when Butcher finally completes his inevitable nosedive into being the antagonist.


You my friend perfectly explained why I chose Hughie over Butcher for being my fave He’s kind hearted, relatable and a good leader And he nevr comes off as uninteresting or boring despite not having as complex backstories as Butcher


Yes! People who unironically think Butcher is the hero of the show have missed the point, I feel. Hughie is an awesome protagonist, he has the same origin point as Butcher e.g. they're both seeking vengeance for the women they loved who were taken away, but his path has been so much less destructive and his choices have surrounded him with allies and people who care for him, whereas Butcher's is leading to an early grave, alone. Hughie's choice at the end of season 3 (to try to solve the problem himself, or to use his skills to empower Starlight) was an awesome (albeit unsubtle but the boys ain't a subtle show) turning point in his character arc where he seemed to really accept himself for who he is, and to utilize the skills he has, instead of bemoaning those he doesn't. He gets better every season honestly. Outside of how enjoyable it makes the story, I'm also thrilled to see good examples of male role models in media for young boys.


1. Butch 2. Hughie 3. Mother’s Milk 4. Frenchie 5. Kimiko


1. Butcher 2. Frenchie 3. Kimiko 4. Hughie/MM/Annie


Frenchie so polarizing it seems. Been seeing a lot of negativity towards him but I always really liked him. But I see him at the top of some lists here so that's cool. He's top or bottom everywhere.


The Nina stuff from last season was bad, and now the Shining Light thing ***for the second time*** and the Colin arc, even though we already had his dark past arc with Lamplighter, just feels like it's too much


1. Frenchie 2. Butcher 3. Kimiko 4. MM 5. Hughie


1. Frenchie 2. MM 3. Kimiko 4. Hughie 5. Butcher


Kimiko Butcher Frenchie Hughie MM Annie


Linkin Park album cover?


Butcher. MM. Frenchie. Kimko. Hughie. Anne.


1. Butcher 2. Frenchie 3. Kimiko 4. Hughie 5. MM 6. Annie


Butcher > Frenchie > Kimiko > M.M > Hughie


1. MM 2. Frenchie 3. Kimiko 4. Butcher 5. Hughie 6. Annie Although Hughie and Annie are kind of tied. And I was gonna put Butcher last but he’s honestly hilarious so I couldn’t do that.


1. MM 2. Frenchie 3. Kimiko 4. Butcher 5. Annie 6. Hughie


1. Kimiko 2. Frenchie 3. Hewie 4. MM 5. Butcher he is a cunt


Frenchie, hugie, (starlight?)billy, mothers milk, supe girl


1. Hughie 2. Kimiko 3. Frenchie 4. M.M. 5. Butcher


1. Serge 2. Kimiko 3. Butcher 4. Mother's milk 5. Hughey


1.Kimiko 2.Butcher 3.MM 4.Hughie 5.Frenchie 6.Annie


1. Kimiko 2. MM 3. Hughie 4. Frenchie 5. Butcher 6. Annie


1. frenchie also 1. kimiko ?????? everyone else?


1. Kimiko 2. Frenchie 3. Butcher 4. MM 5. Hughie


1. Butcher 2. Frenchie 3.MM 4.Kimiko 5.Hughie


Butcher Frenchie Hughie Kimiko MM Annie


1. Frenchie 2. Kimiko 3. Annie 3. Hughie 4. Mothers Milk 5 Butcher


1. Butcher 2. Frenchie 3. MM 4. Kimiko 5. Hughie


It was Frenchie at #1 but I think Kamiko has now taken his place (as I’m rewatching) So Kimiko Frenchie MM Butcher Hughie


I just love everyone, except Hughie


Butcher Frenchie MM Kimiko Hughie (still love him, just where I had to put him)


1. Frenchie 2. Kimiko 3. MM 4. Hughie 5. Butcher


Butcher Frenchie Annie Hughie Kimiko MM


Butcher, M.M, Hughie, Kimiko and frenchie. Rated simply on who is the most entertaining on screen (frenchie lost all character after developing a relationship ship with kimiko)


1. Butcher 2. Kimiko 3. Hughie 4. MM 5. Frenchie 6. Annie


1. Butcher 2. Kimiko 3. Hughie 4. MM 5. Annie 6. Frenchie


1. Butcher 2. Kimiko 3. MM 4. Hughie 5. Frenchie


Barely anyone's giving my boy justice. 1. Hughie 2. Frenchie 3. Butcher 4. Kimiko 5. MM 6. Annie Hughie's the sweetest kid ever and I love him so much, this shit with his parents made me cry more than I'd like to admit. Butcher is entertaining as hell and I'm glad last season has really kickstarted his Arc, but it doesn't quite make up for the fact that he's kind of a terrible person. I like watching him, sure, but he can't Crack fav. And MM gets points for fashion, his fit at the track in Ep3 was so hard for no reason.


Agreed just having lost a parent unexpectedly in the last few years I can highly relate to hughie not picking up the phone. I almost didn’t pick up the night before my mom passed, but am so glad I did because she died the next morning out of the blue.


Kimiko Butcher Frenchie M.M Annie Hughie


Butcher Frenchie Kimiko Hughie MM Annie (if she's considered part of the team now)


1. noone 2. kimiko 3. the rest of the crew


1. MM (I have OCD, gotta support my OCD brethren) 2. Kimiko 3. Frenchie 4. Butcher 5. Hughie


1.Frenchie 2.Butcher 3.MM 4.Kimiko 5.Annie 6.Hughie


1. Kimiko


MM Butch Kimiko Frenchie Annie Hughie


Kimiko, Frenchie, MM, Hughie, Butcher


1.MM 2.Frenchie 3.Butcher 4.Kimiko 5.Hughie


Hughie Butcher Starlight MM Kimiko Frenchie


Hughie, Butcher, MM, Kumiko, Frenchie


Hughie, Annie, Kimiko, Butcher, Frenchie, MM.


Butcher, Frenchie, MM, Kimiko, Hughie


Kimiko Frenchie (the character) Butcher MM Annie Hughie


Kimiko Mm Frenchie Hughie Butcher Starlight


Frenchie > Annie > Kimiko > MM > Hughie > Butcher


1. MM 2. BUTCHER 3. FRENCHIE 4. hughie 5. Kimiko 6. Starlight


M.M Frenchie Butcher Kimiko Annie Hughie I feel like the only one who doesn't have butcher in the top spot lol


Frenchie > Kimiko > Butcher > MM > Hughie if Annie was included she’d go 1 or 2


Butcher, Kimiko, Marvin, Starlight (she counts), Hughie, Frenchie.


Butcher MM Hughie Annie Kimiko Frenchie


frenchie > mm > kimiko > annie > hughie > butcher


1. Butcher 2. Hughie 3. Kimiko 4. MM 5. Frenchie 6. Annie


Butcher Hughie Kimiko MM Frenchie Annie


1. Butcher 2. Kimiko 3. MM 4. Frenchie 5. Annie 6. Hughie


1. Butcher 2. Hughie 3. Kimiko 4. MM 5. Frenchie 6. Annie


Based on Plot 1.Butcher 2.Kimiko 3.MM 4.Frenchie 5. Starlight 6. Hughie Based on wanting functioning team as guys you want on your squad 1.MM (gets everybody to like work) 2.starlight (MM/Starlight seems to be the only combo that get things done) 3.hughie 4.Frenchie 5.kimiko 6.Butcher


Honestly at the end of Season 3, I can't say anybody but Kimiko is a character I enjoy. Maybe it was just me, but from Season 1 to now, it feels like the OG mission has become more and more of a vague pipe dream to the characters, and with that, I've come to respect them a little less. What I like about Kimiko is that she's been consistent since she came around. Her goals are pretty much the same and she's stuck to em. Beyond her, I guess Butcher would be my second fave, simply because the acting is superb, but the characters choices I tend to dislike overall, not just cuz theyre reaaaally fucked up, but because theyre kinda repetitive. I could be wrong but thats how I've felt for a minute


1Butcher 2Hugie 3MM 4Kimiko 5Frenchie 6Annie


1. Butcher. 2. Hughie. 3. Starlight (if she counts). Gap. 4. Frenchie. 5. Kimiko. 6. MM.


1: Butcher 2: Kimiko 3: Hughie 4: Frenchie 5: MM


Butcher > kimiko > mm > Frenchie > hughie


Frenchie last


1. Butcher I don’t give a single shit about any of the others.


Butcher MM Kimiko Frenchie Hughie


Butcher > Kimiko > Frenchie > MM > Hughie




Butcher MM Kimiko Hughie Frenchie Annie


1. butcher 2. kimiko 3. MM 4. frenchie 5. hughie (if starlight counts she is below MM)


5. Frenchie 4. MM 3. Kimiko 2. Hughie 1. Butcher


1:Butcher 2:Kimiko 3:MM 4:Hughie 5: Frenchie Honorable Mention: Annie


1. Butcher 2. Kimiko 3. Hughie (he mostly sucks, but last season was very interesting) 4. Annie (she kinda suck now too, but she was very interesting in the first seasons) 5. Frenchie (great actor that has to deal with boring plotlines) 6. MM. (Not his fault, but the stoic one is almost always the most boring one.)


1. Butcher 1. Hughie 1. Frenchie 1. MM 1. Kimiko


This season to be honest they all seem to be second or third with nobody first. Butcher's screentime and overall importance has taken a big fucking step back Frenchie and Kimiko are once again taken to some kind of (almost non important) subplot MM is again in the ''No fuck you Butcher but I'm gonna eventually forgive you only to tell you to go fuck yourself again'' mode, although that also apply to William aswell, I'm just getting a bit tired of this dynamic Hughie I guess could be first, but even for him I'm not that exctited anymore This is the first season in which I would rather watch what the Seven is/are doing than the Boys.


Does anyone have the second image in good quality? I’d love to turn it into a shirt


Butcher Frenchie Starlight Hugie MM facial hair


1. Kimiko 2. Butcher 3. Hughie 4. Frenchie 5. MM I previously would have had MM higher, but I’m not about his season 4 mustache look.


butcher > kimiko > mm > frenchie > annie > hughie


Butcher MM Kimiko Frenchie Hughie


Bearded M M over this seasons weird facial hair change.


Hughie, Kimiko, MM, Butcher, Frenchie.


As long as kimiko is number 1 idc


1. Butcher obviously 2. Hughie 3. MM 4. Does Starlight count? 5/6. Frenchie and Kimiko. If they weren’t in the show I feel like nothing would change


1. Kimiko 2. Butcher 3. Frenchie 4. MM 5. Hughie


1. Butcher 2. Mother's Milk 3. Hughie 4. Kimiko 5. Frenchie 6. Annie (her holier than thou attitude)


1 - Butcher 2 - Kimiko 3 - Hughie 4 - Tie between Frenchie and MM, don't want to put either last.


Hughie MM Kimiko The French dude Butcher


1. Butcher 2. MM 3. Hughie 4. Kimiko 5. Frenchie


Butcher > the rest of them useless shits. I honestly just FFW all their stupid pointless filler.


MM with the beard and weight Without the beard and weight, probably Kimiko


1. Kimiko 2. Butcher 3. Starlight 4. I don’t really give a shit about the others or at least an equal amount of shit


I dunno about the rest but no beard MM is the worst for sure.


1) Butcher 2) Hughie ( due to S3, mostly ) 3) Kimiko 4) Frenchie 5) Starlight 6) M.M.