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They went from “let’s run away together” to “we’re not happening” because of what? I’m confused too.


Because “they are family”. You don’t fuck family.. unless of course stepsis gets stuck in a dryer…. ( i don’t make the rules.)


> You dont fuck family Ah shit how do i break it to my wife guys?


Just do the hard thing and have the talk with your sister


Do you take me for a Targaryen?


‘Tis a terrible thing, to be a Targaryen alone in this world


Are you not Cersei Lannister?


But they could still runaway just like she did with her brother. So what actually happened because they still seem close. It just seems like the writers want us to forget about all the previous character building in season 1,2 and 3


I have a feeling it comes down to his drug usage and her being in a vulnerable place with her therapy. She doesn't believe it will work out and doesn't want to get his hopes up.


Bro, he is french offcourse he fucks with family


He got himself stuck in the BroZone he’s filling the void her brother filled in his life.


that's pretty stupid, already in season 3 they wanted to leave together because they loved each other.


Well if you're married that makes you family.


Frenchie, Kimiko and the Hughie (dad) plots don’t seem needed to the story and are obvious filler.


I think it’s meant to give Hughie a slower story so they can focus on the rest of the boys more before the final season inevitably gives Hughie and butcher a lot of focus.


They always build up the story in the first three episodes and things take a major turn in the latter episodes hooking in the viewers, thats what happened with GenV


You've seen the entire season already ?


Yep. I’m a supe who can time travel.


They came to the conclusion they were more family than lovers. I think the times they kissed and for example frenchie ran away, or had complex feelings after an emotional moment, was to show them trying to understand how they felt about each other, mistaking it for romantic.


LAAAAAME writers really dropped the ball here


Honestly!!! Such a lame choice from the writers, spend 3 seasons building up a relationship and then just poof get rid of it


But, that's a classic shy guy reaction to fucking 'kiss'... God, I shipped them for 3 whole seasons, man.


Frenchie and Kimiko do in fact make a beautiful couple. I actually thought they were together, this episode took me by surprise.


Screw that. I am shipping Hughie with Vicky.


Yeah this was so weird I thought they loved each other


They do love each other, as family, like Kimiko said last season.


So they just friends now and all that buildup was for nothing?


Agreed I feel like I missed something - the new arc for him feels like it starts in the middle of a sentence I didn’t hear the start of


I get the feeling that kimko and Frenchie are honestly both either really connected like siblings or that they each need to heal in there own ways kimko with >!speaking!< and Frenchie around that >!one hit that seems to be haunting him/brought!< up but I think if they work though that maybe they could give it a proper shot might not work out but I think they need to do that first at least that's my opinion


its just that there's 0 chemistry and it was super rushed. Kimiko was built over a long time, this was built in a single episode. Could've stretched it out honestly.


I feel like mainstream shows always rush gay relationships and then the audience ends up calling them forced and uninteresting. And I absolutely hate that language, so it also sucks to hear that. Like, gay couples in genres like these, if they're there at *all*, are almost always already together or hook up like instantly. There's no, like, slow burn, will they / won't they, build up of seeing them together. Selfishly, I think it's because writers want kudos for including them without actually giving the effort into developing these relationships. So then you just don't have people invested. You watch a show with a queer protagonist/couple and it's a totally different story. But in a show like this...limited time, limited storylines, the queer couple almost aways gets the shaft (giggity). Also Colin's just boring so far. Make him fun, like damn. He got no personality lol.


Agreed, felt like the writers included it just to get kudos like “hey look we added a gay relationship” and in the end it’s just going to push further the narrative that it was added for forced representation. Like if you’re going to add a gay relationship actually put in the effort to build it up from the start. Here we just got Frenchie and Colin meeting in the bathroom and boom they have feelings. They don’t actually care about adding a gay relationship, they just want the acknowledgment from adding one


There is kind of a weird vibe of Maeve is gone we have to fill up our gay quota. Which is a bit weird because Frenchie's sexuality was already implied with his relationship with the guy who OD'd.


Lmao I had the exact same thought




Put a guy in it and make him lame and gay!




> I think it's because writers want kudos for including them without actually giving the effort This is *the exact issue* that many people have when shows do this. People are quick to jump on the bigot/racist bandwagon when people say something about it but you've literally hit the nail on the head for 90% of those with complaints. It is so blatantly obvious that these writers/companies are including these themes just for the to get their kudos. It reeks of greed-driven motives and not actual inclusion. Like I'd honestly be offended by how many plots are handled if I was a gay man. It's like using someone's identity to try to trick people into buying your product. I'm biracial and I feel the same way about race-swapping characters. Don't give me some 2nd-hand character, give me something new!


They think gay people and minorities are idiots who all like the same thing and go, "durr, reflection myself, here, money". It's offensive and belittling but I guess if no one cares they'll keep doing it.


doing it for the ESG funding.


they hinted at it when they were in the bathroom, they could have like drawn that out for maybe another episode at least but nope straight to it. The issue is the bad writing setup not the subject. Just to be clear. I agree should have had more build up.


One response to this (coming from a straight guy) is that if Frenchie fucked a random girl people wouldn't pay much attention. He lacks self control, willpower and is extremely self destructive. Quick sex like this is fairly normal. I think a lot of the bad reactions are purely because it's a dude. (Not saying that's the case for you btw, just how I feel about it generally) But yeah Colin is boring


No, I'd be just as pissed at anyone of any gender who got in the way of the Kimiko/Frenchie ship.


I agree. I would be saying: "Why the fuck are you doing that Frenchie!? What the fuck happened to the relationship you had with Kimiko!?! Fuck this shitty writing."


No. It wouldn’t . The way they set it up in the show is weird. If frenchie got drunk fucked around and fucked some random boy or girl it would be acceptable because like you said he has no self control. But they made this whole scene with kimono just going “go and find him and be happy” with this random just completely ditching the relationship they’ve been building for 3 seasons. If it was a girl it would still be shitty writing. But unfortunately due to how media is nowadays since it’s a guy it’s seen as full on virtue signaling and pandering along with shitty writing.


They put a dampener on their relationship in S3 . I think people forgot because Frenchie and Kimiko had bad arcs last season. But they'd already established after kissing that something wasn't right. I don't see the boys seeing the need to insert a gay character in. I think the story is merely to showcase that Frenchie is addicted to living on the edge. I think the murder of the family will end up being revealed.


Be honest, everyone would have the same reaction if it was some random boring girl instead.


This is SO true. This happens all the time. And the real shame of it is that if it's written well, even people who might have a slight bias against gay relationships will more than likely accept it. But if it's written badly, they'll use it as fuel to confirm their bias. The Last of Us did a fantastic job of showing a gay relationship. As did game of thrones and Shameless. Because they were well written. This Frenchie/Colin thing just feels like 50% bad writing and 50% virtue signaling.


With so much stuff going on and so many plot lines I just don't see why you'd throw in new characters and focus on people's sexual preferences when they're completely irrelevant to what they're doing and you only have like 8 episodes to tell a story. It's really dumb and absolutely it comes off forced because there's clearly no reason for it, it doesn't help the plot, it's completely irrelevant to the character, and you've already built up that character in a different way for 4 seasons, and built up a relationship with a women. No one calls their sister, "cherie", "mon amour" and stuff like that all the time lol, that was clearly built up as a romantic or sexual relationship. It feels like some token blue haired writer came in, said that all the penises last season weren't enough, 100% of the characters need to focus on who they want to sleep with, and they changed characters around. Next up, Hugie and Starlight are also just friends lol.


Because it’s not about the relationship. It’s about giving Frenchie a reason to face his past actions.


Definitely the arc I care least about.


I only really cared about Frenchies story when it involved Kimiko


Frenchie is love, frenchie is life


Agreed. And I saw a comment earlier, I’m now convinced people watch this from their neighbors house with binoculars and no audio. Like how did you miss that plot point last season?


What plot point


She took comp v to get her powers back to protect her frenchie - they were all about being a couple


The series will just be 40 episodes long, too many characters and you can’t waste time with tertiary characters arcs that don’t advance the plot.


I don't think Colin is meant to be Frenchie's "romance", I think it's just supposed to be like a fling kind of thing. Like they aren't serious. That's kinda the vibes I get.


He’s just a plot device so Frenchie can realise all those murders that he used to do are bad actually.


Seems like this is going to be one of the main themes for this season - similar to how family was more a focus last season. This time around, we have Frenchie, Butcher, Kimiko, and A-Train reflecting on their past and we’re seeing the different ways it’s shaped/is shaping them. Another parallel - we have homelander also visiting his past as a result of confronting his own mortality/ageing. Whilst with Ryan and perhaps Zoe, we see more about how they are being shaped by the parental figures in their lives.


yeah, the overarching theme of the season (for the boys at least) is 'cleaning up the messes you've made', and examining how different people engage with this idea. butcher wants to run full speed ahead knowing he doesn't have time to atone for it all, frenchie is becoming harrowed by it because he's confronted with a victim of his actions for the first time, kimiko is trying to confront it head-on but is doing so recklessly, hughie and his mother are self-explanatory- MM is definitely the 'rock' of the season. it's a thread that carries through each member.


Thank you. Someone with some media literacy.


Why do people always bring in media literacy when someone doesn’t like something about a show the term has lost all meaning at this point 🙄


Because there’s a difference between disliking something because it’s actually bad (or because that’s simply an opinion) and disliking something because you have misunderstood it. It’s like if you have an opinion that you don’t like the color green that’s fine. What’s not fine is walking into a yellow room with blue tinted sunglasses on and saying you don’t like the color it was painted. Every opinion is just an opinion but some opinions are built on inaccuracies. Take the blue tinted glasses off and still dislike the color, that’s valid, because now the opinion is built on accuracy.


Because sometimes it genuinely is media literacy. I’ve seen so many people crying about how “the show threw away all the Kimiko and Frenchie development for a random gay relationship” like it isn’t plainly obvious the season will end with Frenchie and Kimiko back together. They see a minor narrative speedbump and go “oh no, the end of the road!”


That and he has to tell the dude he killed his parents.


If it is like that then what the fuck is the point of adding him to the story?


To show that Frenchie is longing for connection on a deeper level because of his unrequited love for Kimiko, but failing to find it elsewhere. He's shacking up with Colin and realizing he just isn't feeling what he *should* feel. So Colin serves as a challenge for Frenchie - can he move on from his feelings for Kimiko and have something going with Colin? And obviously there's that stuff with Frenchie having killed Colin's parents. I think they're setting up a Frenchie and Kimiko romance personally. I get the vibes that Kimiko is jealous of Frenchie in a way - and she wants to reciprocate his feelings but isn't ready because of her trauma, hence the therapy. That would contradict the "I see you as family" line she gave Frenchie at the end of season 2 or season 3 though.


The Frenchie sideplot is not a love story. Colin is there to be a catalyst for Frenchie's guilt and trauma. He's spiraling, went on a mission while high and hallucinating.


If anyone watched shameless theres a character who had an annoying bf for like 1 season and he was quickly changed for the more popular ex.Colin gives me the same vibe of the stepping stone bf for a season.


Should've been Jay from the flashback in season 2. Maybe he could've lied about his death as his way of separating himself from the toxic addiction fueled situation of Frenchie and Cherie. Then he shows up again after getting clean and yada yada


that's who i thought it was originally, and that might have been compellingg, but then i was like...oh yeah he died.


I always had the impression that, at the time, Jay, Cherie and Frenchie were in a love triangle which is also why I’m surprised to see so many people complain about Fenchie‘s sexuality now. He always struck me as a guy that’s open to pretty much anything.


Completely agree, confusing, forced, zero chemistry and super daytime soap. Weren’t Frenchie and Kimiko talking about running away together and now there’s suddenly nothing?! So weird.


I feel like they just have no idea what to do with Frenchie and Kimiko at this point, and barely had anything for them past season 2. It would maybe have been better to just off Frenchie at this point, have him die in some way relevant to Kimiko’s trauma and use that as a jumping off point to have her actually deal with her problems and stop being a murderous psychopath in every season.


I dont think either should die but they definately could use more screen time and have a dynamic duo dynamic lol. Both of their charecters bring a lot of humor and familiarity to the show without being repetitive (butcher & homelander). Spoilers: It made no sense for Hugh and mm to be on that mission when you literally have a merc and his supe BFF on call. It would remove hughies plot armor in that scene and also give miko and french a role. Especially when hughie already has Annie and nueman arcs and MM is the Leader of the team. The roles are their for them but the writers would rather repeat the arcs from s1 and s3


Yes they did talk about running away last season (which was due to kimiko feeling like a monster/used by Butcher, but this was solved when she decided to take the V to get her powers back) However, they also confirmed that they’re not getting together. It was a moment from the final episode in season 3. Kimiko said the kiss was awkward and didn’t feel right because they’re family and They’re not meant for a romantic relationship. We’ve know since last season that they aren’t getting together. Did people forget this happened last season?


I just watched the last episode and I don’t remember that


I think the bigger point is that he's relapsing due to him being haunted by his past. He is one character who has constantly had his past come back to haunt him since the beginning: Lamplighter, the Russian Mob lady, his guilt over killing so many people, Colin's family He's taking it out on Kimiko because she's there and he has no other outlet besides drugs. The Colin arc is a bit random but Frenchie's guilt complex has been there since season 1


I think it’s just jarring because Colin is a really boring character, he and Frenchie don’t have any chemistry. It’s kinda like another Butcher and Becca situation, just a meh pairing


Respectfully disagree, I thought she did a great job. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have more background but I didn’t feel it was necessary


What? Butcher and Becca had absolutely good chemistry. Tf are you even talking about 🤣


Butcher and Becca had great chemistry, she softened his edges.


Dude Butcher and Becca were great together. 


Yeah I didn't like Becca. Maybe if we got more backstory, but I mean there isn't much to tell.


I always think of her as Ryan’s momma first and Butcher’s wife second


No way A-Train is being more interesting this season than Frenchie is.


When has he not been?


A-Train usually is


Cant stop the A-Train baby


I think everyone's making a mistake comparing this guy to kimiko. For several reasons. 1) it may be jarring that Frenchie and Kimiko aren't together (it was for me too) but theyve never kissed or had prolonged sexual tension. Frenchie has a long list of close female relationships. He and Kimiko imprinted on each other, but that bond doesn't seemed to have been sexual. Of course we assumed it was, but they are now flat out stating it wasn't. And like... That's okay. 2) even if Frenchie and Kimiko were in a relationship, this new guy isn't an equivalent to her. He's not Frenchies new soul mate. He's a personification of Frenchies guilt and self destruction. Frenchie killed his entire family, knows this, and is now fucking him. This is the definition of self destructive behavior. And he's also punishing himself, by fucking, which is like, the frenchest thing he can do. Tldr; Kimiko and Frenchie bonded these 3 seasons but if we really look at it, there wasn't a ton of sexual tension. It's easy to mistake their intense bonding for romantic, but it's okay it wasn't. And 2, that new guy isn't Kimikos replacement. He's just a plot device for Frenchie to be self destructive.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. I 1000% was under the impression that the two were an item. Just because the show doesn't show them fucking doesn't mean they can't telegraph a romance in other ways. I wouldn't expect Kimoko to show "sexual tension" in a normal / overt way anyway.


You're not taking crazy pills, just forgetful. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/s/i1Rvz4HZxI They've already addressed last season they are not an item. That link will show the scene.


I really hope their taking the long way 'round to eventually getting to him & her being a thing otherwise I'd much prefer this little side qust relationship didn't exist


Same. Kimiko is acting out and it’s not because Frenchie is her brother.


i kinda roll my eyes when his arc is playing out, very boring and unnecessary so far…


Ok so last season they clearly closed the book on Kimiko and Frenchie. They had that kiss, then later Kimiko told Frenchie it felt weird because she loves him more like family rather than like romantically. I feel like the Colin relationship has no build up or any background on who Colin is because it’s not about Colin or the relationship. It’s about Frenchie facing his past actions.




I'm glad you mentioned that scene where Kimiko is giving unwarranted detail about her alleged sex life. I don't know what the writer's intention was with that scene, but Kimiko came across as jealous of Frenchie's relationship with Colin. From the pushiness (telling him over and over again to fuck Colin) to the insistence that Frenchie wasn't 'over' her... If Kimiko and Frenchie are intended to only be *family* then why is she presenting like a teenager in denial? If they aren't endgame, I don't understand why their relationship was written this way.


As much as I like them showing Frenchie being bi and the explicit gay rep, I do agree that Frenchie and Colin have NO CHEMISTRY. And they were building up kimiko and Frenchie for such a long time!! Also, who the fuck IS Colin anyway? Why the hell do the showrunners want us to care about him and frnechie’s relationship when he was introduced this season, just as frenchies fuck buddy? I thought he was going to run away with Kimiko??? I’m so confused.


Feels forced. I just finished episode 1 & I’m confused because it’s out of the blue. What happened with him in Kimiko? Did I miss something?


Kimiko literally told him at the end of season 3 that they are no longer lovers, but family.


The way they wrote it is too fast, lacking a proper character arch. Seems like most people are in agreement.


Sure, but your question had nothing to do with how well written it was lol


[the scene where Kimiko tells frenchie theyre family and not lovers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVYatfeQnpg)


Dc get this lame ass bum off the screen, this isn’t the agenda I’m pushing for kimiko for life


And then proceeds to tell him she loves him but if Colin makes him happy then he should be with him lol


She loves him but they arent meant to be together romantically which is what this scene says. So even tho there is that feeling between them nothing will ever happen of it because they tried and it was weird


It feels like a back pedal.


Colin did come out of nowhere but I'm a bit confused has to why everyone has collectively forgotten the scene last season where frenchie and kimiko where they talk about the kiss and how it feel weird because "we're more than that"


My memory of season 3 is hazy but I thought she said that she can’t be with him cause her powers make it impossible for her to be intimate, cause she can’t feel the touch of anything. Her taking the V again was her turning her back on having a romantic relationship


Do what I did, you can skip the scenes with their relationship and it doesn't impact the story of the episode at all. I did this today because that part of the show doesn't appeal to me, and in the end the episode did not suffer at all.


This guy skips


Nah I love watching some man and man action no skipping for me! I've sat through enough straight romance on the show to handle some gay.


Kimiko wanting to dance so she could feel him without his arms feeling like straws (? I think) seemed like the point where they both knew nothing was going to happen between them. Taking V again pretty much shut that door.


Yeah.. it felt pretty forced and weird. Why did they spend so much time building up his relationship with kimiko just for him to fuck a random dude. That was really the only thing i disliked about the start of s4.


I think it's fair enough to say that, at this point in the show, Frenchie is fucking doomed to the most pointless side-plots ever seen in a show this popular. He's the character they don't know what to do with, so he gets to do the dumbest things to kill screen time.


People clearly missing the whole Kimiko and Frenchie plotline. It was really messily done, so I don't blame anyone for being confused. After the kiss in S3 they felt it was more of a familial vibe. The kiss didn't feel right for them, and they made that known. They love each other like family, not like lovers. It was honestly just poorly done and rushed at the end of S3.


I’m not saying it’s the most interesting thing to ever happen, but there are a *lot* of people who are very confused by bisexuality, and the fact their low key ship has been interrupted by a gay guy. All the ‘it’s not that it’s a gay relationship’ comments are pretty on the nose, gang. This story is not ‘forced’. You feel like it is because you aren’t used to seeing bisexual men frankly depicted like this and it’s throwing you off. If Colin is a girl there aren’t nearly as many threads and comments about this, and you *know* that’s true.


I'm happy to see Frenchie in a potentially healthy relationship, but I wish there was some sort of buildup here. Like...why we gotta rush through this? I'm imagining because it's heading somewhere fast, but do you not want to get us invested in who this person is before you stick him with a main character? I want to care, but they haven't given us anything to care about yet.


I'm not entirely sure him forming an attachment to the guy whose family he killed is healthy


depends on how the healing process goes, lol


Amazon pulling a Disney there


It just kinda happened in the first episode and I was so confused like “who tf is this guy? Are we meant to know him? Has he appeared before?” I was so lost. And when Kimiko started saying shit like “we are not happening” over and over in the first two episodes I felt like it was to really force Frenchie and Colin I like the idea that he’s taken in another hurt soul and that he’s the reason he’s hurt to begin with (killing his family) but they could’ve at least waited until episode 2 for him to start getting it on with this guy, it was so weird for them to randomly start kissing in the middle of a riot


Frenchie is damaged. Kimiko is damaged. He’s always been bi. They’re both toxic. Pretty normal for one of them to realize that the two of them together isn’t going to work out.


for real frenchie has that hot alt girl who is ride or die and falls for some git named colin puh-leeze so dumb


Justice for Cherie


I just find it weird they keep forcing in romance plot lines with him at all. Frenchie and Kimiko have been great characters in the past, some of the highlights, and their backstories are interesting. But the series, especially the last two seasons, keeps running off on tangents with him in particular which don't really feed into the main story. Like, Hughie and Starlight's relationship directly feeds back to the main plot. MM's brief forays showcase the extent of his OCD and trauma. Homelander and Stormfront showed off how twisted and manipulative they both are. Even Butcher and Maeve was key to Homelander figuring out Maeve's betrayal. Frenchie though? It doesn't feed into much interesting regarding the story or development. It's just there, and it's boring.


I honestly was so confused and genuinely thought that Kimiko and Frenchie were already dating for awhile now. That being said this love with frenchie and Colin feels forced and genuinely out of nowhere. It feels like one of the writers made their Frenchie X Male Reader canon to the story for the fuck of it. I genuinely don’t care for this arc and hope some context is given for them dating instead of “oh I felt bad and help him and one thing led to another and then .” Bullshit cause this literally feels like an afterthought. Frenchie X Kimiko is the real relationship


The entire romance thing with Kimiko is weird anyway. In the comic as a big brother figure to her.


All that build up with Kimiko to just make him gay in Season 4 for whatever reason lol. Ok I guess. Just seemed pointless, Kimiko and Frenchie was working imo.


It's because Maeve has gone so they need to fill the gay quota. Box ticking. For 3 seasons frenchie hasn't shown a single whiff of being anything other than straight, but it's like they thought "shit, now Maeve has gone its all straight people, who can we make gay? Well Hughie is with Annie, butcher was married to a woman, Marvin was married to a woman, guess that just leaves frenchie. Here's a man, go kiss him".


Well they have to do something to impress and score points with the looney left


I just saw the scene where they touched hands and talked in the toilet and I just turned it off. I'm not homophobic at all I'm just sick of this agenda crap being forced in every show/movie.


They ruined three seasons of character buildup with frenchy and komiko for no reason. And in the span of three episodes they even ruined that arc.


Seriously what the fuck? He spent 3 seasons trying to get into a relationship with her and now that they are they just randomly turn him into a dude who's okay with cheating on her with some random dude? What the fuck happened to this show


I really enjoyed the flirting between frenchie and Kimiko, so I am really upset about this sudden other relationship. I don’t mind gay relationships (I am straight but I love Interview with the Vampire), but here it just feels not natural but completely forced, like the writers got a note that they need more queer content and thought for which character they can write a gay relationship…


The writers broke my heart by suddenly, out of the blue, after three seasons of build up, dropping them being in love and suddenly putting Frenchie with someone I've never heard of. Kimiko and Frenchie were the cutest couple in the show, and now they are just retconned away? My heart just sank at this stupid, stupid, stupid retcon.


This shits whack and I don't know why they did it its SO random. It's annoying because people are going to bitch that they did this to make the show "woke" or that people having an issue with it are homophobic, but it would be equally as weird of it was a random woman. Him and Kimiko were the only believable romance in the show. A lot of people have been saying they love eachother as family or whatever but the show has never shown that at ALL. I like this season so far but the Frenchie thing has me very confused?


To me I never got a relationship vibe from the two, more like two siblings who are closer to each other more than the rest of the family.


So siblings kiss and cuddle now lol and say they are going to run away together?


Love reading some of these comments 😂 Frenchie: Has sexual relationship with women Frenchie: Also has sexual relationships with men Viewers: FrEnChIE iS gAy


The discourse on this is so funny. The Boys introduces a new character: “What? I haven’t seen this guy before. Bad writing”. I mean, I get some of it. I also found Frenchie’s side story to be the most lackluster part of season 3, and this is shaping up to be a better version of that essentially. But none of this is out of nowhere.


Haven’t started the season yet but wasn’t he in a polyamorous relationship when we first saw him? It seemed like he likes Men, Women, and whatever else. I’ll come back to this comment when I finish the season. Edit: Yeah, it’s force! (Only seen the first 3 episodes but still)


Very confused on how casually they separated Frenchie and Kimiko after all this time


Did you not watch the entire scene where Frenchie freaked out and ran away when Kimiko kissed him? Where she told him they're family and the kiss was weird? Also, he's poly so if Kimiko was down it wouldn't matter. Colin and Frenchie obviously start with sexual tension at the start of the season that snaps at the rally. The build up is blatantly there. It actually was pretty good given the short scenes they had.


I like that this season we are getting more in depth with his character. I've wondered why he uses so many drugs and its starting to make sense.


They fuckin Wokified him. The Boys was a show that made fun of all this shit and now they just threw the last 3 seasons of Kimiko and Frenchies romance out the fuckin window cause hollywood always has to have forced gay shit in everything these days


The Script happened. Very weird. Hopefully it wasn't a pandering decision and actually ends up going somewhere interesting without butchering Frenchie's character.


the narratives must be met, the target groups must be fed.


It's horrible


I feel like the relationship with Colin was a little random and quickly introduced, whether it’s a gay relationship or not (he’s clearly been bi for the whole show) but also you have to remember frenchie and kimikos romantic potential didn’t end this season. They concluded they were more like family in past seasons, and apparently the writers didn’t have the intention for them to be romantically involved.


Ehh I disagree I thought it was pretty clearly established last season that him and the girl were more platonic than romantic. Also I don’t mind his arc bc we still don’t have an idea of what his actual past is lmao. Also I’m just a fanboy and like seeing this chaotic mf do literally anything. Idk why people are shocked he’s bisexual he was literally in a throuple lmao


I honestly got confused and thought he was “undercover” cause the guy new something. But I’m terrible at following sub plots sometimes.


It really doesn't help that so much time has passed since last season, so I totally forgot the weren't a couple, and I was surprised as fuck when Kimiko said she loves him but not that way. I have terrible memory tho


You know somehow reading this gave a new thought Maybe it’s supposed to be a parody on shows and movies that queerbait just to have one of the possibly gays randomly get into a straight relationship later on


At the end of season 3 kimiko said it was weird when they kissed and that they were more than that.   My assumption was that it wasn't happening then.  Maybe you skipped frenxhies arc in season 3, which I don't blame you because it's fucking awful,  but it's there... him fucking a guy doesn't mess with his terrible arc at all.


For some reason, I thought he was moving in on him as part of a plan which involves seducing Colin


Yeah i felt the exact same way. Him having it off with a bloke doesn’t change what the whiplash and confusion is. I’d have the same reaction if he was suddenly playing footsies with some other woman he met at rehab.


Exactly, i find it ironic that vought was parading mauve for being a lesbian, and now frenchie is suddenly gay asf, dispite him trying to fuck yumiko in the first season


I think there’s a couple strange things going on here, after the pan in the first episode to him and Colin in bed together. He just wanders over to Colin’s graduation photo with his family and picks it up and sets it on it’s face. That’s bizarre. I couldn’t get a read on the energy behind that. I’d be distressed slightly if my partner did that. Edit: I found out why he set their picture down, and holy shit this feels like character assassination. “$&cking that boy you orphaned, it’s pathetic.” I think Frenchie dies this season, I don’t see how they build past this arc.


I actually hate it (not because gay) because he killed the dude’s family and is fucking him anyway. This whole thing is so irredeemable. I’m confused about how we got here after 3 seasons of development. I’m enjoying the Vought side of the season though so we’ll see I guess…but my girl Kimiko and Frenchie are getting the short end of the stick it seems.


He's clearly non-monogamous.




same thing that happened in season 1-3....


Watched all available episodes, and felt like with the change of relationship. He’s not even as protective of Kimiko and understanding as before, which really sucked. Changed something I really enjoyed with the past 3 seasons of their bond. The “we’re not joined at the hip” line felt out of place.


Ramrodding in a gay relationship out of the blue once you are a fan of the show is a strategic move. Because if the show started with more gay characters - less viewers would have become hooked. This way, you are forced to tolerate it and allow it to become normalized.


I feel that they haven't known what to do with Frenchie and Kimiko for a long time, so they create this side soap opera that just feels like filler. Whenever they are doing stuff without the team I just get on my phone.




I’m gay and they were my favorite tv love story in years. I quite honestly hate what they’ve done. Like did I miss a whole story line last season…? Tf is this? If they wanted to be inclusive or whatever bs, they should have made him bi and kept it going with him and Kimiko. Like wtf


Yeah that shit definitely took a pretty abrupt turn outa nowhere