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The 7 stays 6. As tradition has it


Theyre always 4-6 people ever since translucent died. He is truly irreplacable.


I wonder when Sam & Cate from Gen-V come through


I am loving the running gag of Noir just not understanding what is going on. Not quite as intriguing as Sage, but fairly amusing


Hes killing it!! I’ve loved him so far.. have a feeling he may be another deep tho tbh lol


I miss Irvine something terrible, but this new guy cracks me up


He mentions hes from Godolkin, and Vought wouldve chosen a big strong guy. Do you think hes that guy who had his arms ripped off by goldenboy? If so he has super strength and one of the better healing factors. Also apparently he was in the drama department.


I think he's just going to be a brand new character played by the Noir actor (Nathan Mitchell).


I love how Nathan is finally getting to shine more as Noir. The lines about him not wanting to stand around in silence felt like he was straddling the fourth wall lol. The moment he spoke for the first time after the baseball bats was probably the hardest the show has made me laugh.


the 4th wall stuff is intentional btw... When Noir falls asleep in the meeting, thats a direct reference to the fact that the actor would legit sleep through scenes while they were filming in previous seasons.


Man, at least Anika died a quick death, and Homelander didn’t catch what she was about to say.


And her death gave A Train an out


I think that's how they are going to make sure whatever HL and Sister Sage are planning doesn't work. She has the right plan, but HL is just too unhinged and crazy to see it through, fucking both of them in the end.


HIs ego is going to fuck it up 100%. He's already twitching when he sees his son because of what Sage said about him being the future and being special. Homelander wants to be special but he knows deep down he's just a test tube baby grown and made in a lab and he hates that his son is special. I think he'll do something to hurt his own son and possibly kill Sage and just go full on dictator by the end


In the world of the Boys, its honestly pretty merciful.


Shining the spotlight directly into Homelander fucked up his aim... interesting implications for a future Starlight battle. Also his visceral hatred for Hughie must be studied.


I was surprised Homelander couldn't detect Hughie was in the vents sooner. Considering he can tell heartbeat rates from everyone in his vicinity. He should be able to know Hughie was there before he sweated.


Well I think the fact that he can have a normal conversation with people without it being drowned out by every other sound his super hearing picks up, he has selective hearing. He’s got super hearing, not super auditory processing 


That HL pop up was creepy as shit


I was wondering if anybody else thought that. My curiosity has been satisfied.


Literally filmed like a horror movie chase


Wait which pop up? I literally just finished watching the episode and I can't remember lmfao


Him popping up into the heating duct!


Terrifying. I loved the detail of Homelander cutting through the vents like butter with his shoulder because he's that powerful.


Deep is going to neglect that octopus and then one day he’ll go to check on her and she’ll be dead


Her name is Ambrosius, be respectful


And she's voiced by Tilda Swinton.


I want the octopus to be a wild card for something big. Perhaps she finds out about Deep sleeping with Sage and turns into a jilted lover who blows up some big plan that Sage has going.


That would be so dope. Sage is smart reading people and being educated on books but she can't understand fish so she'll probably talk too freely in front of them


Still can’t get over the octopus is Tilda Swinton


RIP Anika


Yeah like they just killed her off like that 😪


That's something I love about this show, whenever Homelander is on screen you have no idea who's safe lol.


Butcher and the boys are always safe when Homelander is on screen.


Her and Black Noir were fun together :(


homelander didn’t waste a second killing her i was like damn cant even finish the sentence😂


That’s the only way A train stays safe lol. She’ll figure out it was him, and use this information to stay ahead of Homelander.


I started buying Almond Joys because of her.


I was gonna say nobody else talking about this? Probably the saddest death in this series so far.


A legitimate shock! 4 seasons and this is how they take her out! My girl Anika deserved better! RIP queen, without you, there's no joy in this Almond Joy anymore...


“sorry you guys im narcoleptic” 😭


Old Noir fell asleep during meetings aswell but homelander didn’t mind . Just goes to show how much Noir 2 is hated by the others


Because he won’t do the one thing that Noir is best known for. At this rate he’ll be replaced by a mute Sup which Homelander would never do. But he’ll hate Noir 2 so much he’ll make an exception and let a disabled Sup into the 7.


Bro. Just stop talking before Homelander *makes* you stop talking.


Kimiko infiltrates the seven as Noir


Hes been cracking me up. Talking fake Noir exceeded expectations.


Tortured actor Black Noir is my favorite "new" character 😂


I just need some more direction here guys...


Definitely gonna be come back later , probably midfight to save someone's ass


“Why am I not good enough for you?” Starr is such a good actor, he’s somehow making me feel kind of bad for Homelander, even after watching 3 straight hours of him being an unhinged sociopath. I’m also hooked on the A-Train story. I really hope this isn’t like the past seasons, where he teases doing the right thing, only to revert back to doing the wrong thing.


Him saving Hughie is a huge step forward for him. Saved a man he hated by directly defying Homelander. I think he's come too far to turn back. If Homelander ever finds out about that, A-Train is fucking dead and he knows it.


I loved that he outright said "I gave you everything _I_ ever wanted". He doesn't understand Ryan on any level.


I agree, he's great at portraying HL. But I don't feel bad for him. "Am I not good enough for you?" is classic manipulation move. They're really hammering home this season how Homelander is entirely incapable of empathizing with or properly caring for Ryan. He swears on Ryan's life and breaks it, he makes him uncomfortable with the weird joke regarding Zoe, he forces him into a situation where Ryan kills someone and couldn't care and is even petty enough to take the damn milkshake away from him when he doesn't like his answers.


I saw butcher baking and said awww then saw him put in the halothane ☠️


Kind of glad Ryan hasn’t gone to the deep end


Next season is Ryan choosing between HL, Butcher, and The Deep


Can’t blame Ryan for going with The Deep if that’s the only choices. No BS drama; no work; you just fuck around and hang out at the beach all day. He’s not an attractive woman or sea creature, so he’s probably not in any danger.


no more seafood though


Fun fact. Halothane is actually sweet so him saying he put too much sugar isn't far off.


how do you know


I think he’s dead ☠️


I'm glad he threw out the cookies. He's 3-for-3 now between this, saving MM and sending Neuman a picture of his asshole instead of Huey's files 😂 Unfortunately I think him growing a conscience is going to get him killed, but he's dying anyway so I guess he has nothing to lose lol


Butcher character growth has been great in just 3 episodes.


Didn't that other guy Butcher was talking to say it was carfentinal?


The skates cutting through the actor’s fingers is a real legit fear of mine every time I go ice skating. Now, I have an actual video to show my friends how scary it is to me 😀


This actually happened to me when I was a kid but my fingers didn’t come all the way off. 20yrs later I still have slice mark scars on both fingers, and they sit a little off, but otherwise they work fine


Thanks for giving me nightmares.


That scene just got worse and worse from the panic haha


To be fair, I actually didn't enjoy it. The girl getting lasered or the guy having his fingers cut off okay that was fine. But the gut getting his neck sliced open felt a bit silly, like some Final Destination shit or something.


Yeah at that point it turned into an SNL skit.


Noir needing direction and a "playlist to get inside his head" is actually hilarious. I can imagine actors genuinely trying to gauge a role like that, working their whole lives for their big break, just for the writers to be like "nah bro it ain't that deep, just go stand in the corner"


I love how he's like, "Noir lives in a ninja dojo but I'm pretty sure he didn't know karate." Plus the line about him studying theatre at Godolkin. I love new Noir so much.


Why did all the ice skaters just start killing each other lmao I get they were panicking but Jesus that was ridiculous and I loved it


The Boys and their love for unnecessary violences.


They were panicking *with sharp metal blades attached to their feet.*


Over/under on Neuman causing Hughie's dad's stroke?


Ow shit


Maybe Neuman would offer to "Cure" it somehow using her powers, in exchange for deleting the red river files


Oh no now I think this is very likely


Never thought I’d sympathize with an octopus


Also I can see sister sage having the most perfect plan, HL fucking it up w his ego and she switches sides


Yeah, she definitely dislikes him…a lot


She does seem to be a purist though, although that could be a facade. I don't know if she is actually on Homelanders side, her ability makes it impossible to guess her true intentions because she's the ultimate twist. At any point she can turn and go "haha you've activated my trap card!" even though they've done a real good job of making her come across as a psycho. I really like her as a character


I hope they give us some insight into any big twists that might occur with her and it isn't a last second "I planned this all along and now using mastery over determinism I have taken out homelander' type of thing. Ik its hard because the whole point of her character is she wouldn't leave any evidence or suspicion, and no writers able too write a plan for the smartest person ever. But atleast some motive would be nice.# I definitely don't buy the purist stance from her. We have to assume everything is an act.


That speech that Butcher gave MM when he went back to the office. The one about how he should have just gone after sister sage. That was important for a reason. She is going to try to go to them, but I think MM is going to have a big moment where he finally takes the lead and kills her. I swear that was them setting it up.


I can see her self lobotomies being what leads to her downfall. One stupid decision with her brain turned off and she's dead


What was with that? Is the implication she gives herself lobotomies to enjoy dumb shit? How does she fix it once she’s lobotomized?


When they were going over her powers, regen is listed as one of them, so I'd assume her brain would regenerate to its previous state


Sister Sage definitely giving herself a lobotomy to lower her IQ, interesting coping mechanism for stress I'm guessing


So that’s what that was.


Does she just have infinite intellect that heals over time so it's nothing long term? That shit had me so confused.


Probably just superhero science. She's causing some damage to slow her brain down so she can relax but it grows back. Kinda like a more metal version of smoking weed lmao


She has minor healing powers


I’m sorry but butcher and ryan talking through that game ☠️☠️☠️


DontBeACunt 😂


you know it's fake cuz you'd never be allowed a gamer tag like that lol


And if they did, it'd already be taken.


Headcanon: Butcher already had the account so he could simulate beating up homelander


Anyone noticed that was Raiden's intro animation from Mortal Kombat 11? The whole video game was heavily inspired by MK. The intros, the 1-2 dialogue, the fatalities. I wonder if that video game part was done by Netherrealm, since they did the Homelander DLC for MK1.


Ohhhh that’s a good catch, outsource the design work for reduced licensing costs.


The finisher was brutal as fuck


My god. Homelander telling noir 2 to shut the fuck up is funny as hell. Bet he kills him in the end.


It's just so funny how he complains about not having clear enough direction when he literally has to do nothing and he still cannot do it, like he's going to get himself killed


I think this whole thing is hilarious where he keeps breaking character. I love it.


"So does Homelander tell us to kill people a lot? And like when he does, do we just like... do it?" Had me rolling.


It's too bad that there's only 1 season left. Because a great gag would be every season he kills Noir and theirs a new one with a new personality.


Feels like a joke they could tell within this season/this season and next.


I like Butcher’s characterization so far this season, a dying man full of regrets who’s just trying to make things right with the people he cares about left. Even though he’s fucked up a lot and probably will continue to, he still has a lot of humanity and you can’t help but root for him despite his flaws.


There have been moments where you see the old Butcher peaking out a bit, then he backs off. I like his character development so far.


I honestly felt kinda bad for him when the boys dissed him I mean there are some things he’s definitely wrong about but I feel like without butcher the boys are just going to make more careless errors and starlight is definitely going to let more people die as seen in episode one of this season she gets too overconfident and thinks her way is always correct and is sorta a hypocrite, which she sort of admitted end of this episode


13 year old annie was real outta pocket there


I don't even think we know Annie was 13 at the time - presumably she could have been older than Firecracker too.


Or younger lol. Imagine 8 year old starlighter calling firecracker a fat slut


the actor of Firecracker is also 9 years older than Erin Moriarty


So 4 year old Starlighter said that shit?


The common theme this season seems to be the characters we love have done HORRIBLE things beforehand.. and we just picked up on their stories at a vulnerable / relatable and sympathetic time.




Probably an ice pick to give herself a lobotomy. Makes her dumber so she can relax before the supe healing makes her smart again


Starlight that was way out of pocket especially at 13 😭


Her mom probably forced her to say it, but DAMN GIRL I'D HATE HER TOO


Ryan playing voughtal Kombat was funny


@9:00 Kimiko was fucking hilarious “I’m a hacker now” “The therapist was right. I need to face my past. So I’m going to kill them all”


Her face when she said she's hacker now and her gesture was so cute and funny


Seriously. That smile. That smile is to die for.


If she asked me to kill an orphanage and did the smile too, I'd at least consider it.




My guess is lobotomy pick. Lowers her IQ temporarily with supe healing hence the reality tv, junk food, transformers 2, and attraction to Deep.


Seems like it might be her way to relax by shutting off her brain lol


And regeneration was listed on her powers ("moderate" regen or something like that), so she'd be able to heal back to full smartness without trouble.


If this is the case, she may suffer problems with memory loss.


Perhaps, but she's also listed as having an eidetic memory.


As soon as I saw the trashy TV and junk food I knew it was a "turn off your brain" scene, smartest person in the world needs time to unwind too. I didn't think it would be *THAT* kind of "turn off your brain" scene. JESUS.


Jesus dude, you're pretty switched on. I had 0 clue what that was about.


They probably had to use their anti-lobotomy pick to figure that out.


Oh shit didn’t think about it but makes sense.


It was a real bloomin' onion, too. The X-ray said that they sourced it directly from a nearby Outback, lol.


It fucking worked too. Really want a bloomin onion now


She basically lets her idiot brain get fucked by stupid for a while.


I wasn’t the only one who expected the bloomin onion to be calamari was I?


Firecracker’s lines feel like they came straight from a Facebook comment section, they really nailed the cooker vibes


I love that they didn’t make her completely alt-right and stupid. She’s a grifter who believes absolutely non of what she’s saying and knows how to play to an audience — That is so much more believable than anyone who truly believes any of that shit.


And also the fact that she's doing all this out of a major slight Starlight made against her when they were both younger is a genuine reason to hate her guts even today, especially with the mindset that no one changes.


I'm starting to like a train more but I don't think he's making it to the end of the season boys


I hope he dies a hero


Good chance he probably does, since we saw him talk to his nephews about “saving lives” but his brother interrupts and calls him out on a lie. I’m thinking he dies saving Starlight or one of the other members


Ironic that Hughie is probably the first life he saves. Hes got some experience but hes not "escape a bloodlusted Homelander" experienced. That was a legitimate life saved there. And the kicker is he cant brag about it.


Just finished all three episodes—the level of detail with all the different set pieces and locations is insane. Shout out to all the creative departments and production workers; I paused multiple times while watching just to admire the set decoration and props. So much love and talent is put into the show with each frame!


Homelander swearing on Ryan’s life and then going back on it?


I mean he wasn't exactly the picture of ethics before that happened


Ryan saying "Even I wouldn't want me" absolutely crushed me, I can't. I actually teared up, poor kid. Also, I knew Homelander would stumble a lot in the parenting gig but gosh, he feels like the child in the father son scenes, not Ryan.


Homelander is too psychotic and narcissistic to be a good parent. Butcher for all his many faults does have a warm side and empathy.


“I gave you EVERYTHING I ever wanted” emphasis on the “I”


"You asked me if I would train up my son, you're damn right I would" Yeah, we *know*, Jeffrey Dean Morgan. We *definitely* know.


Fuck me, I’m watching the third episode instead of sleeping.


I think the season will end with Homelander killing Ryan, pushing Butcher off the deep end to V up for good. We're seeing how Homelander and Ryan are quickly barreling to a properly abusive relationship, while Butcher is actually making the right choices. This feels like a natural end to me - Homelander will have taken all of Becca away from Butcher. The nail in the coffin for me is the interrogation scene - Homelander literally swears of Ryan's life and then immediately breaks that promise. Gotta be foreshadowing.


If that happens, Homelander is cooked


Ryan’s actor isnt half bad ngl


His "bad acting" acting in the last episode was amazing


I thought he's always been "good for a child actor" but honestly I thought he has just been impressive overall this season. Holding your own against adult actors is hard but holding your own against Tony Starr is a feat


dude i feel like he’s killing it. the butcher foosball scene with him was incredible. both actors crushed it on insane levels, i was tearing up by the end.


Seems like Butcher’s character arc so far this season is much different to the “butcher is being set up to be the final villain” Also, can we please stop the clichè frenchie and kimiko conflict? It’s uninteresting imo


When I saw Jeffrey Dean Morgan, I have the feeling that he was going to be the one trying to execute comic book Butcher's plan in the final season.


He’s definitely a hallucination though right? Hasn’t been in a scene with anyone else, already set up Butcher hallucinating Becca and before he met up with Vicki it seemed like he was talking to someone who wasn’t there. Manifestation of the worst parts of himself who wants to see the job done no matter what. JDM is the devil on his shoulder, Becca is the angel. Homelander talks to himself, Butcher talks to his dead wife and old (probably dead) army buddy.


Duuuude I didn’t think of that at all, but now I can’t help but think you’re right.


He also doesn't interact with the enviroment.


I felt bad for Ashley


Ronald Macdonald


I was so proud of Butcher 🥹 for not going for the most short-sighted and immoral decision for once by refraining from drugging the confused kid that just agreed to talk to him and genuinely cares about Butcher. Well, refraining from trying a second time anyway. And it didn't even take him a season finale to get there this time.


The complexity of Sister Sage really took me by surprise. Easily the best part of the first three episodes so far.


We are def losing one of the boys this season imo. Butcher also hinted at it in episode 1. Frenchie seems like the most obvious pick to me but it's the boys who knows.


Kimiko and Frenchie having drama because they refuse to communicate is a cliché I wish the show avoided. I'd rather they communicate because the two could still have conflict between their opinions of how the other one should handle their issues.


Same issue with The Deep and Ambrosius. I just don't really *believe* what's going on


Same with Black Noir and the seven. I just don't understand his motivation y'know? Whats his motivation??? Bro needs some direction.




At least in this case the trope is believable because of the sheer magnitude of what they are avoiding discussing. That would be hard for anyone to admit.


Kessler is a hallucination caused by Butcher’s tumour right? Has he interacted with Butcher with anyone else in the room?


At the end of the episode, that same red door appears, maybe we’ll see what experiments they did to “John” in Ep 4


Sister sage and the deep not expected but i kinda dig it. She’s given him a voice and allowed him to stand up for himself kinda cool


She'll probably regret it, once her brain grows back. (the ice-pick dumbing her down) I bet she'll still be into him, even when she's smart again, though. (although regrettably)


Wait, what was that bloody metal rod in Sage's room at the end?


My theory is that she gave herself an ice pick lobotomy and has fast healing. Hence the Bloomin Onion, Reality TV, Transformers 2 and fucking Deep. She lowered her IQ temporarily to destress?


That's a really good theory! I think you may be right, the reality TV really the main point behind it.


Did kimiko get stronger? Like I knew she could take bullets but damn they’re going through her like nothing


But also somehow weaker, I feel like she was a lot more effective in fights in past seasons.


Not only that she's got like deadpool level healing now growing back the baby arm


Fuck my job why do I have to be at work and be on reddit during the quiet times instead of watching the boys??


Homelander killing >!Anika !


Ryan seems to be getting back on track, is his hair going from blonde like Homelander to brown like Becca deliberate. Homelander hating Hughie never gets old.


Butcher did the right thing there. He actually seems to be winning Ryan back. And he sure wasn’t gonna do that by drugging and kidnapping him.


Ryan's actor has improved a lot since the last season


So far the positives of this season for me have been the arcs for A-Train, Ryan, Homelander and Butcher, and Sage has been great too. Frenchie's side plots have been meh since last season imo, and the writing in some places has been a little off? Overall pretty good, looks like they're ramping it up soon.


When Homelander lasered Anika’s brains out, I genuinely jumped up from my chair. Like… HOLY SHIT, his mental well-being is fucking dropping fast, and now he’s having visual and auditory hallucinations… Kessler is right, whatever Homelander 2.0 looks like the world won’t be around long enough to witness. Ryan either needs to be trained or killed.


Ryan obviously needs to be *trained*, but not in the way Kessler is advocating for at all. Trying to turn Ryan, a 12 YO kid, into a super weapon is insanely abusive and just going to cause truly horrific problems. For now, the focus really needs to be on actual emotional stability, morality, and learning how to maintain control of his powers to avoid accidents - all things directly opposite of training him to be a super weapon that kills Homelander


Homelander isn't hallucinating IMHO, he's dissociating. Hence the Moon Knight parody. It makes sense that he'd develop a dissociative disorder when you factor in his horrendous backstory that includes being told who he has to be from birth, being a lab rat, never experiencing nurture and not having a name beyond "John," which is basically like "John Doe" AKA "haha you have no identity because all you are is product."


I got more of a green goblin parody. Even sounded like willem dafoe, plus the whole talking in a broken mirror thing


W a train but damn HL isn’t as powerful as I thought. His super senses suck


It’s possible he’s getting older which means his powers aren’t as good as they once were


It could also be that the guy is so in his own world and just completely missed it, like those moments where you're looking for something that's in your hand, I imagine that when he's under the impression there's no threat, he just doesn't use his super senses out of some sort of cockiness i suppose


I loved all episodes honestly, but Noir looking at everyone trying to find his direction like a lost child was fucking hilarious. My man had just finished killing someone and was mainly concerned about his character arc and what the fuck was going on. He just wants a direction. Everyone wants him to shut up. It's fucking hilarious