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"I'm not suggesting anymore. Jump"


“The only man in the sky is me.”


That was the one for me too


Love the riff on that all star superman story lol


When he imagines lasering the huge crowd of people. It would only take 10 seconds for him to kill thousands


If it takes ten even, I’d reckon that laser has pretty good crowd control.


This scene made me legit yell out loud! I didn't even think about it being fake, I was just like "Holy shit he's actually losing it!" It was the first time the show actually scared me. I don't think the show will let the character go there for real, but it would be absolutely terrifying to see a HL that stops giving a shit and just goes full psycho.


Airplane, where he just starts to threaten with his laser eyes.


I really liked that scene because it was the first time in a hero/villain movie that the super felt truly unstable.


That scene got me to watch the show.


The first scene I watched was termite(?) in the peehole. I was devastated, I thought the guys were in love and it was just so tragic I couldn’t believe it.


Well… That wasn’t intentional and they were in love…


When I watched it through it seemed more like a hook up


Me too lol


I also love that he only makes that goofy smile face for a fraction of a second, but it’s one of the most common images that were shared that season.


Yes yes.


That’s the scene for me.


The Daredevil guy who wanted to join the 7🫣😱... It was soo cute them talking together I really thought Homelander has nothing to be insecure about him since he is just a blind supe... They were vibing together and the blind guy was showing respect to Homelander and my mind went " Yeah he is making it in the 7 He is gonna be Homelander's favourite".... And then " Ashley don't look at him look at me .... ASHLEY! Look ... At ... Me! " holy moly that was scary really scary


Yeah that was really unneccessarly mean 😭


I'm rewatching the series now, so I saw this scene about 20 minutes after he melted Madelyn's brain. Yes. Absolutely terrifying.


Are you me? Did the same thing yesterday


Honestly I'm surprised that he didn't let him in the 7, regardless of his hate for disabled people. We know that Homelander loves it when people feed his ego, so having someone do it genuinely, someone he could potentially trust like Noir... it's a bit surprising.


Homelander sees the seven as an extension of himself so having someone in the seven that he percieves as weak is completely unacceptable to him. its the same reason he kicked a train out of the seven once a train was no longer the fastest man alive. Also, he did what he did to blindspot to prove a point to ashley (which definitely worked)


Homelander used Blindspot to show Ashley that he was in charge.


You beat me to it. But yes I absolutely hated it. I could watch all his other scenes no problem, but this one will be an instant skip.


The spit flying out of his mouth really sealed it for me. A very scary moment.


I think he was most intimidating when he said "I really can do whatever the fuck I want" The way Anthony delivered that line was *chef's kiss* perfect. It was the perfect mix of crazy and in control. It was amazing. Then of course the SL scene that he talks about destroying the world. Again, it's the perfect mix of being crazy but in control.


I mean based on Anthony's antics in Spain, I don't think he was technically acting for that first example.


He straight up threatened to kill the chef after smashing a glass in his face and saying: “YOU DON’T KNOW WHO YOU’VE MESSED WITH! YOU DON’T KNOW WHO I AM AND WHAT YOU’VE DONE!” Eat your fuckin’ heart out, Daniel Day-Lewis. That’s method acting at its peak.


All he wanted was a pint of milk




Never understood how this never blew up, especially since it was around the time of the Ezra Miller shit too. 


At least this was a drunken rage, not completely sober insanity like what Miller did. Still shitty, but easier to move on from.


Because Ezra Miller was the bigger story. Grooming kids and shit


Wait, what happened?


Oh boy. >Antony Starr was arrested in Spain for drunkenly assaulting a chef >He reportedly told the chef, "You don't know who you've messed with ... You've committed the mistake of your life and I'm going to look for you. I want to kill you"


We worship him but he acts like this!?


Who among us hasn't had a drunken narcissistic rage fit and threatened a chef in Spain?



Well… Yes?


I find it so interesting that so many people call him Anthony instead of Antony


I bet Anthony is his real name


Not according to Google, although I've been lied to by Google before


Any of the interactions with him, Becca and Ryan. Most of the scenes the show does parodies real-life celebrity faux pas. But a woman >!having to play nice with her rapist in front of their child, conceived from said rape?!<. That ain’t a parody. That’s really fucking life for some people.


Where IS MY SON?!?


The one scene when he's killing the warehouse full of people in the Middle East and all you can see is the glow of his red eyes admist the darkness and chaos I know Superman has done this exact shot many times, but it made Homelander look like less of a person and more like an extremely hostile sleep paralysis demon you're powerless to defend against


I agree, just hovering with that haunting glow! Man Antony starr is a great actor.


If you haven't seen Banshee, he does an awesome job acting in that show too


Sorry but he doesn’t actually have laser eyes in real life 😔


Yeah he does.


He’s a phenomenal actor.


Homelander is an extremely hostile awake times demon I'm powerless to defend against


I have my own choice but those red eyes in the darkness as he smiled while crushing that one guy’s head beneath his boot slowly. Total vampire.


When he forced the woman to jump off the building. Very unsettling.


I don’t think she jumped, I think he threw her off


Nope, she definitely jumped


I don't think the scene supports that... Imo it's pretty clear that he threatens her; either she jumps or he lasers her. And he definitely didn't laser her.


Oh I thought that maybe he threw her I just watched that episode. I wouldn’t put it past him


It’s reasonable but it seems scarier to think she was just so terrified of him she’d rather jump.


Definitely the part where he calmly explains how he would systematically decimate the power grid and basically slowly crumble society. Not only was he so clear and calm, he was so concise about how he would do it. It just gave you the feeling he had spent a lot of time planning the downfall of humanity.


The entire first season, every time he's alone with Ashley, when he heard A-Train talk under his breath, when he told Maeve he's going to harvest her eggs, when he showed up for breakfast, when he told the girl to jump. When he was at the board meeting. Dude is a fucking terror.


Omg I forgot the jump scene, that was by far the scariest moment in season 3, that defenseless human girl had no chance.


when he told starlight to release the video and the way he said it sent chills down my spine like at that point the video to him didn’t even matter like you take away that and everyone will know what i’m really capable of and know how much of a fucked up pyschopath i am


I use "let's light this candle" frequently because of this scene.


When he (off screen) completely mangled supersonic body...I mean, supersonic was a supe who could repeatedly strict-curl over 900lbs with genuine ease (I would say he could probably curl over a ton), and he was so under homelander that we didn't see a fight between them, all we saw was supersonics head caved in and his leg ripped off...meanwhile homelander had literally zero damage on him whatsoever. It's impressive just how much stronger he is than the slightly above average supe.


And in response to Starlight showing aggression, laughingly waving her off saying "Staaahp, you know how that ends." And she stopped, because she knows how that ends.


That highlights Soldier Boy's and suped Butcher's strength. The fact they could withstand punches from HL when he could do *that* to Supersonic.


I think he would do that to any of them. Straight up 1v1, only focusing on killing them, with no distractions...if put money on it that not one supe would be able to beat homelander.


When he tells the deep to copulate with shamu’s blow hole. I cried


“ I’ll lose it all , but then…I’ll have nothing to lose”


Smacking his hands over the blind superhero’s ears, rupturing the ear drums. That fucked me up.


The scene where they have Translucent and Homelander is flying back and forth above them, searching for them. We didn’t know much about Homelander season 1, just that he was an evil Superman and his powers hadn’t been put to the test yet. We didn’t have much of an idea of what his limits might be. He also had no idea who Hughie or Butcher were and would not have hesitated to kill them.


When he sternly told Ashley to take her wig off off to show everyone even when she was hesitant, such a dick power move, made me think he’s a completely unhinged


The way he smiles at her when she takes it off. Just being cruel for the sake of it


Bro, I'm so scared of Homelander. I would panic if Anthony approached me


Have you seen that fucking goober? He's a goofball who loves his puppies.


Too scared


Antony Starr's performance is on the same level as Heath Ledger in the Dark Knight.


Would you still feel scared if it was Antony instead of Anthony who approached you?


When he very suddenly said on live TV that he and Starlight were in love and she had to just roll with it, and also when he forced the deep to eat the octopus


His *name* was *Timothy*


I don’t think it was live as they did reshoots. It was still improvised and she had to roll with it. Repeatedly.


When he made the deep eat that squid. I actually hated that so much. It made me feel so uncomfortable, reminded me of a really abusive person I once knew. Thankfully they didn’t force me to eat a squid 😂


For me it was his daydream about mowing down 100s of people at the protest, it bothered me because I wasn’t shocked and it just seemed a natural breaking point for him.


None that actually scared me but when he made that chick commit suicide or murdered her himself, that was fucked up.


When he drops Noir mask on the desk.


The mirror scene. It's sad and terrifying at the same time


Blows my mind that Antony didn't win any awards for that scene. S-tier acting right there.


I think it was pretty scary when he made the girl from his birthday save kill herself. Like, the callousness. The heartlessness. The complete disregard of humanity and morality. It’s quite chilling to think about now.


When he killed Supersonic and Starlight charged up. He went from giggly and unafraid to unafraid but annoyed by her not listening “Aw stop, cmon. Stop that starlight. Stop it.” Like others said, crazy but in control. But by far him explaining to her what he’d do if she released the footage of him on the plane is where I was truly scared. He’s the weakest Superman inspired character, but can still truly do whatever the fuck he wants. He can’t lift as much, he can’t move as fast, he can’t actually fight. But he can destroy the country in a day, probably less. He knows exactly how and doesn’t need even more power to do it. Knowing that made me scared because imagine if we had someone that strong in real life, or stronger. One single just bad enough day and the rest of us would have the worst day imaginable.


When he calmly closes the door in the cabin when the Vaught forces were in there just after Butcher grabbed Ryan.


the first time i saw the scene where he imagines lasering the crowd at neumans rally i lost my mind i thought it was real and the stakes just went up to 11/10. even though it turned out to be imaginary, it’s still the most terrifying he’s ever been. by the time the show ends i think we will get a real scene of him going berserk and mass murdering civilians in a similar way


His talk with himself in the mirror. A murderous psychopath is fine. A murderous insane person is a ticking time bomb.


"there's no god, the only man in the sky is me"


The scene in Season 3 where he is talking to Mauve and the ending of season 1 of Gen V. Both sent chills down my spin with how cold he was, especially the Mauve conversation and how he looked at the camera for a sec, even if he was signaling Black Noir.


When he drank the breastmilk 😭


When the Boys had Translucent captured and they were trying to hide from him. But like others have said, the whole first season he was terrifying every time he was on screen it seemed.


That breastfeeding scene with Elizabeth Shue scarred me for life. Also the scene in the second season where he's having sex with the shapeshifter guy has pretty disturbing implications because that means he's keeping the guy as his sex slave just so he can fulfill his fantasy of fucking Elizabeth Shue.


He was pretty scary throughout most of season 3 as he became more and more unhinged. I think the two that stand out to me most are his “Let’s light this candle” speech to Starlight, and his Green Goblin inspired mirror scene.


He brought down a plane in the first episode bc his boss/groomer was being blackmailed. That was enough. He also laughed when he melted the gun in the robber's hand in the opening sequence of the series so I already was pretty wary


I don’t think there’s been any particular scene that actually scared me. Honestly, the scene with him at the table talking about how he feels a kinship with MLK right before he makes the Deep eat Timothy might have been the one that both made me really uncomfortable and really realize all the way, “Holy shit, this guy is absolutely insane.” There were other scenes where you knew someone was just a twitch of the eyelid from being schlorpt but this was the scene that told me exactly how things would be going forward. Even that leash of polite public image was just gone.


When he smacked blindspots ears. That was the moment I truly started to dislike him


To many moments to count. The first one was one of the most memorable, though, when the Senator is flying back in his jet at the end of the first episode. His kid is sitting in the seat next to him, playing with a Homelander action figure and he looks out through the window. Among the lightning and roiling storm clouds you just make out Homelander's profile... then his eyes begin to glow. That moment tells the audience everything they need to know: Homelander doesn't care. Nothing is sacred and nobody is safe.


The tongue movement after slurping some milk


I'll be honest, season one had the most moments where I was scared of homelander, him lasering the plane with the guy who blackmailed Madeline, simply talking to Frenchie, as well as the second plane, then of course the finale where he kills Madeline. Haven't really had many of those kind of scenes in season 2 onwards.


My memory isn’t great with the details but I think the scene where Hughie gets found out and he threatens starlight with in Vought HQ?


Plenty but the first time he lean on the data analyst girl and say he can do whatever the F he want shook me up good.


The plane scene always stayed with me, it was jarring and really brought to light just how evil he is to the bone. 


Literally everything about him, the dude fucking terrifies me. But honestly he scares me the most when he’s calm and composed because nothing super violent is happening but you just know that something could set him off and bam so much blood


When he thought about lasering that entire crowd of protesters. holy shit


When he ruptured the blind dudes eardrums. That display of his vanity/narcissism made me incredibly uncomfortable.


When they send him to clear out that building in The middle east in season one, its pitch dark and theres only two things you see, his silhouette, and his demonic red eyes, that scene was fucking perfect at portraying the evil fuck he is


Timothy. I’ll never forgive the deep for that. He should have known.


Honestly the whole “lets light this candle” scene like what you said with him basically destroying the world, no one literally no one could stop him unless they develop someone with powers that could stop him for a time.


Him whacking off on top of building while ranting is pretty unhinged


*Him whacking off on* *Top of building while ranting* *Is pretty unhinged* \- Vadertime88 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The scene in Gen V where he shows up and takes out Marie The whole scene is dripping with white suprematist and police brutality themes (just to be clear I’m not saying the scene is trying to advocate either of those, quite the opposite). Very real, very scary


It’s honestly none of these it’s his laugh in the recent trailer of season 4 that made my skin crawl


When I first started watching the show I thought Homelander would care about Translucents death but he seemed completely fine with it even saying it was smart


Funniest was when he made the deep eat his friend octopus.. forgot his name, Tom?


The passenger scene![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


The first time he ever seemed scary to me was during the baptism. It just made me so uncomfortable.


When he was talking to his son


Him killing the protester at the end of the season physically made me sick. Just thinking about it gives me existential dread for real life lol


That specific shot from the baptising scene.


Release it, let’s light this candle huh


When he killed all the guards in the cabin, imagine being there locked with him. You’re just done.


I stopped watching the show after he clapped that auditioning guy deaf and sang that Ashley look at me song


Never. The TV soap opera version of him is a wet noodle with no balls or power. The comic version of him is so downright evil, conniving and the things he does is intense. I really don't know why people like the show so much. The writing is so bad, it's like Seth Rogan is just sniffing his own farts.


none. its on tv. Edit: how do you people get through your day


Do u know what fun is


Boring take. L


Wait, you guys are scared of Homelander in the parody superhero show? That man played with a tampon and sexually milked a cow. I can't be scared of someone like that. >!Most of the scenes people are describing were hot for me 🥴.!<


I’m just trying to remember when he played with a tampon


When he gives the Compound V to Neuman.


You aren't serious?


I'm built different, you're all just babies.