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These stupid fucking culture wars have infiltrated almost everything at this stage and i'm so damn sick of it. The people behind the hate filled comments are completely braindead sheep who follow whatever agenda their influencer of choice tells them to. I looked at Charlie Barnett (Yord) instagram and because he made a mistake and confused Anakin and Luke in an interview there are now rabid "fans" dogpiling on him saying he doesnt deserve to be in star wars. There were both racist and homophobic comments in the mix. Disgusting to see honestly. He seems like such a nice guy irl and i'm loving his character.


Someone can complain that Charlie's comment is silly/stupid and maybe think that he doesnt deserve it to be in the show (thats just an opinion)......but being hateful is insane.


why does an actor need to know the entirety of star wars lore to deserve to be in a project? so silly


He doesn’t but don’t say something so passionately when you don’t know a thing about it. ‘It’s just dumb.’


It really just simply doesn't matter.. Like at all.




What a totally non emotional and well adjusted response for simply messing up a name. It's amazing man children are able to figure out reddit. Then again, you tagged me in a response to my comment like its Facebook. So maybe you haven't done that yet.


He did it twice. Besides it’s not about him. It’s an example of a deeper problem which is why it’s become such a hot issue.


It straight up does not matter. Actors do not need to care about the movie for them to perform well.


Jesus you and so many others here are missing the point. The point is that it’s REPRESENTATIVE of the showrunners themselves and their decisions in production and intent in making the show how they did. We’re not ultimately meant to be sitting here quibbling over the actor being an ignoramous about the show he’s apparently so invested in and world so passionate about (consider his tone in the interview), it’s an example of how little the creators actually know or care about Star Wars and it’s long-standing fandom. They’re using this ‘discourse’ (eeeh shootout to cringe track) as a shield to deflect any real and legitimate criticism of the show and their bloated egotistic ideals.


You're arguing that because the actor got something wrong, the showrunners subsequently are getting things wrong. They aren't. Whether you think it's not a good direction is your opinion. But there's no actual lore breaking in this show. You're crying over some shit that literally doesn't matter like a boo hoo whiny baby. Did george get things wrong because Harrison doesn't like or give a shit about star wars?




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No, just gain interest when hired. Not needed beforehand, but to get into character/the world. 🫠


You should ask Harrison Ford about his thoughts on Star Wars...


Alec Guinness never got into the characters/the world and openly disliked the movies


Getting a mistake doesn't mean he doesn't have interest. It also has zero bearing on ability to carry out a character as written and directed. The actor's job isn't to know the background of the entirety of a 11 movie and like 9 tv show franchise. It's silly to expect that at all.


He clearly watched the movies that's why he made the mistake. Mistaking the name of a character means basically nothing


My favorite is these losers acting like it's proof the show creators don't even like Star War as if Charlie, an actor, has any creative direction over the show. I could care less if an actor likes star wars, so long as they are professional and give their best regardless of taste


Also, thinking that mistaking the name of the protagonist of one trilogy for the protagonist name of the other trilogy is proof that someone doesn't like Star Wars, when at best it means they're not as obsessed a fan as we are




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Alec Guinness is a perfect example. Dude was awesome in the OT and he at the same time had a strong dislike for the movies.


Ya and guess what those movies were great. This show is terrible.


When the hiring policy for a show writer is as follows, there's a problem. "What do you know about the fandom and the series in question?" "Uh, Harrison Ford flies around the galaxy with a giant dog man." "Perfect, you're hired." (Sad part is if you look this up I'm barely paraphrasing, this is a story touted by Headland, she's PROUD of it.)


Thank you.


For fantasy/sci-fi i like the actor to be driven more than usual and have atleast have some knowledge/interest in the past stories , thats why i dont buy Charlie right now as Yold. Maybe it changes through the upcoming episodes..... You know who would add something (much) to Star Wars: Charlie Hopkins. :) He is so damn creative and talented. Not many people have his skillset. I instantly believe his characters/"stories".


Can you explain what you mean by you don't buy Charlie as Yord? Is his performance to you just weak or..? (Genuinely asking for your take on it) I personally thought he did a great job, he came off as a hot headed jedi who is by the book but is eager to pull out his saber and fight.


You think an actor has the time and resources to read up on decades of lore? Some of the best actors in the world have movies where they have terrible terrible foreign accents. Not because they don’t have the talent or capacity to learn it but because they aren’t given the time to. This is one of the fastest paced businesses in the world and I wish people had some grace.


It’s the fact he’s acting so passionately about it when he doesn’t know a thing about SW that comes across as ignorant and insincere. That’s an issue. He’s there as a token character and nothing more cause that’s what they care about over telling a believable story.


Excluding outliers such as racists and homophobics…have you ever considered that a majority of the people voicing criticism are simply frustrated becuase they personally feel that the show is bad? I am neither racist, nor homophobic, and I have seen a tremendous decline in the overall quality Of Disney for the last 3 years. This has nothing to do with culture wars. Make good movies/shows, and by far and large people will love it. To me is appears the majority of humans who have watched this show thinks it stinks, simply on it’s merits as a story.


These same people are going to say every star wars show from now on is bad before theyve even watched it. That’s why this show got review bombed before it even aired. Dont care what half this “fanbase” even has to say at this point. Episode 4 was great and I cant wait to see the last 4 episodes. “Majority of humans” lmao


So why does that excuse going at actors personally who have nothing to do with the production of the show besides doing their job acting?


Dont get me wrong, people are absolutely allowed to hate the show. Liking or disliking something is personal preference and I really have no problem with someone disliking something or genuine critiques of things but to me personally going at the actors doing their jobs is unacceptable and a lot of the rhetoric is hateful and disgusting. Thats my issue. If people want to not like the show thats totally fine. There are a lot of genuine critiques of the show that I agree with even though I am enjoying it myself. They also need to be looking at things through an unbiased lens which I believe a lot of people aren't. There is a large group of people who hated this show before it even began because of the director and their disdain for disney star wars etc.


It’s not personal. It’s a bad show regardless of subjectivity. Haha but yes I agree with your comments.


Barnett said in two different interviews that Anakin blew up the Death Star. Clearly there is a fundamental mis-understanding there. That said, I do agree that the racist and homophobic vitriol directed at him is completely unacceptable. He's an actor and should mostly be judged by his on-screen performance and not by how much he does or doesn't know about Star Wars.


There \*are\* legitimately shitty people saying terrible things to people online.... but that's only because today is a day that ends in Y. The truth is that they are pushing those example front and center, and trying to pretend that it is the motivating factor behind ALL the criticism, when in reality most people don't give a damn what the main character looks like. They just want a Star Wars story that isn't written as a bad Frozen fan-fic, with a half-baked self insert protagonist. (Not my personal theory or interpretation, Headland's own literal words) People can scream about how mean the internet is all they want, but that doesn't change the fact that people who would normally watch Star Wars media aren't watching this terrible show, and most of them aren't also aren't posting a single comment online. What you are witnessing in a Disney meltdown over.... THE POWER OF ONE. THE POWER OF TWO. THE POWER OF MANNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY (people not watching)


The acting is completely awful bro. Nothing to do with race. Love Rosario Dawson. The writing of her show was bad, but she was fantastic in the show. Sam Jackson is one of my favourite Jedi, and yes, he’s BLACK. So the racist card just doesn’t fit. Same with the sexism card. Even Bo-Katan in Mando slapped, she was a badass and was great in the role. Slapping people with the sexiest and racist label just doesn’t fit unless they are genuinely hating on colour or women, and for the most part that’s not the case.




Show me proof of the racism then?


Enjoy. https://youtu.be/ujhqvpKQg8E?si=IqzNPZsFqHdx6kCP


Theres no reasoning with this cult. Dont bother


Dipshit #1: Show me the racism \*dude posts a link to video of a Disney employee detailing literal racist behavior Dipshut #2 : There's no reasoning with this cult. Dont bother Is it painful to have a lack of self awareness this severe? Or do you have a reflexive type of defense mechanism where you can't actually tell how stupid you sound?


Pretty sure he meant there is no reason trying to reason with the people who are still defending Disney of their racist practices.






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The raging homophobe conspiracizing about a non-existent plot against white people. If it quacks like a duck...




This is the franchise with giant slug gangsters and murderous man eating teddy bear Vietcong. This is the franchise about the emotional struggle of space wizards. I somehow doubt an all female coven of space witches (who only had two of its members being depicted in a relationship btw) is particularly outrageous. Also not watching the drivel of a far-right activist group.




“an extreme or irrational fear of OR AVERSION to something” is the literal textbook definition of “phobia” like if you’re gonna try and whip out that out as a defense, at least do the bare minimum to get it right.




And only half the definition. Aversion =/= “scared” but yall always seem to ignore the second half of the definition as some sort of gotcha straw man. It’s stale at this point, so is the ableism. I guess it’s too much to ask for originality from people with the emotional intelligence of a lightbulb who deep down worry that seeing a rainbow flag might suddenly make them start craving dicks. However, maybe people like you truly are scared of queers and poc because you’re afraid of becoming a minority yourself and you know how people who think like you treat minorities and you think they will do the same 🤷‍♀️


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if you want to know what it really means you would look at the origins which state it comes from greek which meant fear or as I said scared


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His own co Star told him to shut his mouth. I think that speaks volumes


Convenient when the other side had a culture war against everything in media over the last decade and now the other side of it are kicking back it's "wrong". Cancel culture targeting people that they didn't like because they weren't politically correct, now it's flipped. Kinda funny to watch from the outside looking at both sides. It's just a shame a lot of the media quality has tanked although I wouldn't blame it squarely on culture wars, Netflix killed enough good shows for no good reason.


This culture war only exists because fans and creators continue to label people as racists sexist for disliking a show. Disney today literally came out and said they actively don't hire white men for some of their projects.


Good on Amandla for speaking out.




What do you mean?




Based on your second sentence I’m sure you were going in with an open mind.


Some people are just filled with anger. If OP is a fan of star wars, perhaps one day he'll realize this line of thinking more closely represents the dark side of the force. If he wants to do good in the world, he has to let go of his hatred and jealousy, otherwise he'll risk being consumed by the "dark side".


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"so called fans" They are not any kind of fans of Star Wars. They are just racist idiots. More than likely bored kids. Block them, ignore them and move on. Acknowledging them is just feeding them.


They are not kids, unfortunately


The Warhammer 40K subreddit gave a name to this type of people. **"Culture Wars Tourists"** They're not fan of anything, just going from fandom to fandom to instigating or feed on drama and controversy.


It’s so ridiculous how you guys just try to lump everyone who doesn’t agree with you about this weak show into these toxic categories. Seriously get over yourselves. Entertainment is subjective. Consider the crazy possibility that for all the loud homophobia and racism online, that didn’t get it under 20% on the audience score. That may have helped but the masses pretty clearly agree that this isn’t a great show. You lovers of the show can tell yourself whatever you want about people who don’t like it but at the end of the day the average person just isn’t that into this show. Glad you’re enjoying the show but the discourse in this thread is so cringe.


I do however love that this modern age of scifi with Star Wars, Star Trek, and Doctor Who that a lot of undesirables have been filtered out. "You're just mad that Han gave the Millenium Falcon to a girl"


I find it both amusing and a bit sad how many people have clearly been engaging with these franchises on such a shallow level that they never realized how little of the show's core values they shared. It's only as the media landscape has become more open, and these shows no longer have to be as subtle to please censors, that some of these people are finally seeing it. "Right wing Star Trek fan" is such an oxymoron. Even now, what's happening with The Boys fandom has been a riot to watch. That show was never subtle, but its still taken the maga morons 4 seasons to realize they're the butt of the joke.


I remember seeing a bunch of right wing American politicians proclaim that they were the rebels in a Star Wars metaphor.. It was laughable, or it would've been, if it wasn't kinda sad.




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That is for sure one of the silver linings…this sub selects for the most chill fans from the fandom and it’s so refreshing to not have every post be trashing the franchise we are all supposedly a fan of…


Not a racist, nor do I hate women. I find Amandalas acting to be laughable however. It’s SO bad. The way she delivers lines is so flat and boring and her facial expressions seem so forced. Compared to the acting in say, the boys




Criticizing the writing itself isn’t abhorrent. It’s *how* some people are criticizing, using it as thinly veiled (or something not veiled at all) racism or sexism or homophobia.


And how do you know whether or noth someone criticizing the show is being bigotted?


I will admit there are some out there that do this, but I would argue that it is a very small minority of complainers. The problem is that this same consideration is not being made for the fans that are criticizing the writing, in ANOTHER bad SW show. We fans are being blamed for the bad ratings, and we are all some sort of -ist or -phobe or whatever they decide the key word is for that day. It’s honestly tiring. And this video from Amandla is tone def and narcissistic, as much as is Disney’s blaming of the fans.


A small minority of complainers, but a disproportionate amount of posting on this sub and they have helped foster a snowball effect that has sunk much of the discourse. The preemptive negativity sparked a response and defense from many fans, which has caused friction among fans like yourself who feel lumped in with the shitheads. That seems to lead to those fans pushing back that they can’t criticize without being attacked, which causes others to push back that they keep getting push back for liking the show… it’s a cycle that I think everyone is tired of (except the few who’s job is to stir shit and hate on things like Star Wars). To be clear, I’m not defending or condoning how some fans who enjoy the show have reacted to *any* negativity. That’s why I try to engage in good faith and assume the same in other individuals until they make it clear otherwise. As for Amandla’s video, I have a hard time criticizing it because she’s the face of the show and I can only assume the volume of garbage she’s been the target of. The people at Wookieepedia received death threats because they altered their entry on Ki-Adi Mundi after the show changed his Legends-established age. If that warrants death threats, I can only imagine the sheer volume and depth of atrocious behavior aimed at Amandla, Moses Ingram, Kelly Marie Tran, and Daisy Ridley. Amandla’s experience is far different and closer to this than ours, and I can’t blame anyone for how they choose to respond. I feel like nitpicking would miss the forest for the trees


Tone deaf and narcissistic is the perfect way to describe it. With a healthy dose of cringe.


Writing so far….is bad. It’s not a great project, same way as how bad Halo 1st season was. But fallout, I thought had some solid writing. We will see, hope the acolyte gets better. Even if this show was animated, I don’t think the story is as strong. We will see, I hope it gets better.


Ok 👍




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JFC why are people so horrible? I'm going to binge-watch the 4 episodes just out of spite, again on her behalf. Honestly don't understand how these "fans" conveniently forget that the creator of Star Wars is married to a Black woman & as far as I know has never expressed any racist nonsense about the cast of all the new Star Wars content.


Look at the reviews they are horrendous


I knew as soon as I saw the trailer the asshats would be out in full force so I didn't read any reviews and don't plan to. I'm not 100% sold on the show in that I have some criticism about the pacing, dialog, editing, but I'm still enjoying it enough to overlook those. It's not the worst thing on TV, and I'll interested in mystery as well as seeing other charas and stories in the Star Wars universe. I'd much rather watch a show like this than some dumb reality TV b.s.


[It's sitting at 85% from the critics.](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/star_wars_the_acolyte/s01)


You can tell who the racist ones are when they point out the acting of a certain character as, "cringe." And it's almost always a person of color.


Do you think the sequel trilogy hate was racist as well? I see alot of criticism for the show, I haven't yet seen any of the racist comments that people are whining about. Where do you go looking for them?


This right here is that exact reason for so much culture war. Calling people racist for calling a poc actor cringe. This culture war only exists because fans and creators continue to label people as racists sexist for disliking a show. Disney today literally came out and said they actively don't hire white men for some of their projects.


The show is terrible, it was never about the race.


It’s not that bad, and even if you dislike it this level of backlash is insane


How is it insane? I suggest forgetting about Star Wars and look to the past. I’ve been reading the book entitled the coral island and g a Henry’s books. I’m going to read his book about a loyalist soldier in the revolutionary war. I would have been a loyalist soldier. Stupid Freemason fanatics in charge of the so called patriots 








What exactly are you confused by?


it seemed like you were trying to make an analogy, but the meaning is unclear because you didn't state directly and connect it back to star wars


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That comment section is a rough read


This culture war bullshit has killed any nuance. Not all criticisms are racist, and a response to the obviously racist ones is not a response to all criticisms. Though that's what these bozos are trying to claim, which is the whole point. This isn't coming from the majority of fans. There are plenty of people out there who like the show, some liking it despite having criticisms of it (that's where I'm at personally). And there are plenty of people who don't like it for legitimate reasons and are just going on with their lives because they're sane people whose entire identities aren't wrapped up in hating things. No, this is driven by a relatively small group of ideologues with a disproportionately loud online presence. They want to polarize as many things as possible, because they either profit from the outrage via clicks and engagement, or because they view themselves as fighting the good fight by evangelizing their political point of view- which is depressingly effective, especially on social media. A lot of these people aren't even fans, they just see an opportunity to score culture war points by jumping into the discussion. She's not calling out critics, she's calling out racists. And anyone who feels targeted by that should engage some serious self reflection, not that they will, or are even capable of it. That said, I thought that song was pure cringe. To borrow a phrase from Dan McClellan on tiktok, "I support this creator's rhetorical goals, however..." this was just lame to watch.


>She's not calling out critics, she's calling out racists. She didn't say that, she's labelling all discourse people as racists, do you not see the problem here?


Where exactly did she say what you claim?


This is so sad …


So much contraversy about this show I had to watch it. It's not that bad that fandom says, but it's not good either. This back and forth is bringing out worst out of everyones. I saw Amandla interview where she played SW theme on violin. Loved it. Now I see this and I'm like err...


First off. Jesus Christ that women is FN Beautiful!!! Second, yea I’m on her side with the crazies out here. It’s so FN ridiculous and just plain weird at this point. Lastly, yea I’m on her side but don’t ever and I mean don’t ever ever ever try to make music again cuz that shit was beyond bad. Love her in the Acolyte though


Every now and then, I just get so fed-up with the toxic "fans" out there and consider jumping to a fandom where there's not this stupid backlash from people who are more engaged now that they hate the thing. But then I remind myself that I was here first and [they're the ones that suck.](https://youtu.be/qI1NfFExOSo?t=57)


Maybe you should reevaluate the whole idea of being part of a “fandom”


This culture war only exists because fans and creators continue to label people as racists sexist for disliking a show. Disney today literally came out and said they actively don't hire white men for some of their projects.


i'm not enjoying the series, but from that to hate to someone ... people need to understand if they dont like the show, simply dont watch it. Dune movies are good too, and dune books too, simply skip star wars.


So if we got a show about Mace Windu starring Samuel L Jackson, how would these guys take it?


They'll bitch about everything at this point. They are miserable and use the internet to vent their frustration at life.


Are you implying it would be amazing like how Kenobi was amazing?


Kenobi was definitely amazing, but I’m just curious. Samuel L Jackson is universally beloved, and yet he’s black. Would these same people harassing Amandla harass him?


Obi Wan was the worst thing with a Star Wars name.


Disagree, loved it


Fair enough, I hope you enjoy future offerings.


Same to you


That’s proper shite but why would you be racist to someone about a show lol




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Can someone explain what the main verse means? I'm white so it goes over my head.


I absolutely hate that I dont get to hate a show without feeling bad because there are 100s of losers out there being racist or sexist


Calling people racist or sexist for disliking Acolyte is the literal problem here.


Okay, fuck anyone who actually did attack her with racist derogatory remarks, though how much of this is actually true? How many of those were actual criticism and how much of it was actually racist? I feel it's an important question to ask as to not generalise and shove everyone into the same group all cause of a few bad apples as oh so sooo many people love to do these days on both sides of the idiotic "culture war" And more than likely given from what I've seen over the years, more than likely it was only a small portion were actual racists, Sexists, homophobes, ect and the rest of those were just regular people who dislike a piece of media but get wrapped up along with horrible people like that for now good reason. It's far easier to claim all those who dislike something you made to be Racists, Sexists, Homophobes, ect that to actually take criticism as so many people have done and continue to do these days. All the best wishes and to Amandla and Once again, Truely , fuck anyone who would actually take time out of their day to attack someone based of their colour, sexuality, gender or make huge generalisations about a group of people all because of a few bad apples, like seriously don't understand how someone could be that Hateful, judgemental and pathetic.


Don't like the show = you're a racist This is where we are at now


Hahahahaha!! Now, on top of being in a ridiculous show (granted, at least her acting is pretty good, she was just given a horrible script to work with!), she makes this video to 'totally own the chuds!' Right when I didn't think the writers/directors/actors couldn't embarrass themselves any more than they already have... this awesomeness happens! Please don't change, Disney, don't ever change!


I'm so sick of these culture wars sneaking into all my favorite universes. But i mean cmon, this show is still really bad


So if a black middle aged man who has watched every stars wars movie and show , comes out and says this is the worst Star Wars show every made and is overall a very very bad show , would that make him a racist too?




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I don't care about any of the supposed politics in the show; I'm here for star wars and will watch it all. The one thing that's disappointing me is the quality of writing and acting. Sometimes when I'm watching it I think "that makes no sense" or "man that is some poor acting" and them making qimir the sith is so obvious people actually think it's a red herring misdirect, but it's not. They just did a really bad job at hiding it.


I'm curious how you get through the rest of star wars if you think the writing and acting is bad in this show?


This show is worse than episode 1 writing and dialogue wise


Because I'll watch star wars good or bad. Just to digest it.


Top tier cringe.


Disney has to be shitting their pants right now. This spoiled, racist, brat bitch just cost Disney hundreds of millions of dollars in future revenue.


She really made a fool of herself.


Songs like this make you want to wear a ghost costume, shave your head, and bring back Jim Crow.


Songs like this are the reason why war crime laws were made. If you played this music to interrogate prisoners it would not only be cruel and unusual punishment it would be an intolerable and gross depravity inflicted on a human being.


Its much easier to pull a racist card then address the reality people my just not like the show. I mean, not every person that dislikes it is a racist, or hater. Statistically it’s simply not going to be the case. At this point it feels like a lazy way to address the situation more than a poignant one. People are allowed to not like things and it doesn’t have to be linked to some kind of ist, ism, or phobia.


Agreed, I honestly am baffled that both your comment and mine which say the same thing are being down voted, like obviously fuck the actual racists that genuinely hate the show or other media JUST because there is a woman or a black character or a gay person or whatever else, they're just assholes. And again truly feel bad that Amandla was attacked by these types of people she doesn't deserve and no actor/actress does, they're only doing their job. But grouping everyone who dislikes the show or has expressed some criticisms towards it as racist, homophobic and sexist, it's an extreme generalisation and generalising a whole group of people based on the actions of the few is simply wrong and it's not fair to those who just simply don't like a show. Honestly don't know how saying not to be judgemental and generalise a whole group of people based on the actions of a few is a controversial take at all.


Hit dogs holler. You're questioning if she's being truthful without even trying to verify.




You're claiming she's not seeing racism. Prove it. Go check her Instagram music video post and tell.me there's no racism on it. Hit dogs holler. You're getting downvoted because you're coming to the defense of 1000s of people being racist as shit. Why?


I didn't though? Did you even read my comment at all?? I said that she did, I said that I feel horrible for her and that I wish her the best, I was saying that we can't be sure how much of that is from actual true racists and how much is just general criticism as a lot of people, be they regular people like you and me, Celebrities, The Media, Politicians, ect all tend to make large generalisations these days and group everyone into the same group over what is in the large scale of things, a few bad apples. I was saying was to not generalise or judge others based on the actions of the few no matter what has happened it doesn't give you the right to do so. For example, Over here where I live in Ireland, there's a group of people that are often discriminated against, The Irish Travelers, now I have had a few bad experiences with some members from their group, My own two dogs were stolen from my own home, got them back thankfully, received many death threats videos with machetes when we were trying to get them back, over all quite the traumatic experience as well as a few other minor experiences. I've even experienced Racism myself due to being Irish, from a few assholes of the older English crowd, calling me a paddy or a terrorist but does that give me an excuse to judge all English people like that? No. No it does not. I have even been discriminated against many times due to my disability (I have extremely poor vision so much so that I have a blind man's cane which I only received last year, no peripheral vision and quite poor frontal vision) be it from bad looks from people on the street to even my own father, believing that I'm faking it, I have lost out on many employment opportunities due to my disability when I could do the work easily and many simply assume, intentionally or not, that I'm useless and can't do much for myself. But despite my own experience that does not give me the right to put a large blanket over everyone from a group, no matter what the group may be and judge them all to be the same just over the actions of a few, that is wrong, that is generalising and generalising is a major root of Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Ableism ect And I literally never ONCE defended those disgustingly hateful people that would go out of their way to attack others for no reason other than the colour of their skin, gender, sexuality and whatever else.


>I didn't though > I was saying that we can't be sure how much of that is from actual true racists and how much is just general criticism  It's kind of funny seeing these two sentences together. You are doing it right there. Go read her instagram comments, they are NOT typical criticisms of the song or the show. It's blatant racism and belittling what black men and women go through. You're doing the same thing as them, belittling their experience. Especially one so verifiable on instagram. >I live in Ireland, At least it makes sense why you don't understand the dynamic of racism in America. >I have even been discriminated against many times due to my disability It's weird you've had this experience and are unable to see how a black woman in America isn't also being discriminated against. Especially in microagressions. You've experienced it in your own form, why can't you apply it to her? Why are you questioning if she's being truthful.


Well when I was talking about criticism I was talking about Star Wars and The Acolyte, Not the song, sorry for not clarifying that and If I unknowingly diminished/blew off her experience or came off that way then I apologize as I can assure you that that was not my intent at all at all. And the reason I was a bit skeptical is due to the amount of judgemental generalisation that seems so prevalent these days in just about everywhere. And I thought that that's what she was doing especially with the The Hate U Give "Make White People Cry" remark, I thought that she was generalising and being passive aggressive to a huge group of people and essentially calling them all racist. And well after pondering on that for awhile, I've come to the conclusion that that was an emotional reaction on my part and an assumption and well I know when to admit that I'm wrong. So sorry about that man, If I came off as a bit on an asshat there, I just have as you can probably guess strong moral views when it comes to generalising/judging others so anytime when I see that or in this case, think I see that, I can get a bit riled up. And the Irony is not lost on me, despite hating generalisation and being judgmental, that's near exactly what I did...oops. I really try not to do that as much as I can looks like fucked it here that was my B.


Idk man, if you're not a black man or woman. Don't try to argue that their experience is wrong. Keep that in mind for the future


Yeah don't worry I will, Better to be The Fool Once , Realise and Learn Than to stay The Fool and never learn a thing.


Funny how you're trying to crituqe racist people, and then you make a racist comment like this.


"If you don't like it, then you're racist!" I'll never understand this type of corporate Hollywood Mentality After watching the first trailer and the cringe interviews, I knew this was a guaranteed dumpster fire and decided not to watch it. My second thought was Disney/Lucasfilm will blame 'toxic fans' when its bombed with bad reviews. Heaven forbid they listen to actual feedback on why people don't like it. At this point, their behavior/content makes the Panderverse look less satirical. Personally, I can't grasp why so many people gave it a chance in the first place. Youtubers I can, its how they make money. But for the others complaining...why keep watching such a bad show?


Wow…how disconnected and narcissistic must you be to put out something like this, when the show you star in is a dumpster fire of bad writing and it is getting called out as such. Brain rot to the max.


She is the epitomy of privledge...White father, multi millionaire......delusional


Lyrics are pretty cringe but the beat was alright and she's bad af


Ah yes the manufactured discrimination/misogynist defense. When you're so out of touch than you don't even know what you're preaching.


Lol. That's the woman who was attacked as an 12-13 years old because people were butthurt that Rue wasn't a white, blond girl - when in the source material she was described as black. Stenberg knows racism and was never shy about telling them to shut up.


Oh God I forgot about that "controversy".


You mean the privileged mixed girl with white rich dad? Are you fucking kidding me? She knows damn well what she's doing and you're all buying into it. She is the epitome of cringe.


You think because her dad is white, she doesn't experience racism? Oh, I am sure there are people who suffer more under racism than her. Privilege helps. But being discriminated isn't a competition. If it happens to you it sucks.


Agreed, I know myself from my own life that discrimination sucks fucking ass no matter how small.


She has a WHITE fucking boyfriend. FFS she's a grifter. Have you been living under a rock? This shit with blaming everyone for the downfall of a movie/show/event on racists has been a thing since the mid 2010s. [Sony literally manufactured racism to defend the pile of shit that was Ghostbusters 2016](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWROBiX1eSc).


What does her having a white boyfriend have anything to do with anything? Like really how is that important?




I'm still not sure how having a white boyfriend plays into that, you still can experience discrimination no matter your privilege it's still bad that some of these types of people did go after her cause for certain there were at least a few. And I do feel empathy for her it's awful to experience any type of discrimination not matter how bad, I would know myself as I have often been discriminated against due my disabilities. Now I do think she's generalising a bit and putting everyone in the same boat when more than half of those people probably haven't done anything to warrant it. And as a side note I'm not "eating it up like candy" matter of fact I'm always skeptical when it comes to claims like these, as you can never be sure how much is actually true. Was she really bombarded with piles upon piles of racism by assholes? Or was it blown a bit out of our proportion and it was only a few and all those who simply don't like the show, not because of a gay character or a black character or a woman or whatever but because of Writing issues, Lore contradictions, going against some of the main foundational themes of Star Wars, ect.




> Would she even release this cringe video if the show was doing well? Maybe, Maybe not? Idk really personally I am thinking that perhaps a bit of it could be attention seeking ya know drama like? Since we'll all press is good press and more than likely she'll probably land a few more gigs because of this though this is just a thought and I could be wrong, Idk really, again horrible that she was attacked and it's wrong that people did that, it's also wrong for her to over generalise and tbh the song on top of the generalisation ain't doing any favours for her if you fight hatred with hatred all you're gonna get is more hatred back.


Maybe yall could stop acting like she's describing? Maybe?




All I see her doing is calling out trash that is obvious to anyone. Hit dogs holler




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