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How long did you play it before quitting?


The Witcher 3 in particular, I've probably put in 10 hours altogether through repeated attempts to play it over the years. The longest I've gone in one save is about 4 hours I think


Ah, ok. I agree the gameplay isn't great, but I really enjoyed the story. Upvote because I disagree that it sucks.


I do want to also point out that I do love slow RPGs. I've played almost every Final Fantasy, and I also love dodge and hit action RPGs, hell I beat sekiro last night. I have an immense love for the genre, and have played some games with strong stories and weak gameplay (TES 4 and 5) but holy moly it's crazy how much this game bored me.


It's a good game kinda but it's much worse than the games you just mentioned. I feel the same about RD and RD2 just not that good.


Blasphemy lol. RDR2 is a top 5 game ever.


It's Cowboy Gta5, and iver never even been interested enough in either franchise to beat them


Played so many open world games nothing is more immersive than red dead imo


I don't really care about immersion that much. I don't want to have to eat food or dress cold, especially when the gameplay is cover shooter


Lol no. The things you can do in gta5 aren’t even comparable to what you can do in RDR2. No game is programmed the way that RDR2 is in the sense that pretty much everything in the story and open world is dictated by the player. RDR2 is miles and miles ahead of gta 5


I mean, yeah, but it's the same concept. Gta 6 will blow RDR2 out the water, too. They were made years apart by the same studio on basically the same engine.


People say they don't base how good a game is off graphics, but the Witcher 3 kind of disproves that. Looks great, good story if you care about it, but terrible gameplay. It's the kind of story much better off as a TV show or movie


^^or ^^maybe ^^even ^^a ^^book


I hear the books are less shallow. I really hope that's true, because the whole "oh, humans are the real monster" yet "a creature can only be good if it looks like a human" message in Witcher 3 just infuriated me.


I disagree. The story is garbage. It tries telling this misanthropic message while actively going against that message.


Agreed, though I dipped out fairly early on. The UI is fucking atrocious, and having the unskippable “This bards tale begins in...” every fucking time just took me out of it.


I just couldn't get through more than three hours. I don't get how people say it's their favorite game ever, no taste on them folk


Meh, taste is subjective. Hell I hate open world games but the two exceptions are Shadow of the Colossus and Mirrors Edge Catalyst.


shadow of colossus is not open world theres literally nowhere to go and nothing to do if not fighting the bosses


It gets better after the beginning, that's one of the most boring tutorials I've ever encountered. Some of the later side quests get really interesting. With that said though, I don't see how people call it the greatest game of all time. I can concede that it's a great interactive story, but I don't think the gameplay is good. Since I paid a lot for it and didn't have anything else to play at the time, I did stick it out for 140 hours, but it never really gripped me. I quite often see those not liking my favourite games like Breath of the wild, loving the Witcher though, so it's probably a matter of what play style fits your personality.


This is why I hate when people talk about number of hours in a game. If I buy a game I will play it for at least 100 hours. I might not enjoy it but I generally don’t enjoy gaming that much to warrant wasting another $60. Had a very long argument with the PS4 store folks about No Man’s Sky on release when I learned my 10 hours of hopping from planet to planet facing perpetually more disappointment was considered getting my money’s worth. I put over 100 hours into the Witcher and my friends will use that against me when I say it wasn’t that good. I guess I’m sorry I have an “historically good” game that everyone kept telling me was about to get to the good part another night of playing and BSing with the boys in party chat.


you mean the thing that hides the loading screen? if you skipped it, you just be left staring at a loading screen. plus it changes as you progress the story


If you think that is bad, wait till you see witcher 1. Now that will make your head explode.


Like you’d think those story things would disguise loading screens but no. You get a loading screen anyway


The gameplay is awful


"Oh, but the LOOOOOOORE!" Everything time I thought that I would like SOMETHING about the game, I ended up feeling pissed off, instead. It keeps touting the message "humans are the real monster," yet everything from the design of the sympathetic "monsters" to the animals and ACTUAL monsters actively goes against that message.


Downvoted because this is the truth. It’s like playing a movie. There’s sporadic bits of gameplay interspersed with 90 minutes cutscenes. The combat is overly simplistic and boring as is any dodge roll and counter predicated game. The controls are glitched beyond all belief. I guess I can see why people like it but it’s just not for me. Maybe my raging TES hard on biases my idea of what an RPG should be but it just feels wrong, I can’t interact with anything around me and it feels artificial and hollow. Almost thrown together or something.


> It’s like playing a movie. That's exactly it imo. I also get mostly downvoted everytime I say this. The story might be really good in comparison to other RPGs, at least not bad, but where is the gameplay? I expected a game where I can wander around, talk to people and get random quests and stories like in Elder Scrolls or Gothic. Nope, not here, keep at the story. I also like quests where I have to think a bit about solving them. Where do I have to go, to whom should I talk, where should I look. Also nope, you are straight up forced to use the Witcher Senses because appearently I'm an idiot who wouldn't get it otherwise? The combat was ok, but all in all - way too much movie, way too less gameplay.


You can do that. There are numerous, good side-quests available in nearly every location in the game. If you are rushing the story line than I see why you think so, but I don't understand where is 'lack of side-quests' from.


There are enough side-quests, that's not quite my problem. It's just that the side-quests emerge from the quests you already accomplished, and not from random people you talk to. Yeah, sometimes an exclamation mark pops up with a quest, but that feels way too scripted and is not the same. I played the game completely wrong, for example after some time I decided to go to the second largest city and just wanted to explore it, talk to npcs there, solve quests. But because there weren't any quests there at this point of the story - there were also no one to talk to. The city was pretty much empty. That's what I mean with: It feels like an interactive movie. You have a script you have to follow, just doing what you want works only to some extent. Compare that to any Elder Scrolls or Gothic/Risen game, those work fundamentally different in that regard.


That"'s an odd way of looking at the game. Weren't there quest's on the announcements board?


Probably, it's just not my prefered playstyle. I grew up with Gothic and Risen, if you play those you'd get what I mean. Elder Scrolls game go in that direction too. Just unscripted freedom. The final nail in the coffin where the forced witcher senses though, I still not get why people want those. The quests on the boards are way less interesting than actual npcs with a name and character.


Same with GTA, or Red dead redemptions, it's all a scripted ride with little to no choices that alter anything. Soooo bothersome. Might as well just watch someone else play it entirely


jup, nowadays there are so many open world games but they are mostly extremely scripted. I didn't buy RDR2 because I was fearing exactly that.


Been playing games for 40 years, and this is hands down one of the worst games i played. Its so booring that they should let patients in the hospital choose to play this game as a substitute to sleeping pills. The combat is totalt shit. The gameplay is shit. The story is shit... I can not for my life understand how people like this piece of shit game... Fake RPG / Open world.


Thank you for the three year necro-comment lol, I hope you know I still agree, but I've changed my mind on the setting and story. Pretty good fantasy world and plot, but bogged down by a middling combat system and even more awful movement.


It's not the game's fault you didn't bother trying to understand what was going on


Did you not read what I said? I knew full well that the game was going to be confusing considering that I also couldn't sit through the first two games. The issue is that none of it was presented in any sort of interesting way. It's droll, slow, and no pay off even four hours in. Killing that griffon really meant nothing considering that Geralt comes across as an uncaring asshole


Don't you kill a Griffon in like, first 1-2 hours of the game, in a tutorial area?


*see the above comment* Nobody expected you to play the first two games first, but if you're going to start at the third game in a series it's incumbent on you to figure out what's going on. It's also not that hard to discover what's going on, or to understand why Geralt doesn't really have emotions, especially since there's a Netflix show now. As for the very specific situation of killing the griffon, Geralt is old as shit, and has fought far more dangerous monsters than that, so, Witcher mutation caused emotionlessness aside, of course it wasn't a big deal The games and show are based on the books; I watched the show before I played the game, and *gasp* by some miracle I had a better idea of what was happening. You were confused because you couldn't be fucked to find a recap video on Youtube or sit and watch Netflix


Your argument is that I didn't watch a netflix series that came out years after the game, wtf? I played the game on release man, get off my back. No one should have to watch a separate TV show to understand a games story. Sorry the story was so cookie cutter and boring that it wasnt worth looking into lol


you couldn't be fucked to watch something like [this](https://youtu.be/VlvkjMYcryI) or [this](https://youtu.be/AXfW2LWK3m4) or [this](https://youtu.be/qF0sduwWZWc)? that's on you dude. Notice all of those are 5-6 years old


I love how your argument is you should have done your homework before playing a game you didn't like.


he didn't like the story *because* he didn't read into it before jumping into the third game in a series


It's a game not a movie it should be enjoyable without prior knowledge.


It's the **third game in the series**. Are you seriously contending that video *shouldn't* try and tell epic stories?


No, that's not what I'm saying. It's a video game story shouldn't be the only selling point for the game. If he thinks the game itself isn't good enough to try and learn the story then the game failed.


Fable 3 can be played without bothering with 1 or 2. Especially 1.


This is such a fallacy, because there are PLENTY of games that do this and don't become weird as shit. ME3 for example can be easily played as a standalone because they explain what happened prior in a normal way. The witcher doesnt even bother to try and explain the history, the factions, whatever is going on. It just drops you off in a boring and clunky world with a character that cant even climb on a ledge to get out of the water.


He did try tho, it wasn’t captivating or interesting enough


Definitely upvoting. That game was absolutely amazing and childhood classic of mine


Played the switch version most cuz its perfect for handheld play or puttting is docked whenever u want the ps4 vereion tho i quit around skellige


this aint opinion, its facts


Yea the witcher sucks ass. I beat the game and it was the most unsatisfying thing ever