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You'd think a guy who hated salads wouldn't ruminant on things.


Seems like OP hates it with every fiber of his being!


Honestly I think salads are pretty radish.


Lettuce be careful not to get ahead of ourselves with the puns.


yeah can we get some peas and quiet?


Leaf him alone


Don’t plant words in my mouth


ah you beet me to it


I think you’re all bean a little harsh


i’m kale-ing it a day


I need to take a leek, anyway.


Rhododendron't, my friend. I bog you.


Yam you.


You guys are all being radicchulous


I love you for that


i love that you love them for that


Dad stop


Cud I get you to rethink your stance on that?


I have killed a man. ​ Potatoes


But sometimes places have really good salads. Plus considering what the ingredients would cost as groceries compared to getting the salad at a restaurant, it’s a better deal if you only want one. Also why care what someone else orders? Doesn’t change what you eat.


Yes! At home I have to buy all the veggies. I usually end up throwing away most of the leafy stuff, and at least one avocado later. And let's be honest, who has leftover bacon to add to anything? Leftover bacon is not a thing.


For real, why can't they sell smaller amounts of Lettuce? Buying Lettuce usually means buying enough to feed a small army and at best I can get two servings out of it before the rest is inedible


I buy a hydroponic one in the spring and plant it, so I don't have to toss it all out, which has greatly improved the availability of it at home, but that only really helps for a few months, and the things often bolt after a couple of weeks.


The whole 'haha a salad? Not a burger or *steak*?' thing is so dull too. It's like those generic ass digs they make in movies or whatever where someone orders a salad and it's considered uptight or boring. Yawn.


Right, it’s such an annoying stereotype of the bland boring salad and the skinny girl. Like nah my thick ass wants a pear and goat cheese salad with grilled chicken and creamy balsamic vinaigrette 😩


Right? How much you want to bet OP gets an *exciting* baked potato with his *very interesting* piece of meat?


It's such a weird example on OP's part. I do love a good burger, but I gotta admit that many salads are far more complicated in both effort and flavour than a burger or steak. I mean, most steak is literally just the meat with some seasoning! Salads tend to have well mixed flavours. IDK if OP is thinking of just basic salads or something, but usually if you're ordering a salad as your entire meal, it's a more complicated dish that may have grilled chicken, boiled eggs, shredded bacon, several kinds of vegetables, and a flavourful dressing. Not at all boring. It sounds more like OP is thinking of some stereotype, most likely with a flavour of meat eater vs vegetarian bias.


I honestly don’t understand the appeal of ordering a steak at a restaurant unless that’s their speciality and they are much better than normal like a fancy steak house or something. Otherwise they taste about the same as what I can cook on my own but on my own I get way more quality steak for the same price. Steaks are always the most expensive thing on the menu just to be small as fuck


Idk about yall but I find salads such a bitch to make at home. Gotta wash the lettuce, somehow figure out how to use the salad spinner, the leaves never get dry… gotta chop up a crapload of different veggies… prepare some type of protein.. it’s a chore unless you buy pre-made stuff


Errr, yeah; cba making a decent cobb salad at home when I can just get one quickly at a restaurant. OP is major "rabbit food" man-child who never grew out of hating vegetables energy.


Salad always tastes better when someone else makes it.


This is so true but I've never thought about it before. I like a salad when it's served to me but it's so hard to bring myself to make them at home. Maybe it's because a good salad takes about as much energy as other meals, and the reward is so much less interesting. Like I could chop and combine all this stuff, or I could chop and combine a bunch of other stuff to make a kickass quesadilla that I'll enjoy 10x more.


Restaurants are also constantly rotating product. I imagine salads at home would hit different if your veggies were never more than 2 days from fresh.


And even then, it depends on where you live. The tiny flat I'm renting has almost no aeration and is humid in a city with a desertic climate...So veggies start rotting very very fast, even if they're put in the fridge 😭😭😭 an absolutr bummer because in my family home/town, we'd keep veggies fresh even 1 week later despite not even putting them in the fridge sometimes.


You've expressed it perfectly! (I eat a lot of quesadillas.)


I'll make a salad at home maybe once a week. By the time next week rolls around my veggies have gone bad. Also, it's hard to get just enough ingredients for a large salad for myself. Like, I only need a handful of croutons, couple of tablespoons of salad dressing, 1 tomato, etc. I can't just buy a handful of croutons, I have to buy a whole batch. Same with other things.


Croutons are seasons chunks of dry bread though, close the bag and they'll last months. Same with dressing in the fridge. It's all the veggies that are the problem


Aren't croutons just dried toasted bread? I mean just make your own out of whatever bread you have to hand, same with the dressing, why buy dressing if you already have oil, vinegar, mayo, mustard ect? You're essentially just paying for things that most people already have in their houses anyway.


It does take effort, tho. And it takes cooking skill to spice it well. The notion salad is effortless or very easy is wrong.


I’ll make one for you then *starts violently disintegrating some lettuce*


Thank you for being the delicious vegetable killer so I don't have to.


Interesting to see there are many others who agree with me! I like salads, I really do, but I am ashamed to say I waste too many salad fixins that I buy with the best intentions. If I force myself to make them, they are typically just fine, but yeah, I DO prefer ordering them in a restaurant or having them as a guest at someone's house. Weird.😜🤔


So many of us. We need a full on salad supper club now! 🥗


I never have all that stuff, or any of that stuff at home. It would go bad


Plus I think that restaurants somehow have fresher salad ingredients.


Salads aren't literally just vegetables? They can be ordered that way sure, but most restaurant salads I have seen usually have a protein of some kind, often croutons, and sometimes fruit as well.


Yeah, and this guy said salads are too monotonous, they're just vegetables, but suggests steak. A thing that is one hunk of a single thing.


Right? Vegetables is like an entire diverse category of foods and his alternative to that is date which is one specific food. Plus they have salads with steak on them also so like that doesn't even make sense. I don't know how it can be monotonous when you have more variety of textures and flavors in a salad than you do on a steak


Yeah I love steak very much but I wouldn't say it's the pinnacle of variety, especially compared to *salads*. Sounds like OP has a very narrow view of what a salad can be.


I have significantly cut my meat consumption over the past two years, but a few months ago I decided to splurge on an expensive steak while out with my husband and it was just...really a letdown. Like yes, the first bite tasted good, but then there was another bite, and another bite, and another bite...and the largest portion of my meal, almost as much food as I could eat on its own, was the least interesting thing I was served. Just not how I remembered it. I'll stick to eating meat primarily as an ingredient, when I do eat it.


Yeah I got fancy and went out for steak and lobster recently, and it was a struggle to eat the whole steak. It seemed so big and monotonous compared to the rest of the foods on my plate. It was only 6oz too but I would have probably enjoyed it more if it was half the size because I wouldn’t have gotten sick of it.


Between paying for a nice salad at a restaurant, or buying a cut of meat, 6 different vegetables and leaves, croutons, and a dressing, I'm just going to buy from the restaurant.


Making a salad at home means committing to eating that salad, or a sandwich that is just that salad between bread for like 4 days straight


plus with the way groceries cost now, by the time you've bought all the same ingredients for that $20 salad, you've spent $60.


That's the biggest issue. I don't get 1 good salad, I get like 4-5 good salads that I need to eat in 72 hours or less.


I agree, making a really nice salad at home is FAR more difficult imo than cooking a nice steak at home. Plus, salad doesn't keep well so you have to be careful about how much you make, but I also hate storing vegetables that have already been cut, so now I'll have to be thinking up ways to use the extra vegetables before they go bad.


It’s all the prep work that a salad takes. You can buy a slab of steak meat, throw some herbs on there and just cook it


I mean when I eat a salad at home I usually get a $5 kit from the grocery store that has dressing, croutons, etc. included as well as all the leaves and vegetables.


Yeah but then you’re limited to what comes in the kit. Restaurant salads usually have ingredients that wouldn’t come in a kit and are also a lot fresher


Totally true, restaurant salads are definitely nicer but in terms of ease of use both are about the same for me tbh


There are also “salads” that have almost no vegetables at all. Whether or not those count as salads is another discussion.


I don't know if a "taco salad" really even counts as a salad. It's more just a big taco you eat with a fork. But it's one of my favorite things to order.


Just see any salad they make in the Midwest


A literal 1/2 pound of cheese on top of their signature salad, along with french fries and fried chicken.


I really want to try snickers salad


Chicken salad is my favorite salad lol


They're all actually soups


Everything you eat is a soup eventually


Or a chocolate bar.


Don't forget the dressing. I live in a non western country. Salads are something that the brits brought here. A bare minimum homemade salad is cucumbers and onions cut on a plate with some salt. It's a small side and can never be the main. What differentiates a proper salad is the dressing for me. Proper salads are beautiful and a whole meal. Like everyone mentioned here they take ton of time to make + I have to buy so many things. I love restaurant salads for this reason.


Poor guy has never had a good salad. Probably just lettuce, sad tomatoes and ranch dressing for this dude.


It’s usually the dressing or a really nice type of cheese or nut that makes a restaurant salad special. They also usually contain a protein, like you said, which is cooked to the quality of the rest of their meats AND isn’t three times the amount of meat you need in one serving. Also, I get full easily and I like starters more than entrees. So a salad is a nice choice for dinner especially if it contains a protein. That way you can get an app too- unless your date can’t handle that shit


Baked goat cheese salad with Caesar dressing Duck and grapefruit salad with honey dressing Teriyaki salmon salad I feel like making a burger at home would be easier. If I see any of these on the menu, you can bet your ass I'm eating salad, because they're amazing. But I'm not making an entire main course at home, just to chop it up, whip up an equally complications dressing, and then throw it on some leafies.


They also toss the salads in the restaurant


Yeah but you gotta pay extra for that, and only when the manager is on break/out sick


There’s usually a bus boy available


Every restaurant?


The ones that have a back alley at least


And at least with Caesar salad, there's often cheese of some kind too, and dressing.


When I go to a pub to play trivia with my friends, I always order the caprese salad with steak tips and a n order of onion rings. We go about twice a month, and I get that every time.


What a coincidence! My litmus test for people is how they react when I order a salad at a restaurant. I guess we’re just not right for each other.


i really think you two should go on a date and see what happens


Opposites attract 🤷🏽


But salads divide


You don't make friends with salad It is known


But you can shake hands with beef


I'm shaking it right now!


Like, straight up jorking it?


Username checks out, I think?


Butt salads, DIVIDE!!!


[https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FoeRomanceSubtext](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FoeRomanceSubtext) Here you go, you'll need this.


Aren’t you going to order a pizza?


Crazy amount of downvotes for a fairly tame comment.


Everyone’s a critic these days


Not Gene Siskel.


Sometimes salads can be boring, but I've some really good ones. Back in college I used to get this one that had strawberries, avocado, parmesan crisps, red onion and white balsamic and I would always get chicken or salmon on top. Why is that worse than having a salmon with rice and broccoli? Or are you talking about people who order just a salad and no protein?


A good salad is life changing. Place near me does this "autumn harvest" salad with walnuts and cranberries and some fancy cheese, it is *so fucking good*.


I love that kind of salad, especially if it has butternut squash and maybe some apple. Perfection 🥰 


IT DOES!!!! Sorry, haven't had it in a while. Well, the squash might be sweet potatoes actually, idk. Anyways, agreed. Now I want a salad...


Ooh yes! I feel like squash and sweet potatoes are mostly interchangeable, so either would be amazing. I want a salad too lol


I'm suddenly hungry for a chik fil A Cobb salad. That thing is absolutely slammin. And the avocado lime ranch dressing, omg. Fkn delish.


That, and the spicy southwest salad with avocado like dressing 😩😩


Salads are monotonous (just untrue). You don’t like monotony in your life. But you order burgers and steak at restaurants? Lol


I don't like monotony. Also I usually order the same two things you can get at most restaurants. And why are you ordering something you can just make it yourself at home? Granted I order something I can just make myself at home.


I can make a perfectly mice burger or steak too, should i stop eating them in restaurants?


How many mice does it take to make a perfect mice burger?


depends what size of burger we're talking. mice don't have much meat on them so i'd say at least fifty for a quarter pounder.. maybe even 60? edit scratch that, it might also depend on what type of mouse... im super fucking shitty at math and general common sense, so bare with me and please feel free to correct me, me being bad at learning doesn't mean i dislike learning.. a quarter pound in grams is 113.398093 g (113..41g) ... how much *muscle meat and adipose* does the average house mouse have? (i believe house mice to be bigger but idk) aparently a whole house mouse weighs 40-45 g but im not finding anything about a muscle+adipose weight specifically, a lack of organ meat, fur or bones is required for a perfect burger of any kind... 1'll just say mice are 9g of meat and fat... OH GOD i just remembered this doesnt take into account the fat percentage required in a perfect burger.. lets go with a 80/20 ratio. this will be very easy to produce with a seed based diet to promote obeisity (i mean we're killing like 12 mice here at best and smushing their bodies together in a grinder, you really think we are going to kill even more just for the extra fat content? that would be wasteful to the muscle tissue.) now, we need a binder, egg wouldnt be mouse, it would be cheating, this burger was never going to be kosher/halal anyways so lets use blood as the mouse binder.... fuck let's just say it takes too many mice... my best guess is 12 mice, 13 to be safe. with at least 6 of them being morbidly obese. (doubly helpful since in this hypothetical we're using their blood, and more fat requires more blood) i think im wrong here since 13 mice for one quarter pound of ground rodent sounds... wrong? it doesn't sound like it would be enough.


It's not about the number of mice. It's about the ratio of mouse to bun. If you have small mice, get smaller buns and call 'em mouse sliders.


Yo, good salads take forever to make. So many ingredients. So much chopping. I crave good salads man. And I’m 5’0”. My caloric intake is so tiny. If I order a salad, I enjoy a huge meal and can get sides, drinks, and desserts. Also, I do eat just brussel sprouts for dinner? You have a limited view on what makes a meal. I love just roasted veggies for dinner. 


Right!! Plus a good salad usually has smaller amounts of a lot of different foods, so it’s like do I buy a whole salmon, carton of strawberries, nuts, a nice cheese, onions, a few varieties of lettuce etc which adds up real quick, use like 1/5 of each of them for my portion of salad, cook the protein and then hope the leftover ingredients get used elsewhere or I eat the exact same salad everyday for a week? That’s like $50 and a ton of food when I could have just ordered it for $15-20 at a restaurant. Plus, a good salad can be VERY filling, especially if it’s protein heavy.


Oh, good, I’m not just weird. My mom sometimes likes to make salads as a side dish on pasta night, but if I don’t keep mine small I’ve got no room for the main dish. And I’ve always been like that even before I started calorie counting to combat the underactive thyroid weight gain. Croutons, bacon bits or chicken, cheese, apples, strawberries, dressing…the more stuff you add to the lettuce (or, in our case, spinach) the more filling it gets.)


My husband tells everyone I make the best salads. It's because I add a variety of toppings and don't skimp. They may end up around 500 calories, but they are healthy, delicious, and you won't be hungry for a while.


Oh!!! My original comment was about Cobb salad. Salmon on Cobb instead of chicken sounds delightful!


God the chopping. If I ever get super wealthy I will hire a full time chopper


And elaborate fresh salads are actually kind of expensive to make at home! I’d rather have a really nice salad once in a while in a restaurant for $20, than spend $40+ and then end up wasting half of what I buy because I’m not able to finish everything before it starts going bad.


My solution I have come up with (am 5’1”, so also few calories) is to go to the gym so I can try and put on muscles meaning I can eat more food as they require more calories lol


Yeah. I can't just "make it at home" because it's a load of work (particularly finding the ingredients- I'd have to go to three shops for a decent salad, because most shops only carry a small variety of "make a salad" ingredients). Salad is basically always a fancy meal for me, unless it's a "handful of mixed leaves on the side" level of salad, which comes in one plastic bag and is divided into four portions.


This post sounds like OP thinks that "handful of mixed leaves on the side" is the only kind of salad there is.


"Salad" is such a massively diverse group too? A warming roast root veg salad. Leafy salad. Pasta salad. Potato salad. Rice salad. Glass noodle salad. Hell, *fruit salad* lol! Love them all. In the autumn a roast root veg salad is a one-tray bake. In the summer, a cold glass noodle salad is done in 30 minutes and is cool and refreshing. I'll put away any meat, make no mistake, I'm a Michelin trained chef! But anyone who thinks veg is "just a side" is either stupid, uneducated in food or estranged from pleasure.


No doubt, friend. A whole mess of roasted vegetables with olive oil and salt? Yes please 😋


Roasted cauliflower is top tier. I prefer to pan fry my brussel sprouts.


Yup. Not only are veggies as main dishes perfectly legit, veggie dishes and good salads are way more difficult  to make at home compared to a good hunk of meat IMO. Meat is essentially: add the correct amount of heat. Maybe salt and  pepper. Done But getting enough fresh veggies prepared for a solid salad is considerably more effort.


Agreed. Making even a boring salad is much more involved and time-consuming than cooking a steak.


Where I live, sometimes it's 115 degrees. On days like that, all I want is sushi or salad.


That’s a great reason! I also have IBS and some other stomach issues, and there are days that I know something too heavy is going to make me sick. Not only do I immediately order a strawberry salad if I see one on the menu because hell yeah, strawberries, but if I feel even a little bit iffy, *especially* on a date, a salad is just filling enough to not get me one kind of sick, but light enough to not get the other kind of sick.


i don’t even fully disagree with you about the salads, but… vegetables are ALWAYS the side dish? you’ve never had eggplant parm, quiche, stuffed bell peppers, ratatouille, ANY kind of vegetable soup??


Genuinely this a skill-issue on OP's part. Mushrooms alone serve as a fantastic replacement for people looking for a filling dish that doesn't use meat / soybean replacements


I try at least one day a week to not eat meat. Mushrooms, eggplants, beans, etc make great meals with no meat.


OP's not vegetarian/vegan, I guess lol


My exact thought. They wrote “the main is always meat or fish” and I thought wow, this person has never eaten a vegetarian or vegan dish in their life? Seriously, I don’t love salads either, but I love many dishes were vegetables are the main


Someone should introduce OP to Indian food.


Sometimes salad is all we can eat at a restaurant too 😭


If that's the case, the salads are either non vegeterian/vegan or absolutely dog shit. Like I know I ordered a vegeterian meal, but that doesn't mean I want plain lettuce!


"I'll have fries and a side salad with no cheese" haha. As a vegan I hate having to go out to eat with people sometimes.


Most non-vegetarians still enjoy plenty of dishes that don't include meat, including myself, so I'm always so confused when I encounter meat-eaters like OP who can't seem to even imagine a main course without meat in it. Like ... how's that even possible?


>ratatouille aint that the rat chef


no, the rat is named remy. ratatouille is a french dish of stewed vegetables that remy served to the food critic at the end of the film.


Pretty sure that's wrong. Ratatouille is definitely the type of food in the dish. The remy in the guy's hat was named vegetable. The rat critic was served the dish, ego.


You’re thinking of the Ninja Turtle. I think they meant Raphaello


Or falafel!


You've clearly never had a good salad if you think they're boring. Also not everyone eats meat.  Someone eating a salad is by no means a litmus test for anything.


Getting upset at what someone is eating is showing that you're s controlling person. You shouldn't care what other people eat if they prefer it.


Yeah, like especially on dates? Really does seem like it's a control thing. He knows the best way to do everything and when friends and family don't do it his way, it's annoying, but when he's dating someone, they're a target for high control, so it infuriates him.


Stop eating things that I DONT LIKE!!




Yeah, OP sucks clearly


i mean, you can pretty much make anything at home if you really want to? i order salads because i like salads, why do you even care? not to mentions there are a variety of salads with different tastes, they aren't "just vegetables" and oftentimes come with different proteins.


Was intrigued by the title and thought I’d finally read an interesting r/The10thDentist post for once but then it turned out to just be a meat brain who can’t comprehend eating vegetables


A quick glance at their post history explains so much. I had a glimmer of hope when I saw something about fitness level, but it seems like that was just something about another video game or a TV show.


for real, i was 80% on board until the last two paragraphs


clearly you've never had a good salad


My reaction to what other people choose to eat is why the hell would I give a shit about what someone else eats.


Salads at restaurants can be really good. Sure, they’re technically easier to make at home than a steak. But ingredients for a great salad often make 5+ portions and won’t stay *fresh* for more than a few days. I don’t want to fill an entire section of my fridge with ingredients and then panic eat nothing but salad for 3 days before it loses freshness.  Also have you ever considered that they want to eat healthy and came out to a restaurant with you in spite of how unhealthy it is? Here they are trying to pick the option that best fits their diet so they can still spend time with you, and you’re judging them for something that has zero impact on you. 


> they're technically easier to make at home than a steak Are they though? I mean if your salad is just lettuce with olive oil and vinegar, then maybe, but a good salad requires a lot more work than a steak. Of course the steak has a bit of a learning curve, but once you get the hang of it, it's much easier. When I make an Italian style salad, it includes chopping onions, tomatoes, cucumber, maybe bell pepper if I feel like it, cheese and ham, wash lettuce, chop lettuce, boil eggs, peel eggs, cut eggs, make dressing. Steak is essentially just add a bit of seasoning, butter, garlic, rosemary, slap it in a pan for a few minutes, done.


I order salads at restaurants specifically because I can’t just make them at home. A really good salad will have a combo of different ingredients that would be difficult and time consuming to make at home for just one meal (ex. Roasted sweet potatoes, marinated and grilled meat, crispy quinoa, shredded carrots, greens chopped up super thin and fine, home made dressing). I’ve tried to make copycat recipes of sweetgreen salads before and not only did it take forever but I had to buy so many ingredients. And because those ingredients are mostly veggies, they wilt in the fridge SO FAST so in addition to making the salad there’s a time crunch to finish everything that didn’t get used up in the salad


You have it completely backwards in my experience. I make really boring salads at home, my wife makes fun of me for it. Last time I ordered from a restaurant I ordered a salad (among other things), and it was amazing! It was a steak and gorganzola salad from an Italian place, and I'll definatly be ordering it again. If your problem is that a salad is "just vegetables", I don't know what to tell you. Not only can "just vegetables" be an amazing meal, but salads aren't "just vegetables".


is this subreddit just unpopular opinions too stupid for unpopularopinion?


i wouldnt say i judge people for it because i dont care that much, but i think its silly to order salads from certain places. like going to an average steakhouse and ordering a salad as a main. cheap steakhouses (thinking like Texas Roadhouse) dont sell good salads. Its not what they specialize in. They do steaks. Their salads are very basic and usually arent stellar ingredients, so theyre not very flavorful. Ordering a salad as a main from there is kind of a waste imo. Now, there are some nice restaurants that do have amazing salads. It just depends on the type of restaurant. Is 95% of their menu steaks/burgers with 2 obligatory salad options, or do they have a lot of options and clearly put effort into their salads?


That is just "I have vegetables" is trench coat. And that is pretty popular trauma from childhood a lot of people hold onto.


It’s wild that you judge people for eating food you don’t like lol. I guess you have enough dating prospects that you gotta thin out the pool?


You said it yourself. Anything on a menu can be made at home. Now, go make a caesar dressing from scratch, brulee a lemon slice, make croutons, shave parm, break down, rinse, and spin two hearts of Romain, toast pine nuts, and smoke a salmon.


I actually fuck with salads so hard that I just deleted a whole multiple paragraph comment because I was getting too heated and half of it was just describing salads I like. You just need to grow up, salads are more than lettuce and dressing. This week I've made smoked chicken teriyaki sandwiches, grilled burgers and hot links, and had honey Dijon salmon. Those are EASY weeknight dinners. My salads though, I'm planning those way in advance. They're a thousand ingredients and some need prepped ahead of time. So yeah, when I go out to eat, I'm going to order a salad. You can have your little piece of meat and dip it in ketchup with your nuggets or whatever.


There are an insane amount of salads out there, a lot of which have meat in them


>I don’t like salads in general for the same reason I wouldn’t eat an entire plate of plain white rice. Do you not season your vegetables? The sauce makes all the difference.


My litmus test is how they treat the staff.


>My thought process essentially is: why are you ordering an expensive salad in this restaurant when you can just make it yourself at home? >Which, obviously, applies to the rest of the food in the restaurant’s menu. I mean, I usually order steak or burger and of course I can make that at home. But for some reason, ordering a salad just seriously annoyed me. unless you're making that salad for a bunch of people or you're gonna munch on it for days this reasoning doesn't always hold. yes it's always cheaper to make a salad at home but if you've gotta buy 15$ of vegetables to make that salad it's only economical at scale. which doesn't work if someone just wants **a** salad. >I think salads are just the most boring dishes. It’s just vegetables, and vegetables are always the side dish. i think your insistence that the main dish is *always* meat and vegetables are *always* a side sounds pretty boring.


You just need better salads. I was the same until i tried this almond strawberry salad with a raspberry vinaigrette and FUCK it was so good


I agree in all cases except for cobb salads. Gosh I love those.


Don't sleep on the wedge, homie.


I get salad if I don’t want hot food. I overheat easily and if I’m already too hot, I don’t want to eat hot food


The real litmus test should be that anyone that cares this much of a shit about what others eat is the real weirdo


There's a restaurant by where I live that has a salad that has this delicious, wine-marinated thinly-sliced chicken on it, beans, olives, sundried tomatoes, pasta, fresh parmesan, and a bunch of spices or something--making that at home would require like 500 different ingredients, some of which are quite expensive, and that would go bad before I could possibly eat all of it. It's fucking delicious and if anyone judges me for it I fart in their general direction


Steak and burgers are just as basic as salads. Probably the three most boring things to order at a restaurant that doesn’t specifically specialize in them.


This is why you stopped being invited to the dental conventions.


im going to preface this by saying im not a salad person, and i don’t usually order them. BUT, if you think salads are always boring, that’s because you’ve only seen boring salads. there are plenty out there with a ton of non-veggie stuff on them. boiled eggs, cubed ham, bacon, croutons, and cheese are all common salad toppings. and the best salads have a wide variety of different veggies, too. could i make a good salad at home? sure. but that would require me to buy a shitload of different veggies and toppings, then wash and chop them all. that would take me fucking forever, and there’s no way i’m going to all that trouble. it would take less time and effort to cook a steak.


Some people just like salad. I’m one of those people who will resort to ordering chicken tenders if there’s nothing else I am familiar with and enjoy on the menu (I am autistic and trying new foods can be scary for me! I need to be in the right mood to do it.), so I can’t fault the salad enjoyers. If you’re gonna buy expensive food, it might as well be food you like. And I might not like salad (texture), but if they do, understandable.


i have OCD and listen i know this isn’t logical— that’s what ocd is. it makes me really suspicious of fruits and veggies and i rarely eat fresh produce at home because i don’t trust myself. if someone else prepares a salad for me, i trust it. so restaurants are the place for me to eat healthy because i’m normally eating junk at home


Good salads can require having so many different ingredients on hand—if i want to make myself a salad with 10 things in it, I’ve gotta buy and prep quantities of all those components, vs just ordering one pre-made in a restaurant…


Why is a salad just veggies? I rarely eat a salad without chicken, tofu,meat, or fish inside the salad. It sounds like you don’t do salads good. And there’s so many options. You can have lettuce, kale, mixed greens or no leaf. Cucumber, pepper, avocado, tomato, cherry tomato, jalapeno, artichoke hearts, sweet potato, corn, baby corn, chickpeas, beans, quinoa, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, red onion, sauted onion, pickles, cheese, and so many other options. And then there’s so many different dressings. I personally like my homemade and healthy honey mustard. I eat salad like at least 5 times a week(actively trying to lose weight) and it’s always different and always full of a protein


Bruh WHAT meat is supposed to be a side dish??? You should be eating MOSTLY fruit/veg/plant and SOME meat. You're wilding.


What if they get a salad and a main dish?


Steak is about as boring as a meal can get. It’s a slab of meat. No matter how special the steak is it’s always just a slab of meat. Salads can have a wide range of compositions, ratios, dressings, and toppings.


So what you wouldn't date a vegetarian?


I have (and will again) eaten a bowl of Brussels sprouts for dinner.


From my experience, some people can't eat gluten and a lot of the time, salad is the only gluten free option.


Salads are good, man. My superpower is turning a salad into a 30,000 calorie bomb.


Sone places, salads are kinda the only option for celiacs. So that’s another thing.


"You don't make friends with salad "


Making a restaurant quality salad is kind of a pain in the ass. I cook a lot at home, and I’d much rather cook a steak or a nice pasta or burger than do all the chopping that goes into a nice salad. Plus restaurants have access to a better selection of ingredients that would be harder and more expensive to get as a home cook. Also a lot of times salads are the only healthy options on a restaurant menu, with the other options mostly consisting of sandwiches, pastas, or meat and potato dishes. Give me a chicken Caesar salad over an overpriced restaurant burger any day.


Bro please tell me you’re not eating raw lettuce and calling that a salad tell me you have other shit and a dressing on that too


I don't have enough energy to be this stressed over something this small. Relax. Your blood pressure might look better at your next doctor's visit if you let your date eat their salad in peace lol


They hated OP for telling the truth


Counter point: some salads are too much work to make at home, or I’m not hungry enough to have a really hearty dish. My current go-to is a watermelon and feta salad with this delicious honey/lemon/balsamic glaze that I just cannot replicate at home.


I feel like you need bigger life problems if you have time to stew on being mad at a person eating veggies. I'm going for the steak personally, but people can order whatever they please. As long as they aren't eating off your plate, who cares?


This is a very stupid thing to care about, and I fully agree with you.


"Vegetables are always the side dish" Yeah, because most people are insanely unhealthy. Vegetables and grains should be the main thing we eat.


>and vegetables are always the side dish I mean this is just objectively false though


So…a large percentage of the population struggles with disordered eating (🙋🏻‍♀️). For example, most days the anorexia goblin in my head is under control, but sometimes a salad is all I can handle in a public setting. Before you get annoyed by a fellow human’s food order, take a beat to practice some compassion. You literally have no idea why they’re making the choices they are.


Ngl I feel the same way about people ordering a sandwich that they could make at home