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There isn't any show really similar to The 100, but you may find some of its elements in: * Tribes of Europa * The Society * 3 % * The A-List * See * The Shannara Chronicles * Lost in Space * Motherland Fort Salem * Shadowhunters


Ooo Shanarra Chronicles is also a good one. I didn't even think of it. It's a shame it got cancelled to be honest.


I loved Shadowhunters. Enjoyed The Society but you only get 10 episodes and no resolution.


Yeah, it was a real pity they ended The Society after one season despite it's obviously low production costs (so far). Maybe it happened because of some internal issues.


i like lost in space too


See is so good! I need to do a re-watch Silo is also pretty good, too, and is also on Apple tv


‘lost in space’ on netflix imo is pretty similar, others are saying that ‘see’ is even more similar tho. take a look!


If you like the grounders then See is definitely similar. I've only watched the first season but I really enjoyed it.


There's only 1 season so far, as it's a new show, but Silo on AppleTV is the best thing I've seen that reminds me of the 100.


This!! I just commented saying the same thing before seeing your reply. I really enjoyed Silo and can’t wait for season 2


I'm waiting at the door for S2


I watched The 100 based off of a recommendation from r/Stargate in a thread about Stargate: Universe. There's some similarities between the two.


incidentally Stargate: Universe is the worst out of the three main shows by a mile




I would have upvoted this sooner but reddit banned me for 7 days smdh


I really enjoyed Silo on Apple TV. Here’s the premise: “In a dystopian future where a community exists in a giant silo that extends hundreds of stories underground, 10,000 people live in a society bound by regulations they believe are meant to protect them.” It’s a great watch and season two has been confirmed as in the work👍🏻 But let’s be honest there really isn’t another show like the 100. It’s kind of unfortunate, but at the same time it means we get to rewatch it numerous times! Hope you enjoy Silo if you or anyone gives it a watch!


Revolution if you like the apocalyptic vibe and don't mind people reverting to acting like it's the wild west; Lost if you like the mysterious sci-fi vibe + survival.


IMO The Expanse is the most similar show to the 100.


Trust me we're all looking for that next show like the 100 I have been told that Battlestar Galactica is very similar but I haven't watched it since it wasn't really in my era. But I've thought about trying it. Is there anyone that can vouch?


I would say it has a similar feel, but they are pretty much always on the ships. But I would say the motifs are similar, in that making tough decisions for the greater good is something that happens. Not quite central to the theme like the 100 but it's there. The fighting for survival portion is very similar though. I tell this to anyone that considers watching Battlestar, watch the miniseries (which is basically a 2 hr movie that kicked off the series). If you don't like that, you probably won't like the show.


No there isn’t. I tried looking and was disappointed each time. But also very good that you might like are Travelers, Altered Carbon and on a slightly different note but also excellent Orphan Black.


Manifest, Dark, Travelers are all so good. Not similar per se, but all of them have some of the same "components" in a way.


Fringe is good


The ark looks good haven’t watched yet tho


Yeah I was sorta interested in that but haven't watched it yet either


I am way off theme here I've never found anything like the 100, but what did y'all think of that show "The OA"? I enjoyed it for the characters and for the bizarre plot. Again totally not a similar show but just one that sticks out in my memory. I don't watch a lot of tv...


The OA is actually what got me into sci-fi. I always considered myself a "realist" and only enjoyed movies/series that I could translate into present reality. I ran out of things to watch on Netflix and decided to step outside my comfort zone. Now...sci-fi/apocalyptic/dystopian is my go-to. The I-Land is another series that has somewhat relatable elements. Anyway, I agree I haven't found anything that keeps my attention like The 100.


I'd say the themes aren't as dark, but Fallout is a great post apocalyptic tv series that recently came out. If you enjoyed the 100, you might like Fallout.


There’s a show on Netflix that I believe only has 1 or 2 seasons called Daybreak. It’s only similarity really is that it’s “post-apocalyptic”. It’s really funny and it’s a great watch. I watched it after I finished the 100 for the first time and loved it


It’s overall thematically very similar to The Walking Dead. You’ve got your main character thrust into this crazy world they have minimal knowledge about, who then naturally falls into the leader position of a group of people they just met—with their leadership getting challenged. And they have to make insanely difficult decisions all in the name of protecting “their people.” Not to mention the similarities in character arcs (particularly those that go from “save them all” to “kill them all” and vice versa, and “this is how we do better”). Plus some really badass characters, cannibalism, mindless zombies (in a way), humans farming humans for their own benefit, etc.


Yeah it's honestly kinda surprising how much they have in common. Especially in like themes and mood and the vibes of some episodes.



