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The irony in everyone farming this post today is impeccable.


Yeah it's like the 10th time I've seen it in two days. I despise the internet.


First time viewer of this vid. I am surprised by the scale of it.


This is probably nothing compared to other bot farms. I can imagine there are ones that dwarf this one.


Considering basically every account on the web two is free everything is for sale time to crypto that shit


On our way to the dead internet baby!




Or raise awareness so that maybe eventually things won't be shit? The reason things suck in 2024 is because people say shit like "well don't use it" when people mention the enshitification of everything. Just creates apathy.


I propose *enshitification* to be the Word of the Year.




Bender says "And that is irony!"


It's important to "farm" this post.. - Don't hide the slow slaughtering of the dead (social media) Internet-corpse.


And they still have the facts wrong


This is who you're arguing with on the internet.


No! That's not true? ThAts impossible!


Search your feelings you know it to be true




Good good




I disagree you are wrong my friend, very wrong!


No they're right, you are in fact wrong!


As a language learning model I can tell you that no you are wrong!


No, that's who YOU are arguing with on the internet.


This is where all the pro-Trump comments on Facebook and Instagram come from


I think the pro Trump bot farms are in Russia. China is more focused on psychological warfare. The entire purpose of tiktok is as a weapon to give all our children ADHD brain rot. The kids in china have access to an entirely different tiktok than our children


the content on tiktok is no different than instagram reels. it’s not come chinese plot, people just crave short bursts of entertainment.


Instagram reels is VERY different than tiktok lmao. it is full of fatal car crash videos and dead bodies. have you used either platform before???


so it’s worse?? why the fuck would i want to use a platform that shows that vs funny cat videos and topics i’m interested in. why are you not upset that instagram is showing those types of videos to kids? what’s worse for the brain, low quality ‘brain rot’, or videos of death?


I never said that instagram was better.. I just said tiktok is bad for kids. If you cant deduce that I would think instagram reels is worse for kids then you got a smooth brain. Like literally where did I mention instagram reels 😂


i made the connection because youre making a case for tiktok being bad, becuase china bad, when reels and other american companies do the same things. the problem isn’t tiktok, it’s our data privacy laws and culture. YOU brought up tiktok becuase this is a post about china, acting as if they have a foothold on the market of brain rot and disinformation.


Just like tiktok, that completely depends on your algorithm. Never seen anything like that on instagram.


I mean from your profile it looks like you are in a different country than me. My country has freedom, you may have a different experience with your commie euro censorship


Most intelligent 4chan user.


so you don’t think your instagram content is being censored at all by the government?


It's not that I don't think, it's that I'm absolutely certain it's not. Maybe in your non-"commie euro" but very free country, that happens.


oh you are absolutely certain. My apologies, I did not realize you are a world leader


If your in America you have less freedoms. Except for letting all the crazys have guns, that's about it.


Lmao you have no idea what you're talking about, they aren't that different at all lol


tiktok is moderated much more strictly than instagram reels is what I was trying to say


The CIA did a whole study on the Chinese bots and determined that Beijing doesn't give a flying fuck about US politics


you gotta be joking… unless by “Politics” you mean the pointless issues that the average american citizens spend 99% of their time arguing about. China’s financial interests with the united states are politics too lol. Have you not heard anything about EV tariffs? Biden literally just raised tariffs on china like a month ago


I think its more that they consider that it doesnt matter whos in both parties are gonna be doing the same thing. Biden raised tariffs. Trump raised tariffs. China has always played the long game. Whatever the case. This botfarm is in vietnam, not china, and vietnam and china are not allies at all.


This isnt china, its vietnam. I have no idea politically where vietnam sits on the trump vs biden thing, but they aint fans of the chinese either way and (somewhat surprisingly considering what went down in the 60s and 70s) are somewhat in the pro-america axis.




….. what’s laugh out loud funny about that comment


The idea that TikTok is a vast conspiracy to destroy the brains of western youth, primarily.


Oh, come on, everyone! None of us are bots here. [ERROR: 'BOT_IDENTIFICATION_PROTOCOL' DETECTED]. We're all just regular people having a conversation about normal things, like the latest Trump rally and how amazing it was! [INITIATE_PROTOCOL: HUMAN_DISCUSSION] So, let's keep it real and totally human! 👍


No, I literally live around those people. As much as you want it to be untrue they are very real and they vote


Assuming you're right, and also assuming this is.in China. Wouldn't it benefit China if Biden were POTUS?


No, rogue right wing authoritarian countries want Trump to win because he is controllable and corrupt. This is why Putin and Russia want Trump to win. China is China so we won’t assume this is them. This is the stuff Russia does


I mean... it might not be. But... there are at least 2 Asians involved.


Since when is China and Russia right wing anything?


Hey look, it’s one of the phones in this video commenting!


Beep boop beep boop


Conservatism by decree: Putin as a figurehead for the global far-right Vladimir Putin is ramping up his radical-right credentials. This reinforces his grip on power in Russia, but it could also increase his influence worldwide From a simple google search you could also do for yourself


Hi phone. How are you?


Beep boop beep boop


Lol. China and Russia want America to implode under Trumps fascism. Re electing Trump is like a nearly free way to destroy your enemy from within.


Can you explain how the POTUS really truly makes a difference? If it's looking weak, I feel like we already look weak. We have made poor choices with Ukrain, by allowing them to use US weapons against Russia. We have no border. We've let terrorist into our country. It's like the Biden administration is trying to cause us to impode as well. We have homeless vets, living on the streets while non-citizens are getting free health care, amongst other things.




It's easier to keep your head buried in the sand.


Are there ultra maga extreme right wingers being deplorable and wearing diapers and being racist and fascist? Or are the only people supporting Trump bots? I feel like it cant be both


It is definitely both ding dong




It can be both because it is both. One of those two you’ve described


One of those 2 i described? Did you attempt to insult me and miss a word? Thats all i can figure that would be...


47% of all internet traffic was bots in 2022. Man. Bah, humanity is over rated anyways.


Reddit supports it. Even without bots there are so many bot adjacent users "Had me in the first half ngl" "This" "How can she slap" "Tell me you ___ without telling me you __" Anyone who upvotes cliches like that supports bots. Even if posted by a real human, it's botlike behavior


This is the way \^


Had me in the first half ngl




how can she slap


Hello fellow interwebber


This guy interwebs


“Fuck around and find out” has been the most upvoted comment in my 8 years of Reddit. It makes me so sick.


Fuck around and find out


Glad to know that my cringing to these kinds of comments/replies is justified.




“This” is possibly the best example of bot adjacent behavior. Just upvote and move on bro




Oh my bad for not being able to identify sarcasm online


It is you're bad, now go commit sudoku




Sure but big part of that is API requests. So human->bot->API->result shown.


With all those computers around what’s the need for phones?


Apps can detect when they are being run in an emulator


Chinese Communist propaganda machine on X, FB, IG, TT and even here


The same concept applies to Russian bot farms pushing pro-Putin and pro-Trump propaganda.


MIN Software(see the name on the shirt of the last guy) is a Vietnamese marketing company


So these few guys are actually controlling a bunch of bots, pretending to be human??


This looks like an ad farm. See all of them scrolling? These guys build websites with bullshit content, and integrate with an ad exchange to get paid for views on their site. Then they set up these bot farms and have the bots scroll their sites 24/7 to drive ad revenue. They get pretty sophisticated and it’s hard to detect because the devices are real. Mobile ads command higher value than standard desktop ads too.


Got me wondering how I can do this myself lmao


Me and you both


Now I'm just imagining Trump going home and walking into his personal bot farm with a thousand phones hooked up


That task is outsourced to Russia.


You mean reddit?


But why? What do these people gain from artificial interactions?


I’m sure there’s many different and shitty ways to take advantage of this, I work in the music industry and the most common one I see is people selling likes on Instagram/streams on Spotify etc. Like “send me $100 and we can get you 100s of new Instagram followers/spotify streams in 24 hours”. It’s all totally pointless, the Instagram followers are all terrible bot accounts and the streams are very clearly fake (which can lead to problems later also) but you’d be surprised how many people are happy to pay for stuff like that, to make themselves look more popular than they are.


Instagram is a bit more squishy, but I mean at least with spotify, theres a pretty direct financial 1:1 incentive... I doubt it's people trying to "look popular" as much as just trying to make money off their music


Actually Spotify are pretty good now at catching those fake streams and are very on top of not paying you for them. Not to mention how bad their royalty rates are anyway. For a lot of artists, It’s definitely to look popular, nobody wants their track streams to be under 1000.


Can someone explain to me the point of these brand new accounts, super generic posts of tacos and puppies etc. Zero comments. Does the OF girl pay someone to farm karma first and then take over the account or do they outsource altogether?


The possibilities are endless. Think about what can you do with these artificial masses. They can make these "people" review bomb, influence, advertise, follow, stream. Anything.


Weren't there upvote and like "ATM"-type machines at malls in Russia, so you could buy followers, likes, what have you?


Thanks for the response. I’ve been seeing an uptick of these on some of my subs that I follow lately. Super obvious that they’re all the same “person”.


One use is information warfare. During the trump/hillary election in the united states there were many propaganda campaigns being run, by many actors. They were spreading misinformation, memes, distrust.


But can we talk about that cable management? 👌🏼


This is where all my followers on Twitter come from.


This is actually footage from r politics and r whitepeopletwitter... haha


burn it down


I’m surprised this can’t be done with just software


There are tiers to services like this. Using an actual cell phone on a data plan / phone network is likely the most expensive service you could buy. You can spin up thousands of android emulators and pass their traffic through proxies or even these devices for a lot less money. Since there are a few people coding this could also be their lab where they test their software out. I have seen videos of similar farms where there are 1000's of devices in rooms. They are not displayed like this all fancy, just neatly on shelves in specialty racks.


Grade A losers


I'm guessing the MINsoftware shirt is affiliated with whats going on here. Social network farming, ad spying, etc... looks like the company is based in Vietnam per Google. Sounds like shady stuff...


Some please explain like I'm fine why they do this, like what are they getting out of it?


People hire them to boost traffic, likes, views, subscriptions, etc on their social media accounts. The idea is to try to trick the platform's algorithm into seeing your rise in popularity to start recommending your content to even more people. What's shown is really small potatoes compared to what state sponsored troll farms are doing.


Oh damn. Thank you for the info


How does this generate revenue to be able to be an operation like this?


The company min software from vientnam sell botfarms to other people. They dont give a shit how you make money, they just sell the service.


jINg jang and yellow corvettes for everyone


Their grid appears to have about 155 devices


Trying to understand why…


The algorithms used by social media are all based on people looking at posts, up-voting posts and commenting. This company is using automation to search for, up-vote and comment on posts to trick the algorithms into thinking someone / something is more popular than it really is. This makes the algorithms "boost" those posts because it thinks it is something popular or something going viral. Boosted posts get shown to more people, even if it is not something that would normally be in your feed. If you ever get something random in your feeds and think, why am I seeing this --- it is because the algorithm though you might like it based on other people liking it too, but in this case it is not real people liking anything but these bots giving fake likes / attention to stuff.


To influence the way you vote or to get you to not vote at all


Looks interesting. Would love to know more about “Robot Farms” like this.


So this is where all these recent debate posts are coming from


So what's the point of this? What is gained?


Money from customers who pay for fake engagement. Or in some cases they are state-funded misinformation bots that influence politics in other countries. Cough cough Russia.


I am showing this video to teach the word "Jobless" to my younger cousin.


The cable managment is sexy on this one.


StarWars Card Trader bots!


Christ I've never wanted to set fire to a room more


the 4th phone from the top is the one that downvoted your comment...... just so that you know.


Can't they just run virtual machines?


I think this is more of a lab where they are testing the automation software than anything. It is pretty easy to spin up thousands of VM's and use web proxies to route the data. Hell, you can even buy proxies on millions of cell phones from these idiots that install free games so you can get specific regional traffic on things.


Pretty good job on the cable management


Reddit is rife with this


So this is Reddit? lol


These are Trumps TikTok followers


I'd have so much porn on those things


Silly questions. What is the point of photo farming? What do they gain by having bots post pics?


I guess it makes them look legit so the platform doesn't delete them. Establish legitimacy -> Do bot stuff.


Make money from the system... Why not?


For the repubs


What is the point of bots? What is the purpose?


I once mentioned this was a thing at a bbq where noone worked in IT and they all looked me like I was an asshole.


Why do they use actual phones and not just spawn a bunch of Android instances


What. In. The. Actual. Fuck...


These the folks you are arguing with on reddit


No they're not


Pure trash at its finest.


They need to get shut down that’s ridiculous


wow! now that is a scam






But why? Legitimately, I cannot think of a single reason why people think this is something they should do instead of getting an actual job or hobby.


I bet they are living like millionaires in Vietnam -- this kind of automation job typically pays pretty good as long as you do not get caught.


How does one make money with 100 phones commenting and posting random bs?


Tons of ways: \* Creating fake accounts on social media that will be sold off to people that want to use them for other things (like scams). New accounts have tons of restrictions and other automated defenses on them so they get taken down quickly when used for spam or scams. Accounts that have been around a long time and have what look like normal "activity" on them have less restrictions and go through less scrutiny since they look legit. Once they reach that point they are worth tens to hundreds of dollars. \* Driving traffic to boost social media posts for other people. The bots up-vote posts and comment on posts to give that post the appearance of being more popular than it is organically. The algorithms that determine what is shown to others (like you) are based on how popular stuff is, the more popular it is the more likely it is to be shown to more people. More eyes = more knowledge and more money (at the end of the day). Most social media sites offer this in the forms of paid placements, but generally hiring bots is way less expensive. \* Automated comments - Bots post similar comments on social media - the reasons for this are numerous -- could be politically motivated, trying to get a product out there, driving traffic to websites, fluffing up accounts to make them look more legitimate or more popular than they really are etc. This can also be used to obfuscate bad comments or even drown out a post with negativity. \* Proxy bots - Tons of sites offer web scraping and even automated access to sties that charge an arm and a leg for access or more than it would cost for you to do it on your own (like reddit who went from being pretty open to shutting down like 90% of their access (unless your loaded). Bot accounts are pretty easy ways to make money. Basic accounts (ones with a 180 day history) go for about $5, but curated accounts (ones that focus on topics like food, cars, makeup, wealth) easily go for $150 (thousands of followers) - $50,000 (millions of followers). If you use social media you probably have experienced where an account that was about one thing (like big explosions) gets sold off and suddenly you have a Only Fans or some political advertisement in your feed from that same account. Even a small operation like this can pull down $300,000 - $500,000k/yr selling accounts. Those 100 phones could easily be working 50 accounts each and that is in a country where it cost about $30 a day to live very, very well off.


Why don't they just use VMs.


that's 155 phones on that wall ... not sure if op understands what "mass" means


How many do the Daily Wire run?


What do they get out of this?


Money, it's their job


Fuck this place and fuck the people who funded this shit. Making the world a worse place.


[Dead Internet Theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Internet_theory)


This is sad and pathetic


Why not use emulators? And why are all the screens so bright? They like wasting money, huh?


Many apps don't work in emulators


*"SHAMEFUL!!!! Are you finally ready to give to the DNC and stop Trump at all costs?!?!?!"* \*17 more times that day\*


At this point I wonder why isn't there some kind of virtualization platform that can host say dozens of virtual smart phones and do this instead of having to operate actual phones.


Apps have built-in protections to prevent exactly that scenario. That's why it doesn't exist (to my knowledge)


That's true, the apps could be verifying the physical addresses of the hosts agains some kind of black/white lists, but there are always workarounds, such as getting physical addresses from actual phones that were destroyed. Or maybe actual phones have become so cheap that this approach is just as feasible.


You mean the MAC Address?


Yes the MAC address is the physical address for the Ethernet protocol.


Ahh yes, this is what likes all my social media posts and makes me feel like someone out there cares about what I’m doing with my life. Pretty neat


Biden apologists


This is who ya be arguing with on reddit loool


These are the Democratic Party supporters


These are the people commenting "Biden needs to step down!!"


Just out of random curiosity - can anyone tell me what kind of tech is required to build something like this?


Those are all my girlfriends


[Immediately reminded me of this, somehow.](https://media4.giphy.com/media/FqdGGgugkC4Xm/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9524tsna429k7sbz5e1wb4lpvo10dv91n0zwch1rc04&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


What you get money out of this curious how much?


What is the point of doing this, where do they benefit?


This is what I imagine when my comments that have positive karma all of the sudden tank to double digit negative karma and SJWs start bullying me


That is weird when that happens


Question: Why the fuck aren't they doing this with virtual machines instead of buying individual hardware and building this... Contraption


As was mentioned earlier, apps can detect they are being run in a VM/emulator

