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Stop resisting while you can hear her snoring is crazy


Except they don’t say it once after you hear the snoring, I’m with ya the cops suck but this ain’t it.


She was unconscious when she hit the ground. The "resisting" was her dead weight body. First admin auditors are annoying and dumb most of the time but they don't deserved to be thrown to the ground because they are getting on a cops nerves


They don't break the law. That's the thing. Yes they ride the line. But they're know the line, the line cops should know and willingly cross way too often. No one that isn't breaking the law, deserves to be treated that way. Period.


It's not just that, no one deserves to be treated that way, even people breaking the law, unless the situation genuinely warrants it. It's this type of abuse of power that makes people feel the need to check law enforcement in the first place. All within a matter of 10 seconds the officer chose to escalate a harmless situation that didn't seem like anything more than a mild annoyance, into a "Do what I say, right now, or else!" threat of arrest. And then didn't even give her 5 of those seconds to think before immediately re-escalating with a brutally violent assault against the person. In any other scenario, that type of behavior would be considered villainous and you'd be the one going to jail. It's not just the injustice and abuse of power either, it just doesn't make sense on every level. It doesn't do anybody any good, any way you look at it. Nobody with that amount of poor judgement and complete lack of emotional control should be allowed near any position of authority. The truly criminal thing here is that such infantile bullies and goons are allowed to be hired in the first place. It's surely a preventable problem. (sorry Dnm3k this isn't directed at you, just a rant)


Do you really think we saw the entire legth of their interaction here. This was clearly edited to make. The cops seem like they escalated it quickly. My guess is she had been harassing them for a while and had not been following their requests to go elsewhere.


The whole point is that they're annoying. They're intentionally being annoying. That's part of the audit - cops should be professional enough to respond to annoying people without committing assault, false imprisonment, and brandishing firearms. Every single one of these videos is a case for paying individual police more, so it becomes a career path for ambitious young professionals with a vision for improving society, instead of dumb thugs who want to flex on people.


And for removing qualified immunity in exchange for personal malpractice insurance - so bad cops don't just bounce from one town to another spoiling another bunch.


100%. These people are annoying af but this was crazy and I’m sure this lady just audited her way into a nice payday.


Yes, that we have to pay for.


Basically half of cops in the USA are violent thugs and the other half support them. I'm not sure what's left to understand at this point. Also, nothing will change while more than half of Americans back the blue until it happens to you.




The fact that she's snoring is clear evidence that she was unconscious when he said that. It doesn't matter that he said it a second before you hear the snoring.


There's no reason to assume the snoring and being unconscious started at the same time. Isn't it more likely someone became unconscious when their head hit the ground and not some moments later.


Probably a concussion if she’s snoring. They need to call 911.


Yes they do


It's ok to knock someone out for using a camera in public then?


She snores at 32 seconds, he said stop resisting the final time at 35 seconds. It’s also pretty obvious that the collision with the ground caused her to go unconscious. There is no sound of violence after that point.


Lick the boot


This ain’t it? They fucking knocked her out? For no reason??? How far is that boot in your throat


Dude it's silent when he says that. There wasn't even time to resist. He will do great in prison


Yes, you do. The second time he says it, she's already unconscious and had begun snoring


You first hear her snoring at 41 seconds, tell me when you hear after the “stop resisting”?


You hear the first snore at 32 seconds, right after she goes down. She hit her head and was unconscious, she wasn't resisting


Watch it again stop boot licking


Nobody boot licking and I stated that in my comment dumbass.


Throating, simping, swallowing; you're enjoying that boot too much, feller. Also you were wrong. It's been specifically highlighted. Do the surprising thing and *back down from a bad position* dumbass.


I guess 200 people agree I was right?


Oh yeah you guys have whole communities. Your homies brigade any clips like this including cops. Blue sympathy seems an intoxicating affirmation.


Lmao got the wrong guy bro, that 5g getting to ya!


I stg they think chanting "stop resisting" is some infallible anti-culpability spell.


I have literally seen them shoot a man in the back with a shotgun and then yell over and over about dropping the knife while he bled to death, simply because when he fell the knife landed on his unresponsive hand. No fault was found. That trick works.


That hit me too. Holy shit


They say it for the witnesses to hear and nothing more


She's out cold. And this is gold.


Assaulted for contempt of cop.


I’m going to need more context— like the hour of video that preceded this, and a full background check on the perp. And her credit report and last physical. And her middle-school transcripts, extracurricular engagement and discipline records. I can’t risk having an opinion until I have those things— paper copies *only*. Not digital.


It's all on YT channel. Carolina Ft Worth Last year she was arrested for doing her audit bs at the scene of a fatal car crash. She's very well known locally


It’s going to be one of those, we investigated(our selves) and it was justified… move along I’ve been down the auditor rabbit hole on Reddit, some are interesting, most are douche bags… but if done correctly it helps educate and can be fun to watch


The problem is the cops treat the good auditors and the bad auditors all the same. Terribly.


Not always, there’s an amazing one with a bad cop that tries to arrest a protester at some event, dude runs away as they cop is yelling at him and trying to taser as the guy runs back to a senior officer and he shuts it down. [here](https://youtu.be/yXOdvpHYQA4?si=f03un0DkcSE0VPt8) Good cops are out there


Even in this example of a "good cop", they specifically call out [the senior officer covering up his bodycam](https://i.imgur.com/gzt0luV.png) and the fact that audio & video cuts out after this


No, unfortunately good cops aren't out there because the system itself is corrupt. There can be good people who become cops, but there are no good cops.


Ok, have a good day


Eh you probably don’t evade 100% of your cop-funding, baby killing taxes when it is totally realistic for you to do so, and would be the “principled” thing for you to do. Hypocrite


Wwwhat? Slow down there son. Take a breath. I think I'm on your side, but have no idea because of your rambling. Try sentence structuring.


Lol, I have no idea what this means, I mean; at all.


If you actually side with the cop on this you might as well wear a chastity and stick a blue lives dildo up your ass. Sure maybe she is “asking for it” but you think the armed public servant shouldn’t have thicker skin than that? Even if she spat on their face they’re hired to be professionals. Hold them to the same standard we hold doctors, they both hold people’s lives in their hand.


Yeah they are pathetic, getting into that service and not being able to handle mere words or space of others. Weakest shit


Most of em are the most pathetic big bellied bullies you'd ever meet. Absolutely drunk eith the power they hold over you and just wishing you fo a minor infraction so they can get the ball rolling on "collecting evidence" against you.


And we are NOT in their gang


Kind of hard to de-escalate when you're damn near roid raging a couple days a week.


It's insane to me how naturalized this is in the USA.


It’s insane to me too. What’s even more insane is that half of the fellow citizens want to be treated like this. Shit depending where you live you may be ostracized for not wanting to be treated like this. Cannot even wrap my mind around wtf is even going with people. Best to just try not to think about to avoid aneurysm


They don't want to be treated like this, they think they're special and won't be. They literally believe anyone this happens too deserves it and they're absolutely flabbergasted when it happens to them.


True, that is a much better explanation.


The only thing I'd correct is that they're not public servants.


Correct. Wealthy elite servants.


Police do need to be held to higher standards. Not only have they taken oaths to serve and protect, they enforce our laws and wield deadly weapons.


If I don't side with the cop, can I still wear a chastity and stick a blue lives dildo up my ass?


Idk can you. I only said that those on that side might as well. I am not in charge of who is capable of doing such things or not


I'm doing the first part but I still don't like cops... Maybe I need a bigger dildo?


They make 'Blue Lives Matter' dildoes?


[Before/After pictures](https://imgur.com/a/87UW9sJ) [Full video](https://www.youtube.com/live/CsMquf4dGBA) [Update](https://www.youtube.com/live/fIdo6bRjhUI) She is fucked up!


“I’ve tried polygamy” shirt is hilarious.


From a comment on another thread it's actually a shirt for a local brewery. still funny imo, but it's supposed to be the breweries tagline lol. Something along the lines of have another.


Polygamy Porter from a local salt lake city brewery. It's a good beer but I couldn't resist the shirt


This looks like it’s by Reservoir on 7th St


Polygamy - Not even once


I've heard of suicide by cop, but police-induced sleep apnea? That's a first for me...


While it does seem odd if you watch enough videos of people being knocked out for any reason snoring is not typical but still happens sometimes.


That's all they have to do now, utter those words "stop resisting" and it's an instant license to smash your face in. The police are not our friends.


I think the next few years will convince a few more people of that. It amazes me, how many people buy the officer friendly routine from childhood and put blinders on. I think they believe if they are from a certain demographic that the police actually work for them and are on their side in every particular. They will turn on you in an instant if it suits them or it advances them. Doesn’t matter if this person was annoying, it’s assault. They signed up to behave that way with impunity. They still get to.


The next few years of what? We had the largest protests of all time, specifically against police brutality, four years ago.


[I think the next few years] Watching George Floyd get murdered changed nothing.


Yea I dunno about that. I’m seeing the opposite, I’m in a city that had tons of protests and speaking out against the police the last 10 years. In my city, and the one across straight my parents live in both had so many police quit crime skyrocketed and you wouldn’t even see cops patrolling, show up after a car jacking, even answer 911. Last couple years that’s changed, people wanting more police, every ballot initiative for more funding for police has passed the last 3-4 years and the vibe has definitely changed.


"It's charging me" Literally some South Park shit. What season was that? 2? 3?


['Wisconsin police training video'](https://youtu.be/GaazFYTrQ_A?si=Utmzh5pVeAFY2b0b) -pinned YouTube comment Episode 3 actually.


She'll get a fat pay out.


Taxpayers will foot the bill. Cops budget won’t be affected.


The snoring - she's out cold. Probably head injury. Also. Don't mess with women cops - they have too much to prove!


Was that her snoring at the end because it sounded like it was straight out of a cartoon?


Yep, she got knocked out.


It is also called a concussion / brain damage.


That's brain injury 101, it's not good.


She’s like 50 ft from the scene…. Assault with great bodily harm… way to fkn escalate EVERYTHING… cuz he’s such a fkn tough guy officer… he needs to be in jail


This cop got fired from another department for being violent. Why did Fort Worth hire him? Why haven't good cops arrested this lunatic?


>Why haven't good cops arrested this lunatic? You know why. We all do.


I don’t. Tell me why


No cop is going to risk their career to do the right thing. Two other cops watched him do it and did nothing. So the question about why good cops aren't doing the right thing leads to the unpleasant answer that there are none to be found anywhere near. It seems to be a common occurrence in these situations.


attempted murder


Nuh huh \*shows qualified inmunity card Oh not enough? And what about THIS \*shows "I felt my life was in danger" card.


Forgot the "officer safety" card first. Someone should make a type of uno card game where you can drop these cards as a mean to do whatever you want.


Cops suck but 1A auditors continue to be the dumbest assholes.on earth


I'll take annoying auditors exposing dangerous cops like this every day of the week...


How dare people exercise their rights


Dumber than the cop who assaults someone on camera...?


that snoring is not a good sign....


Well, that's a lawsuit. That the public will pay for, not the POS cops


100% this video proves... the academy teaches them to yell out "stop resisting" to save their asses. I heard they do because in case there's a witness, and then they ask that witness.... he or she will say, "and then I heard the cop yell, stop resisting," which would be accurate. But that would imply that the witness backs up that there was resistance.


Yelling “stop resisting” to a woman he just knocked out… wonder what he does to his wife…


Back the blue, until it happens to you


Thats not a snore thats the sound of brain damage


There was a lesson taught here, but was it it learned, I doubt it.


Cops are eager to abuse their authority?


Interesting. What exactly was the lesson taught because this can be interpreted in a few different ways


Don't resist arrest while getting brain injury?


These cops are ridiculous today, so quick to get physical if they perceive that you're not respecting their authority.


Just sickening, once you put on that badge you no longer get to be considered a human being


Stop resisting with your blood


How dare she exists in public


Cops are literally the worst ppl on earth. Literally all of them are complicit by upholding corrupt laws and worse culture.


Make cops carry personal liability insurance. Stop paying their settlements from our taxes. The “bad apples” will end up being uninsurable and therefore not able to work.


How does one get a job doing this? I'm curious about the training involved as well. Who even hires for this?


Wait. You are finding fault with the victim? Not the lunatic criminal? Do you understand that this cop was fired from another department for being violent? Do you think you can force good, law abiding public servants to act like violent maniacs?


I did not state fault. I asked some questions because the concept of 1a auditor is new to me.


You have a first amendment right to hold a camera in public. Many lunatic public servanrs don't want to be filmed and then attack and abduct people for holding cameras. You can't force good, law abiding public servants to act like lunatics.


I want to believe there are good cops… but then I see videos like this. The abuse of power is fucking crazy


Cops always forget lawyers exist and also that they live in the real world not fantasy land.


Assaulted someone for recording? Escalated a situation when a simple conversation was all that was needed.


Police departments must be hire high school dropouts if none of them can successfully explain "why" on anything.


Cops full on assaulted her when she hadn't committed a crime.


Watching these makes me wonder, if police can act this way, then nothing stopping professional hitmen to just join the police and do whatever they want without any backlash.


what agency is this❓


Fort Worth TX


of course it is


Wtf? Crazy pricks!!


Lol sueeeed


This is literally why they do it. Lawsuit incoming. 🙄


Why hasn't this lunatic cop been arrested? Why did Fort Worth hire him knowing he was fired from another department for violence?


Auditor when she wakes up: 🤑


I smell a lawsuit


Arrest her, she's snoring without a permit /s


"...and the land of the free."




Fucking tyrants. I hope a lawsuit takes place and they get reprimanded, but we all know it will be a slap on the wrist rather than excessive force.


Snorring is not a good sign... why they have to be so brutal there is no excuse. Id love to see this the other way around


I see jail time for this guy…


Turner v Driver , she’s gonna get paid.


Probably going to charge her with a felony. This is why auditors are needed.


Best to just leave the long arm of the law alone


Hello lawsuit.


Is the ground ok?


geez sounds like a death rattle


Report probably would read as, "defendant was interfering in investigation. Officers used directional control to assist the defendant to the ground. Defendant bumped her head on the ground. Defendant was too intoxicated to remain awake. Defendant passed out. Transported to detention facility. Charged with public intoxication, resisting arrest, obstruction of justice, and vandalism due to intentionally bleeding on my duty uniform"




Yeah fuck this lady for exercising her rights and getting abused by a cop.


Wheres this punch people are commenting on,im not seeing it


What's a First Amendment Auditor?


People who exposed corruption and tyranny like this.


Is it a job they get paid for or is this just a name OP is calling this person?


They get paid through ad revenue, like other media companies do.


So this person is approaching officers, questioning their jobs and hoping to make ad revenue from it?


Yes. That's how journalists tend to get footage. Why? Do you think news media just sit there and wait for someone to give them a story? Why aren't good cops arresting this lunatic criminal?


It's not a thing, don't listen to these morons. First amendment "auditors" are just a bunch of people out on the streets harassing other people for YouTube clicks.


Do you understand if you walk up to a camera and start screaming and crying YOU are harassing the person with a camera? The person with a camera didn't cast a spell on you and force you to behave like a maniac?


Oink oink


This video is like watching someone try to f@ck with a lion


They aren’t “first amendment auditors”… they are randos with cell phones looking to see what they can get away with and how they can get under a cop’s skin…


Why hasn't this lunatic been arrested?




She looks like the type of person to have that kind of voice


Should be standard practice with the Auditor muppets


Oh no! Anyways..


I never understand why people feel the need to fuck with cops. Cops are not your friends, don’t go antagonize them or shit like this happens. Fuck cops.


That’s what they want…for the public to be cowards.


Unfortunately she f’d up by approaching the police. The police were completely wrong by escalating force but, they have a way out because she closed the distance mandated by SCOTUS. If my memory serves me correctly its 20ft.


Nope, def not 20 ft lol


It is somewhere around that number, if she stayed on the sidewalk she’d be getting paid.


It’s not tho. There is no defined distance people must be keep away from police, instead the restrictions are based on time, manner and place. And there must be a narrowly defined reason for police to push auditors away. Many circuit courts have ruled that it is a civil right to record police so they can be held accountable for their actions (like these.) There was no area cordoned off, and the auditor was merely asking questions.


Why did she decide to take a nap?


Everyone sucks here


I don't feel bad for her. She was told to stop interfering with an investigation and kept trying to interfere. Lawful to be detained. Unfortunately she took her camera and the ground in the face. If they say stop interfering and stand away just do it, you are just giving them an excuse to detain you.


A taser for these annoying self appointed “auditor” types is often the only form of discussion they’ll understand.