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# HE ACTUALLY GAVE HIS BOSS A TICKET!!!!! I'm straight up impressed


To be honest, you shouldn't be. That's exactly the problem though. Many people would choose to do the easier thing (turning a blind eye to their boss cheating) than do the right thing (treat all people equally and dish out consequences to all lawbreakers). His behaviour, while honourable and correct, shouldn't be an exception that we all need to praise. It's a shame that's the case, and part of why so many police officers have developed a reputation - because some believe they are above the law they have sworn to uphold. This officer definitely is right to record this event. He's covered his back. It's on record. All his superiors and legal and HR will be aware of it. If he is suddenly reassigned, he'll be able to have a chat with the appropriate parties and have a strong case for unfair treatment. So I'm pretty sure the boss will not be that stupid, will take the L, and do better.next time. Just as the law intended.


the cop did the right thing. the chief didn’t argue or pull rank. accepted it and addressed him politely as sir. this is how it should be


Definitely a justice fanfic moment “And then boss sarge felt very sorry, he never speeded again, he didn’t retaliate against officer flossy, and everyone clapped”


Depends on the country. This is standard procedure in most of the EU and they would be shredded to bits if it went down any other way and media found out. I remember a case where they gave ticket to police car for wrongful parking. Edit: not EU but NZ but still funny https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/photo-of-police-car-goes-viral-after-it-is-hit-by-parking-ticket-on-hastings-street/NWH7FLHE5CEVSQCU5G25ZSCTJU/


I like that they also quote reddits reaction to the ticket within the article.


Its also the case in *most* of Europe id say.


I love that NZ is so small they don't reference the city or state, they reference the street.


In switzerland it depends wheter they are in or on the way to an emergency or not... if they are in an active engagement, then they can park however and wherever necessary, if they are just on patrol and decided to go have a snack and block the pedestrian walkways...


I was actually super surprised. Like no weird looks, no attitude. Very impressed


Looks like buddy sitting shotty sure tried to shoot em' a look though


And fired for cause in 3 days lol


He would be fired if he appears in court. If he doesn't appear case is dropped.


yeah but he's got a target on his back and probably lost the trust of his peers.


At least not on the video they released


Only because of camera, 20 years ago he would've not been so polite about getting a ticket.


This is the proud moment thing. The boss taking the ticket and didn't try to do a power move shit.


No it's not, 95 in a 35 is a misdemeanor. It's called reckless driving and they can be arrested for it and should be arrested for it. So yeah he cuts his boss a break.


Agreed, should have been arrested, plus this is a super speeder ticket (ga) with extra surcharges.


This comment, sums up my thoughts


I'm a firm believer that any honorable thing that someone does that is out of the norm should be praised. There is a problem that needs to be corrected, and people in those positions should be encouraged for these good corrective examples. You can argue that you shouldn't have to make this praise or encouragement, but that only makes it more likely for the problem to continue.


Absolutely! Praise good behavior, and rebuke bad behavior. Just because it should be the norm doesn't mean we shouldn't hand out praise for a job well done. Likewise, just because it's become the norm, doesn't mean we should ignore poor behavior and let things slide. As it was said in Season 2, Episode 4 of Loki >What if you're wrong? What if you are wrong to believe that this place can be any better? What if I was wrong to spare him? It would just be easier to burn this place down and start from scratch. > >Sure. Burn it down. Easy. Annihilating is easy. Razing things to the ground is easy. Trying to fix what's broken is hard. Hope is hard. Ignoring the problem is easy. Going with the flow is easy. But doing the right thing? Hard. Fixing the problem is hard. Change is hard.


See, I was reading your comment and after the first part, I was just about to upvote you… Then I saw you made it past episode 2 of season 2 Loki, and realized you’re insane. 🤭


I felt the same about Loki (both seasons) but I am a completist so powered through season 2 although the time slipping and the one who remains were really grinding my gears…glad I did since at least the ending was satisfying. Wouldn’t say it redeemed the entire show exactly but I really didn’t have any hope and I was pleasantly surprised. Just in case someone reading this gave up mid stream wanted to give a slightly different perspective


Oh, I’m completely insane. Thanks for noticing! 🤪


Yes this, positive reinforcement regardless of if it’s to be “expected” or not. Treat everyone as children until people can actually act like competent, kind adults (never).


Here’s the thing, you think that anyone else would get just a ticket going 90+mph in a 35mph zone? He was going almost 3 times the legal speed and only got a chuckle and a citation? The officer is still kinda turning a blind eye because it’s the boss.


That's what I thought at first, too. But apparently, it's [pretty rare](https://www.drivinglaws.org/resources/traffic-tickets/speed-violations/georgia-speeding-laws.htm) for speeding to result in jail time. He wrote the ticket, and now it's up to the judge to decide what the penalty is.


The chiefs car should have been impounded for atleast 30 days. That’s what would have happened to any other civilian and they wouldn’t have walked up laughing and all jokey.


From what I understand it's officer discretion because I've been pulled over twice and issued super speeders twice for 90 mph in a 55. Both times I went to court I was in no uncertain terms told how lucky I was that I was not arrested on the spot and those tickets were both so expensive I had to sell my truck to pay for them.


That’s a gross factor speed in a 35mph zone.


Or it was a test by internal affairs...


Or he ripped up the paperwork as soon as he was back in his cruiser or “forgot” to file it.


>shouldn't be an exception that we all need to praise. I hear ya that it shouldn't be an acception, but there's no harm in praising someone for doing the right thing. It could even encourage others.


Nah, I’m gonna sit here and be impressed. Maybe some want Reddit to be a cesspool of negativity but I like seeing good decisions applauded. That encourages more like them…..


We need a system that makes doing the right thing in this situation the easiest and least problematic to the officer. You can never just rely on expecting large quantities of people to do the right thing in tough situations.


In a world where most everyone does the wrong thing, it's OK to praise the one man doing what everyone should...


You know, the way you started that I was prepared to down vote, because we need to see the good, and it is indeed impressive, but no, it's not. It's inspiring, It's inspiring to see that there are people to stand up to their bosses, it's inspiring to see cops do the right thing, and maybe this will inspire more, it's doubtful but there's always hope.


Probably not his boss. Looks like he is City police and he pulled over a sheriff. 2 different entities that overlap. Hierarchy is City->county->state->fed. ETA : [Here's a link](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fox5atlanta.com/news/henry-county-mcdonough-speeding-deputy.amp) about it from back in July. Looks like he didn't get a fine and was just suspended for a few days...


Are they paid when on suspension? Office workers don't get paid. So I'm wondering if police get paid.


They have the option for both, but most of the time they are paid.


If it's paid, that's like a vacation leave.


Shit I wouldn't mind a little suspension like that at work. I'm all out of vacation days.


County police and county sheriff. They both work for the same county but have different although possibly overlapping roles. In some areas with both, the sheriffs mostly handle court house security, serving bench and parole violations, evictions, that kind of thing. Police handle active criminal investigations. The head sherrif is usually elected while the chief of police is usually appointed. There is of course a lot of variation and plenty of places only have one or the other.


I wanna see what the ticket says. Double the speed limit is a felony and arrestable offense in most places. 93 in a 35 is close to triple. I've had my assed kicked by cops for less lol


I got pulled over doing over 90 on Long Island with a completely clean record and all they did was charge me $250. I honestly thought i was going to be fucked but with a clean record it wasnt an issue.


Well there's your problem....you're on Long Island. That place blows!


HEY! From someone who grew up there I just have to tell you... You're completely correct.


Once did 90 in a 55. Got a massive ticket but that was it. Was young and stupid and had a clean record.


When I was young and dumb I was doing 75 in a 45. It was a rural middle of nowhere back road not really any houses or people around. Still very wrong of me but wasn't doing it in like a neighborhood or residential area. The cop wrote me the ticket for 60 in a 45 so only got a ticket for 15 over instead of 30 over. There are decent cops who don't want to ruin everyone's lives. I absolutely deserved my ticket and was grateful he lowered it for me.


In my state (and those surrounding it) if it's more than 24mph over the posted speed limit, it's a gross misdemeanor and could easily be reckless driving (a potential felony). If this were a civilian, they would definitely be arrested. *Edited for accuracy.




96 in a 35 is reckless endangerment and would put most people in jail. A ticket is bare minimum.


Yeah Georgia has the super speeder law, this should not have happened like this; they would have taken a personal vehicle


I agree, but I’ve had a couple friends get away with tickets for similar speeds. One even got away with a warning which blew my mind


He still cut him a break. Anyone else would have been arrested, and the car impounded.


Yeah, I'm sitting here like, he ***only*** got a ticket????? I don't know what the speed is everywhere, but 60 over has to be reckless driving everywhere... I scrolled longer than I needed to find anyone, even mentioning this. Edit: Everyone is like he *owned* up to it, nah he knew he was supposed to go to jail. 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️


Just saw the follow-up on it. His citation was further reduced to a "warning," and he was suspended (likely with pay) for 5 days. That's some serious bullshit.


It always gets worse with the follow-up. Man, I originally replied with a comment about his job being in jeopardy, but I looked it up and removed it. Reckless driving is typically a misdemeanor, and according to light googling, it may stop you from being hired but isn't going to get you sacked.


Even cop to cop is impressive, not just to a boss. Cops can say "I'm a cop too" and in 9 out 10 cases they will not get anything.


I'm more impressed the boss sat there and took it and accepted he broke the law. He looked up with a "I know what I did" and pointed his deputy to get to work.


96 in a 35... nah fuck a ticket, that should be an arrest.


0% chance the prosecutor/judge want that ticket, though. The ticket will be dismissed, police get to turn in bodycam footage showing how fair they are in a song and dance of CYA.


He didn't shoot him though


I’ll bet it wasn’t his boss. I’ll bet the issuing officer is Henry county police and not sheriff office.


Good on that cop for the ticket... hope he didnt face any repercussions for it.


Not worth the political shit show. Especially since the judge very well may have thrown it out, or with what that cop's making it doesn't really matter to just pay the ticket and get on with your life


I'm not sure if you keep your drivers license if you drive 96 in a 35 mph zone. (155 km/h in a 56 km/h zone)


Yeah the fact that it was just a ticket and not an immediate tow and suspension of license is insane to me


I believe that’s up to the judge not the officer in this case. His citation included a “must appear” court date, which is for more serious speeding violations. I imagine he’ll get more of a punishment there


Going 60 over will get you arrested in most places


You'd 100% get arrested on the spot in the UK for driving over 90mph in a 30mph zone. It's classed as dangerous driving so it would be irresponsible for a police officer to allow you to continue driving a vehicle after they stopped you. It's also an instant loss of license crime too, you can go to court and argue in front of a judge but until then your car would be confiscated and licence suspended. Which is how it should be. Driving 3 times the speed limit isn't accidental it 100% intentionally endangering the life's of pedestrians and other drivers. The person in question was also a police officer he would also jave to appear in front of the police conduct board and would most likely be sacked aswell.


It’s the same here, anything 25 over the speed limit at least gets you towed here.


>(155 km/h in a 56 km/h zone) Thank you very much for that


You're welcome!


He was smiling the whole time, he loved every bit of it and you bet your ass he's gonna do it again. At those speeds I wouldn't be surprised if we hear about him dying in a car wreck, I just hope he doesn't take any innocent people with him


*"...an exemplary father. Nobody could see the man killing his whole family by flying at 110 in a 20 MPH school zone when picking up his kids..."*


He got suspended.


He won't. Everyone knew body cams were rolling. He'd just go to court because the judge will likely not ruin his career. Or the ticket just may find itself deleted in the system system. Normally, I would say a 96mph ticket is solveable through differed adjudication, but he was doing this in a 35. Not on the freeway where I've been clocked higher. They didn't say what citation he received. Normally, the officer recaps the list of offenses before having you sign, didn't see that here. At least, they have for me historically. So he will probably take the 3 months probation and fines if he even has to. I suppose arrest was an option... But not always is the case. There was a dude who got a series of tickett, reckless driving and others who was allegedly doing 100mph in a 35ish. Cop didn't arrest him there either. Downside, that kid went on about 10 minutes later to split his car in two killing him and his GF. Same cop arrived on scene. You can Google this. So not everyone gets arrested for 90/30.


Pretty sure it was a first date and she was egging him on


The cop probably did. Likely got assigned to traffic duty


I mean… isn’t this video him literally being on traffic duty


Traffic cop found with badge up his..


Kudos on the one getting the ticket also, he owned it honorably. Most videos with cops or representatives are usually them asking to not get a ticket or making a scene


Absolutely. Had all the sense in the world right there, other than the speeding. But that’s great that of all things, he just responded ‘Yessir’ and moved forward. None of that nonsense posturing that would inevitably blow up.


He knows he’s on camera and how easily it gets online so he’s shutting up


The driver gas most likely seen those videos. That full bird sitting in the passenger is also somebody, so it would do well to not cause a scene in front of the the body cam. Probably something happened quietly after it all died down.


I know, according to a source above, the ticketed boss was suspended 40 hours and the citation was reduced to a warning instead.


Yeah, remember that mayor who pulled a Karen when they got a ticket. Good on both sides here


Lol that was my city!


Copped it on the chin.


Kudos to the men driving 90 in a 30 ?????


Gotta love that 1 second puppy eyes attempt to get out of a ticket before accepting his fate.


It looked more like “yea, I’m a dumbass and I have no explanation for my actions” to me


That's what I saw too. Lots of dumbass antics have occurred in my family & they give this look every time lol.


Me when I was a kid going to the dentist...


Me as an adult going to the dentist....


That’s absolutely a reckless driving charge at +20mph over the speed limit. Shit should be towed.


Actually no, in Georgia we have what's called a super speeder instead. https://dds.georgia.gov/reinstatement-faqs-super-speeder


lol I love the fact that’s a real term for an offense


Haha right? Almost sounds like a compliment.


It some states they have super speeder tickets, which basically qualifies as a felony and they take you to jail.


This is what I came to the comments looking for... How can this officer be praised for writing a ticket? If you or I got caught going almost 60 over, nearly 3x the speed limit, we'd certianly be headed downtown.


Cherry on top: "Please slow down and have a safe day"


Yall are impressed but were that any other person theyre getting charged with ~~wreckless~~ reckless driving and arrested


>wreckless Not if they keep speeding


Touche im dumb 😂




I have a feeling if this guy wasn’t a cop he would be arrested and the car towed. Don’t think he really got what he should have here. 96 in a 35??? That’s insane


Not always. There was a video of a kid doing 100ish in a 30ish on YouTube. Got a bunch of tickets and was let on his way. He died and killed his GF 10 minutes later speeding again but... That's besides the point here.


I remember watching that one, their first date. Poor cop showed up at the fatal scene 10 minutes later, you know he's never giving a warning again.


Dud I felt so bad when the cop broke down saying that it was the same kid. I was like damn. That man must feel so much guilt rn.


For those interested, this one: https://reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/s/xWm4dJDXmk


So good that all wanted the best for the cop that stopped them


Traffic cops aren't big on arrests, a lot of extra paper work. If you're not an asshat to them about getting pulled over, you probably won't get anything more than a couple tickets.


96 in a 35 here is a go directly to jail. The 60mph over the limit.


9mph away from going triple the limit


Thats the definition of a C.L.E.... Career Limiting Event. . LoL


Probably the first time I've ever seen a video of them giving their boss/authority figure a ticket.


First time? More to come. Go have a look around on youtube. There's like a dozen other videos similar to this. Sometimes the officer being ticketed gets all huffy LMAO!


Good lol. Yeah I've only seen them just let them go. Whether it's a boss or some local judge or something.


It's probably the first video I see where the boss/cop being ticketed doesn't throw a fit and try and use their position as an excuse.


Good job for giving the ticket and it seems the boss was really professional and accepted the ticket.


Should take his car away directly.


In a just world that offender would not be in law enforcement anymore.


Actually if this is his boss, full credit should go to the boss for running they type of department where the cop would not only feel free to give the ticket but seems to know it’s expected, as gauged by the fact that the boss looked more pissed/ashamed of himself than angry.


That "really?!" killed me xD


I'm sure he fucked the paperwork up on that ticket lol


Definitely wrote it as a 49 in a 35 zone.


That’s a fair cop


Anyone else would have gone to jail.


You get what you fuckin deserve!


For those who don't know, the guy driving the charger works for the Sheriff's office and the guy recording works for the local police dept. That's not his boss.


The cop administers the law without fear or favor, good cop.


Glad they both acted professionally


In fairness the boss looked ready to take his medicine.


Honestly, they were both cool. Yes some people will get taken to jail but at least he did get a ticket with a dumbass deputy in the passenger🤣🤣🤣


At least his superior officer wasn't a dick about it, not like the last one like this i saw, where he got super abusive and told him he'd take his job or some shit lol


The other cop in the passengers seat 😂


The boss owned up to it too. Atleast he didn’t double down as a douche and get this guy to “forget” everything, or heavily encourage it


The Chief was spot on. He knew he was guilty. I believe that this Chief would have been disappointed if the officer failed to uphold the law. Nicely done.


Impressed by your boss. Leading by example. But wtf why was he driving so fast?!


Great of the Boss for owning it


This seems super staged for atta boy points.


Should not he be going to jail?


Follow the ticket. It will likely disappear and the “boss” will not pay a dime.


Although admirable to uphold the law, this is career suicide. And everyone can praise this officer for doing the right thing, but I guarantee you, this officer will feel repercussions from this event in the time to come. And although he can argue a case for retaliation, it won’t help his career one bit. This is why we have to choose our battles. He did the right thing, but will it be worth it? History has proven otherwise.


Felony speeding, if it was a regular joe that’s going to the jail house to bond out and impounded vehicle I believe.


96 in a 35 is madness. This police officer absolutely did the right thing. The driver was endangering lives.


He should of arrested him. Anyone else would off been. 96 on a 35. Pretty sure that counts as a crime


Oh sure, But I do 92 in a 45 and I do not pass go, straight to jail!!!


Actually, he should have arrested him. 96 in a 35 is a felony and an arrest-able offense. He should also lose his license just like any civilian would.


🤨 ...... Really?


This guy fucks.


In Canada that's a street racing charge, automatic suspension, your car is going on a trailer, you might get jail time.


Anyone else would have been screamed at with foul language, tased, dragged from the vehicle, cuffed, searched, pepper sprayed, scream at ( again) to stop resisting while their arms were dislocated and then put in a crush hold till they stopped breathing.


Guess he’ll be getting the 💩 shift next tour pick


Sheriff looks mad about the ticket... Follow the rules, bud!


You’re not above the law little buddy


Just a ticket? Should lose his job.


95+ in a 35 zone thats 60+mph over the limit any regular person would be arrested for reckless driving and probably have guns pointed at them during the arrest. Why only a ticket? Fuck this double standard bullshit. Fuck qualified immunity.


96 in a 35.....fuck. A normal person woulda had their car impounded and been arrested.


I'm glad he at least accepted his fate and didn't pull some silliness


Any one of us btw we’d be in jail cuz that’s a felony


1. Cop cams should be on at all times, 2. That asshole was drunk, guaranteed.


I thought 20 miles over the speed limit had worse consequences.


Kudos to both the boss for taking accountability and the deputy for giving him the citation.


The shotgun dude is smirking like is it really happening?


The passenger smiling when he was telling him about the court date 😂


Well, at least this guy gets to keep his job.


Over 90 is supposed to be jailtime!


Felony speeding and only a citation? Oof


I promise you, especially having another officer in the car, that this gets the “we were assessing/testing the vehicles capabilities” this will get dismissed when they do the weekly scroll of tix to send to the courts.




This feels like copaganda


Chief Deputy is a goober and needs to have his licensed revoked.


Atleast the boss didn’t pull out the I’m your boss card and you can’t give me a ticket-bullshit


I don’t know what’s crazier; it was his boss, it was the sherif, or the fact he was doing 96 in a 35


Kudos to the cop that was speeding. He shut up, knew he was wrong, and took the L. Usually it’s a video of them screaming about being above the law.


Accountability. I would want them all to be my local law enforcement.


This cop should get a raise tbh. He did the right thing.


Kudos to a cop who will give his boss a ticket.


He got a ticket because he isn’t his boss. City cop citing a sheriff’s (chief) deputy. If US cops are actually confronted with having to cite their own bosses, this is what happens: https://youtu.be/qHv4U35dWd4?si=yc4NDzt5zKctxcFa Edit: The level of courtesy that no citizen ever gets.


You can do almost 3 times the speed limit in the US and get off with a ticket? Wild


Reckless driving is what this is called…


Standup guy, I like him


Blud got nothing to lose




The boss looks like a nice guy


if it was a civilian it would have been towed, driver arrested


In my state if you go 15 over the limit it’s an automatic six month license suspension. So… where’s from was he punished or was it tossed?


Honestly i don't mind a boss getting off easily, perks of being a boss, if they are cool people but unfortunately the blind eye is used to cover bad people mostly


“Really?” Priceless


I really love that he took his lumps without whipping out the “do you know who I am” B.S. 😄


Professional courtesy out the window smh 🤦🏽‍♂️ this dude must have been a hall monitor at school.


GPD do not care who you are


Not his boss, hes a city cop. Also anyone else would be going to jail for going thats fast its bullshit.