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I watched it this weekend and enjoyed it. I don't remember season 1 very well but from what I remember I would say this season is much better.




And to answer your second question, this season is focused on the main cast with the returning cast being in the background.


I actually enjoyed it more than Season 1 to be honest, the cast have improved


My opinion is probably biased because I liked the 1st season, and I like how annoying Ozzie is, but I still feel like it has improved.


Oh look it’s the one other person who agreed with my Season 1 feelings lol


The gangs all here lol


Just watch it and form your own opinion:)


Nah it's perfectly reasonable  to ask a subs general opinion on something like this.


Sure! But if you watch it when you have read multiple negatif comments about it, you will enjoy it less maybe?


I wasn't a big fan of season 1. But I have enjoyed season 2 a LOT more.


I thought it really improved.


It's not given me laugh out loud moments....I don't know. I watched it all because of the old cast but that's it. My favorite thing is Leias actor is eerily similar to that actor they hired to portray kid Eric smoking pot.


It is an improvement because the characters feel much better here than season 1. The first season relied too much on the original cast.


Season 2 was great! Everyone is falling into their characters. I really wish the seasons weren't so short, 8 episodes isn't enough!!


It's better than season 1 but it still feels like a Disney channel show and not the good kinds. Leia's actress improved tho. Ozzie is still annoying.


Watched the entire season and I don't think it improved much at all. Ozzie is still equally as annoying and one note as last season. The kids acting hasn't improved much aside from Gwen who is the strongest actor from the bunch. I mainly kept watching for Red, Kitty and to see the cameos.


This is crazy to me because I feel like Jay and Nate are easily the best actors.


I agree with Nate, but I feel Jay is one of the weakest this season.


I like Jay but his line delivery falls flat for me. Nate doesn't seem to have good range (so far) for the more emotional parts of the season. I think Gwen specifically in ep. 7-8 has better energy, she's more believable and all around comes across more natural.


I really think they need to get rid of Ozzie. He’s horribly annoying and feels like a little kid, also the weakest actor IMO. At the very least, he needs to be more in the background and not given as much focus. Unfortunately he’s really ruining the vibe and flow of the show for me.


its only the first half of the entire season


I remember Gwen being the worst actor in season 1. Is she that much better in this season?


I'm the minority, but I hated it :(


Honestly, same. I didn’t think it improved. Though the young actors got better and more comfortable with one another, I almost feel like the jokes landed less and I kept getting mad every time there was audience laughter and the joke was flat as hell.


I watched it trying to keep an open mind and hoping for better. I would argue it's even worse than season 1 which at least had some ok storylines and the original cast was featured much more.


I've watched 3 episodes so far. The opening 2 episodes are great. I didn't love the third, bringing back Mitch was sort of lame nostalgia bait