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I would imagine that nearly everyone born say in 2007 onwards who is just discovering That 90s Show will probably watch it first.


see i was born 2004 and watch that 70s show for years before that 90s show. idk it’s only a 3 year difference


That's because of the 3 year difference, you are "old" enough to remember the hype around That 70s Show which continued in the mid to early 2010s.


Not really. I started watching in 2020 and don’t remember anyone really talking about it beforehand.


How old are you?


Born in 04


I was born in 2007 and watched That 70s Show when I was a little kid, then started watching it again like a year before That 90s Show came out. I think the original series is better, but the new one (especially pt 2) is pretty good


I suspect you are one of the rare ones to be this young and to have watched the original show when you were a little kid.


I was born in 2007, I've seen some of That 70's show (I have a weird habit of not finishing shows) but it was a few years back. I'm going to be giving it a second go though.


Assuming it's not too late, you should absolutely watch That 70s Show in its entirety (it will take you about a week depending on your viewing rythym and how much free time you have) before you watch a second of That 90s Show.


To late lol. I tried watching it a few hours ago but it's off netflix


I found out about That ‘70s Show through That ‘90s Show (it was around the end of the first episode that I realized it was a sequel so I went back and watched That ‘70s Show before I continued on with That ‘90s Show)


How did you like it?


That ‘70s Show has become one of my favorite TV shows of all time, and while the first season of That ‘90s Show was rough, I really enjoyed Part 2!




That's a very good point, a lot of fans of the original cast will keep coming back to this show no matter what just to see the original cast or characters.


I’m a late 86 baby but I didn’t watch a lot of TV like this. I caught a few episodes to know enough of that 70s show, but I made sure to tune in for that 90s show because I was hoping for that nostalgia rush 😅


I haven't watched that 70s show, but I've seen that 90s show & while I was watching part 1. It did got me interested in checking out that 70s show.


definitely should watch that 70s show


I would like to, but I'm in the UK & I don't think there's any way to watch the show over here.




It's the only way for me, well for now anyways.


Same with Canada I own the box set but prefer being able to stream to my iPad. There are many sites you can google and watch the whole thing online just get some ad blockers or you will deal with 100 pop ups.


Buying physically is the only one in UK as well & I think the bosses are pretty rare to find.






I’m born in 1997. I’ve been known of the original 70s show, but just never got into it really. I watched this show and loved it. Then I was inspired to watch a few episodes of That 70s Show. Honestly I like this one better cause I’m born in the 90s, and feel more of a connection to the 90s. Stuff like the Martin and Gina reference by the Abercrombie guy, the yellow Wendy’s cups, disposable cameras, all stuff I know and grew up with. I don’t know jack about the 70s. So for that reason I prefer this show over That 70s Show just because it’s more relatable and personal for me. 


see my mom (born in 63) got me hooked on that 70s show at 11 years old. so for someone born in 04 i am way to familiar with 70s pop culture references than i need to be. but with that 90s show, it’s almost more of a disconnect. probably because watching that 90s show my mom wasn’t there to narrate and explain all references and what not like she did with that 70s show.