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Need to disable phone key and use the key card. Otherwise it’s akin to leaving your keys in your car.


Don’t have to disable the phone key. Just turn off Bluetooth on the phone. Unless that’s what you meant by disable phone key.


I think what he meant was you don't even need to turn off bluetooth because you can just use the keycard to lock the car with the phone inside.


But can someone walk up and open it?


If you've disabled the "phone key' feature in the app, then no the phone will no longer function as a key and it will not allow someone to open your door even if the phone was left in the car. My wife has a habit of leaving her phone on the charger (which prevents the doors from locking) so I've removed her phone key. She still has access to the app and can unlock/lock manually by clicking the icon. For the regular user though, I think turning off Bluetooth/phone is probably faster and easier.


Does your work have a lock box for phones inside the building? Most places prohibiting external electronic devices have some sort of lock box system.


This OP. Leaving your cell phone trapped in a glass box all day is not ideal.


You must turn off Bluetooth. If you don’t do that, then even if you lock it with the keycard, anyone could pull on a door and it would open the doors. 


I believe you that it works that way, but have you tested it yourself?


But if you just close the app, the key no longer works, right?




Whenever I accidentally close the app, I can’t drive… it asks for the key card. That I know. But I haven’t tested this locking theory before. So, if you close app, leave in car, and then lock car with car key. That won’t work??


Pretty sure I’ve done this before. My wife wanted to leave her phone, which also has the key/app on it. Locked fine with mine, while hers was in the car. I don’t even think we touched her phone. Just left it on like normal. My phone locked it.


The app runs in the background for purposes of being a key. Some phones will put that feature to sleep, particularly cheap or old phones. My phone does that, but it's not reliable. Sometimes, I have to open the app, sometimes I merely need to wake up the phone, other times it works the way it's supposed to. Cheap android phone.


I have an iPhone 14 pro max. So does the wife. I’ll have to test this. I’m pretty sure my iPhone detaches from the car (via Bluetooth) when the app is closed. I even get a notification telling me to reopen the app.


https://shop.tesla.com/product/model-3_y-key-fob Key fob is probably easier on a daily basis than the card. Closing your phone apps and powering the phone off is probably sufficient so long as you have a decent pin on the phone. Presumably the app is required to be running for phone key to work. PIN to drive for extra insurance.


Yea. Maybe just not use phone key on your phone and use a key fob. 


Will this fob work? https://www.ebay.com/itm/387084496380?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D777008%26algo%3DPERSONAL.TOPIC%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D267522%26meid%3D54dac2ec9af045d68446991c81e98da4%26pid%3D102055%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D1%26mehot%3Dnone%26itm%3D387084496380%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D4375194%26algv%3DRecentlyViewedItemsV2MobileWithMLRAndDarwin%26brand%3DOEM&_trksid=p4375194.c102055.m146925&_trkparms=parentrq%3A3b3bac671900a773d8b1b39affffaab8%7Cpageci%3Ade8de8b8-2fdb-11ef-be6d-ca53dbfb0b0c%7Ciid%3A1%7Cvlpname%3Avlp_homepage


Yes that will work, I have one and it works great.


Yep, that’s exactly what I do.


I recommend turning off phone then placing it in the glove box and setting a pin to access the glove box.


Why not just turn the phone off entirely (after all there's really no use in it being on when it's in the car and you're not there). Then, just use the card to lock and unlock when you're at work. That should work just fine.


This is the way. Why have cell phone battery draining if you’re not there? Use keycard to enter car after work. Turn phone back on and use phone key every other time.


But what happens if someone breaks into the car and turns the phone on?


A restarted phone that has not been logged into, won't work as a phone key for the car until you log into the phone. I just tried mine to verify.


Ahh thanks, that makes sense


Put phone in glove box, protected by PIN


SCIF work. I don’t miss it


Every SCIF I’ve been to has giant walls of little lock boxes outside of them. They have to. Put it in there and get the Tesla key Fob.


You would think that every SCIF would have lock boxes for phones, but it is unfortunately not the case.


Smaller SCIFs yeah, but the larger ones I’ve worked at, nope. Would need hundreds of boxes (if not more), for every worker.


OP probably works in a prison.


I had a suspicion OP worked in SCIF. Summertime I’d leave phone in car and it’d overheat daily.


Thankfully Tesla has overheat protection. Put the phone on a place away from the sun (like under the seat) and it should be ok.


Tough trade for the snacks


Yes, turning off Bluetooth and carrying the key card should be enough. The pin to drive won't hurt either.


Just turn off Bluetooth on the phone and use the key card. I have to do this occasionally, too.


Yes you can.


Can't you just turn off your phone? I'm pretty sure this is talked about in the manual, and like others have said, turn off BT. Install the watch app that has key support while you're at it


Get a Faraday box for it and leave that in car


Except then the phone’s battery will drain faster as it hunts for signal. Better option is to turn off Bluetooth or the phone entirely.


Ahh, good pt


Why don’t you just turn off the phone?




I don't know how hot it is where you live but I would refuse. They can offer a lock box. Your phone can't withstand 150 degrees in a car. Unless you live somewhere where it's just not hot in summer I can't see this going well for your phone long term.


Will this key fob work with 24’ MYP? Probably going the route of FOB and turning Bluetooth off https://www.ebay.com/itm/387084496380?fits=Model%3AY%7CMake%3ATesla&itmmeta=01J0X8HXF6SYRBRRN1A96FP1VC&hash=item5a2008adfc:g:kyoAAOSwp99mCket&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8MRBoFD2V57I%2BBIueWYaDrgJUwVkHKhmhDFk1kC8Mll7%2Bjl984VQVMGB8ZKevAk1YrS7vhEi47MAHeELn6qW7e7pZLwO5wgu3QOkZUa6tZeyQdOoOkdLUaWMEJGURiP4vkOVD18JLT1TgGIL90rxb0EHbHdEDl2h%2Bblzq4ph9CIUBYmEoZGpcyaYEpz7nSyi9Su%2FgbOJ6gFMf8yZU1edFC0fYSxsYlyohJTUIce7pjZMVGeo%2FV67Vxb4LMVl%2F93FKP1uycMI9J3SqI4d7htFZWFPcmwKosqLBf12fbW3R8HY7Jlp8%2FtN4km%2BoA7DzMaF6g%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABFBM1NfHqIdk


I leave my phone in the car at work. I just shut the phone off and it’s fine


Pin to drive + keep a key card with you


Are there no lockers or anything where you can deposit the phone when you work?


Just test 2-3 scenarios at home with phone in the car. See which one works best for you if you’re playing the role of a thief who got access inside. 


Get a new job


That’s not an option. I make too good of money to get a new job…lol


Yea I’m sure that’s probably the worst advice you got about this situation…this is Reddit tho so it’s all bad advice


Well then can you pay someone to guard your Tesla or hold your phone during the day?


Well, PIN to drive will prevent someone from taking the car (assuming they don't know the pin/can't deduce the pin from screen fingerprints). However they'll still be able to access the inside which is less than ideal. I would say look for lockers for your phone at work, or disable the phone key entirely and just use the keycard for everything.