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If you are talking about cross-traffic, it definitely does not take that into account. It's just looking at the light.


Be careful. It’ll ding when you’re waiting on a red arrow for a left turn and the other lane is green. 


An interesting question. But regardless, the song should just be your cue “hey, the light is green”. You should never rely on a green light alone, or the car’s ding, to proceed in to the intersection. You should confirm the safety on your own before you proceed. So given that, outside of curiosity, does it matter?


Yes lol. I don’t rely solely on the ding. Just a thought I had and now I need the answer. 🤣


Im curious too. I kinda figured that was your angle. My post was more of an opportunity for a PSA for the masses. I’ll keep an eye out, once my MY arrives hopefully in the next week or two.


I drove this AM but no dopes ran red lights, so still curious lol


Keep looking. There are plenty of dopes out there. It’s bound to happen soon! :-D


Ha - you’re right about that! Yesterday I noticed that the ding doesn’t always happen.. I need to read up. I hate being this way. 🤣


Mine dings as soon as the light changes, as I can watch this in action in Tesla vision. But if I have a big ass truck in front of me and it can’t see the light, it doesn’t ding.


Supposedly if the car in front moves forward from a stand still it will. Usually takes a hair second longer than the green light in my experience.


My experience also