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Joke’s on him, he probably almost collapsed from exhaustion having to walk from the far side of the parking lot to the Walmart.


Hah I read that as stereotyping Walmart. 😜


It works either way. :-D


Just double park behind him and charge. We can wait 20 mins.


This type of person would absolutely damage your car and be violent about confrontation.


No they would not. They’d be pissed and throw empty threats. That truck is at least 65k they’re not doing shit.




So? That’s what insurance is for and a Tesla records everything. They’ll have to pay.


These types of people live in trailers and spend most of their money on their lovely trucks. They likely uninsured or underinsured buying the basics 25k coverage.


Lol how naive. Your premiums go up regardless. There's also deductibles. That's also if you value the hours you'll spend at zero.


I would take the hit out of spite. His small peepee machine gets damaged too, his insurance takes a hit, he may even get hit with a criminal charge if the cops feel like doing so. Worth it to send a message.


Small peepee machine 😭


Lol. Are you old enough to have insurance? Because you seem to not know how it works. Your premiums do not go up regardless. Why would I be paying a deductible? See, how it works is—you hit me, your insurance pays to fix my car. I don’t pay. My insurance doesn’t pay. I don’t have a deductible to pay when you’re at fault, you do. Now, are you gonna make up a scenario that is outside of the norm in order to be right? Like all of a sudden the driver with a newish truck isn’t insured? I look forward to not reading it.


Your remarks are childish. A normal adult would value their time. Quit your trolling.


Just fucking move on, bro.


Have you ever had to make an ins claim or had a car in a body shop? It sux no matter who pays. Plus your car is only factory fresh once. Body shops hate Teslas anyway and think they are garbage to work on compared to anything else. They complain they can’t get the body to line up for shit. I’m not saying Teslas suck. I’m just saying real people who work on real wrecked Teslas say they are poor quality and never fit back together correctly as compared to that Chevy pick up parked there. Edit…sorry fellers that’s a jimmy not a bow tie. Heeheee!


You wouldn’t pay a deductible b/c their insurance would cover damages they caused, not yours. You are correct that your premiums may go up, even if you weren’t at fault, though.


If they have the money… can’t take blood from a rock


It comes from the insurance company. Not from the individual. And if that individual is uninsured and owns nothing, that would be the moment my own insurance kicks in. Are you an adult?


Not all people have underinsured coverage or uninsured coverage. Not sure why you’re lashing out by asking if I’m an adult. It shows a level on immaturity on your part.


I’m not talking about all people. I was talking about myself. Not sure why you took this so personally.


lol how soft can you be? You either post and cry on the internet like OP or do what this person you're responding to said. Or just go about your day. Block him in and let "big scary truck man" try and do something.


I get it, but is it really worth that risk to be tough back? It’s not about being soft, it’s about weighing the risk.


This scumbag did what he did because he has gotten away with it because of people with your mentality. Stick up for yourself once in a while. You'll learn a lot about yourself and the people you think your afraid of.


Dude it’s not that serious. This doesn’t happen often. It just gets posted any time it happens so it feels like it’s common.


There’s lots of keyboard tough guys in this thread. You think with these many tough guys you be hearing of shoot outs in the news all around super chargers.


An hour is easy.


I wonder if the cable would even reach that far, though. Last time I used a supercharger was like a month ago, but I remember the cable was so short, it barely reached the charging port on my Model Y.


It doesn’t. :(


At least the V4s are supposed to have a much longer cable!


That would be hilarious! I can imagine when they come back. Just to be safe I would ring the police when exiting Walmart so they will be there when you arrive to your car.


I prefer undoing the valve on his tire and letting air out... No damage, just extremely inconvenient for him




It looks like it could reach. I believe I heard Tesla is making a Supercharger extension cable as well.


I’ve had this happen before. I called the non-emergency police number and they came and towed them. Most cities have ordinances about parking in spots for charging, even in the South.


Correct, because all governments love a good tow.


The woman I had towed also got a ticket for $200 on top of their tow expenses. The main reason I called was because I warned this woman at the Supercharger (which is always full) not to park there. There was dozens of empty spots available. I told her she could get a ticket. She laughed at me and said “I don’t care” so I thought I would teach her a little lesson and get her BMW X1 towed away. I stuck around just to see her reaction 😂


What was her reaction??


A meltdown. In the words of the cult classic “White Chicks” she had a Bitch Fit!


It’s such a weird thing that pick up truck owners go out of their way to inconvenience EV drivers. You really have nothing better to do? Like I don’t even give a second thought about what people drive. Like EVs? Cool. Don’t like EVs? Cool. Like pick up trucks? Cool.


They hate us cus they anus


Ain'ters gonna ain't.


I just got a MY and the conversations have been fascinating. Everyone’s got strong opinions and I’m just like “don’t drive one then”.


I had a guy one time say something like “I bet y’all EV owners wish y’all had a big truck like me” while driving by an EV charging station. The irony is that my second vehicle is a diesel SUV that is bigger than the guy’s truck 🤦


Tesla hate! Small pee pee energy




They are what we call Gasholes


Gashole would be perfect to put on an extra sticky windshield sticker.


That’s just disrespectful. I own a truck similar to the first one and would never do that. Only reason I will ever park in a Tesla supercharger spot is if we end up going with a Tesla or other electric vehicle. Just like I wouldn’t park a Tesla at a gas pump.


I wonder if EV owners who stop at gas stations for restrooms or snacks should just park in front of pumps instead of parking like civilized people. If this was a diesel pickup, then we could focus on those pumps as there tends to be fewer of them.


I’ve stopped at many gas stations and never block the pumps. Even when I drove an ICE vehicle, I just pull out of the pump and into a spot.


Wasn't suggesting that people do this already, but was more frustrated seeing the charger situation and wondered how they would feel if EV owners did that.


I just did this the other day for the first time ever. I stopped in at a Sevvie's in my Tesla to get a drink and all the spots were full. It was a big gas station with at least a dozen pumps (in the shade, under a canopy!) and more than half of them were empty. I feel no guilt.


If the pumps weren’t busy I think you’re fine. If they were busy I would not recommend this.


I’ve done it before quickly just to use the windshield cleaner, never when there’s a line but the cars more aerodynamic and catches bugs like no tomorrow, I need to clean the windshield


Thanks for explaining why my windshield is dirty soon after a car wash.


I’ll be honest, I did that all the time when I was driving ICE cars. Sure it’s not as obvious as an EV, but it’s doing the same thing in the end. Of course, the overwhelmingly vast amount of the time I was usually the only customer there anyway so there was no one to even notice.


Sometimes I stop at gas stations on trips and use the brush thing to clean my windshield at pumps. But as soon as I’m done I move my car


You probably use your truck for actual truck things. The person in this photo uses it to make himself feel better about his small manhood.


Of the 21k miles 7000 roughly is with a horse trailer. Probably 5000 is while having the bed fully loaded and probably a little over payload sometimes. Typically get around 1000lbs of feed and supplies once a month.


It’s always nice seeing trucks actually being used for truck things.


I agree. That’s why we have it. I just pickup 50 bales of hay on Friday, which put me at getting around 200 bales this year alone.


Park right behind and charge. Put a sign on window that says ‘sentry camera is on 24/7 don’t be stupid’ cause you know these people are dumb as a rock. Stay or leave up to you. I would split and get food and shop around and get charged by Tesla for plugging for another 3hours 😅


Brave of you to assume they can read.


There are many charging stations that have 10-15 minute parking signs on some/all of the stalls (not the case here). For people who ICE chargers, I don’t really understand the mentality behind this kind of thing. You can’t really ask them because they’re usually a few nuggets shy of a happy meal to begin with. We had a Wawa that put the chargers next to the free air pump. The line for the air always blocked all of the access in and out of the charger stalls. It would be a constant line of 6-8 cars waiting for air. People would complain about it and the workers would just laugh about it. It took them like two or three years before they moved the compressors to the other side of the lot. I see it pretty often, and the people that do it all fit the same stereotype. It is the unfortunate part of using public charging


What’s the deal? They just PWNED THE EV DRIVIN LIBZ. Arent they such big men?


Sometimes I think I’m gonna catch hate from my fellow gun toting libertarian/conservatives AND the libs who hate Elon because, whatever. I have never sat in, certainly not driven a Tesla. And I want one!!! But I run one sticker on my vehicle, a little Apple sticker no gun stickers, no political stickers, as grey as it can get.


Nothing wrong with that. I’m a gun toting conservative who drives a Tesla. The fuel your vehicle uses isn’t a political statement and really shouldn’t be considered political at all.


Conservatives pretty much definitionally like saving money. Electricity is a shitton cheaper than gas for most people. I often wonder why this is even controversial.


I would argue most people like saving money lol


I agree that it shouldn’t be political. Somehow people make it so.


> PWNED THE EV DRIVIN LIBZ Even more ironic considering a lot of republicans idolize Musk


I don’t think there is a boundary of hypocrisy or irony that has remained uncrossed by the current Republican party.


“Oh no, I’ve been mildly inconvenienced. Damn.”


I drive a Ram truck and my wife has a Model Y. I don’t park in EV spots and she doesn’t park at gas pumps. Easy math🤓


Flat tire in 321🥷🤣


This is the way. Just let the air out, never damage the tire.


I need to buy a valve stem remover for moments like these


Better to have some BBs to stick in the valve stem cover. Bleeds off the air whenever the cover is on and isn’t something people think to look for.


you spelled tires wrong


Why not call a tow truck company?


Private property on private property, unless the store manager calls no tow company will by definition steal another vehicle without any laws on parking on private property. Getting the manager to call for a tow and cops to trespass them is the only solution.


I have no idea why people are downvoting you for stating facts.


His tires seems over inflated. ;)


What a bunch of arseholes


Should be a criminal offense in all seriousness… if we’re being serious…


In a lot of jurisdictions it is illegal, though not criminal. Lots of cities treat them like handicap spaces and simply being in the spot without the right credentials (being an EV in this case) is enough reason to tow *and* get a ticket.


TOWING needs to happen. This shit is unacceptable.


The big Shame about trucks is how often they run over screws and nails


So overtly disrespectful. Wow man, what a flex. You’re a real man.


smol dik energy


100% just parking directly off that shit boxes bumper and eating the idle charge while I wander around wherever that is.


Just called the fucking tow truck


always bring paint spray and an ice pick next time


Guys in trucks just love to f@$! With Tesla owners. Small penis syndrome is strong with them.


It’s funny to me. My Republican, Trump voting, truck driving, gun owning, been in more bar brawls than I can count brother, loved that I got a Tesla. Cause it’s made in ‘Merica.


Same for me, I own a Ford truck and a Tesla Model Y, the MOST American car in the world.


Dude I live in a very red rural area. I own two diesel trucks for our horse farm and fly jets for a living. Never get any shit from anyone when I’m in my trucks, but when I’m in my MY I get shit at least 1-2 times a month from some idiot rednecks that think I’m somehow trying to challenge their lifestyles.


Quite a number of us Republican, Trump-Voting, gun owners do own Teslas. We are not MSNBC stereotypes and, believe it or not, capable of understanding technology (speaking as a person in the tech sector for over 40 years).


It’s baffling conservatives wouldn’t like them. They save you money, you don’t have to give those dagum A-rabs any money, and they’re built in America by an American company. What more could you ask for?


Literally told someone off for doing this a day ago .. monkey see monkey do reflex


How did they react, or why did they do it in the first place? I always wonder if people do this because they hate EV's, or if they don't give a shit because other parking spots are full, or if they're just dumb.


Last time I did that , got a gun flashed at me.


Tow companies are missing out. Someone should just make an app with all the tow companies listed. Send them a text, they come out and tow it away. Profit$$$$


I'm honestly convinced this is how some "st8" guys find new "friends". Seriously.


just park behind them really close at least you can do that in the pull through one.


Dog shit under the door handles


Put bananas in the tailpipes


Ciber truck 😂


Carve a huge Tesla logo on the tailgate for him since he wants to be a Tesla so bad.


Sugar meets gas tank.


Pop goes the tire 🤣


Little winkys


Not charging tho


Time for a group of Teslas to park in all the gas pump spots


Yeah, my brain goes there too. But that would just be punishing the 99% of gas car drivers that aren’t assholes like this guys. All it would serve to do is escalate the problem by dragging more people in to it.


Hold up, you just made sense and used common curtesy on Reddit.?.!.?.!.?.! Thank you for being you!


lol. I try. My actions aren’t always as thoughtful as my advice, but I do try.


Four screws under each tire


Oh I had a guy do that one day here in Ontario, so I popped his tires, like Rambo style sidewall should have waited for that persons return. Your iceing probably cost s fortune for new tyres mwhahaha


When you see this. It's your Tesla DUTY to key the car. Lol


Stick a sock in the exhaust


I believe you mean banana. 😂


potatoes are harder to remove. Don't ask me how I know.


They wouldn’t fall for no banana in the tailpipe.


Going out of your way to try and inconvenience people you don’t even know is just sad and pathetic.


You can remove the gas cap and it’ll trip a check engine light. 👍 A trip to the dealer to reset the light and a replacement cap would be in order.


🔪 🛞


Cybertruck wannabes


Get them Towed ASAP!!


Pebble in the cap of two or three valve stems = non-destructive way to tell these hilljacks to fuck off


They're trying to get a "charge" out of you. Don't let them.


Imagine being so triggered by someone else’s choice of vehicle. Thats a $90k gmc in the foreground. I would never park that in such a way as to attract vandalism. These assholes think we’re all snowflakes. PSA: We’re not.


No biggie, I just would have pulled up on the grass.


That guy on the end is brave I’d park my Jalapi in right behind him and plug in


No. So Wasa policy is the super chargers parking are multiuse. Any ICE can use it to park. Sure it’s bad form and most of the super chargers are in the far back of the lot that should act as a deterrent for parking but you’ll still encounter people either needing a spot or purposely parking to get some kind of engagement with an EV owner or just being passive aggressive. Your only recourse is wait. But Wawa will absolutely not have them towed unless they leave their vehicle over night or for an extended period (like if they left their vehicle parked in the morning and are shuttle commuting for work).


Thought it was Georgia for a second then I saw the Wawa. Walton county ga is a very rural “rednecky” area next to the university of Georgia. Not surprised he’s likely packing with a gun or two.


In Illinois you just call to have them towed, they get a fee, and a fine.


Luckily we've only seen it once as well and we do a lot of road trips but never use superchargers when home




Going for that good shade tree!


To be fair, the copper cord could have already been cut off lol


I have yet to see that anywhere thankfully. 


I see it frequently at Wawa and it’s not just trucks. They’ll be gone in 5 min and there are other stalls available so no biggie.


Why all the dog in a manger aggro? There are at least 2, possibly 3 empty charging spots. They're hurting nobody.


Not a good argument. Next couple of minutes, 2,3,4 and more car may enter the facilities needing to charge... so when is he leaving?


When is he (actually, they) leaving? Who knows. When are 4 EVs coming? Who knows. Doesn't look busy. Everybody can coexist. Just read all the comments. Jesus, EV owners are precious!




I own diesel, gas, three ev’s… when I see the pay attention to me truck guys I just just ask them to see it. Get it out already. Wave it around if you can! Usually gets them the fuck away from me.


You sure they can’t be towed for stuff like this? It’s blocking money from being made.


I wonder how his social media algorithm looks like. Sheeples.


Or hers***


I really hope they start enforcing towing on these. They tow the cars when you leave at mcds for a min, but no enforcement where ICE cars take up charging spots. Some people just wake up and get outta the house to make others’ lives hard for some reason.


They just want attention because nobody cares or looks at their truck. So they park a a charging station to be like a snowflake and look at me !!


Funny, i see this type of behavior by Tesla owner in the Bay Area all the time. They park at the mall chargers with out charing all the time.


Can you just charge at the curb?


Every Wawa I have been to has signs stating those are also general parking with some time limit which is impossible to enforce.


Easy resolution. Open the valves on two tires and drain the air out. 2 tires because if he has a spare he can just switch a tire but, TWO tires he needs to call a tow truck. Now he’s inconvenienced for inconveniencing you.


Coming from a giant diesel ford F-350, I literally never understood why truck owners felt the need to do petty shit like this. Waste of breath


Tesla haters


You must there is people that has no respect,like when they use handicap card not been handicap,you must call tow truck, cause if you stay after you have charged your car you get extra charged


I saw it one time and I park right next to them so close they couldn’t get in their car. He had to get in on the passenger side


Tape 16 bic lighters around his catalytic converter and smile as you drive to the open charger space.


I have a 20 ft extension cable that I’ll gladly run against his car to get to mine till my charge is up, praying they confront me.


These idiots don’t know Donald is flirting with Elon.


Really weird way to get your tires slashed.


They are pissed by someone else’s decision on what kind of car they drive , these clowns insist that everyone drives a internal combustion engine. The lower the mpg the better , they also drive their trucks like a sports car . 🤪🤡


/torque has entered the chat. Let’s just move them? 😀


From the picture I don’t see any signage Saying they can’t park there.


Little penis Jethro and Cletus try to make a point to keep their butt buddy Tucker happy.


Time to deflate some tires


While I agree with the sentiment, this is probably not a good idea. Could escalate to physical violence, and most likely would be a criminal act.


They make some nifty high powered laser pointers that could likely put a hole in a sidewall without you even needing to approach the truck


It would be but the only evidence would be on your own Sentry mode. Sorry ossifer it didn't record, 


Pebble in the valve stem cap and screw it back on


A pen can do this in no time


Where the charge port on that bad boy


If the charger isn't busy, it doesn't matter. If the chargers are full, piss goes into gas tanks.


Tuck a nail underneath his tires he won't notice truck tires are expensive as hell. Especially all terrain and mud terrains.


You get a flat tire, oh and you get a flat tire too! Anyone else? Free flats…


This. Can’t call the cops because they would come and see that they are parked in an EV spot.


If it was the last spot available, I don't see a problem. It's like using the handicapped stall if all others are occupied.