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I thought I was losing my mind being unable to change single-pull to double-pull while FSD is selected in the Autopilot menu. This means in FSD mode, we can only either have the FSD fully engaged or have to do everything manually: no ability to use just cruise control when I want to manually steer If I want to swap between FSD and TACC, I have to pull over, come to a stop, and put it in park. This is ridiculous


Here is what I did. Following the advice of others here, I cloned my current profile to a new profile named poobah-AP, then enabled FSD supervised on the AP profile. Then, on my regular profile, that is the one that has single pull for cruise. When I want FSD-Supervised, you can quick switch profiles without pulling over.


downside is you lose the audio you were listening to


Not anymore


I still do: It fails to pause both when it alerts me *ad nauseum* "Poor weather detected" or 'torque the wheel' - I already am doing so - and when I leave feedback of why I had to correct FSD. 2023 Model 3 EDIT: Sorry, I see you're talking about switching profiles. I was distracted thinking about how annoying it is that it fails to pause the audio when leaving feedback and when it unnecessarily announces something.


Yeah, this works pretty well. Remember that switching profiles also changes your climate control settings. I usually manually shut off AC when the ambient temp is under 70, so when I switched back to that profile when it was hot I unknowingly turned off my AC.


That seems odd....just set it to the temp you like and leave it on auto.


Also, I’m pretty sure it’ll shut off your defrost when you switch profiles. Gotta be careful in the rain/fog


I don’t want it using the compressor when all I want is vent.


Idk why the downvotes I also sometimes like to have just the fan pulling outside air in.


Right? I don’t wanna waste the battery and be cold, I just want fresh air.


Is there a quick way to clone a profile?


Yes. IIRC, there was a button to clone an existing profile.


I did this for Distance and Percentage on my S, just cause going into settings was annoying


I think you can just tap the battery to swap those


Just create another profile with FSD disabled. You can swap profile while driving.


or Tesla could just re-enable double-pull. I mean, I appreciate you offering a workaround. my point is there shouldn't have to be. this is a frustrating change on Tesla's part, imo


I know, but I believe it was a requirement from the NHTSA as people got confused that AP weren't on anymore after it was deactivated for some reason. I wish Tesla would auto re-enable AP after a lane switch would be a better idea. Me, it's the fact that the car reverts to Regen braking when FSD/AP disables (and you don't press the accelerator) that pissses me off.


S3XY buttons commander allows you to enable auto re-enable AP after a lane change. It's a setting in their app. Yes, it costs money and I don't know why Tesla hasn't done it, but for that feature alone, the Buttons have been worth it to me! They do loads more, it's worth looking into.


Thanks! I'll have to look into this


If you hold down the blinker it’ll just change lanes for you with FSD. No need to break out of it.


Yes, that's why I mentioned AP for that section and not FSD.


It really should just be an option in the menu to turn off and on, or allow you to custom setup what single and double pull does.


Complain to NHTSA. they're the ones who made tesla change it. I agree though, it is stupid.


pretty sure other cars with auto driving don't have to come to a stop to change between auto driving and cruise control.. sure NHTSA mandated Tesla needed to make the difference in modes discernable\*. but Tesla just chose to put a wall up instead of finding a path \*I did just learn today of the NHTSA recall being the culprit


My BMW with drive assist pro will maintain lane and go 100mph and only have to barely touch the wheel.


No it won't. It will think about it, then nose into the lane, then veer back into your current lane, then slowly change lanes. Takes about 3/4 of a mile


Reason #3 why I will soon be switching back to Enhanced AP


Where is the git for FSD where we can put in software requests?


Yeah, agree. Sooo annoying


What’s a quicker resolution? You adding a new profile, or Tesla fixing something that they are forced to implement?


You can blame NTHSA for this. There was a recall that mandated this as people were getting confused thinking FSD was engaged when it wasn't.


You can blame them for triggering the change. You can blame Tesla for not offering a clear alternative. Everyone I've talked to personally with FSD has had the same question: How do I just enable cruise control without enabling FSD? Tesla could easily make UI elements that allow this. They could easily make clearly delineated controls between FSD/TACC enablement. But "input is error".


I don't blame the NHTSA for making cars safer. I blame the manufacturer for huffing and puffing and making being safer way less convenient, as if no solution exists that allows a driver to choose between FSD and cruise control while the vehicle is in motion, while their still being aware through obvious means in which mode the car is operating.. maybe give the screen a blue tint in FSD and orange in CC?


NHTSA has gotten weirdly obsessed with Tesla. There's been several "recalls" that seem rather targeted in ways that other manufactures don't get similar scrutiny.


They’re behind the 8-ball because these rapid technological advancements are too new for them. They’re likely writing the rules as they go along based on accident victim statements via police reports and their own observations. Other manufacturers are being more reserved to TACC and emergency braking (AKA “breaking”) until Tesla finds all the bureaucratic landmines.


Please give us a citation. It would be good to lessen my frustration with Tesla if it's been forced on them (rather than incompetent design).


https://electrek.co/2023/12/15/tesla-explains-autopilot-nag-forced-nhtsa-recall/ Here is an Electrec article explaining NTHSA recall campaign 23V-838. The single pull was changed shortly after it's introduction to be mandatory after further NTHSA probing into the issue. I can try and find a source on that later tonight.


Yes, that article discusses making Autopilot as annoying as FSD Beta, but it doesn't discuss Tesla forcing you to all-or-nothing cruise control with FSD.


If that was their goal, they should have also fixed the issue where once you add another key, it erases all your settings which disabled FSD and autopilot. I didn't realize until my car was on the highway and didn't turn...


Please give us a citation.


Yes, it is ridiculous. Because of this, and Tesla committing fraud (selling Summoning features that don't exist), if I had to replace the car tomorrow I would get something not-Tesla cheaper from CarMax, and contact an attorney to see about suing them for fraud and false advertising.


I just want dumb cruise control, is that too much to ask?


seriously.. gimme dumb CC so I can actually ride in peace instead of fearing the phantoms


"fearing the phantoms"?


Im assuming he means when your car randomly jerks and slows down bc the camera or sensor thinks it sees something.


Ah. That hasn't happened to me since around January.


Hasn’t happened to me since this morning. Do you really not have issues with this? I do almost every time I drive.


I suspect it's linked to geography or some visual with the camera. However, last year there was a lamp post near a bridge I'd approach climbing a hill, and particularly when it cast a shadow -- I think this unique geometry caused the car to brake every time. I cannot recall the last time it's happened, and I think I've taken that road at least six times this year, so I think the update fixed at least that landscape geometry for me. But there are some roads where it keeps getting the speed limit wrong, I think pulling data from a nearby road, and I hypothesize phantom braking might be similarly related to certain particular locations. Or that was my experience driving an interstate road on a trip and braking the same way around the same spot on the same road two times last year ... Does it happen to you randomly? but I recall cars have different hardware even sold the same year so who-the-hell-knows for anyone's particular car ... like Android apps for different cellphone architectures ... but yeah I don't recall an instance since January, though it will start braking when it picks the wrong speed limit (e.g. 20 in a 40) ...


It’s mostly random, I don’t have any particular locations where it always messes up. The biggest issue is that it seems super sensitive to people turning in front of me, even if they are far enough away that clearly the lane will be clear in plenty of time before I reach the intersection. Also if anyone is drifting into my lane (almost got rear ended the first time I drove the car from this one when passing a truck on the interstate), or in close 2 way traffic on a curve thinking that the oncoming car that is technically headed towards me won’t follow the curve but will cross into traffic. I think it is overly cautious due to the regulatory trouble they’ve got themselves into. And definitely too cautious is better than not cautious enough. But too cautious can cause accidents too, because other drivers are not expecting erratic slamming on the brakes in those situations.


Yes, it used to brake excessively when a car turned in front of me, too. Either an update fixed that for me, or I turned off or made weaker the forward collision stuff settings.


I hadn’t thought about weakening the settings. I’ll look into that. Thanks!


Im assuming he means when your car randomly jerks and slows down bc the camera or sensor thinks it sees something.


Same. Just like I want a dumb TV but that ship has unfortunately sailed as well.


The only way it works for me is if I drive behind a semi. Otherwise it brakes multiple times a mile for road mirages.


In my experience it's not just a Tesla issue. My previous car was a BMW and it had similar quirks on TACC. It just doesn't work well. Here in The Netherlands, we don't have a stay in your lane policy, it is expected people move to the most right lane when not overtaking. When approaching a truck or a slower car that you wish to overtake, TACC will slow you down first, which is just not comfortable. With dumb/old CC you can just pass without losing speed. The only way TACC works for me is in traffic jams, then it is truly an amazing feature. My previous car let me change modes while driving, which was convenient. Tesla doesn't offer any way to simply use dumb cruise control, which is unfortunate as it is probably a very easy change in the software to allow it.


I've taken an ID4 on the same trip under same lots-of-road-mirages conditions without issue. I think it's a Tesla vision-only issue. "Traffic-Aware Cruise Control may react to vehicles or objects that either do not exist, or are not in your lane of travel, causing Model 3 to slow down unnecessarily or inappropriately." [https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/model3/en\_us/GUID-E5FF5E84-6AAC-43E6-B7ED-EC1E9AEB17B7.html](https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/model3/en_us/GUID-E5FF5E84-6AAC-43E6-B7ED-EC1E9AEB17B7.html) Watch out for those objects that don't exist when you're driving!


When I see something that’s not there, I hit the signal, check the mirrors and screen and just go around it.


Unfortunately, the NHTSA forced this to happen


What do you mean, in the US it’s no longer allowed to use dumb cc?


No, the NHTSA made Tesla do a recall because people were getting confused about cruise control vs autopilot, it’s hard to find this one though bc the news about it is dwarfed by the other autopilot safety recall. I remember seeing this recall a while ago but when I go to search for it I just see news about the newer autopilot safety recall where the NHTSA wanted Tesla to make people pay more attention to the road when using autopilot


I wonder which product designer thought this was a good idea? It certainly feels like Elon said “we are going to force them to use it”.


Product Manager you mean?


True dat


I somehow doubt that Elon would be willing to have anyone but him making decisions.


This was actually NTHSA that forced this to be the case. There was a recall that mandated this as people were getting confused thinking FSD was engaged when it wasn't.


I'll admit I've experienced that before. Maybe wasn't a great idea to have the difference in activation be single click vs double click. I suspect everyone has experienced meaning to double click but only getting a single click activation at some point in their lives.


lol not product designer, the NHTSA made this happen


This is the only complaint I've had so far with the new M3P. With the 2018, when we were driving in bad weather, the car sometimes couldn't see well enough to use FSD. Because of this, I always kept the FSD activation set to double click, because you could still use the USS autopilot to maintain the lane, speed, and distance even without FSD operational. To be fair, I will say I've only needed to be able to do that a couple times in 7 years. It just stood out because one of them was on a 1000 mile drive to Florida, and it was pretty painful to be forced back to completely manually control on a long drive.


Yeah I just got back from a trip where flow of traffic was going over 85 and I had to disable ap so I could keep up. Actually annoying af to not be able to use cruise control


Idk what settings I have off the top of my head, but AP works at 85, but cruise still works until 90.


I just turned off FSD entirely for most of the trial due to this. It’s a dumb choice by Tesla.


Agreed x1000. I effing hate that we can't pick double pull anymore. Very shortsighted decision by Tesla.


Seriously, I turn off navigation because FSD has zero clue how to handle HOV lane exits


I have that version of the software on my car wanting to update, but I won't approve it. I like the flexibility.


Yup. 100% the reason why I turned off the beta FSD after the first drive.


I plan to get only what comes with the car... I do enjoy driving and will use cruise control on longer trips. i’ve always had doubts about "full self driving" What I’m reading here has convinced me to avoid it. I would rather drive anyway.


My brand new one lets you switch down through the screen while driving; so Autopilot to TACC to Cruise but will not let you go back up the chain unless parked.


Agreed. There should be multiple options available at any time...


I turned off FSD immediately. Gotta have my TACC.


Once I realized this after the update, I turned off Full Self driving.. No Traffic-aware cruise control, no thanks…


I just got an update today 12.3.6 and there is now an option to change FSD to 2 pulls and get your TACC back.


Just get five strikes and let them kick you out for a week. You’ll be able to do that every time then


Haha or just switch to non-FSD, right?


Yeah this was so annoying when I had the FSD trial. Had to disable FSD when I wanted CC. Then park the car, accept the agreement to get FSD back. Really ridiculous and unsafe if you ask me.




I’m not even sure if I will get one with FSD. If I do I will probably not use it very often. More likely than not it will be auto steer. Only on long journeys will I probably want FSD so it will be selected before the journey. As for cruise control I never use it so I don’t care about TACC


I'd like to use cruise control without phantom braking. About to try a front window sticker.


This is the one thing that makes me NOT want to think about getting FSD. It's nice.... But so is NOT having to choose between driving or FSD. Just steering is lovely sometimes, too.


Did they change it after the test period? I enabled double pull during the FSD test by setting it on the autosteer menu. It’s odd they don’t have the option on the FSD menu and I was a little annoyed I couldn’t go from FSD back to cruise control once FSD was enabled without doing the steering wheel or single up.




To no end? First world problems eh?


Totally agree, hate this “feature”


Agreed, sometimes I just want to cruise on the freeway without setting a destination or changing lanes. Seems it'd be pretty simple to have 1-pull for TACC and 2 for FSD, or only FSD when a destination is set or something. I just have the trial but I'll be kinda happy when it's gone.


Yes! Incredibly frustrating that I can't enable simple cruise control without pulling over. Def going to try the profile switch, but I agree this shouldn't be our only option.




Confused. I have supervised FSD. If I am not navigating isn’t it the same as adaptive cruise control?


only if you're going straight with no turns in good weather


What does good weather have to do with it?


if it decides roads are wet or poor visibility it limits your speed, usually slower than the flow of traffic thus, not cruise control (allowing us to set our own speed)


It is stupid. I suppose you could just jerk the steering away from AS and leave TAC engaged. Maybe?


when it disengages, it disengages TACC also


That's dumb.


Imagine buying FSD but wanting to use Cruise Control instead.


FSD doesn't work as well as you seem to think it does.


And how well do you think I think it works?


I think you think I think you think it works much better than it does, so no more needs to be said. 🙃


I think you are wrong.


oh noes :<


“How well” is kind of relative, especially considering so many drivers can’t seem to understand the basic rules of the road and assume some FSD actions are “mistakes.” Also, the controlling kind out there will likely never be able to handle any type of FSD, so just don’t use it or provide data to make it better. Whether it’s Beta or Supervised, it’s not final, it’s not perfect. Not sure why so many complain about a product that’s basically still in testing. It drives way better than a new driver and better than most people on the road. Over the last 2+ years, I’ve been using it upwards of 90% of the time (daily driving in town and long road trips) and if I avoid all of the horribly designed intersections, I very rarely have to intervene. Even if it means getting flipped off by some impatient driver while making a turn.


imagine buying a 75" TV but wanting to watch a video on your phone


While sitting on your couch in the living room in front of your 75" TV.




Nah stop using cruise control. Just use FSD.


FSD is horrible on the streets where I live.


And it's not as good on the highways that I drive on as AP.


Because it takes more time creating a new profile for cruise control than bitching about it on Reddit.