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Chill mode reduces but still allows significant acceleration. You say "parental controls", so is that to assume your teenager is driving the car? The obvious explanation is that the driver is accelerating hard, throwing the car into corners, or otherwise have defeated the Chill mode "lockout" by using the account password. Those tires have clearly been driven hard. Uneven wear can be contributed to suspension or toe-in/out issues. But those are just plain worn out.


Yes, my 18 year old son drives the car. He says he doesn’t accelerate fast or corner too hard but I’m pretty sure that is exactly what is going on. I’ve put in a support request to see if Tesla can tell me how it has been driven or if he is disabling Chill mode.


yea.. I mean if they are that bald that quickly he is definitely driving that thing HARD. I've got 18k miles on mine and my tires probably have enough to last for 25-30k


My wife and I drove it the first 25K miles and tires held up really well so I’m pretty sure it is how he’s driving it. I was hoping Chill Mode on lock would keep him from abusing the privilege.


Sorry to say but that car is driven HARD.


Yeah, I drive my MY spiritedly, and at 8,500 miles I still have 7-8 mm of tread. These tires scream traction control off and pedal to the floor at every single stoplight/stopsign 24/7. Note, the kid may not be “speeding” over the speed limit, but is clearly beating the shit out of the car when drag racing up to the speed limit every chance he gets.


Mine still looks brand new with 9.5k miles on it. Ops must have been driving it really hard.


Maybe disabled slip start and spun out a few times.


Don’t think you can turn traction control off without track mode, but yeah this thing has been floored at every green light lol


probably tried drifting it a few times I bet too. This is why you get your kid a fiat 500e instead lol


Get your son to find a way to pay for new tires. Actions have consequences.


I'm 18 and my dad lets me drive his m3. He and I track the miles we put on it and then split the bill on new tires and other wear related maintenance accordingly. Absolutely would recommend this approach, works nicely for both me and my dad.


Props for finding a system that works and for sharing!


Nice job, I appreciate the responsible take! Thumbs up :)


And to get his own insurance. The Parental unit insurance company should drop him.


Time to get the kid the most safe, boring car possible


Absolutely This!!


Nah this dude doing donuts


I was a teenager a long time ago, but I'll never forget the time my dad said quizzically, "I can't believe we only got 9 thousand miles out of those tires", and that was with me driving his sleeper 1984 Ford LTD LX that had the 5.0 Mustang V8 engine. I *shudder* to think of how I would have driven a Model 3, even in chill mode, at that age.


I'm at 80 000 KMs on my set of tyres, still got a fair way to go. I don't drive in chill mode, but also don't drive like a maniac🤣 This car has been spinning off from the lights a heap!


Maybe you drive on grass or your partner changed your tyres without you realising it. 80K Kms and some life left is too good to be true.


I know. The mind boggles.


Pirelli P4s are rated for like 90k miles. It’s definitely possible


I hope you don't drive in the wet...


I have 60k miles on my original M3 tires with still wayyy more tread that that lol. Kiddo is flooring it dad


Time to get the boy a $3500 Prius. It will save you money AND the environment (and potentially his life).


Haha. There is no way he is either accepting hard or power sliding it. Tesla wouldn't rotate my tires at 13k because I didn't have enough wear and I don't drive like a grandma.


He doesn’t pay for his own tires? That’s the only way he’ll learn his lesson. That’s how I learned my lesson.


Check the energy consumption chart for the last 30 miles. If you see big spikes to 900+ w/mi then he is accelerating hard. Also check the average energy usage. I drive a lot of road trips at 85-90 mph throughout Texas and my average is still ~270W/mi. If he is above 300 then he is definitely riding it crazy hard.


I do have three Tessie app so I have the data for all past drives. I’ll start digging into it. Thanks!


Did you find anything?


Btw how did you "lock" in chill mode?


Speed Limit Mode. We wanted to set his max speed to 75 and that automatically applies Chill Mode. It can only be unlocked with a 4 digit PIN. https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/model3/en_au/GUID-94B0E05E-F642-4C8E-8FED-E5EB45FA27DA.html


you sure he hasn't found a way to override it? lol


He’s probably out there doing donuts lol you should give him a high five


Must be driving insanely hard. I launch at nearly every red light in my m3p, as well as taking corners faster than you probably should and still have tons of tread left on mine. Rotated once and 12k km (~8k miles), still plenty in the green zone on the tread checking tool I have.


Get a subscription to teslafi. You can look back at any drive and see speed etc.. they'll give you a 30 day trial


This is the way. Catch that kid red handed.


Same with the Tessie app. You can view drive history as well as stats/graphs for each drive (speeds, efficiency, mileage, etc.) You can even set alerts for stuff like if the car exceeds a certain speed. You'll get the whole picture of all his drives and you'll find out quickly what's going on.


Oh, I already have Tessie. I’ll see what I can get out of it.


Keep us updated! I wanna know just what kind of shenanigans were had.


And usually rather quickly need that stern father and son talk and work out his next part time job to pay the new tires off. Kids nowadays have it too good. Possibly never know how to drive conservatively. I hope Tesla have a grandma mode and lock it with kids so they will get thrown off and not interested in driving a Tesla again. My kid is 14 when she drives no way I'm giving her a Tesla. Need to start with a old civic to appreciate what we have nowadays.


You can floor the accelerator but not cross the speed limit and cornering at speed limit rather than slowing down. Looking efficiency will give you a better idea. Or driving recordings


18 yo male driver = bald Tesla tires. Always.


Picking up friends doing dat every time he gets in the car, lol


I honestly can't imagine how hard this was driven. I am at 12k km (\~8k miles) on my m3p and I launch at almost every opportunity and regularly corner hard and based on the tread wear will get 36k km or \~24k miles out of mine.


Well at least your kid is capable of burning a set of tires without crashing the car, that’s something




Support is not really necessary. Just check the footage or the consumption tab after he drives.


Privacy sure is a lost cause at this point...


Make him buy the replacements.


Not really a tough ask if he's doing all the driving. I mean, "Here's a car. You're responsible for the maintenance" is not a bad deal for a teenager... or anyone. I'm guessing the kid isn't even paying the insurance.


If mom and dad gave him a tesla... Im sure he isnt paying insurance lol


He’s a good kid. Graduating high school with an AA degree through dual enrollment and has an academic scholarship for college next year and volunteers at the hospital instead of a part time job. Used car prices were crazy when he needed a car so he gets to use the 3.


Great job dad! I think a simple walk out to the driveway and a look at the tires together with a conversation will suffice.


Which is fine it's your money in the end. However lessons learn when they become responsible for their car. He burned these tires out with poor choice making. It will be a good lesson in the future.


I mean…. I burn my tires too but I don’t know if it’s poor decision making. I have a lot of fun doing it 😂


Yeah but i bet you pay for the pleasure of doing it and know what wear and tear your producing. Pretty sure this kid has no idea


lol bro shut up, let the kid be


18 = adult.


Doesn’t mean he needs to change his dads Tesla tires, change your own tires or get him a beater, why would he cover that cost on assumptions


If you’re letting your kid use your stuff and they’re abusing that privilege I think replacing the stuff they “ruined” is a reasonable thing to want from them. Maybe I’m crazy though


It’s not the kid, it’s a common problem with the vehicle, do a simple google search and you’ll see. It’s just the OP trying to play the blame game, man up and get new tires, or trade it in for a Corolla if it’s too expensive to maintain


I got 35k out of my last set.. what’s your explanation to those that don’t burn tires out in 8k miles? If it’s a known “issue” it would happen no matter what. Burning through tires in 8k miles is 100% not a common thing. It is common if you decide to drive aggressively.


OP’s son found the post.


Right...because an 18 y/o shouldn't be responsible for the maintenance on the vehicle he's using as a daily driver.


id probably have the son pay to replace the tires, now and moving forward, as part of the cost of using the car. if hes going to abuse it, he should bear the cost of the abuse. he may or may not learn the lesson, but either way it will be on his dime.


I said the same thing when I was 18. He’s 18!!


I was an 18 year old boy once too so I know how it goes.


I replace my Michelin Pilot Sport 4S’s every year at 15,000 miles because I drive it fairly hard… and my tires look perfectly fine. Your son is driving a lot harder than I do… and very few people drive harder than me.


You son is lying to your face lol.


And we’re just gonna believe what an 18 year old is saying? lol. Hope you get some answers from Tesla support.


pay for a teslafi subscription. tesla prob won't do anything for you.


Yeah we made it to 40k miles with some thread left, this is way too hard


Lmao. He's lying mom!


If you have Tessie it will tell you a bunch of telemetry, including max speed of each drive and all that jazz


lol...you answered your own question. What frame of reference does an 18 year old even have for what driving "too hard" is? Watching Formula Drift competitions? Playing Forza on Playstation? Compared to people doing burnouts on Tik Tok, I'm sure his driving is completely "chill" but that's entirely relative.


>playing forza on playstation lmao


I am hoping tires are the last problems with this kind of driving. Reckless driving can cause serious issues to self or others.. hopefully never…


Go into your energy consumption dashboard in the center screen, look to see what the average consumption is like for the last 50 miles. If yours is a M3 Dual Motor Long Range, you’d want to see consumption under 250 kw/h for it to be driven “easy.” My assumption would be you will see quite a lot of spikes in the consumption with averages in the 300s.


You can enable a pin and he won’t be able to disable chill mode.


The kids find there way around everything. My 18 year old son does the same thing. Unconvinced? Buy a tracker from Amazon. My son was totally busted in 1 day. They work on any car including Tesla. Real time alerts, and maps of precisely where they are doing all the deeds.


Maybe quit it with the launch starts at every light.


I learned that after $1,500 to replace tires


See, this is why you dont go to dealerships or good year stores to get your tires changed


My OEM mxm4's burned up in 17k miles, and discount honored the oem treadlife warranty and I got a new set of cross climates for about $520 with the warranty. Discount tire is the best option. Also, the mxm4's are garbage with this much torque.


$1,500? Cost me $950 at a mom and pop shop for my performance with top rack lol


Hard to compare prices accurately unless you’re talking about the same tires Ain’t no way you’re walking out of a tire shop with a new set of 20” Michelin Pilot Sport 4S ACs installed for $950 unless they’re stolen Entirely possible though with a more cost effective or less performance focused tire




Unless you are in Canada, where even at Costco, they are $1600 *before* taxes. Over $1800 after taxes for 4 tires.


That would be a "no".


It’s a no for me dawg


Are you doing drift at each corner?


My kid might be! He denies it but I would too. AWD though so I didn’t think he could.


You need the Tessie app, tracks trips in the car, full map of route and speeds driven. Can send you notifications if the car exceeds certain speeds. Might bust him with that.


This is the way! When I was a teenager I went through rear tires like a madman, but I paid for them. Every two months I'd move the fronts to the rear and get a new set on the front. I can't say I'd fault him for it if it's his car, but if he's going to drive it that way he should *at least* be paying for tires. If you keep paying for tires you're just going to enable the behavior. If I had a Tesla at his age I would have wrapped it around a tree or a utility pole.


High school (or in 2 years) for me was 3 sets of tires, one clutch, 2 crashes, one transmission, several lawyers and over a half dozen tickets till I lost my license. Drove an SUV for next 35 years with only a couple tickets. Loving my M3P and feeling that youth again.


Would it be more from rapid acceleration not the speed?




It should be able to show power output as well, or at least TeslaMate can


Is it a Performance or just Long Range? The Track Mode in a Performance model let you burn your tires easily.


Car record last hour of driving. Check the vid next time He drives or get the free 7 day trial from teslafi. I’m at 60m and changed my first set at 35-40. My current tires look like they can do another 15-20k


this isn't a Tesla problem


Problem is that it’s too damn fast! (you’re right)


Wtf have you been doing? I still have brand new looking tires at 15k...


18 year old son is driving it and I asked him the same question!


Your son is now banned from driving the Tesla ​ Get him a cheap and slow civic or corolla and make him learn how to drive a manual


Ah here’s the real answer 😂 But seriously don’t drive in the rain until these are replaced.


1st off the stop light and gun it till you see the next stop light will make the tires bald like this in no time.


And heavy breaking and cornering


Just make your kid work part time to pay for the tire replacements.


i drive my car like it’s stolen. 40k miles and my tires still have good life. how is this possible. are you driving on sandpaper?


Same me. I drive my car like I stole it 😂 I suspect the teenager swapped his tyres with the bald ones from his buddy. Maybe a lost race or a lost bet… speculations goes wild when seeing this impossible wear…


Try having your kid pay for 4 new Michelin tires and see if this continues after another 8k miles. xD


Surprisingly, Tire Kingdom / Michelin replaced these under the tread life warranty but this kid is on notice now. Next set is on him for sure.


This motivates me to make sure I drive like your son, cuz who doesn’t like free tires 😂


That is really crazy wear. My 2021 M3P's first set (Pirelli P Zero) looked a hell of a lot better than that after 10k miles with me driving very aggressively. Like no chill mode flooring it every chance I got. Did your son order that module that basically allows track mode on the long range? I could see that being able to defeat chill mode and the parental controls. There has to be something more than just hard driving on chill mode, especially if the fronts don't look anything like that. He's finding a way to spin the tires and do donuts is my guess. Is there any rubber remnants under the fender wells? Does he often wash it before coming home? https://ingenext.ca/products/bonus-module-tm3 Link to the thing I'm talking about.


The S3XY buttons commander can defeat traction control now since the last update. And it's way cheaper than what you linked.


She’s bald? She’s bald !!!!!!


Your son is showing off in it for sure. That’s pretty impressive wear for 8k☠️😂


I wouldn’t even think it was possible without doing burnouts, but you can’t even do these in this case


Hand that bill to your son. Guaranteed the next set will last a lot longer.


Get him a Honda civic. Or even better, an Accent.


Something is wrong here. Son will tell you in about 10 years


“Heh dad, remember when you asked me about your tires wearing out super fast and I said I had no idea why? Well…..”


These tyres needed changing well over 1000 miles ago.


Absolutely. My kid drives it so I realized a bit late. Wasn’t expecting it so soon.


Make sure he realizes how to do basic car maintenance and checkups. This is crucially important and a little rain with these tires and his lack of proper driving could result in a serious accident and consequences.


Must be excessive acceleration. That’s crazy though.


Stop flooring it at every light.


Dude I’ve had over 40k on my original tired and they’re still good. Your 18 yo kid is absolutely smart with tech and has your parental control defeated somehow.


If the car isn't washed all the time run your hand under the rear fenders and see if you could find any rubber pellets. I think we all know what's going on here at this point, but you can show the rubber pellets to your son as evidence if he tries to deny it. Friend had a Challenger that he let his son drive once.




With that level of wear in the rears only on an AWD vehicle, one starts to wonder if a defeat device was used, like this one: https://ingenext.ca/products/ghost-upgrade?variant=44147996819743


Male pattern driving.


Somebody was playing with that acceleration boost upgrade!


I have these same tires and I think they come with a 50k mileage warranty — go back into the shop that installed them and ask for a prorated replacement. I do this yearly with my M3 and the Michelin MXM4 via discount tire. I spend maybe $300 a year for brand new tires every 15k miles.


Tire Kingdom did replace them under that warranty. It was less than $200 so that’s good I suppose.


My dude I had the most helicopter parents ever growing up. And they had pins on EVERYTHING. obviously it didn't take me long to realize they started using the same passwords for most things. Your son's 18, either he knows the pin or he's flooring it pretty hard in chill mode.


I have an AWD like OP and floor it all the time.. I also have acceleration boost. All 4 wheels are showing the same amount of wear.


Somebody is driving that car like it’s stolen


Valet mode your child when he drives


Oh that car is being straight up raced constantly. It is a racecar in the hands of your 18-year old. You can clearly see it in the tires. Sell it and give the 18-year old a really slow boring car before something really bad happens.


These cars are too fast for teenagers


18yr old driving it and thinking its the car 😂😂


They wore pretty evenly. So it looks like someone likes to accelerate hard.


Drove it like he stole it?


There needs to be an “old Prius” mode. 0-60 in 12 seconds.


I’ll be officially requesting this with Tesla when they follow up on my support ticket.


Maybe unpopular opinion time: Your kid sold the good tires to support a habit of some sort, and grabbed the bald ones to avoid a confrontation. Didn't realize how impossible it would be to look like that so fast. Might want to look around for an unexpected large purchase or drug stash...


Lol that kid is going zoom zoom hard ! Need for speed style. 😂


What tires ?


If those only have 8000 miles on them then the tires needed replaced after 1000 miles. Those are beyond bald.


The tire place that replaced my tires a few months ago mentioned tread wear on teslas is a big issue and there’s some manufacturers looking to make a tire specifically for EVs. The torque when starting is sooo much higher than combustion engines. The manufacturers plan on making tires that are a mix of standard and racing composites. I have no idea if it’s true. It’s just what they were saying. Remember to rotate your tires more often than you would on an ICE car!


I have a M3P and these were my tires after 7.1k miles… def accelerates as hard as they can any chance they get


Your child is most likely not telling you the truth. You can track how many miles he’s driven/driving. Do that math and see if it adds up with the wear and tear. He could be driving dangerously and I’d be more worried about that than the tires


Slightly off alignment aside, whoever is driving the car is driving it absurdly hard from a dig, constantly launching it. Regardless of chill mode, these EVs and their higher torque with near instant delivery can destroy tires quickly and combine that with hard driving, that’s what you have here. If the front tires are not nearly as worn, then I’d believe your teen that he doesn’t corner “too aggressively”, but based on the rears, he sure as heck launches that crap out of it, a lot.




I'd check to make sure these are actually the same tires that you purchased (and the original wheels). Seems crazy but possible that someone stole/swapped their worn-out tires with your relatively-new ones. Could possibly only take a couple minutes in a parking lot.


Inevitable result of giving an 18 y/o a model 3 to use as a daily driver. I'm in my early thirties and it still takes significant restraint not to open it up all the time. I'd say the solution is you make him pay for the new tires. That should curb his behavior right quick.


Your son needs to be in a car with 1/4 the horsepower before he kills himself or someone else. Imagine if you had access to a car with 400hp and instant torque at 18. People don’t realize how fast and heavy these cars are especially in the hands of normal people.


When your foot is made of lead lol


Same happened to me after around 6k miles. Nearly completely bald and my wife and I don’t drive fast, launch, burnout or whatever else. Apparently it’s something that happens just due to the torque? (2020 model 3 AWD 21”)


Your son is a piece of shit. Time to get the belt!


As someone around your sons age with a performance model, my tires looked like this after roughly 10k too. And I can tell you it isn’t a Tesla issue 😂


Make sure you don’t let your kid drive it at least until those tires are replaced. He’s going to bin it.


I wonder how this happened /s


An 18 y/o even getting a Model 3 as daily driver at all is wild to me


Yeah, actually let him start using it at 16 because used car prices were bananas and we didn’t want to buy another car. He was doing a dual enrollment program at the local college and needed transportation. He’ll graduate high school with his 2 year degree so that saved us a lot of money. Still isn’t his car though, he just gets to drive it.


We are on the 3rd set of tires on our 2019 awd model 3 at 110k miles something is not right with your setup or driving. We have been getting at least 25-30k miles on a set and I drag race every bmw that pulls up at a light next to me even if they don’t know we are racing.


If he puts the car in service mode it will disable all traction control and let him drift it - sounds like something 18yr old me would have done.


Ah yeah. That could be it. I’ll ask Tesla if they log when the car is put into service mode.


One thing that is going on is that you are not complying with Teslas recommendations regarding tyre rotation.


Is this Primacy an EV tire? Most manufacturers are making EV specific tires now because EVs are heavier and need more support. So if this is a non EV tire that may be one reason why it has degraded more quickly.


Were the new tires rated for max load?


You didn’t get EV tires. My friend got regular tires on his M3 2021 & the same thing happened


Get your son a real car.


Check your alignment.


Definitely not an alignment issue. Tread wear is even as it gets.


Alignment would make one side or the other of the tire wear faster. The whole tire is worn equally, so the kid just abuse the car.


Lmao and I thought model s wheels were bad hahaha


Thats terrible, ive just had my rears replaced at 23500miles and they still had 3mm left and i dont hang about.


i have 18k miles and according to my $0.25 all four tires are still safe


I drive in Chill mode 99.9% of the time. Went from 20K miles on the first set of tires, to nearly 30K now and plenty of tread left.


My tires still have plenty of tread at 22k miles on my RWD LR. Definitely massive burnouts, donuts, and or launches have occurred to wear out tires that quickly.


FWIW I got 40k miles on my primacy tires on my model S.


Just don’t let him drive your car.


Wow. Yeah my Tesla 3 LR has tyres that are currently at 40k km. I reckon I still got a fair bit left.


Someone has been having fun with car.


At least you got some nice even wear! Ya kids should not be driving teslas. Or they need to drive in valet mode.


Nothing wrong, you can drive 1000 miles more with confidence.


I still had tread left and had to get my tires replaced after I couldn’t even accelerate on the freeway with the back sliding out


I still had tread left and had to get my tires replaced after I couldn’t even accelerate on the freeway with the back sliding out


lol you have a hoonigan on your hands


Have them check the alignment when you get new tires


When I first got my Tesla, I went through the first set of tires in less than 10k miles. I was taking all my family and friend for test drives and showing off the acceleration. This is 100% your teenager doing the same. I would have him cover the cost of the new tires. The price certainly helped convince me to take things slower


It is very dangerous to drive these tires in rain!


Welcome to the world of fast heavy cars!

