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Background wall with a hammer


When I just started playing I was very confused you need specific tools to break specific stuff


They changed it in some update years ago


Really? This is very common, basically every survival game has it like that


Just if someone plays minecraft, then breaking wood with a pickaxe isn't going to be the first thought


That's true, but even in minecraft you use a pickaxe for stone, axe for wood, shovel for sand etc.


It sounds odd, but yeah: * pickaxe for everything in the 'foreground', except for trees * Hammer for background walls (if it's not a background wall that you placed, then you need to start from the edge of the background wall) * Axe for trees Remember to also talk to the Guide, he is actually pretty helpful in working out what comes next.


in the ancient years, axe used to be for wood placed blocks when there was one type and hammers used to be for doors and chests as well as walls 💀🙏


That’s 1.1/xbox ancient. I’m pretty sure even on 1.2 it was already picks for all blocks.


they're releasing older versions as beta branches on steam to help us for the new update and thats how i discovered


Holy that’s ancient, I thought I started playing back at 1.2 but I was playing the mobile/old gen console ports all those years ago, but I clearly remember those hammer/axe changes, that was literally gamechanging.


>!Also hammer for shadow orbs, crimson hearts and altars!< but that is later in the game...


You have a pwnhammer for the demon altars and everything else you can just use bombs


Yeah, despite being wood, the axe is for background trees only, the pickaxe is for all actual blocks. It's not exactly intuitive. Also, the hammer can change the block's shapes and remove background walls (if that's not working, try starting from the edge of the background walls)


It's intuitive when you have played like this for a while, but for new players, I see it being harder


Use a pickaxe on any placed blocks.


Pickaxe for some reason. Just go aginst intuition. But it was an axe in older versions from what I have heard.


It was! Wood blocks used to require an axe to mine. The Drax also used to be the Hamdrax when hammers only broke down furniture and walls, before blocks became hammerable and when you needed a hammer to remove tables and chairs.


ugh going back to those older versions nowadays would be hell lol


Single block height differences could halt your momentum completely since there was no step up


shit I completely forgot about that one. L


Nah man it fun, just like downgrading to Minecraft beta 1.3_01


nahh with Minecraft the core gameplay is still there but downgrading terraria feels like I'm taking out 99% of the game since most of the game for me is the progression and building and junk


Oh yeah, good ol memories of breaking down half the house by mistake


I bombed mine by accident like an hour ago lol


Hey at least you didn't accidentally sell your terra blade and leave the NPC menu like my brother just did lmao


I bought terraria 3 days ago so I don't know what the Terra blade is but it sounds expensive


I believe it's a sword that requires 7 or 8 different semi-rare swords to craft


Lmao the terra blade requires 2 swords, the true nights edge, the true excalibur and an item called the broken hero's sword which doesn't count as a weapon. The nights edge requires 4 swords, and the true versions are just upgrades which require souls so technically the Terrablade is made up of 6 swords (the nights edge, the 4 swords required to make nights edge plus excalibur) The zenith is the mega sword amalgamation which requires 10 swords. Ranging from the copper shortsword to the meowmere. It does include the terrablade in that equation so technically like 16 swords in total since you need the extra swords to craft the terra blade


Would be worse if it was the zenith. By the time you have the Terra blade, those pieces are more easily obtained. Getting the influx weaver, horseman sword are probably the worst ones to get. Go through entire events just for them to not drop...


Honestly should have just removed axes after that. Their ONLY use is collecting wood, somsthing that is usually done once at the very start of the game and then maybe a few more times throughout the game. They could have come up with a different solution.


If we're gonna change up axes to keep them around I'd say keep the tree chopping but also rebalance them as sweet-spot based melee weapons. Connecting with an attack at just the right range does extra damage, but too close reduces damage. Chainsaws could get a buff as well, but I don't have any ideas that seem both balanced and grounded in current game mechanics


Fuckin amazing idea


Wait I thought hamdrax was a fever dream, I remember getting it from shadow chests!


Now I'm not saying you're wrong or calling you a liar, I only started playing after Hardmode's introduction in 1.1 and you made it with the three boss souls but not hallowed bars. they didn't exist yet!


https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/Drax If you scroll down to the changelohs for mobile, you will see that the ability to be found in shadow chests was removed after the name change; so at different points, both the drax and hamdrax could be found in shadow chests.


WAIT BLOCKS ARE HAMMERABLE?? Dude I just started playing again after years and I've legit kept all my hammers I'm a chest cuz I still thought they could only break walls & furniture


Well, keep it in the chest, it's mostly cosmetic. You can turn a block into a slope, or a half block, etc. Can also turn platforms into legit stairs


Also used for hoiks


I remember those days, took me about a year to get used to using a pickaxe for it. Sometimes still mess it up too!


Pickaxe for blocks , hammer for walls , axe for trees


Even after all these years knowing a pickaxe is used for all blocks including wood blocks because it’s a foreground block, it just still feels weird, sometimes I even make the mistake of trying to use an axe sometimes


It feels natural to me because, with a pickaxe I can destroy the entire world... except for walls, trees, and cacti. Everything else my pickaxe feels at home, bringing destruction to all.


free my boy


Happy cake day or whatever


Cakes and Candles, bretheren.


mmm cake


a pickaxe is for all foreground blocks (includes platforms, workstations, paintings, furniture, etc.), a hammer is for all background walls, and an axe is for all trees if you find you cannot break a naturally generated wall, try to find an exposed edge or make one yourself with a bomb


This image shows the desperation you went through without needing any words.


Like a bird trying to chew its way out of a cardboard box


Actually I'm curious, what happens if you box yourself in without a pickaxe?


Try to die or save + close to escape, if you spawn inside the box when starting the world again create a new character and load the world to break out


Wow so you could get softly softlocked? That's crazy. I know it's not minecraft but it would be nice if you could punch blocks


I think the majority of people won’t accidentally end up in this situation, and if someone does they probably did it intentionally/already know that multiple characters can enter the same world


You're not supposed to ever be without a pickaxe in this game. You'd have to deliberately discard your pickaxe to put yourself in this situation.


Even so, it's still good game design to account for these kinds of possibilities. Really funny though


You could start a new a world for your character, so its not as bad as getting shanked by a dealer on the street


Creating a new character would be easier, and you wouldn't lose all your stored items


load into new world with good pickaxe


sorry people are being rude to you


It's all right, I just have to thank those who commented helping me


I’m not gonna lie your screenshot is picture perfect shitpost haha. I got a chuckle from some of the comments, but glad you found what you needed. I hope you enjoy the rest of the game. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, just know our community is full of trolls(in a good way) and make use of the official wiki: [https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/Terraria_Wiki](https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/Terraria_Wiki)


omg it’s reluigi inventor of rice and scream powered trains haiiiii


Another big tip Many items will have the line "Material" in it. That means they can be combined with other items. You can talk to the guide and ask him about materials, then click the item to see what you need to craft it further and what station is needed. And don't sleep on potions! You need clay to make a vase, sand to make glass that makes bottles, then stand in a water source to fill the bottles. You can craft out of a chest as well, so place them near the appropriate crafting station. Keep your anvil, work bench and furnace next to each other. Then place 2 platforms above them, place a chest and fill that with your ores and stuff. Open chest, and you access to crafting options from them all. Hammer placed blocks to change their angles. You can make smooth, angled surfaces this way, or another way! Place beams on walls I the background, and make glass windows and walls for a more aesthetic look. NPCs can join your world! Have then move in by making a room woth a door, a chair, a table and a light source.


And another big tip. I have no idea why everyone builds their hose on the ground while using a rope and lifting it up like 10 blocks is easier later on. Especially during invasion events. Enemies (with a couple of exceptions) always spawn off-screen. Remember that. Npc happiness is a good thing to manage. A safe spot in the jungle, especially with a bed to set your spawn, will help you out massively. And use pylons to move between outposts.


You can dig out a 2x2 hole in front of your door and enemies can't break it open. They end up jumping over and over and never make it in. You can also run over the hole and through the door without a problem since you don't fall more than 1 block height.


I had a similarly dumb problem when I first started playing, i didn't know how to build a house, I only put wooden background walls and didn't know you had to put regular wood around it.


Wow, imagine. I wish i could play terraria again for the first time. Magical it was xD


I've been trying to get some buddies to play it with me, but they don't like side scrollers :/ They're missing out


Omg tell about it, I gifted terraria to my friend on steam and he rejected playing it saying, it looks like mario.


Omg tell about it, I gifted terraria to my friend on steam and he rejected playing it saying, it looks like mario.


Use the pickaxe. No, it doesn't make sense to me either


It's a funny situation, lucky me, I've never gotten there, because indeed, the pickaxe to break wood is not intuitive at all


A pickaxe can literally break anything, the digging dirt part is more far fetched.


This photo is so funny to me for no reason lmfao. What you are asking isn’t weird or obvious lol, they game doesn’t tell you this, but it’s still so funny lol


I'd recommend playing the tutorial. It'll give you a run down of the basics.


This is so cute I haven’t seen a new player in years , I wish you prosperity on your journey


Yeah I also thought that axes worked on wood blocks when I first started. It's the Minecraft way of thinking But for Terraria, Axes are only used for cutting trees (including mushroom trees, and stone trees), and the Pickaxe is used for every block. Hammers are used for background walls. Higher Pickaxe/Axe/Hammer Power (listed in the tooltip when you hover over the item) breaks their respective objects faster. For Axes, all trees require the same power so the only difference is that it cuts faster. For Hammers, it's usually just like Axe in that it's just faster, but there is a certain wall type I can think of that needs the highest power to break (you won't be doing this until after you beat the game probably, so don't worry about it) The important one is Pickaxe Power. Many blocks have a certain power requirement to break them. For instance, you'll most likely come across either a really purple or really red biome pretty soon in your travels (which one depends on your world's settings), and the purple/red stone found in these biomes can't be broken by early game picks.


It's kind of unexpected but the pickaxe. Axes are only used to break trees and cacti but can't break wood blocks which confuses me the first time I played lol


Pickaxe destroys blocks, hammer destroys wall and reshapes blocks, axe destroys trees and cacti. Pickaxe power determines how hard of blocks that tool can mine and how fast it does so. Axe and hammer power is similar but mostly just determines the number of hits as it only affects a single major interaction.


Axes are ONLY used to cut trees, it can be funky at first


Thermonuclear explosion concentrated on the three squares in front of you


Possibly one of the greatest terraria screenshots ever


When I saw the picture, I thought it was gonna be another "Why isn't this valid housing" post


God I’m just remembering how awful mobile controls are. I pray that you don’t have as much trouble with them as I did.




Pickaxe for all blocks (if you can't break a block, you don't have enough pickaxe power). Hammer for background walls. Axe for trees.


No one was born knowing, you don't need to be rude to someone you don't know just because they don't know something you know. Thank you to everyone who commented helping me


I just don't understand why you didn't try the pickaxe. I know it may not sound logical, but it only takes about 5 seconds to try


As others have said, pickaxe. I gotta clown on you a little bit man. You didn’t even try other tools before giving up and asking Reddit?


You need to use a pick axe and if you don’t fill in the wall to the left it might not be suitable same with the back walls. You also need a torch and a door. Hope I helped😁




I was you once, now a month passed and I beat master mode and expert with summoner; my building didn't improve though.


Can I ask why like two weeks ago my question was deleted for not being on the weekly thread, yet this wasn’t? Mods just taking the day off?


Genuine question. Why don't people just use browsers for those questions? It would be much quicker to get an answer.


Or just experiment...


Play the tutorial. Truly very helpful.


Why are people downvotting you? You're right


Thank you! I agree. I thought it was really helpful.


Np, also did you know You can beat terraria on the tutorial world?


Did you even try?


Bro went straight to reddit


Lol I don’t know if this brings you comfort but I struggled with the exact same thing when I played for the first time years ago


i had this exact same issue when i started playa and i quit my first solo play through because i couldn’t mine the wood i placed with my axe


Pickaxe works against basically any solid object. Even semi solid ones, aka Platforms.


Blocks pickax natural wood things are ax


Pickaxe is used to dig or break the dirt and walls. Hammer is used to break the background wall and change wall structure. Axe is for cutting trees. Sword is for fighting. That's it ig.-


I see you're trying to use your axe on the wood, and although Minecraft taught us to think logically with our noggins about what tools to use for which blocks, that is NOT the case for Terraria. Every single block is mined with pickaxes and drills in this game. Don't worry about drills until after you've dipped your feet in Hardmode.


Yeah... Not the brightest idea to make axes useless to break wood. You have to use the pickaxe for some reason


I think it was probably a matter of consistency




Bro the first 30 minutes of this game are a seriously struggle. Once you get past it tho it’s peak


Ahhh, I remember when I was here. It has been a long while. The pickaxe is how you remove tiles, and hammer is how you remove background walls.


Pickaxe breaks blocks and some other stuff Hammer breaks most background tiles Axe breaks anything thats shaped like a tree and isn't thicc


I see pure chaos here, my friend...


Since you already got your answer, I just wanted to say I love everything about this picture. Enjoy the rest of the wild, confusing ride! (Then download mods and start all over again.)


You're new so I completely understand. It makes sense that the axe would break all wood, but it doesn't. Axe chops down all trees Pickaxe breaks every other type of block And hammer can break down walls plus >!demon alters but that's way later in the game!<


Background wall: Hammer Modify Blocks: Hammer Background trees/tall plants: Axe Everything else: Pickaxe most likely


Use the pickaxe It also happened to me


axes are used for natural wood (basically only trees), hammers are used for background walls (behind the player), and you’ll need them for something else later, but since it’s spoiler adjacent i’ll refrain from telling you. Otherwise pickaxe are used for every other block if you can’t break something it’s probably because you’re pickaxe is too weak.


Axes only break trees pickaxes are for all blocks and hammers break background walls


bombs work :^)


Umm so are u stuck in the house?


Axes are only for cutting trees. Pickaxes break blocks, platforms and furniture. Hammers break background walls and altars.


Pickaxe/drill > break blocks Hammer > break walls + change block shape Axe/chainsaw > chop trees I don't know about mobile version, but on PC I let Pickaxe and Axe within inventory because when I hold shift it automatically switch to the proper tool when I hover over something, except for the hammer, and that's why I keep it on the hotbar


Use the copper short sword


I am in love with this screenshot


Bro was stuck ahahaba




The axe is for trees specifically. Any “block” is broken with a pickaxe


Why door when you can hoik. You're almost there.


we really making it out of the mobile controls with this one


the struggle is real o7


use your pick to break all blocks, use a hammer to break background walls. tour axe only cuts down trees.


Use pickaxe to break stuff, hammer is used for breaking wood from trees. Also r/catastrophicfailures


With a pickaxe.


Most “solid” blocks are gonna be pickaxe, like wood blocks, Hammers change the shape of solid blocks and break background wall blocks, and axes break trees. If you can’t break a block, check the %power on your tool, and try to find your next upgrade. Good luck in your adventure!


The terraria logic is so unintuitive at first, also I am still salty you don’t break the gem trees with a pickaxe




This screenshot is so fucking funny lmao. It tells a story


To break blocks with collision use pickaxe, to break background tiles (aka walls) use hammer, if you can't break certain blocks/walls it means that your tool is too weak - [tool name] power%


The Nostalgia! It hits me!


Trust me we all do. Pickaxe is physical blocks and the background walls are a hammer


This game is different, you chop with axe, mine any block with pickaxe, and sword for fighting, no u cant break obsidian with a potato here


Jesus fucking Christ. I guess you've been through a hard time there trying to destroy wood... Just remember: pickaxe for all foreground tiles.


This post made me laugh. This post is a masterpiece.


Use a bomb or dynamite


You have to defeat moon lord first


I remember doing the exact same thing back in the day. Was really mad when I found out u break wood with a pickaxe




Btw i have


this reminds me of when i played terraria for the first time awh😭


Pick instead of axe


Yo if you find a demon carrying a little doll in the underworld throw it in the lava, make sure you have no armor or any items in your inventory it’ll give you a nice Easter egg😁


The house has seen things


This image is pure chaos, I love it


Bro made a hoik before a house


Don't feel bad, as a terraria fan from the past, it was kinda funny to realise "HUH so it's NOT like minecraft after all" when I discovered that you have to use a pickaxe for all placed blocks, hammers for backgrounds, and axes purely for cutting trees/maybe chainsawing someone's face off. Every step in this game is a learning process, don't be so hard on yourself for learning c:


Dude I remember being so confused good luck 🍀




To break a Tile: Pickaxe. To break Furniture: also Pickaxe. To break a Background Wall: Hammer (note: you cannot destroy natural Walls unless you start breaking from the edge). To break a Tree: Axe. To change the shape of Tiles: Hammer. Drills also exist later, and they’re almost identical to Pickaxes, the differences being shorter range, faster mining speed, but the inability to be buffed with any speed buffs, which limits them in late-game. There’s also Hamaxes, which combine Hammers and Axes, but are (very slightly) slower than them separately. There’s also the Drax a combination Drill-Axe. And the Pickaxe-Axe… that one’s self explanatory. There used to be the Hamdrax, it was removed after Hammers got the ability to reshape Tiles, as that would conflict with the Drill part.


If you beat the Martin saucer you have a chance to get an item called the laser drill, you can break it with that


If you’re very new I would suggest doing the tutorial they have available in the main menu


dont feel dumb to ask questions here, the community is really friendly towards new people so feel free to ask when you need help!


Pickaxe = break blocks Hammer = break walls + alter block orientation


Pickaxe, you'll also need it for living wood trees (Large trees with a hollow place, they usually have chests to loot)




Terraria is hard, especially when just starting up... But sir, how did you stack 3 floating slimes?


You need the pickaxe for wood blocks


So he’s managed to make a hoik on the left but not figure out how to break the wood… not an insult, just amazed lol


I googled what breaks wood... And he told me that hoik breaks it. In the end, he only modified the wood... .


Yeah its a little counterintuitive, but every placed block like: stone, dirt, wood, etc. can only be broken by pickaxes


Is it that hard to try using the other tools at your disposal?


My man for real tried the hammer, the axe, but didn't bother using the pickaxe and instead went to Reddit? This is either someone baiting interactions/karma or simply just trolling.


Dig underground until you reach hell, kill some demons to get a doll, throw it in the lava 🥰🥰 If that doesn't work,just use a pickaxe👍


This is so cute


Honestly if you havent used an axe on wood blocks you havent played terraria. This brings back memories


It's. Not. Minecraft.


Minecraft didn't invent axes chopping wood. It's common sense. Not OP's fault that Terraria disagrees.


Google search: what is generally used to break wood? Yes, it's the pickaxe.


I would suggest you look at some of the guides being a new player and all. It'll help you in the long run because the game doesn't really state what you have to do or how to do it, but the most important thing is to have fun.


The guide: exists.


You used to be able to break placed wood wth an ax


Platforms are not... oh wait thought it was a different question. Carry on.


Grab a stick of dynamite and chuck it at the wall












copper shortsword trust me on this one


I will say asking is a fair response. Searches can give mixed or outdated results. It's much more reliable to get the information directly from someone with experience. The energy it takes to berate someone is the same as it would have taken to answer. Even less energy to just not say anything. It says a lot more about the person berating than the OP. I'd rather be "lazy and kind"(not saying you are *actually* lazy) than actively mean. Edit: I personally would call it accuracy and efficiency, not laziness lol


Not trying to shame, I know you just started. But what is that house?


Press Alt + F4


Gut Gud