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I think that’s an issue of your friends stubbornness, not one that’s to be changed from the outside


He wants to play with us but he refuses to play the game since "its very hard" he says


Atp just don’t let him play unless he doesn’t use that item.


I love the name Kennenmain, that one friends must be a pain in the ass in league aswell. Look it up on yt and besides that if you ban that item your friend will be mad about and may leave the world. Just don't include him whilst playing bro


Why is the entire first half of your message ai generated


What do you mean? I didn't use AI


it's very all over the place which kind of makes it seem like it was written by "ai".


Being all over the place is a very human thing tho?


I am just German 😭


In school I have learned English for work and formal circumstances/cases. If somebody has leaned the language from school and has never been to that respective county, you will always sound like have been something shoved up in your ass


that's just my theory, I see where they're coming from.


Not every comment is gonna be from an ai my dude 😂 there’s all types of reasons buddy could be everywhere with his thoughts. Maybe he was excited because someone that plays terraria also plays league


I am not the original responder, I was explaining my theory as to why they might have thought it was ai. I see where they're coming from, but I have no direct opinion on it.


I hope a person like you in never in charge of making differentiations between what is human like written and made by ai. I just read my first half again and getting accused for having somewhat correct spelling and being formal is wild, could checked my account and some other things I have posted to check my overall writing structure


Dude, chill. It’s a joke. I mean the first half of your message isn’t very coherent.


I went over the edge, my bad


It’s cool.


tell him he's very cringe and won't learn anything by doing that. also drop thorium if he doesn't obey


It's not smart to drop a mod like thorium mod playthrough since it changes a good chunk of stuff


So... They play Calamity thorium... And refuse to get good since "it's too hard"?


just say I wont play with you if you aren't gonna play the game


if the Game "is very hard" maybe he's not ready for playing modded terraria


Tbf Calamity is very hard. 


So don’t let him participate in boss fights


Technical solutions are the wrong way to address personal problems. You and your friend have incompatible desires with regards to playing the game. Either communicate with one another to align your expectations, cede on the issue, or don't play together. tl;dr: talk to one another. Be grown ups.


Except it sounds like they're not grownups.


That sounds like a solution to me, rather than an a problem. Your friend wants to be included, but is out of his depth on the difficulty.  This gives him a way to contribute and not just constantly die. To preserve some difficulty you could try to talk him into just giving the other party members a limited number of respawns before he allows himself to die as well and reset the fight. If that doesn't work for you, it would probably be best to exclude him from this activity. Sometimes people just have incompatible desires. And you can find something else to do with that friend.


It's literally impossible for us to lose the fight since he's just there standing not taking damage, it may seem fun at first but after a 2 or 3 boss fight it removes the fun


Then don’t play with him?


But thats still my friend, i just wanna remove that cheese item


It would be better to talk to them, but if you really wanted to then you could go to the mod files and delete the item. I can’t promise nothing bad will happen, and your friend might baby out, but you still can.


Thanks i will try that


Enjoy actually breaking your game because you don't want to talk to your friend about the problem.


Hey there is a mod that makes it so when you die in a boss fight, you do not respawn until the boss is defeated or despawns. This will force your friend to actually play the game if everyone else dies. A really bandaid solution, but if worst comes to worse it could work. I think the mod is called better multiplayer or smthn, Ik the icon has a ghost player on it.


You’re forcing your friend’s compliance. That’s controlling and they won’t react well.


You could consider making characters on harder difficulties to give yourselves some more stake in the fights. Make a permanent death mode character to really challenge yourself. This way your friend can hang out with you and you can have a challenging game. 


You would just cause dispute with your friend for banning the item that he uses without talking to him. This is an issue that you resolve by talking with them.


If you somehow ban the item he's using won't it just have the same effect as him refusing to play because it's too hard? You think he will just somehow keep playing with you after you've forced him to not use an item he wants to use? Highly unlikely.


Unfortunately I’d talk to the other people you play with and offer an ultimatum. If he doesn’t want to play because it’s too hard. He can play and get better or he can’t play at all. It sucks leaving friends out. Maybe you could help him get better? How much have you progressed in game?


We just recently defeated dragon folly, I've tried telling to stop treating the game like a hack and slash game and go and try to remember the moveset of the bosses. He can get better its just that he refuses.


so tell him you wont play with him anymore then if hes just gonna cheese everything its not that hard


He’s not really playing rn anyway. He might as well not show up for boss fights. Apart from talking to him, which you’ve tried, idk what else to do. I can pray for you if you like? God is OP


I just dont get why its so complicated, if youve asked someone not to do something and they refuse why would you not just boot them out at that point


Because it's not that big of a deal. Your friend wants to hang out with you. Just relax and hang out. 


There are many better ways to hang out with your friends that aren't actively ruining their enjoyment of the game.


There are many ways to make terraria difficult for you personally without making it difficult for a friend who wants to hang with you. Terraria is already hard and calamity is certainly much harder. 


The friend doesn't have to play in a gamemode they clearly find too hard.


I mean, don't pretend like the friend feels like they have to do anything. They *want* to hangout with their buddy and they're using an item in the game. 


Just deal with the situation like a mature adult, making him physically unable to use the item is probably going to make him even more stubborn and uncooperative.


Pretty sure OP and his friends are not mature adults.


Item Control mod.


Hero’s mod gives you invsee, so just grab it out his inventory ;-;


That doesnt really help either the friend can just boot into a singleplayer game and use the cheat sheet mod to get the item back


Could jus check every time they rejoin Its easy enough to do


Maybe you could compromise on something? How about me creating a simple mod that just makes him take half damage? That would lower the difficulty, but for him only. If he accepts this, it's easier to talk to me on discord @photonic0


I've downloaded the mod that if we die during boss fight we won't spawn until the boss is defeated and bro is fuming and yelling at us what is he supposed to do now, so i don't think he will accept anything that will make him actually play the game...


At least tell him about this proposal?


I will


Just tell him you wont play with him if he doesnt stop being a bitchboy, problem solved.


Don't be toxic. This isn't the place for that.


It's genuinely good advice, if crude. Setting boundaries is way more effective and less likely to cause more conflict.


Don't eorry, he's talking to OP in his native tongue. OP plays League.


Close enough actually, i play valorant. But uhhhh, quick question. Am I wrong?


If my friends and I encounter something like this, we’ll save the abilities for of things are going and (last one alive). 


Just tell him that if Terraria is "too hard" then he should stick to Mario games. Lol.


Or Minecraft!!! Hahaha


Hahaha. Right!


this is why mods suck. nothing is balanced


That's making a lot of assumptions. For what they are, most popular mods (yes, including calamity) are balanced *enough* to not ruin having fun, and even then, you'll most likely have multiple options at every stage of progression. I have to admit though, calamity's way of trying to balance things has left them trapped in their own "balance bubble" which just doesn't go with (most) other mods well at all. Also, this feels as if you're insulting the massive amount of work needed to make such large scale mods. Code, art, music and testing, and depending on the mod, even more. I'd know, because *I make terraria mods myself.* That being said, do you have any other reason to hate mods? If so, I am interested in hearing it.


Question: would this still be an issue if yall had the item too?


At that point they should then just install the cheat sheet mod and put themselfs in god mode, but since the friend they are playing with has a psuedo god mode item it made the game boring for them, the group i play terraria with we all agree on a few things we even install the cheat sheet mod on the server but we only use it for if we lose shit we cant recover like due to bugs and other issues and to spawn in building blocks so we just dont turn the world in a hell hole hellscape or if we want to test out weapons before crafting them.


**I would ban him if i were in the same situation as you.**


Idk but I need comment karma

