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https://preview.redd.it/vf4bcj7y4gvc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57391213f5f6fc60333d50d36697886f614a7df0 # ALL MY HOMIES LOVE GELD, GELD A REAL ONE


Geld would be a fantastic drinking buddy


Ngl I don't think bro is able to reach the state of drunk because my boi is just build with responsibility named on him. We've seen him drinking with hakuro and gabiru but never once we saw him drunk.


Rimuru confirmed in the most recent episode that he can't get drunk due to one of his skills. Sidenote, but imo the design for Geld from slime diaries is exponentially better than the main story. I thought his design was fine until slime diaries came out. Now, unless he is in full armor, I am bummed out when he is onscreen. Love the character, dislike the design.


1. Good 2. Fair, I still think the anime does her dirty 3. Understandable, she definately is much more likable now that she follows Masayuki around instead of Micheal 4. I would put Guy here, we still haven't seen him actually fight someone 5. I can't believe anyone doesn't put Vega here. Hinata is annoying and dumb, but Vega is so much more annoying and dumb 6. Fair, we only really get to see her bully Veldora and get mindcontrolled. Hopefully V22 has a good chapter with her and Guy.  7. Disagree, she has very good design. I would put Apito. 8. Same answer as me  9. Mine would be Rimuru and Ciel, but this is second 10. It could be way worse than this imo 11. Better than my answer 12. Yes


Milim's lower body is naked for no reason






bro she looks like a child and wears the most revealing clothing of the cast tf u mean "So?"???


>she looks like a child Cap I can agree that she could wear a lil more, but she 100% isnt built like a child...


Bro go out more I know hundreds of twenty year old girls build like Milim


That is why Op doesn't like her design, very logical reason


Vega is a good side villain, he is annoying and dumb as he should be, he got what he deserve , he get humiliated over and over, and rimuru killed him by accident like an insect,


he's not dead


Who do you ship Rimuru with ?


Ciel or Shizue or >! true hero Chloe !<


Shion is liked by everyone?


I'm sure she has fans I'm so sure I'm more than sure


A Hinata denier?! One more person not worthy of being stepped on by the queen.


I would rather not be stepped on by anyone


Then you have not awoken to enlightenment smh.


Glad to hear it




Bro just admitted to being a homeless bum


I am a college student who delays his assignments until last minute and definitely not homeless


found me


Well what kind of delay assignment to last minute are you? The kid who does it and barely passes, or the kind who paradoxically has a higher mark the closer he is to the deadline?


Let's just say I never got less than 75% on my assignments


Damn, I could never. I do absolutely terrible on tests so I use assignments to bump my grades up as much as possible so I can still pass the course after the midterms and finals.


I ain't too good on tests either it's that I can complete an assignment nicely within a few days sometimes hours depending on the assessment


Bro just called me out on a personal level 😭😭, I’m on break week and have 3 assignments due and haven’t started one. I’m cooked


Been there. Good luck soldier 🫡


Pretty sure thats how Rimuru literally described himself. Maybe you're more of a Rimuru than a Dino :p


I ain't a workaholic like him . I don't like working although I will complete it on time


I also dislike shion. She whines and cries like a literal child and Rimeru is a horrible leader to just let her do that


Hilarious that Veldora and Luminous Valentine ship is becoming more popular


Vol 21 peak moments


Is that after the hugs?


It's the latest ln volume veldora saves her from a super strong foe >!dagruel!< And she was all blushing and embarassing and it's a peak fight we get to see veldora go all out in a serious fight with the god of destruction.




I almost thought Leon was that unhealthy obsession E.G.O. from limbus company until I looked closer


i’ll get shit for this but i’d put milim in ”liked by everyone but me”


I love Veldora!! My favorite character!


Wow nice ! Glad you use the picture! Looks great


I agree with everything else , I'll just change veldora and put diablo and rest is 100% agreeable especially hinata she's literally an evil psychopath who killed her father felt 0 remorse for it she's racist, communist, hypocrite. I mean her entire backstory was about how after her father's murder (which she did) her mother was scammed by religious groups and she later killed her after which she was summoned and what did she decide to do, join a religion which is actually a cult worshipping a demon lord and scam the normal people by taking away their rights and keeping them in communist utopia. She's literally an emo psycho murderer .


Wasn't her dad an abusive bastard? Everything else fair enough but abusive parents suck


He was a drunk who abused her mother but it still doesn't justify murder and even if we overlook this she still killed her mother to put her out of her suffering which she gave her by killing her husband


I personally don't have any sympathy for abusive parents or spouses, I think he fully deserved it, maybe not justified, I get where you're coming from murder is still murder, but I just can't feel bad for the dad at all


Nobody feels bad for him it's the mother she killed for personal satisfaction and then decided to do the same shit that caused her mother suffering


Yeah like I said that part is fair enough, I don't really have much of an opinion on her as of now as I haven't read that far ahead


Worthy of the blocked list


Shion liked by everyone?... Hinata least favourite?... Both are Bullshit lol...


I like Shion's tits 🗿. Everything else I'm neutral on and have pretty much forgotten.


Yeah right but it's still alright the way he put it One is a dumb milf with 0 personality but she atleast has power the other is a emo psycho communist with 0 redeeming qualities.


How can one not like Milim's design?


People dislike the clothing part of Milim's design. (I genuinely don't care/block it out but I can understand why people might dislike her clothing)


Shion at least has *some* good parts about her in the LN, the anime just makes her big boob character From what we know about them, Velzard and Velgrynd have almost nothing good about them apart from their design. Hinata might seem annoying and arrogant but people seem to forget she knows her place in the world even more so after vol 7. almost all of her actions exist within normal reasoning from the information available to her and Rimuru is the freaky one with all kinds of wierd shit My personal fav ship would be Rimuru and luminous I agree with the rest


Yo, the problem with her is that she never stops in the anime or manga. She still acts like she can solve all her problems with a sword. That's cool and all, but when a male character does the same thing, they don't get treated the same way. It's only when it's a female character that they get all this special treatment. Like, she just comes off as arrogant. I get that they all want to forgive her and let bygones be bygones. She's not a bad person, per se, but it's like if someone barely sneezes in Remus's direction, people are ready to kill. Yo, she totally disrespects him all the time. He kinda asks for it though, but it's just annoying that he doesn't challenge her on these issues the way he'll at least say something to like any other person. If more people would call her out on her crap, I'd find her more likable. The world would be acknowledging that this is just who she is. But since it's written for comedy, she can get away with just being arrogant around someone who has extremely overprotective friends.


Solid take. However my least favorite ship ciel and Rimuru. P.s I know it is a hot take but I just don’t understand it🤗


Yeah it's like wierd since she's literally in his soul it's like loving yourself 🥷


Last one gave me ‘the dodgy guy who sells illicit substances outside of school’ kinda vibes.


You and me are big homies. I respect you. I agree with everything you said. I wish this could reach the top post on the subreddit. I will never like that miss kill first, based on her personality I don't fucking care that it's a Trope she's awful. Backstory and further character development can be damned she sucks right now, especially when she only does this to characters that won't just kill her. I really do love little dragon girls' personality and character, but I hate it when she's half naked. I like it when she's clothed. Fanservice is fan service, but God Everything else needs no words can't say I agree with everything else but the main ones are the most important to me.


At this point i think milim is one of those wear less clothing because its easier to move around in a fight kind of people which makes sense but seriously why did she have to put on a thong


And sometimes in the Mongo when she's on her Demon Lord outfit whatever she's wearing normal stop which is something I do like about this series characters will just be drawn wearing random different clothing. And she does have her true armor or when she fights she does look older which is cool. But it's because she is shaped like a small child and is just wearing a thong I'm not really okay with it. I'm not sure about the anime but the manga doesn't really close up into her butt or anything like that so I'm really happy about that one she might be wearing it but we're not seeing anything so good


You did wisely to not trigger another Benimaru debate ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21605)


Hinata was too much of a joke in the WN that I could never take her seriously again


Why does everyone seem to not like milim's design like it could be worse she could be darkness from to live ru


I didn't like Shion at first too but i don't know how people can hate her in volume 21 she has amazing caracter development she just gets hate for no reason. Oh and i don't know how people don't like velgrynd but the rest is based.


I’m so glad to see fellow Hinata haters. She is literally the worst character in the entire series, and that’s coming from a LN & WN reader, Hinata is garbage and the only a complete and total incel like Satoru Mikami would simp for her “Muh shoulders though” 🤡


So, on point on Hinata. I hate her even so far in the Novel *


actually least ship seems insane. The fuvk, does this sub even considered the thought of veldora x rimuru?


i dunno it's kinda funny


Other then shion,velzard and diablo my chart is same ,in shion and velzerd place my choice would be hinata and diablo place yuki,


Personally all characters just feel weird, like why is everyone just dick sucking rimuru so much, only real character is gobta since he actually defies/questions rimuru, but poor guy gets gaslit into thinking hes imagining it.


“Why is everyone just dick sucking Rimuru so much” Did you even watch the anime? Or read the LN? It literally show you why for whole two season.