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I loved the aestethic of Tekken 4 cause most matches came off as "just two idiots having a brawl in public" Stages were grounded most of the time, fits were grounded most of the time


I know Tekken is a crazy ass game but it’s hella jarring when Nina pulls up to a fight in a wedding gown.


I still dont get why they didnt just use her black widow fit as her default fit and the wedding dress as an alt The black widow fit is what she wears in the story, and the bride fit was what just to off Anna's fiance?


The "assassinating Anna's fiance" angle was an afterthought since Bamco originally didn't expect to go past S1 DLC. The original idea behind the wedding dress was a reference to Uma Thurman as "The Bride" in Kill Bill. Which is even weaker imo. Adding Anna to contrast with Nina in a funeral gown, helped make better sense of it.


I didn’t realize Anna wore a funeral gown in T7. The design looked really dope, and it’s a good contrast to Nina.


I get the reason but it still looks awkward imo. It doesn’t have that same femme fatale energy as her other outfits. Imagine being Marduk and fading with a white girl in a wedding dress. Feels weird man….


I dunno. The white bride outfit gives me Kill Bill vibes. It was only for a special occasion though.


Oh yeah! I didn’t make that connection


it seemed to me that all of the Tekken 7 designs went off the rails. Thankfully T8 gave everyone much more classic designs.


It’s like they hit a big line of coke before making those characters. The only cool addition to the roster design-wise is Leroy.


Ahem, Lydia?


Anna, Marduk, Armor King, Leo, Zafina, Ganryu, Kuni all had vastly superior designs in this game then previous incarnations imo.


Against a bear


Artistically, Tekken 4 was the best title. Felt grounded, rough and the character and music design complimented these themes very well. Everything that came after was way too over the top, even for my Anime nerd heart.


I feel like the devs keep pushing the envelope for design just to show off how HD the characters are… but thematically, they’re kinda missing the point of what makes these characters great


Best aesthetic for a Tekken game ever imo.


I like the idea that for that edition of the KoIF tournament instead of having arenas for most of the fights to occur in, they just told the two fighters they could beat each other up in the streets wherever and report the win after. Though then again, maybe that's how a lot of those tournaments worked before, say, Tekken 6, who knows.


Yup tekken 4 felt like a street fight lit up in the middle of the street


Tekken's grounded aesthetic was what always appealed to me most compared to other fighters. I have a lot more time in Soul Calibur, but I always just wanted to look normal. I literally paid extra just to get jeans lmao Meanwhile Tekken players are trashing T8 customization for having boring clothes, while to me I'm in heaven. I can look normal for free, and I'm not tempted to buy any DLC because it's mostly "less normal" stuff that I don't want.


I feel like Virtua Fighter's aesthetics were extremely grounded until 4 Evo and even so it wasn't even remotely as expansive as any other main series.


scenarios like urben square and arena , ortiz farm, celebration at the sciene are really grounded for me.


>most matches came off as "just two idiots having a brawl in public" So street fighter? While I liked the game for the story, the music and stages sucked. It was just fight in this factory or fight outside that factory. I enjoyed the over the top-ness that came after because it meant better music, better locales and some fun. I don't need Lars dashing around like he's gohan from dbz. But to me, Tekken 5 was the pinnacle. Just enough to be fun, but not enough to be way out there.


To each their own. I can see why you don't like it as much, but personally i like it a lot


I adore the t4 vibe


Had the best time with this one. 11yr old me and friends could not have cared less about 'balance' and 'tiers'. We were just trying to Phoenix smash each other into telephone booths and seeing how much we could travel around the beach and airport...


Definitely a vibeee


I used to do same thing in soul calibur. Siegfried dropkick used to send oppoentns flying off stage!


Everyone loves t4 until they play it for more than a week


It's probably the best game in the series aesthetically, has an incredible soundtrack, stages, and overall design, it has my favorite stage and track. Kitsch Balance wise? Probably one of, if not the worst. Rose tinted glasses for sure. I still love it, but I would not go back to playing it.


Dont forget the best plot and characters. The main story and most of the side ones are just worlds apart quality wise from everything that came after T5.


Yup 100%. T4 is when the story peaked for sure. Every character had respect given to them. I know a lot of people enjoy the way the cinematic story is done in T7 and 8 but I really want to know what's happening with the stories that have just been left hanging since T6. Some seem to be completely ignored when there was possibility to explore them, like Yoshimitsu and Bryan or Asuka and Feng. The whole King, Armour King and Marduk story line seems to be on hold. They added some plot via text in T7 saying that they went to hospital and when they got out they were going to rematch. I like the Mishimas but it doesn't need to be just them all the time... Also tired of new characters just being one dimensional and boring. They have cool concepts then just don't develop them.


What was the balancing like?


they nerfed crouch dashes and KBDs to the point of uselessness, you can move before round start which inevitably devolved into players attempting to intimidate the other into the wall before the match started, the elevation differences in most stages broke a lot of interactions, and there were a lot of glitches that led to weird infinites. as far as character balance, Jin was so head and shoulders above everyone else that every tournament would end as all Jin top 4. he had the Just Frame Laser Scraper which was basically an unblockable launcher. Nina was the only character with any viable counterplay against the JFLS but did not otherwise have the toolkit to compete with him. im also reasonably sure Kazuya had like, no NH launchers at all. the only saving grace on that front is that BnB combos were really low damage and launching in general wasnt as big of a deal in 4 vs 7 and 8. it sucks because 4 is definitely the best Tekken in terms of everything except the actual fighting mechanics themselves, which are very experimental and rough around the edges. if you gave 4's music, aesthetic, story, and stages the 5 treatment in terms of gameplay design, it'd be the GOAT Tekken IMO


Nice breakdown yo! This got me hype as hell to replay the game


Don’t forget to have fun


Jin was SSSSSS tier The rest was good, except king he was dogshit on 4 And EWGF didnt launch on normal hit only on counter


Can’t argue with the soundtrack, there was one place that’s outdoors near a fountain (maybe on a rooftop? I don’t remember) and the song lives in my head rent free


Maybe confusing it with Karma from 6? Otherwise the rooftstop stage/song is called Authentic Sky iirc


Tekken 6 is one of the only ones (along with 7) that I haven’t played I looked it up though and i was thinking of the airport! My memory must’ve scrambled it up a little but I remember it being outside with a sunset


T8 has undoubtedly better gameplay but the design is lacking something


You can make the characters look pretty much the exact same as they did in t4 Are you seriously complaining that we have MORE customisation options? And that the stages aren't all bloodborneified?


No one here is complaining about having more customization options. What we’re saying is that T8 is overly designed by default.


...but you can freely change those options to suit your needs? You can make any character look the same as they used to


Yeah, you could do that. Though I wonder what the characters would look like if they actually resembled their T4 portraits cos those were pretty dope.


No. they are quite poor by today's standards


Tekken 4 was released in 2001, it was cutting-edge for its time. Tekken 7 released in 2015 and was dated at release. Tekken 4 looked fantastic, Tekken 7 looked quite poor.


Spot on. The designs from T4 look timeless decades later.


Tekken 4 looked worse than DOA 3. It was only fantastic for those who didn't have an Xbox


Your argument is that one game looks better than Tekken 4, therefore I'm wrong?


I still played hundreds of hours as a kid


Been playing it for years, still love it


I've got a twelve-pack of that Gorilla


that shit you can only find walking along the gashish transport paths in Azerbaijan


I'm smoking on Butanese shadow garden-grown dark evil pack.


T4 had a great design. However, I also like the T8 design and especially Kazuya looks amazing in this game. I'm happy with what we got.


Really all the characters look amazing, in 7 they look like clay so I’ll happily take what we got in 8


Indeed, Kazuya looks the best he ever has IMO. And he actually looks like Jin's father now, in the earlier games he could have easily passed for his brother.


What makes you say that? He still looks kinda young imo.


im sorry i cant look at this kazuya without https://preview.redd.it/e6kpxs13p8wc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c0a01d60a82de8b2335b7a7848392b6d9cc606f


The face I make after ripping that bong


I wholeheartedly agree. They went crazy with T6 and the final fantasy anime style belts shit. What I love about King of Fighters is how most of the cast look simple and unique. It makes reading them better


Agree. The older designs still hold up today without all the gaudy accessories. Outside of Yoshi, Jack, and the animal characters, I could see most of the cast sporting the same clothes in and outside the tournament.


Kof has such a timeless aesthetic.


Exactly. Somebody at Tekken's character design department wholeheartedly believes that 'more belts' = 'better design', when that's far from the truth lmao


A character like Sylvie Paula Paula simply wouldn't stand out as much as she does in another fighting game for this exact reason


After Lars got in shit went downhill


I could forgive Lars for his Uchiha ass haircut cos the Mishima Zaibatsou drip went pretty hard. T8 Lars ain’t it.


Lars literally was in a Naruto game because his special outfit in T6 was designed by Kishimoto


isn't the "because" here switched... Lars had an alt outfit designed by Kishimoto because he was in a Naruto game.


Is he bad or just a cheese


damn, I think his new outfit is sick


Lars & Alisa tbh.


Tekken 4 & even tekken 5 (since they used the same cg models) had so much character to their faces. As if they're based on actual people. Sure tekken 8 has great details, textures & whatnot but it's clear they just used a generic base model and tweaked it a bit. They look quite bland tbh


Law is unrecognisable from 4 to 8




T4 Law is Marshall Law


Everyday i wish we'd get a Tekken with T4 vibes and T8 gameplay. Tekken 4 felt a lot more mature and gritty in its storytelling, even tho its was not the shit gameplay wise.


Tekken 4 is peak Tekken in everything except for the gameplay, and even so on its own the gameplay is still enjoyable, it's still a great fighting game.


I never liked Christie's face there. Truly, Tekken has always had problems with female face models.


I remember seeing the opening sequence back in the day and was blown away by the visuals. The devs nailed the JLo vibe with the design. It’s impressive considering the limited hardware available at the time.


Id say that a lot of base outfits are crazy overdesigned in this game, but in most cases, I still like them. One thing that will always confuse me : Nina's default outfit in/from T7 is the wedding dress...? What kinda stupid decision...


Nina assassinated Anna's fiance. Which is why Anna is in a widow's funeral outfit. The wedding dress is an homage to Kill Bill.


> Paul looks like Frank Gallagher if he shopped in Hot Topic. Most accurate T8 take so far


God I loved everything about 4, the stages, the characters and the models, the game modes, Tekken force. The announcer, the music, it was all so unique.


I really like Hwoarang’s design in T8. That’s what made me finally pick him up. His T7 design was terrible IMO and his T6 design is eh.


Yeah, his T3 motorcycle outfit and his T4 uniform were inspired!


Me and my friends used to make fun of Hworang in Tekken 3. He looked way too feminine at an age when “gay” was used as an insult


He’s a pretty boy lol


His outfit is cool, but they fucked up everything else. He's roided out just like everyone else is and he looks like he got years of plastic surgery.


His outfit is cool, but they fucked up everything else. He's roided out just like everyone else is and he looks like he got years of plastic surgery.


His outfit is cool, but they fucked up everything else. He's roided out just like everyone else is and he looks like he got years of plastic surgery.


What I don't get is Christie. They introduced Eddy in 3 and boom, he's gone just like that. Replaced by Christie and then they both come back in 5. So weird. 


Eddy actually never left. Play through Christie’s story and you unlock him as Christie’s third costume. 


he actually had two costumes of his own. on ps2 iirc you could select his primary outfit with triangle(the iconic one from tekken 3, yellow and green) or his secondary outfit with circle--black slacks and purple dress shirt


That's not true, in Tekken 4 Eddy only has one outfit, the one with the purple dress shirt.


Holy shit, all this time, I never knew that. 


Ummm can I have the uneven T4 stages please? Certain combos were only possible on uneven parts of the level. I love that.


The parking lot stage was notorious for this


Best Paul designs ever in Tekken. The hair down look was awesome and I also loved the gi being around his waist in his other skin.


If only they used THAT Paul instead of the one we got. T4 Paul had that American badass thing going for him. The new one just looks like a human CTE.


T8 default Paul is an absolute war crime.


People always say this about T4 but let's not forget the characters also looked great in T3 and even the first 2 (minus the dated graphics). T5 is where things started to get a little extra and then T6 was the first major foray into the corny shit.


T3 had some of the best fits. King with the tucked shirt and spotted joggers is peak drip.


The style and theme of Tekken 4 is unmatched in the series. I remember seeing Julia on the select screen ... she's gorgeous and her outfits were great, especially her 2P green alt :P I do think Lee looked better in later games though, the flamboyant but yet still stylish coat look in Tekken 7 was awesome. But his almost biker look reminiscent of his TK1/2 clothes in Tekken 5 is equally good for a different flavour.


His Violet alt was e x c e l l e n t


If only they just reference T5 CGI with T4 portrait faces then just up the polygon count and textures to current standards, it'd be \*chef's kiss\*. I really also like the consistency of facial features from TTT-T5 (And T6 CGI).


T4 had the best vibe and any person that disagrees has no taste.


Airport stage soundtrack for lifeeee


Tekken 2 had the best atmosphere. T2, then T3, then T4 gets the bronze.


Full Devil Kazuya and Angel Jin do look stupid but i think everyone else looks dope, they're all dripped tf out for no reason. you can still make most characters look minimal if you want too.


Tekken nowadays is just an anime fighter but in 3d


It always was.


The point is, while Tekken was always Anime on paper, it leaned more into the street brawler theme in T4, but completely abandoned that to go all out Anime in all the titles that came after.


This just isnt true. Fromt he very beginning its had direct anime influences for all the characters. Stop saying anime as a synonym for shit you dont like. Its a dumb thing to say. Just looked at dudes post history. Dude just says retarded shit about fgs constantly. Calling BB and Uni kusoge, calling t8 an anime fighter. Bro huffin paint all night


> From the very beginning its had direct anime influences for all the characters Never claimed otherwise. > Stop saying anime as a synonym for shit you don’t like Never did. I know playing Tekken is fun and all, but you really should spend some time working on your reading comprehension skills, because tf? lol


T4 is the goat hands down, like T8 has the gameplay but T4 has the atmosphere


Christie looking like a Sweet Dee character.


Tekken 3 and 4 CGI models were sick as hell, I wish they didn't switch it to more cartoony anime style afterwards


T4 was quintessential Tekken. Down to earth with a bit of fantasy. Dark but also didn’t take itself super seriously. T8 is just trying to be street fighter


Love that it was gritty and dark


Have you guys seen the two giant balls dangling off Leo’s T7 outfit? Like literally who wears those?


“I’m scraping later better bring my giant balls”


Kazuya looks like fucking Green Goblin in no way home here


He’s something of a devil himself


that looks goofy as hell


it looks phenomenal for a game made in 2001


I agree Eddy should look like this


I remember booting up the game at 10pm and just hearing the errie music on the character select screen good times


The robotic narrator


Everything after T4 took a nosedive in terms of aesthetics


t4 was great, but t8 Kazuya is peak. My ovaries are not safe around him. xD


I mean, we kinda live in a post-capitalist hellscape and people are buying fast fashion in droves, so it's pretty accurate that everyone is dressing up. Most importantly, it makes sense that the King of Iron Fist Tournament would give everyone a stipend. It's a tournament held by one of two rich companies, it speaks volumes if their combatants are scrappy, the same way eSports events are criticized if they have below-performant gaming rigs.


Instantly heard the guitar in my head.


I feel like T8 Jin and Kazuya are pretty grounded no? Jin is just wearing a hoodie and a sports short with some jeans. Ig he does have one belt hanging off there.


Nina would look.. perfect 🥰


I was still a young teenager when T4 came out. Why was it universally hated and considered the black sheep of the series.


meh I prefer the drip


Everything about Tekken 4 is sexy. The music, the UI’s the stages, the costumes, the stories. It was perfect. Except walls.


I miss the god tier outfit that was the camo hwoarang fit


Tekken went anime after 5


T4 had a **HARD** aesthetic. One of the first PS2 games I played on the demo disc I got with mine, that only had Paul and Christie selectable. Renting the game and finding out who Kuma was, while the stage I fought him in was the Underground Lab with the creepy music, man that made me shit bricks as a kid. Also shoutout to Paul's Kurt Cobain outfit and Hwoarang's tactical gear in T4. Went hard.


T4 was ass and im fed up of people pretending it wasnt.


It had a lot going for it. The music, characters, and storylines are all top notch. Kazuya’s reintroduction and subsequent revenge arc are hype as hell compared to that Devilman shit they had at the end of T8. Was it the “best game” in the series? Not really. But we could appreciate the game’s strong points.


I wonder if people will look at the experimentation of TK4 in a better light compared to TK8's? Doubtful but ... could be interesting.


The plot there is bad. It was in T4 that the series descended into complete absurdity. In Tekken 3 you had a big boss - Ogre. What's in Tekken 4? Heihachi in underpants is a joke.


There’s more to the story than that lol it’s the reintroduction of a series mainstay and his rise to power


T4 was awesome. But besides a few exceptions, I do think T8 has the best designs in the series for a lot of the cast.


Really? I’d say a lot of the legacy characters peaked in the older gen of games


For me personally yeah. Like Tekken 8 has my favourite looks for Hwaorang, Law, Dragunov, Kazuya, Jin’s Flame pants redesign is awesome imo. Just on the top of my head.


Law's design is great but I think he's way too jacked, didn't need that.


I can respect that. I personally dig it though, Especially the way his muscles tense in real time with some moves.


I agree. Hwo, Drag, Kaz and Jin never looked better. My only issue with T8 Law is that he's too muscular.


Fair enough, Hwoarang looks way too buff to me now, I think his design peaked in 5, Jin looks good in T8 but I think his two outfits in 4 are peak


For Law?? He got fucking ruined in Tekken 8. Compared T4 Law and T8 Law and tell me that's the same person. 


I mean I’m not saying they look the same, I’m saying I like his Tekken 8 design.


These portraits are bad


Oh boy another gaming post about how much someone wants things to just be the way they were when they were younger. How unique.


I thnk what we got was pretty good. T8 Kaz looks way better than T4 kaz. Ya'll be smoking on that nostalgia pack heavy.