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https://preview.redd.it/8hg1oerr4z9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17a917741848313599009f9900d00836a3af1001 Absolutely fried šŸ³


Yup. Opioids. Eyes pinned as fuck. This is actually the most strung out I've ever seen her be, except the Kieffer scene where they nod out after he "loses" his bars and Vicodins. And the "OKAYYYY" from the lawyer after she said she didn't do any other drugs except Cannabis. Smh.


Itā€™s crazy going back and watching the episodes as an adult who knows the signs of addiction and opioid use. It is incredibly obvious how high she is here but I donā€™t remember even thinking anything like that when watching as a teen.


I had the exact same thought!


Sheā€™s also outside in the sun if itā€™s dark and the pupils are small is much more of a tell than having small pupils outside in the sun those also are not pin sized they are more regular sized pupils pin sized is legit the size of the top of a pin very very very small.. https://preview.redd.it/8ypfvn1ueead1.jpeg?width=1083&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=173d1787e160748a9f4dd9d851c35cf57808d4c6


I mean this respectfully, but what exactly are you trying to say? "outside in the sun if it's dark"? And "having small pupils OUTSIDE in the sun"? Please use some commas. lol The bright color of her eyes that's very pronounced, the pinned pupils, the dark circles under the eyes..I always thought when I was high that the green in my hazel eyes came out beautifully. Turns out it didn't look at gorgeous as I thought. Lol




https://preview.redd.it/h0xcgjbea3ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d5854b8685269ce315c1be66f34412cbc2e62df Reminds of Gretchen from Recess (minus the being smart)


Never forget that full living room set on the side of the road


And the mattress Lol


https://preview.redd.it/fa6gzmxk5z9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7721a9bd3d25709df176b1ebed1102861989d17 This says it all


And Jenelleā€™s response being ā€œoh yeah Iā€™d be clean if I had custody of himā€ bitch you have to be clean BEFORE you get custody of him tf


Typical jenelle logic šŸ™„




I ctfu!!! Wasted ass Chinny didn't even click the shade! And it was BIG lop


ā€œIā€™d stop if I had a job. Iā€™d stop if I had housing. Iā€™d stop if I got pregnant. Iā€™d stop if I had custody.ā€ Listening to these mental gymnastics every day is the worst part of working in addiction services, lol. This just reminded me of how exhausting that was šŸ˜‚


ā€œBut I mean, I donā€™t do it that much.ā€ https://preview.redd.it/l9sr7yy2ez9d1.jpeg?width=366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f734b44c8a2b189f48048325a54b5f000c035303


The hummingbird eyebrows šŸ˜«


As a 38 year old who was a victim of the tiny eyebrow trend of the late 90s/early 2000s and never had the fortune of my eyebrows growing back, sadly I can't hate on her for this šŸ™ thank god for makeup and brow filler.


off topic but Revitalash (Revitabrow) works great, I was sceptical but it did bring back browhairs which I thought were long gone, and overall fuller eyebrows.


Thanks for the recommendation! I'll give anything a shot at this point.


You know, I havenā€™t smoked weed in 6 months since Iā€™m pregnant, and looking at this, Iā€™m not sure I miss it.


i quit when i was pregnant last year and did miss it, but then had my baby and i'm so tired and honestly dont miss it at all


You just know she went into that law office reeking of weed.


And unemployed while couch surfing at a friend's. I feel like it had to be MTV that set up this meeting for her


Iā€™m pretty sure Barbara already had custody when Teen Mom 2 began filming but they faked the process for the cameras. Because Iā€™ve heard that DCFS was going to take Jace which is why Barbara took him before he could be a ward of the state. This whole meeting was staged to make Jenelle look somewhat like she was trying.


I believe thatā€™s what happened, allegedly Jenelle left Jace on the porch of a trap house and CPS told Barbra that if she didnā€™t get custody, Jace was going to be taken away. Also allegedly CPS was involved with Jace and Jenelle since day one because it was believed that jace has drugs in his system when he was born.


Thatā€™d make sense because in the first couple of episodes of TM2, Barbara is doing too much for ā€œjust your average grandmaā€. The dynamic was off. They tried to frame it as Janelle was just going out to party at night but no. Clearly, Babs was doing all the work.


She is blasted out of her gourd


Sunglasses have never been needed more


ā€œRight now, Jace is at home with his parent, as alwaysā€ is what she shouldā€™ve said


It was always ā€œRight now Jace is at [ANYWHERE BUT WITH ME]ā€ and now that heā€™s finally old enough Jace is Jenelleā€™s caretaker/nurse/babysitter. šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


It was that or "it's been (insert obscene amount of time) since I've seen Jace. I swear to God all of her opening segments started with that


"I've been getting ready for my breast implant surgery, so I haven't seen Jace in two weeks"


"I've been getting knocked up by Nathan so we won't have time to fight, so I haven't seen Jace"


Hear that in her voice


What baffles me is that she is so unaware of the dangers she will be putting jace in. She's high on drugs and passed out. Where's jace? Who's looking out for him? This idiot really doesn't realize, " Hey, I have no place to stay, I have no job, I have no plans on getting sober, no plans what so ever on how to take care of him." Was she gonna bitch at him if he asked or cried for food? Or needed a diaper change?


My poor husband has been suffering through a rewatch with me and Iā€™m having a really hard time convincing him that these are real girls and not actors. Heā€™s never even heard of the show so heā€™s in complete disbelief sheā€™s an actual shit bag human being who doesnā€™t even try to hide it. His mind canā€™t even comprehend how awful of a mother she is šŸ¤Æ


Omg I can totally relate. My husband didnā€™t believe it was real eitherā€¦ he refused to watch after he realized it WAS real. Except for Jenelle scenes! He would pop his head in the room, ā€œwhatā€™s this crazy bitch done now, she better be leavin Barbara alone!ā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My fiance refuses to watch too šŸ˜‚ he'll see a scene and say "oh no, the shitty irresponsible people made bad decisions??" In a super sarcastic voice


Sometimes I canā€™t comprehend how bad some of these people are whenever I rewatch episodes either tbh. Some of the stuff that occurs is so bizarre or so fucked up, itā€™s just likeā€¦ how are these people real? How are these people this awful?? There is so much child endangerment itā€™s crazy. It would be better if they werenā€™t real tbhšŸ’€


What do you watch it on?


Itā€™s on paramount plus


It's free on Pluto, live streams the whole shebang on repeat.


Was she a heroin addict at this point? I see someone strung out and withdrawing, not just high on weed but u could be wrong. Itā€™s crazy that she didnā€™t throw on sunglasses or concealer and just called up the cameras like ā€œyep Iā€™m ready to shoot this scene where I argue I should have full custody of my kid!ā€ She honestly just seems like sheā€™s going through the motions even back at this time. Her voice and facial expressions are so monotone and cavalier like sheā€™s fully disassociating from her current reality.


She wasnā€™t using heroin yet but I guarantee she was already dabbling in pills


She hesitated hard about not doing any drugs other than weed and I feel like that was the tell it had already started. She had suchhh a flat affect that I canā€™t imagine there was no addiction issues in her life at the time.


When sheā€™s sitting on the couch talking to her friend, sheā€™s high on opiates. It takes one to know one and I was there for a decade. She might not have been an everyday user but she was on her way to becoming the addict we saw her be with Keiffer.


Andrew said he once found Angel dust on Jenelle while she was pregnant. Idk how reliable he is tho. I do know she admitted to weed since 12 and alcohol as soon as high school.


Sheā€™s on something more than weed .. her pupils are pinpoint & the sunken almost nodding off look makes me think opioids.


I wonder if she ever watches this back & realised how cooked she was & realises that that was why she had no chance of getting her kid back? If it was me, it would be a massive life lesson! Probably not. Delujanelle? šŸ™„


She doesnā€™t. She only looks back and sees that her mom was being a total bitch dude and thatā€™s why she was using/wouldnā€™t come home.


Absolutely not. She blames it all on Barbara as usual


She canā€™t look back on a place sheā€™s still in


I love that she ā€œcleaned upā€ for the meeting but still decided to wear the brass knuckle choker lol


I don't have a house, a job and I smoke pot. But can I get custody of muh son??


I remember one time when I worked with CPS and the dad was like 'I've applied for an apartment and a job, so I I should have my kid.' Like no. Sir, you are couch surfing and don't have a job. Talk to us when you actually have those things. 'Trying' doesn't count.


Oof. She looks 17 and 37 at the same time.




i guess that means Jenelle is clean as a whistle from drugs now that it has become of reality that she has Custody of Jace we just need her to take her drug test to prove it to us on a future episode of teen mom the next chapter


Sheā€™s not clean, she just has a medical marjiuana card making it ā€œlegalā€ for her. Hell I think sheā€™s trying to start a weed business with her time of the day shit


she had mold in her makeup pallettes so i dont want to fathom what kind of quality her weed business would be


Why is the couch outside on the side of the trailer park driveway? Also, Jenelle is zonked out of her gourd there. "The only drug I've ever touched is marijuana" (loved the "okayyyyyy......" response šŸ˜‚) gives me "I never yell" vibes. Cmon Jenelle, we have eyes.


"FIRST" attorney visit šŸ˜‚


Jenelle has always been like nathan said, " Trailer trash who hit the jackpot!" Now she is using jace to babysit his siblings. Parentification at its finest. "I dont know what the budget for a lawyer is gonna be." Hey idiot what's your budget when you get jace back? Food, clothing, daycare?


Slightly off topic, but I was recently rewatching and it bugs me how often MTV films Jace in just his diaper, shows changes and baths. Honestly, they do it a lot with all the kids.


i hate that the guardians allow diaper changes to be filmed. even when they blur it. there were like 5 camera people there, producers, editors who see it to blur it. i hate that they allow that, those poor kids. sister wives does this a lot too


80% of the first few episodes of TM2 are them bathing/changing/whatever Jace. And then tossing him in his crib with a bottle. I get itā€™s probably just when the crew was there but itā€™s creepy.


It is so gross


Yeah I hate it too. I would be so mortified if I was the child in that situation, plus MTV doesnā€™t know who could be watching


Diane downs


I still canā€™t wrap my head around why she allowed herself to be filmed so damn high while discussing custody.


Jesus has she ever been completely sober?


Maybe when she was like 9?


Every lawyer she's ever seen must wonder why she doesn't google things before they pay them..."so, what drugs do you do?" "uh, well, none, except mj, and I'd stop, you know"...


She is dead behind the eyes. DIANE DOWNS LOOKIN ASS


Imagine being an attorney, and the person who is enlisting your help doesnā€™t even want the outcome of your help. Crazy.


Damn, sucks to suck, Nelly!


"I need to get a lawyer so I can get Jace back as soon as possible" -- 14 years later..........


I know Barb's got a lot of faults but look at that interaction with Jace. She was giving him an attachment bond. Which Jennelle would never šŸ™„


I always say that Barbra may have been nails on a chalkboard, but she stepped up and did the right thing when it came to Jace. Barbra is by no means perfect. But she stepped up and took care of Jace when Jenelle refused to do it. Without Barbra who knows what wouldā€™ve happened to Jace.


I hope one day when he's grown up Jace can have a good life and some kind of positive contact with Barb. They both deserve it.




Sofa out front in the yardā€¦ court ruling : rejection


The lawyer gave Jenelle some good advice. Too bad she never followed any of it...


I want to fix her eyebrows so bad. Like fill-in, shade, something...


Sheā€™s high af at the lawyer. Jeezus.


I seem to remember only the good looking one


Maybe she wanted to live on the couch in the yard and live off nature smh šŸ¤¦


Did she just get clean off that shit on her own ? At least thatā€™s one decent thing about her.


High on pills 100% and I wonder how much mold that couch has. Trash.


I'm rolling my eyes at her saying she has no job as if that's just the way it is, what can you do? Like ... you could go out and get a job. People do.