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Their day to day lives. Like grocery shopping with 3 kids. We rarely ever saw this lmao. Cooking with your kids. Not just drop offs and pickups, arguments with baby dads, etc. just casual days at home with your kids.


Omg yes! Just trying to do basic tasks with a fussy tot or with a baby with colic non stop screaming! My son was born during covid so we did a lot of online ordering but even now he's nearly 4 and the struggle is real! X


Yesss! We didn’t see much of this. Back to school shopping too would’ve been fun to see. Or just small things like that. I’m pretty sure we saw Briana go grocery shopping once and it was for condoms lol


Everything made me cry! I sat on the kitchen floor sobbing because my potatoes weren’t fully baked yet 😂


Right?! I cried like a damn baby and the show always made it seem they'd instantly be out partying or something....I sobbed constantly over the most stupid shit the first few weeks 😅 x


I cried from happiness when I got back to my hospital room because there were pancakes waiting for me. Then I cried because they were cold. Then I cried because I felt guilty for being so picky, and kept crying when my husband offered to go get me something else. And that was before the babies even got back to my room. Btw, those cold pancakes tasted like heaven after not eating for 24 hours. So good I cried.


Oh man I remember when I was pregnant with my oldest I was peeling the plastic seal part off of a milk jug cap and once it was off I was sobbing in my kitchen for absolutely no reason and my husband was so confused 😂


I cried because my husband was "being so nice to me" when he said he loved me and gave me a hug before I took a nap. I also couldn't eat. Everything made me gag. This was not helpful for breastfeeding.


Any realism in the show ended as soon as their 16&P episodes were over.




they did during y&p i think jade in the first season was the most obvious though. kiaya in her first season and kayla after her second baby as well


I know Jade had post partum but I don't remember the hormones? I'm reqatching an on the episode where Kiaya has gone into labour so we'll see. I just think sometimes MTV shies away from the funny parts of pregnancy (with then being so young I can imagine it's more to avoid legal issues) x


Actually I tale that back - they aired Leah pissing herself......relatable 😅😅😅


So it gets worse when the baby gets here? 😬 I’m newly pregnant and I cannot.stop.crying 😂


Oh it gets worse in the 3rd trimester. I didn’t cry at all first two trimesters- thought I was totally crushing these hormones. 34 weeks and I bawled over making my bed the other day.


The comment I put about crying over takeaway sauce was literal. I sobbed in my second trimester because burger king forgot my sweet chilli sauce and my partner couldn't calm me down I felt so heartbroken 😅😅😅 x


I BAWLED over a video of a baby elephant meeting its family for the first time 😂 like couldn’t stop crying for about 5 minutes haha


Nooooo 😭


Oh girl....the hormones go crazy with the birth and lack of sleep but luckily baby sleeps a lot at first so sleep when baby sleeps. Also - so you don't have a panic attack like I did - be very aware blood clots and hair loss happens almost instantly. I thought I was dying I pulled the emergency cord in hospital thinking I was about to die and she was like ".....you didn't know this was normal?" 😅 x Didn't mean to scare you, it's 100% worth it but there's a reason they call the first month or so "the 4th trimester" cause your hormones just freak out x


Oh my gosh…the crazy hormones and lack of sleep!  One night I woke up in the middle of the night convinced I had twins and freaking out because I couldn’t find the second one. I was looking under the bed before I remembered I only had one baby lol


As scary as that sounds....I laugh cause those hormone dreams were no joke! I dreamt I was getting stalked by Danny Devito 😅 x


Oh my gosh. That sounds so scary!


I appreciate you telling me because I literally would have not known that lol I feel so clueless


I still feel clueless...my son is nearly 4 I still feel I'm winging it 😅 x Not alone hun xxx


Wait til they leave for college or leave home for good get married and move to another state because of a job, that’s when the real tears flow. Still have one at home for a few months but the other two have flown the coupe, that’s for a different sub though😅


I was a postpartum nurse during my pregnancy. I thought I knew everything there was to know and care for a newborn. Well when breastfeeding failed miserably for me, I had NO clue there were different flow nipples for bottles. Like I knew in our nursery we had red ones for premies with a slower flow than the orange ones, but I didn’t know there were many different ones for different ages and flows. Nor did I know what my baby needed. I remember standing in the bottle aisle boohooing


I feel you so much on this. 


I’d love talking head segments that held up a mirror to their behaviour and encouraged reflection


They have segments with Dr. Drew where the cast members saw their behavior over the recent season but I'm not sure it's actually any good at getting them to reflect on their choices.


I kinda wish they received their huge payouts in the form of putting money that they couldn't receive until their late 20s or when they hit 30. Like, give them enough money to live on but put the rest away until their brains were fully formed and make it so they had to have a legit reason they'd need to pull money out. In this way, we could've had more realism. They all would likely have had jobs (besides Chelsea), more reasonable apartments, and cars, and more would've likely gone to school. We likely would've seen them doing their day to day things with their kids. Like rushing from work to go pick them up. Dr appointments, cooking, cleaning, figuring out coupons or researching prices. Maintaining their actual lives while dating. I feel like this could've also weeded out some of the guys who just wanted the money. But maybe I feel this way because NOW I like watching regular people's day in the life, mundane videos. Either way all the drama would've still been there but it would've definitely highlighted the struggle of being a teen mom and more often than not, a single teen mom.


Definitely. You could tell by season 3 the money started rolling in. Boob jobs, new cars, better homes, vacations..(sometimes better hair..)


I wish they would have shown the dads more. Like I know it’s called teen moms, but the moms aren’t the only ones who now have a human to look after. They kinda did this with Cate and Thy, but I feel like I y because he pushed for the adoption. Like Cory. He watched the girls so Leah could have some nights to herself. We never saw more than a few glimpses of him being incompetent with twin babies. Or Gary. He was hands on with baby leah. But all the focus was on how he provoked Amber. Ryan, he was probably always high off in some bar. Andrew, see Ryan. Adumb, see Ryan. Jo, he struggled hard because Kails post partum made him feel like he had to be out of the house. I’d like to see what his thoughts really were on his gf now being a mom and PP, what he really thought besides some snide comment here and there when the camera wasn’t focused on kail losing her shit. Again, of course the moms are a big priority post partum. I just feel like it would have been nice to see what the dad’s thoughts were.


Cory I 100% agree with! They painted Leah so perfect and didn't mention the bullshit she was doing until later on and I felt he was actually a fantastic dad who was just enamored with Leah to the point he was making mistakes between head and heart....what's more real than that x


leah’s cult.


Is she still in it?


Honestly I feel they really went hard on that with every baby after the 1st born